-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅
Before you continue reading to your hearts content, there are some rules and features you should be aware of:
R.1) this is a safe place for you and me, any negative comments will be deleted promptly
R.2) some characters featured (also audience) are minors, any 18+ themes will be rejected
R.3) have patience with requests! writing takes time, im not a machine. my mental health comes first
R.4) requests are only to be made under the character/fandom respective tab
F.1) DREAM ESCAPADE is where I will be making announcements. They'll often include if requests are open or not, and/or prompt sharing (planned fics)
F.2) If you don't see a character/fandom already listed, the MISCELLANEOUS tab is where to go
From here on out, if you continue to scroll, you're letting me know you are fully aware of the guidelines and are agreeing to follow them to the end; earning more than 1 warning will result in being muted.
* you will still be able to view this book, but will not be able to interact with me or the book, itself (I'm totally joking....maybe)
Thank you for taking your time to read my wishes, now it's my turn to hear yours!
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