Dedicated to @glucose-guardian_01 for the request.
"Potter! Wrong ingredient!" Draco exclaimed, his hand snapping out to stop Harry ruining their potion. Harry sheepishly put the bottle of lacewing flies down.
"I knew that," Harry muttered. "I was just testing you."
"Oh really Potter? I doubt you even know what the potion we're making is," Draco huffed, adding the correct ingredient.
"Yes I do!' Harry exclaimed hotly. "It's a Forgetfulness potion.'
"Well there's no point in you taking it, since you're so forgetful as it already is," Draco snarked. "Now hurry up and stir the potion clockwise nine times."
"Yes sir," Harry mocked under his breath, picking up the stirring stick.
This was how most of Harry's potions classes went. It was only because of Draco that he wasn't failing but it wasn't his choice to be partnered up with the Slytherin boy. At the beginning of their eighth year, Slughorn had put the class into pairs for the rest of the year. Most people were happy with their partners, like Dean and Seamus, who spent more time flirting with each other than actually doing potions, or Ron and Hermione, who worked well together. It was only Harry and Draco that weren't put with a close friend, though Harry did consider Draco somewhat of a friend after he had apologised to Ron and Hermione for the degrading comments he made towards them.
Slughorn clapped his hands, calling for attention, just as Draco had added and stirred in the last ingredient. The pair looked up to see their potions master wave away smoke from his face.
"Okay class! By now you're potion should be an indigo colour, or somewhat close to it," he said, grimacing at Seamus and Dean's bright yellow potion. "If you have finished, leave your potion brewing and clean up your station. Then you may leave for lunch."
The room filled with the sound of shifting objects and chatter as the students cleaned up the messes left behind. Harry turned to Draco, who was pulling his wand put.
"Go put everything away, I'll clean the bench," Draco ordered. Harry huffed but complied. He picked up as much as he could and put them away neatly in the storage cupboard. He looked to their station and saw that it was clean and empty of everything but their potion. Draco was nowhere in sight, so Harry assumed that they were given the okay to go to lunch.
Harry picked up his bag and walked to Ron and Hermione's station, where they were taking an unusually long time to clean up their mess.
"What's taking you so long?" He asked. Hermione jumped from where she was muttering to Ron and gave him a slightly forced smile.
"Sorry, Harry. Ron made an awful mess so we'll be a while. You should go have lunch with Dean and Seamus," she said, giving Ron a exasperated look.
"It's not that big of a mess!" Ron exclaimed.
"Ron honestly. . ." Hermione's voice trailed off as Harry left and ran to catch up with his other friends.
"Where are Ron and Hermione?" Seamus asked.
"Ron made a mess, so they're still cleaning up," Harry replied as they made their way to the Great Hall.
"Of course he did," Dean said, shaking his head. "He's almost as bad as Seamus."
"Hey!" Seamus exclaimed, poking Dean in the side. Harry laughed and they took their seats at the dining table. He caught sight of Draco at the Slytherin table. He ignored the strange feeling in his stomach and turned away to eat his lunch.
"Today, we will be trying our Forgetfulness potions. If any of them do work, the antidote is on my desk and you must ask me before you collect it," Slughorn called out. "Choose one person to drink the potion, the other will be responsible for looking after the drinker."
The class filled with chatter as people discussed who would be drinking the potion. Dean and Seamus seemed to be having an argument about who would be drinking the now mustardy yellow potion.
"I'll be drinking it today," Draco said, catching Harry's attention. "If you tried it, we'd never know if it worked or not since you can't ever seem to remember anything."
"Shut up and drink the damn potion," Harry grumbled. He was not aware of two pairs of eyes watching them both.
Draco scooped a ladleful of the indigo potion into a glass and drained it, making a face as it went down his throat. Suddenly, his body starting shrinking and twisting. Harry gave a shout of shock, attracting Slughorn's attention.
"Harry, what is it?" He asked coming over. He stopped short, seeing the small figure in front of Harry. "Oh dear."
The class surrounded them and fought to see what had happened. Harry's mind was racing. A transfiguration potion was nothing like a forgetfulness potion.
"Sir I don't know what happened, our potion was perfectly fine yesterday," Harry said, still shocked.
