Occupation: Healer
I am in such a zesty mood this morning! I realise my frankly ridiculous amount of author's notes may turn off readers but I don't yet care.
Here are my favourite fics with either Harry or Draco as a Healer. There were more than 20 good ones that I originally bookmarked, but here are the lucky 13.
NaNo word count past three days: somewhere between 12 and 1000, I'm sure.
Under 10k
Teens and Up
Title: No Time Like Christmas
⚯͛ By: eidheann
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1129272#main
Rating: Teens and Up
Author Summary: How can you have a happy Christmas when you're stuck in St Mungo's?
Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, established relationship, Auror Harry, Healer Draco, 3k
Commentary: Harry has been injured and so Draco stays late at work and freaks out about it. I feel bad about how few non-mature fics I have to rec you guys. but I can say with full confidence that this one is very well-written and their relationship dynamic is perfect!!
Discussion Zone for No Time Like Christmas
Teens and Up
Title: Confession is Good for the Soul
By: Anna Fugazzi
Link to FFN: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3153511/1/Confession-Is-Good-For-the-Soul
Rating: Teens and Up
Author Summary: Confession may be good for the soul, but Draco learns that it's also hell on the nerves and libido.
Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, Healer Draco, Healer Harry, work abroad, Past Draco/Original Female Character, Bisexual Draco Malfoy, Bisexual Harry Potter, 28k
Commentary: Harry and Draco have both run away to Shetland for their Healer training, and so far they've gotten along just fine. Then, Harry develops an illness that causes everyone to become distrustful of him, and the only person who's resistant is Draco, (because of his Oclumency training). The prescribed treatment for this malady? Someone has to show supreme trust in Harry by telling him their secrets.
Draco comes up with all kinds of juicy things to tell, along with more emotional tidbits, and it's very entertaining. They work well together and develop from co-workers to something resembling friendship.
The boys are quite isolated during this fic otherwise. They have co-workers who feature minorly in some parts, but few outside relationships (besides Draco's wife, who I promise is not much of a plot point). In Harry's own words, "I doubt [Ron] thinks of me much any more," and, of course, Draco's parents aren't easily available. They really learn to lean on each other and get that human interaction they need.
Please also be aware that there are two follow-up fics, (but I haven't read them yet). One is from Harry's POV on the day of their first date, and one is from Ron's POV after he finds out about them. Something tells me Harry was wrong about what he said.
Update from Sept 23: the Ron fic is great! It's a little frustrating how stubborn and immature people are being at first BUT since it's a very short one-shot (less than 15 minutes to read, easy) and the immaturity is resolved in the end, that's negligible. Harry is in the hospital after a work-related injury and Ron comes to see him for the first time in years. Otherwise, all you need to know is that it made me laugh a couple of times and had a few aww-sweet moments, so it's a win.
Discussion Zone for Confession is Good for the Soul
𐂂 Title: Heal Thyself
⚯͛ By: astolat
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38231509
Rating: Teens and Up
Author Summary: "Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs."
"What course?" Draco said, then, "No, don't be ridiculous," when he realized she meant the notice pinned up on the board he'd been staring at: Applicants To The Introductory Mediwizard Course For The Coming Term Shall Present Themselves In The Chief Mediwizard's Office By August 24th.
"Oh, I thought you might," she said. "Well, goodbye." And off she wandered again in her addled way.
Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, Healer Draco, Auror Harry, medical school, magical theory, world-building, 46k
Commentary: This fic. Ohhhh this fic. When I read it, I was desperately wanting a Drarry but convinced I wouldn't be able to find one that could hold my attention until this one crept in and did! How often could you convince me that a fic where the love interest is scarcely mentioned but one or two times for the entire first half is worth it? Rarely, I tell you, but this one was. Brilliant fic. And so so special.
