Chapter 9: Capture and Realization part 3

[Day 2 - Patrol - Jally]
[Jill's PoV]

I was helping Sally pack her stuff for today's "picnic", we had sandwiches, candy, juice and all other kinds of snacks for today. After that we went and joined the other for breakfast, which was pancakes, eggs, sausage, grits and biscuits. After breakfast, me and Sally left to go and take a walk through the forest and have a picnic later after we ho on a killing spree. "Ready to go Sally?" Sally nodded her head as she jump into my arms. "Mhm, let's go lets go I wanna find a pretty place for the picnic!" I giggled at her playful nature. We grabbed our things and left.

[20 minutes later]

I'm walking through forest picnic basket in hand and Sally on my back. We come up on an open area full of flowers. "It's so pretty!" Sally said full of excitement. "Shall we have our picnic here then?" I said as Sally nodded her head jumping off my back. A smile appeared on my lips as Sally ran through the field of flowers all cheerfully.

As Sally played in the flower field, I set up the picnic sheets and set the food up. "Sally, food is ready!" I shouted but no answer Sally was no where to be seen. I got up and went to look for her. "Sally, where are you?" I didn't hear her anywhere near by. 'Where did she go?' I thought.

[Sally's PoV - 20 minutes ago]

I ran through the flower field, jumping for joy at how pretty everything looked. "Maybe i could make a flower crown for Jill." I continued to play in the field til something caught my attention in the corner of my eye. "Hello anyone there?" I saw a shadow moving through the trees and decided to follow it. As i got closer something felt off about this shadow figure.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" I began to shake in fear as I looked at the man now standing over me. "This is no place for little kiddies like you." I was too scared to move this man had a similar feeling to Uncle Johnny and I was terrified. My hands trembled as the man slowly got closer to me, my body acting on it's own turned and ran away from the man. "Where you going girly?" The man chuckled out in a sinister tone. I ran through the forest tears threatening to fall as I ran. 'I... I need to get back to Jill, I need to get home. T-That man he's dangerous just like uncle Johnny, I need to get far away from him.' I thought as I ran as fast as my legs would carry me.

I soon collapsed by a tree, tears streaming down my face as I curled up in a ball, praying that man didn't find me.

[Jill's PoV - Present time]

As I continued looking for Sally I heard slight crying. I followed the crying only to find a scared crying sally huddled up in a ball against a tree. "Oh my god, Sally are you ok?" I asked running up to her in a panic before picking her up. Sally buried her head into my shoulder crying. "J-Jill... t-there's a bad man here... in the forest..." "It's ok Sal, he can't hurt you." "H-He gave me that same feeling that... uncle johnny gave me when he killed me..." I froze when she said that. I knew Sally's past and what that bastard of an relative did to her. If there was someone like that roaming the first they needed to be dealt with quickly before they found the mansion and do something to one of the other girls.

I sat Sally down on the ground and patted head. "Some worry Sally, I'm gonna go kill that bad man right now." I say as I pull my chainsaw off my back. "Go back the picnic area Sally, I'll be right there as soon as im done taring his head off his body hehehehe!" I chuckled with a evil smile. Sally nodded before running off back to the campsite. "Now how should I kill this so-called bad man?" I said to myself as I walked in the direction.

[Smol Timeskip]

After a few mins of walking I heard leaves crunching and footsteps coming towards me. I quickly hid behind some bushes as I watched a man appear from behind a few trees and i could tell Sally was right. "Yeah, something is off about that guy..." I said quietly as I followed him silently, then I heard him begin to speak to himself describing every sick amd twisted thing he had planned on doing to her. Sick to my stomach and not wanting to hear anymore of this motherfucker's disgusting fantasies I revved up my chainsaw which startled him, but before her could turn around I ran my chainsaw thru his back. He let out a piercing scream before choking on his blood as i drag the saw thru his body then tearing it out of him. His body dropped and I cut off his head before walking away. "Fucking pig..." I say before returning back to Sally.

Once I got back to Sally she ran up to me hugging my legs. I giggled again at her childish behavior picking her up. "Jill all of our food is gone!" "What?!" Sally nodded before hoping off me and pulling me to where are food should've been and she was right all of our food was gone and what ever took it left behind nothing but a mess. "What's that?" Sally says point to a trail of tracks leading away from our camp. I looked to where she was pointing noticing large tracks heading in a different direction away from slender's place. I was furious our day had been ruined by some detestable pedophile and now something lurking nearby. "Sally, stay behind me ok." Sally nodded and followed behind me as we followed the giant mysterious tracks. "What do you think it is that took our food?" "I dont know Sal but its about to be my new lunch!" I answered with an evil smile on my face.