"Yes I know, I saw it yesterday. It seems that someone has either switched your potion or altered it somehow," Slughorn said gravely. "I'll talk to Minerva and meanwhile, you look after Mr Malfoy. Class dismissed. If you did take the potion, don't forget to take the antidote on my desk."
He shooed away the other students and they soon trickled out of the room. Harry sighed and knelt down next to a sleeping and transformed Draco Malfoy.
"I hope you don't mind being a puppy for a while," Harry murmured, scooping up the small white-blond body. Grey eyes opened sleepily and a whine left Draco's mouth.
"Time for lunch then," Harry sighed, cuddling the puppy close to him with one hand and picking up his bag with the other. Slinging it over his shoulder, he walked out of the door and almost crashed into the headmistress.
"Oh, sorry Professor McGonagall," Harry apologised, stepping back.
"That's quite alright Mr Potter," McGonagall said, smiling at him. "Now, Horace and I have talked and we've decided that someone has swapped your potion. It's safe to assume that it may have been a potion from the Weasleys' shop, as transfiguration potions take quite a long time to produce. We will call the shop and ask George if he has any potions like the one Mr Malfoy has consumed and if he has an antidote. In the mean time, are you alright to look after Mr Malfoy?"
Harry looked at the puppy, who was pawing at his chest with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Harry smiled at the adorable sight.
"Sure, I've always wanted a dog," Harry shrugged, agreeing to Professor McGonagall's proposition.
"Well, off to lunch then. Let me know if you require anything," McGonagall replied.
Harry smiled at her and walked down to the Great Hall. When he arrived, it was full. Everyone had rushed there after their classes had finished. He made his way to the Gryffindor table, where his friends were seated. As soon as they saw him, they shuffled to the side to make space for him.
"So what's the news?" Ron asked, taking a bite of his chicken. Hermione wrinkled her nose at him.
"Looks like I'm taking care of a puppy for a while," Harry replied, lifting the puppy up in sight of everyone else.
"Aw, Malfoy makes an adorable puppy," Hermione said, smiling fondly. Draco yipped and licked Harry's cheek. The sound caught the attention of the other students and soon they were crowding around Harry to get a look at the adorable dog.
"Harry, he's adorable," a Hufflepuff girl said, placing her hand on Harry's arm. Immediately, Draco started growling. She gasped and took her hand away. "Not too nice though."
Harry laughed awkwardly as he looked longingly at his food that he was being prevented from eating. Hermione, seeing his look, stood up and waved the people away.
"Come on, let him eat," she said, shooing them off like they were flies. Harry shot her a grateful smile and started stuffing his mouth with food.
"You and Ron, I swear," she sighed, shaking her head.
"I'm hungry!" Harry exclaimed. Right on cue, Draco started whining and pawing at Harry. "You're probably hungry too. Do your reckon he can eat people food?"
"I suppose so, it's not like he was permanently changed into a dog," Hermione said thoughtfully. Harry shrugged and picked up a piece of chicken. The puppy grabbed at it with his two front paws and started biting at it.
Harry continued eating, now that Draco had some food, until he felt a pair of eyes on him. He looked up and saw Ron grinning at him.
"Uh, you good Ron?" Harry asked hesitantly. Ron seemed to snap out of whatever strange daze he was in.
"Yeah I'm great,' Ro replied, the grin still on his face, only slightly smaller. Hermione rolled her eyes.
"Cut it out Ron," she said. Harry looked at her strangely and she shrugged in return. His eyes dropped down to the puppy on his lap and a smile tugged at his lips.
It was just after dinner and Harry had been enjoying having the puppy with him during his classes. He was taking Draco for a walk since he was being carried all day. Harry smiled at the puppy, who was sitting in front of him and wagging his tail. He bent down and scratched the dog's head, resulting in his tongue flopping out.
Harry heard footsteps coming from behind him. He stood up and turned around to be faced with the Hufflepuff girl who had placed her hand on his arm.
"Hey, Harry," she said, smiling at him. He returned the greeting awkwardly while trying to think of what she wanted from him. He didn't even know her name.
"Do you need anything?" he asked when she only continued to stare at him. He was vaguely aware of the puppy trotting around to stand in front of him.
"Oh, yeah," she said blushing. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend."
The effect was instantaneous. Draco started barking at her and nipped his teeth threateningly towards her. She gasped and jumped back. Harry's eyes widened and struggled to pick up the puppy.