Draco decides almost on a whim to start healer training. The head healer warns him it will be a tough road. Anyone who's practised dark magic in the past will struggle to pick up healing at first, and they must completely renounce it in order to not rupture their noumenia (this is a bit of world-building that will make more sense once you read the fic. Basically, your noumenia is required in order to do magic. Once Draco goes into healing, he can never so much as cast a jinx again, not for the rest of his life, because it would be fatal). Not only that, he'll have to snap his wand and vacate Malfoy Manor.
But he does it. He makes all the changes still thinking he won't have to fully commit, but then he learns more and more about healing and struggles through improvement and becomes seriously impressive.
Which is when he has to treat Harry.
Almost all of the fic is from Draco's perspective and about his growth as a person and as a wizard, and every second is worth it. The Magical Theory explored is absolutely fascinating. Please, do yourself a favor, give it a read.
Discussion Zone for Heal Thyself
𐂂 Title: Can You Keep a Secret
By: ProfessorDrarry
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13386231/chapters/30661944
Rating: Mature
Author Summary: Harry Potter was a first-rate healer, and his research may even be ground-breaking. Hopefully, that will be enough for him to figure out why Draco Malfoy keeps showing up at the hospital, potion drunk and rambling. It had better, and soon, or else the entire building is going to figure out their secret.
Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, established relationship, healer Harry, 18k
Commentary: This fic starts with an unusual POV and I totally forgot about it!
Anyway, it is so sweet and cute (I mean that in an entirely good way), and I'm always hesitant with established relationships, but they were still at the "unofficial/borderline-fuckbudies" stage and this read was so worth it. You really get to see them fall in love. It's amazing.
Discussion Zone for Can You Keep a Secret
Title: And Back Again (Where You Belong)
⚯͛ By: eidheann
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2834369
Rating: Explicit
Author Summary: He thought back on their previous handshakes, and smiled faintly at the fact they always seemed to mean so much more to him than they did to Potter.
Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, Healer Draco, Auror Harry, Auror Training, Drunk flirting, first time, sexual exploration, Secret Relationship, misunderstandings, 15k
Commentary: (Recced in a previous chapter). An angsty story that ends well? Yes, please. Excerpt: "I will Stupefy you and shove you face-first into the Floo, don't think I won't. Let's get you home and you can sleep this off and if you still want in my pants tomorrow, you can come and tell me about it."
Potter's mulish expression didn't change, but he nodded. "Fine. I'll be in your pants tomorrow, though. Don't think I won't."
"Yes, yes. You'll conquer my trousers and move on to my pants before breakfast. Let's go, Mr. Hero." He gave Potter a strong nudge in the direction of the Floo."
Discussion Zone for And Back Again (Where You Belong)
Title: Five Weddings and a Potions Accident
By: lauren3210
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8452648
Rating: Explicit
Author Summary: In which Harry thinks he's a playboy, everyone else knows better, and Hermione will kill Seamus if Ron tries to collect on that bet.
Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, Healer Draco, Auror Harry, 19k
Commentary: Harry and Draco have a bit of a thing going, seeing as they're two of the only single people in their rather broad group of friends. But they haven't told anyone and, more importantly, his friends want to see him with someone seriously. So, they set him up on blind dates for each of the upcoming weddings.
Naturally, this fic has lots of side relationships, including one of my favourite (relatively) rare-parings: Ginny/Blaise, and a fair amount of poorly disguised jealousy on Draco's part. Lucky for us that Harry is completely oblivious, huh?
Discussion Zone for Five Weddings and a Potions Accident
Title: Conquering the Dark
⚯͛ By: noeon (noe)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/329019?view_adult=true
Rating: Explicit
Author Summary: Harry's a Healer specialising in the care of children, Draco Malfoy's an expert in neuromagic at St Mungo's. A difficult case forces them to work together and, in the process, unearths some of the trauma of the past, as well as the chance for healing in the present.
Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, co-workers, kind of a case fic, selective mutism, child OCs, trauma, mental health issues, 23k
Commentary: So, there's a child who's been admitted to St. Mungo's. She's been doing powerful wandless/accidental magic due to trauma that resulted from being in foster care. Her trauma is not explicitly explored, but Harry's is, because Malfoy figures out that he's having similar problems with his magic. He and Harry are working together to solve the case, struggling to gain ground because the committee at St. Mungo's that decides if they're approved to do work is incredibly hard to get anything past. But they make so much progress, exploring new theories in medical magic—neuromagical diagnostics and memory work—that are absolutely fascinating to read about, and helping the girl, Lila, to be able to work through her trauma. And it's clear how much they both want each other but aren't sure how to get there, until they are sure, and it's great.
Warnings: Discussions of Harry's childhood at the Dursley's and the types of abuse he suffered—emotional and physical neglect, cruelty, physical violence, malnourishment—but no actual scenes or memories of it. Harry himself has repressed most of it, which is causing part of his problem.
Discussion Zone for Conquering the Dark
𐂂 Title: November Third
⚯͛ By: QueenofThyme
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12852030/chapters/29349078
Rating: Explicit
Author Summary: November third. It should have been a day like any other. Except it never was. Not for Draco Malfoy.
Every November 3rd, the universe seemed to grant Draco Malfoy a chance with Harry Potter. A chance for what exactly, it wasn't always clear. But something more than their rivalry. Something more than the empty words they shouted at each other across the schoolyard. Something that grew into a little bit more something every year.
Tag List: Hogwarts-Era, Hogwarts 8th year, Post-Hogwarts, EWE, fluff, party games (!), Healer Draco Malfoy, Ministry Worker Harry Potter, 30k
Commentary: This fic is so lovely. It takes you through every year they have at Hogwarts together, and then a couple of years past it, as their feelings for each other become impossible to miss and Harry gets more and more frustrated that Draco avoids him every day of the year but this one. But Draco thinks interacting with Harry on any other day will be disastrous, so he doesn't, until he has to. This fic just takes me to my happy place, where things are meant to be and we get to see Harry and Draco falling further and further in love over time. The healing aspect of this fic only occurs after Draco has graduated, of course, and Harry pays him a very special visit at work.
Discussion Zone for November Third
Title: Like the Sun Fades (Slowly, All at Once)
⚯͛ By: sassy_cissa
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12661368?view_adult=true
Rating: Explicit
Author Summary: When Draco chose to teach at Hogwarts, he never expected to fall in love. But he did. Falling slowly, like the sun fades into each sunset.
Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, falling in love, Professor Draco Malfoy, Potions Master Draco Malfoy, Healer Harry Potter, split POV, fluff, 21k
Commentary: Draco is newly hired at Hogwarts and responsible for providing the hospital wing with potions, along with his other professional duties. Harry is the healer on staff.
Let me start off by saying that both Harry and Draco have grown up a lot. They're willing to try to get along right from the beginning. Here's a quick excerpt: "I have a proposition for you, Malfoy," he said, then felt his cheeks heat when one of Malfoy's brows arched in a sly motion, his head cocking slightly.
"Not that kind of proposition," he mumbled. Malfoy's eyes moved from Harry's head to his toes and back up again.
"Pity," he said dryly. He braced his hand on his narrow hips, holding back the sides of his black robes. "So, tell me this proposition of yours."
"Okay, as long as you don't mock me."
Malfoy's replying expression was amused. "I'll endeavour to reserve my mockery."
"Git. So, here's my idea," Harry said. "I won't be an arse to you, if you can keep from being one to me. If we're both going to work here, it makes no sense to try to make each other miserable. And if you're the new Potions Master, we're going to have to work together."
It's always kind of relieving when they don't waste time with petty fights in the beginning.
Featuring: far too many students having crushes on Professor Malfoy (for Draco's taste), far too much encouragement from McGonagall for Professor Malfoy and Healer Potter to date (for Harry's taste), and far too many accidents with potions (for both their tastes).
Discussion Zone for Like the Sun Fades (Slowly, All at Once)
Title: No One But You
By: unadulteratedstorycollector
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12648834
Rating: Explicit
Author Summary: Harry and Draco are friends. More than friends. Close friends. Which might be a little annoying for... well, everyone else around them.
Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, Healer Draco Malfoy, Quidditch Player Harry Potter, background relationships, Ginny/Blaise, friends scheming to get Drarry together, 11k
Commentary: This fic is private/locked so you'll need an account to view it. Anyway, the relationship dynamic may annoy their friends, but you'll probably get a kick out of it like I do. Excerpt: "Have you ever thought of not getting hurt?" Draco mutters as he slowly folds the robes. .... "But then I wouldn't see you as often," [Harry] sings.
So, naturally, all their friends (Hermione, Blaise, and Luna, mostly) conspire to get them together. Because implying things was not working.
Discussion Zone for No One But You
Over 50k
Teens and Up
Title: A Reckless Frame of Mind
⚯͛ By: Lomonaaeren
Link to AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/402637/chapters/663684
Link to FFN: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3682349/12/?__cf_chl_tk=q_fZ6JIpJ0hWg6.6S8otp.DjvWdeUEs29.E5g7P69t0-1657264197-0-gaNycGzNB-U
Rating: Teens and Up (but read the warnings!)
Author Summary: HPDM preslash, AU after HBP. Draco is a Psyche-Diver, and his newest patient is Auror Potter, who's been a pathological liar for over a year—and has just tried to violently end his own life.
Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, Healer Draco Malfoy, sorry Psyche-Diver Draco Malfoy, Auror Harry Potter, past Harry/Ginny, angst, 52k
Commentary: I just finished this fic today, so it is fresh on my mind and, let me say, it's fabulous. I honestly don't want to tell you much because I feel like a bit of the initial curiosity was spoiled for me because of what the rec list I got it off of tagged it as (and because I peeked at the chapter titles ahead of time. Oops).
Let's start the review with this—you will feel frustrated throughout many portions of this fic. You'll start to think to yourself, "if it was me in the situation, I would've figured out the mystery by now!" or "Harry could do a much better job at manipulating the constraints of his situation. He's not thinking." But, honestly, that's what kept me reading. Frustration coupled with "oh, finally they're getting closer!" It's not so long that the frustration gets overwhelming or exhausting (actually, the author is clearly very talented at pacing and making the word count seem like the absolute perfect length of time for this story), just long enough that you are desperate for the changes as they finally happen.
The writing style is also very distinctive. Lots of interesting imagery and similes/metaphors fill the pages.
The one thing that I will admit to not loving—because I try to be honest with you all—is how the romantic side of Draco and Harry's relationship develops. I don't know if it's because I've got haphephobia (fear of touch), but all the first scenes of physical contact made me really uncomfortable. Reading doesn't usually do that. It all felt very... manipulative and inescapable. You'll see what I mean. It has to do with the fact that Harry is touch starved and part of Draco's treatment (sort of) involves physical contact with him. So I guess that's the first warning.
Also, Draco's still pretty much a bigoted asshole. Like, just gonna put that out there. It's not enough that it compromises the nature of the fic, but I found myself reading going, "oh, I really don't like him. I guess we're gonna get a character growth arc and he's going to be humbled and stop harping on about blood purity." Nope. He's.... canon Draco. In his purest form, assuming he underwent no changes during the war. The fic ends early enough that I suspect the sequel will feature that growth arc (and the first kiss I'm still waiting for) but I could be wrong.
Don't be turned off from reading because I usually don't go into detail on elements I don't like. Most fics have 'em, this one is just unlucky enough to be fresh on my mind.
Speaking of the sequel, it further explores the mystery at the center of this fic. (In vague terms, the sequel focuses on discovering who caused the problem that was the catalyst for the first fic). I haven't read it yet. I'm not huge on sequels, if you can't tell, but I think I'll make an exception for this one because the first just feels like it's half of one longer fic. I'll update once I do.
Warnings: mentions of theoretical suicidal ideation as well as actual suicidal ideation and what appears to be a suicide attempt, (but has different implications within the context of the fic). If you're especially sensitive to these themes I recommend avoiding it, but none of this takes up an excessive amount of time in the story.