After some time me and Sally heard something roaring nearby, but It sounded like it was in pain. As we arrive, we spotted this enormously big cat laying on the ground wounded. It looked like it's was attacked with broken brooms and metal pipes as it had some wood and some small bit of metal sticking in it's leg. "Jill it's hurt!" Sally says running up to that giant cat. "Careful Sally that's a Yule Cat they're dangerous!" "But its hurt Jill. Can't we help it?" I knew Sally really liked fuffly animals and cats were no exception, and she was practically begging me to help. "Oh alright, no one can really say no when you make a face like that." Sally smiled thanking me with a hug.

Sally walked up to the cat trying to comfort it while I gently removed the scraps of wood and metal from it's leg, it did hiss and get agitated every now and then but never attacked us. Some 30 minutes passed and all the objects were removed from it's legs. I started to get up to go get the picnic blanket to use as a wrap for it's leg when I noticed it's leg starting to heal on its own. I watched as the Yule cat stood up leaning over nuzzling it's face against me and Sally. Sally giggle. "Hey that tickles." Sally pets the Yule cat before it crouches down. "I think it want to get us a ride Sal." Sally jumped up and down in joy before trying to climb the overgrown cat. Again I giggle at her childish nature before picking her up and placing her on top of the time cat, then I hope on and the cat stands up and carries us to Slender's mansion.

[Smol Timeskip]

Once we got close to the mansion we noticed Y/n outside, so me and Sally decided to pull a little prank on him. We had the Yule cat quickly sprint up to him and pounce on him like he was about to get mauled by a tiger.

[Y/n's PoV]

I was outside doing some chores when I feel the ground shaking as I hear running getting closer and fast. "What the fuck is that?! I turn and scope out the tree line trying to find anything that looks suspicious. Everyone comes running out the house freaking out about the ground shaking. "It's a earthquake!" screamed Toby. "Pretty sure if it was a earthquake the shaking would be more violent..." Jeff said. "Oiiiiiiiiiii!" We hear from the distance, as we look we Sally and Jill on a...GIANT FUCKING CAT SPRINTING THIS WAY! "Jill what the hell is that?!" I yelled. "It's Sally's new pet!" "That's not a pet, thats something vicious.! Pets are cute and cuddly!" The giant cat came to a sliding halt, stopping just a few feet from me as it kicked up dirt and dust everywhere. After the dust cleared I looked to see a cat standing half the size of the mansion staring at me. "Uh.... nice kitty... please don't eat me..." All of a sudden I hear a very loud growl behind me, thats when I realized it wasn't looking at me but the very angry wolf behind me. Everyone when back insideexcept Mistwalker who was having a stare down with a overgrown cat, Sally trying to keep the two from fighting and Jill with Clockwork standing beside her trying to figure out what was going, and all I can tell you is that it was a very long day after that.

[Day 3 - Patrol - Eyeless Drowned]
[Eyeless Jack's PoV]

"Hey Ben, let's go already I want this day to be over with!" I yelled as I knocked on his door. "Hold on! Lemme save my game!" " You said that 2 hours ago! Don't blame me if Slender puts you on cleaning duty again!" I hear nothing as his loud ass gaming came to complete silence, then Ben's door open as he comes out with an annoyed look on his face. "Fine, let's go!" Ben mumbled under his breath. I simply just scoff at him. "About time you got your ass ready. Slender wants to see us." Ben just groaned before me and him headed down stairs to Slender's office.

Once there, we made ourselves known before entering. "You called for us, Slender." "Ben, Jack, I have another task for you two. It would seem that Y/n has been leaving the mansion in the middle of the night very  head a month after he arrived here." "And here I thought I was the only one noticing this." Ben said scratching the back of his head. "How would you know? You're always shouting at people through that headset of yours." Ben smirks. "I have my ways." I just stare at him before our chat was cut off by Slender. "In any case, I need you two to check out the location he's been visiting and found out anything you can about that place. Do I make myself clear!" "Yes sir!" We both answered. "Good, now here is the location of the place. Now get going." We left right after.

