Adobted by a king?

A/N: Request by Retro_Fangirl
I hope you like it! And thank you for requesting- i literaly love your storys- ^-^

Tw: i guess angst but just a lil- its mostly fluff :D

Fundy was upset.
He was upset he couldnt have stoped his father from doing what he did.
He couldnt do anything and he had given himself the blame.

He left his father to rot and go insane.
He couldnt believe his eyes as he saw his own father dead in his grandfathers arms. He was gone....really gone.

He had left Fundy then when he needed him the most.

He hated but loved him at the same time. Now he was an orphan child with nowhere to go.

He wandered around just working and gadering material to fix the broken parts and bits of new L'manburg.

What else could he do? Cry and be depressed about his fathers death? He had already done that enough. He knew he had to move on at some point.

Thats what his biocial father would have wanted for him if he wouldnt have gone insane and absolutly nuts befor his death.


Fundy was on his way to give the King or better known as Eret some gold. He walked up to the brunette with the white eyes and tapped him on the sholder.

Erets p.o.v

I was just walking around the smp looking if i could help anyone with anything.
Since the Explosion everyone has been busy and kind of in a weird mood.

Understandable if you consider what not supriced. Then someone suddely tapped me on the sholder.
I turned around and saw a familier fox boy standing infront of me. "Oh hey Fundy! Long time no see!"

He pulled something from behind him amd gave it to me. I looked inside the bundle he gave me only to realice that its gold.
Befor i could thank him, he just walked of saying "for the king" or something i was just to supriced of the gold to listen for what he said.

Noones p.o.v

Eret stod there looking after fundy. They havent talked since a long time. Most of the time it werent pleasend talks since his father didnt really like eret that much.

I mean who would like to talk to a traitor?

Eret always wished for his redemtion arc to come. He missed the fox boy.

He saw him like he was his own son. Then an idea poped up in his head. And he started running into the direcion fundy went. "FUNDY HEY HEY WAIT UP!!"

Fundy turned around in confused on why the king was standing infront of him catching his breath.

"Huh? Hey Eret. Whats up?" Eret looked fundy deep into his eyes and said "Wanna get adobted?"


Fundy was sitting infront of a cliff with his adobtive father looking at the sunset. Phil had signed the adobtion papers. He felt happy you cound say. He felt save. He finally felt complete after a long time.

"Hey Eret.."

"Yes Fundy?"

Fundy was a bit nervous.

"Can i...can i call you dad?"

Eret widened his eyes and looked at fundy.

Fundy was scared Eret wouldnt like to be called that way so he looked away emberessed. "Im sorry that was du-"

Eret smiled softly at him.

"Of course fundy but only if i can can you son!"

Fundy widened his eyes. "R-REALLY??"

Eret chuckeld. "Of course!"

Fundy started to tear up. Tears of happyness. This was truly the best day of his life. He finally wasnt an orphan anymore. He had a family even if it is just eret and him.

"Thank you dad.."


Ghostbur was watching them from far away. Making sure they didnt saw him.

He had heared of Fundys adobtion but he didnt want to believe it.

Was he this bad of a father that Fundy would just replace him with another?

Whatever alivebur did...

He must have deserv the pain he was feeling in his already dead heart.

So he smiled..

He smiled that Fundy was happy.

Happy and without him..

Word count: 688

Im so sorry im so late but school sucks :D
And this too-

Well please exuse my terible spelling-

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