Discussion Zone for A Reckless Frame of Mind
𐂂 Title: Only For The Lucky
By: Anonymous
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/715393/chapters/1324432
Rating: Mature
Author Summary: Things seem to be going well for Draco Malfoy after the war. He's working as a professor at Hogwarts and makes the papers all the time for his charitable contribution to Muggle causes.
But when Malfoy is rushed into St Mungos hospital for a psychotic break, Healer Harry Potter realizes that Malfoy's success is not all what it seems and sometimes luck can have more than one meaning.
Healer!Harry, PotionsAddict!Draco Theme: Luck
Many thanks forever and ever to incredible Beta and lifelong friend Amalin.
Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, addiction, substance abuse, Professor Draco Malfoy, Healer Harry Potter, 63k
Commentary: This fic reminded me of Reparations even though it is, fundamentally, a lot different. But it's also so, so good. Draco is a patient, first of all, so that's the main thing. Watching him adapt to the circumstances of being at St. Mungo's and everyone finding out about his potion usage is all really compelling. His relationship with McGonagall here—the woman who hired him, the one willing to give him a second chance after the war—also gives you such insight into who Draco is and what the years were like before this fic opens. And, as I've said before, I don't like stories about characters struggling with addiction that center on romance. This doesn't do that. Harry and Draco's relationship is developing, yes, but not in an explicitly romantic way (until the very end, after a time skip). Harry is treating Draco, and he's focused on doing a good job even when he wants to bite his head off. So, yes, this is a drarry story, but it's more about them learning to like each other as people long before they see each other as anything resembling romantic partners.
Discussion Zone for Only For The Lucky
𐂂🥇 Title: Reparations
⚯͛ By: saras_girl
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/879599
Rating: Explicit
Author Summary: Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places.
Tag List: Post-Hogwarts, EWE, rare friendships, amazing OCs, addiction, 80k
Commentary: Harry gets put in the addiction ward at St. Mungo's for his healer rotation. Draco runs said department.
Now that you've got a summary of the bare-bones plot—because unfortunately, saras_girl is allergic to providing his own /lh —take a deep breath. Close your eyes for a moment. Do whatever it takes to prepare yourself for this life-changing fic.
I mean it when I say that my standards for Drarry will never be the same. For over two years since reading this, I have struggled to find any fics that can hold my attention. I read this fic back in May of 2020, and I have only bookmarked a measly 192 Drarry fan fictions on AO3 since then (*Desperate murmuring from my therapist trying to convince me that's a lot*). To put that into perspective, in nearly the same amount of time before I read it (from May 2018–May 2020), I bookmarked 760 Drarry fanfictions. That's even two months less than the original block of time! I bookmark everything that I finish and enjoyed, and my high standards have subjugated my enjoyment. A tragedy.
Guys, this fic is beautiful. Not only is it beautiful, it's well-plotted, well-paced, well-planned, and well-pwritten. The relationship development—from the beginning when patients trap them in a supply closet until they talk things out; to the subtle ways they grow to really know each other, like wordlessly swapping items on their cafeteria trays; to the first kiss and absolute dedication on Harry's part to see the relationship through—is one of the best I've ever read. Maybe the best. The original characters are splendid. The fun group traditions of the St. Mungo's staff and Harry's friends that are littered throughout bring the hugest smile to my face. There's a fun mystery at the center of it all too, one you might hardly notice until it's being unraveled and every small detail you overlooked while reading earlier suddenly makes sense.
I cannot possibly say enough good things about this fic. You'll fall in love with Harry's world here. Fully and completely.
This fic is part of a series, the second of which I have not yet completed (I'm serious when I say I've been unable to focus on a fic the same way since reading this—although my boring friends have forced me to admit my health issues might also be at play), but which I have full faith is good. It's approximately 200k, much longer than this one, which is a good saras_girl fic to start with if the word counts of his other ones intimidate you but you don't want to read the really short ones either. Do yourself a favor and ruin your life :).
Discussion Zone for Reparations
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