[Timeskip 3 hours]

When we arrived at the place, we got a better look at it. "Why is Y/n visiting a rundown house?" Ben asked as we carefully entered the building. "Why you asking me? You think I know what he does on his own time?" Ben ignored my remark and pressed on. "Hey, careful last thing I want is to have to carry you back home cuz you broke your leg or some shit!" I yelled. "Relax, man you need to chill. Besides it's not like we're gonna be here that long." I just glare at him before walking away to check the rest of the house.

I made my upstairs, checking every room that was accessible which wasn't very many. I came across a picture on the wall of the hallway. It wasn't completely turned to burnt dust, but it had significant damage to it. "Hmm? What do we have here?"  "That looks like Y/n. But who are they? Wait this must be ..." My train of thought is cut short by Ben rushing in the room looking panicked. "Dude what the hell is wrong with..." "Shut up we have company and not the friendly kind!" I looked at him and saw he was dead serious. "Let's go. Last thing I need is someone sticking there nose where it don't belong!" We drew our weapons while heading to the exit making sure nothing or no one was nearby.

[No one's PoV]

As they made their way to the staircase EJ caught a glimpse of to figures roaming about. Ej points toward the mysterious figures signaling to Ben where they are. Both of them made their way to the figures keep a good enough distances away to listen in on what they were doing.

"You think we'll find him here?" "He should be here. Father said he would be here..." "You don't think 'they' found him yet do you." "Relax, even if Slenderman and his weakling proxies found him there's no way they would know his was my father's child." The other figure tood silent for a minute before speaking again. "Ah, that reminds me Stripes, what was the child's name I wasn't informed that master Zalgo even had a third child."

Ben and Ej stood in shock 'two of that fucking demon's top proxies is and their looking for someone! And on top of that Zalgo has another one of these fuckers we have to deal with.' Ben thought. "If I'm right I believe father said his name was..." The two proxies of Slenderman's stood there in complete shock unable to process what they just said. Him?! A child of Zalgo?!' Ben thought. 'Impossible we would've noticed something by now! He's just a regular human!' Ej thought.

"Scarecrow should we find him be careful not to startle him. Father says he hasn't awakened yet so he will be defensive when we met him." Scarecrow nods in acknowledgment. "Good. Now let's go it doesn't seem like he's here. We need to find him before Slenderman and his group does." A red portal opens and Zalgo's proxies leave, while Jack and Ben are left there confused as hell.

[Ben's Pov]

I was left with more questions than answers now and unable to process anything that was just said. "...en... ...Be... ...Ben!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Jack shaking me. "Ben we need to go now!" "What about him? What do we do about him?" I asked? "We do nothing! Let's just report this to Slender for now!" With that we left back to the mansion.

[Timeskip Slender's office]
[No one's pov]

"Slender we need to talk! We might have a big problem!" Jack yelled. "Jack lower your voice! What's is the problem?" "Zalgo has a third child?" "What?! Are you positive about this?!" Slender ask as his tendrils began to flare up intensely. "Y-Yes sir. While we was checking out the location a couple of Zalgo's proxies showed up, but they noticed we was there. We over heard them talking about finding him before we did. "Do you know who it is?..." Ben and Jack looked at each other nervously. "I won't ask again! Do you know WHO it is!" "Y/n is Zalgo's third child... It was his name that was mentioned by his proxies Stripes..." Ben said. "One of Zalgo's had infiltrated the mansion..." "One last thing... Y/n still thinks he's human, apparently he hasn't 'awakened' yet..."  Jack said as Slender stared at him. "Hmm..." "What are we gonna do?"
"Nothing for now and tell no one. This must remain a secret for now til I can figure out what to do. Do I make myself clear." "Yes sir." "Good. You my leave." With that they left, but unbeknownst to them Zero heard the newly discovered secret before disappearing up the stairs and in her room. 'So Y/n is Zalgo's child...' A tear silently falls down her cheek as she grips her chest tightly. "Why did I have to fall for him of all people..."

A/N: AND THIS CHAPTER IS FINALLY DONE ONLY TOOK ME LIKE A MONTH TO FINISH IT -w- anyway ill be working on the next chapter tomorrow hopefully I can get it done sooner and not take a whole month like this chapter.

I'll see y'all in the next one
Xir out

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