"Sorry. You seem like a lovely person but I'm gay," he said bluntly, trying to calm down the puppy struggling in his arms.
"Oh, ok," she said, pressing her lips together. "Forget I said anything then." She turned around and walked away.
"Sorry!" Harry called out after her. She didn't turn around or acknowledge that he had said anything at all. Harry shrugged and instead lifted the now calm Draco to eye level.
"What on earth is your problem?" he muttered. He was answered with a lick to the nose.
"Perhaps Mr Malfoy does not like spending his time as a dog," a voice from behind him said. Harry spun around to see Professor McGonagall.
"Oh, hi Professor," Harry said, pulling Draco closer to his chest.
"Come with me to my office," she said and began walking. Harry hurriedly followed her. "We have identified where the potion came from. It did indeed come from Mr Weasley's shop but he was quite confused as to how it entered the school as it was not in the shop for selling yet. We don't know who took the potion but Mr Weasley whipped up an antidote for us."
She stopped inside her office, where Slughorn was, studying one of the silver instruments left from when Dumbledore was headmaster.
"Horace, you have the antidote?" she asked. He turned around quickly, pulling a vial out of his pocket.
"Yes, here it is," he replied. "Now where's Draco?"
Harry unfurled his arms where the puppy was resting. Grey eyes opened sleepily and was greeted with a glass vial in front of them. He yelped and scrambled closer to Harry.
"Come on now," Professor Slughorn said, gently opening the puppy's mouth and pouring the contents into his mouth. Harry felt an odd sense of sadness as he watched the vial empty. He had grown a somewhat strong connection with Draco in the few hours that they had been together.
Suddenly, the body in Harry's arm grew and became hairless. In less than a second, Harry had an armful of a thankfully clothed Draco.
"You can put me down Potter," he said huffily. Potter blushed and gently let him down.
"Glad to see you're back to normal Mr Malfoy," Professor McGonagall said. "Now I think it's time you boys go back to your dormitories."
"Yes Professor," Harry said, exiting the office with Draco in tow. They walked together in an awkward silence until Draco cleared his throat. Harry looked up at him expectantly.
"Thanks for, um, looking after me," he choked out with a blush on his face. Harry grinned.
"No problem, but I have to ask you something," he said. They slowly came to a stop near an alcove. "Why were you so grumpy near that Hufflepuff girl that asked me out."
Draco blushed and looked away. He cleared his throat and fiddled with his fingers awkwardly.
"You see, the thing is, I-" Draco broke off with a determined look in his eyes. "Tell me if you want me to leave."
Just as Harry was about to ask what he meant, Draco placed his lips onto Harry's. Harry's eyes closed in bliss and he brought his arms up to wind around Draco's neck. They kissed for a good minute before Draco broke off.
Neither of them said anything but nothing needed to be said. Together, with their hands entangled, they walked down to the dungeons where Harry dropped Draco off.
"See you tomorrow Potter?" Draco said, looking into Harry's eyes. The look in his eyes were intense and made Harry blush.
"Yeah," he replied breathlessly. "And call me Harry."
They kissed again before Harry made his way to the Gryffindor tower. The halls were empty as everyone was already in their common rooms. He reached the Fat Lady's portrait and said the password, letting himself in.
His eyes searched for Ron and Hermione, who were sitting by the fire, away from everyone else. He walked over to them and plopped himself down next to Ron.
"Harry!" Hermione greeted him with a smile. "Where's Draco?"
"They found the antidote," Harry replied, watching Ron's face carefully.
"Oh really? That's good," Ron said in response.
"So," Harry said, leaning back on his hands. "How'd you get the potion from George?"
He smiled as watched his two friends cough and splutter.
"How did you know that?" Hermione asked.
"You guys aren't very subtle. I heard you two arguing during potions yesterday. You wanted to get me together with Draco," Harry explained with a smirk.
"Technically, Ron wanted you two to get together," Hermione said, pursing her lips. "And his methods are very . . . strange."
"Well?" Ron said, leaning forward. "Did you get together?"
Harry paused, looking at the excited face of the red head. "Yeah," he smiled.
"Yes!" Ron shouted, fist pumping the air. Hermione and Harry looked at each other exasperatedly.
Later that night, when Harry was in bed and Ron was snoring in the one next to him, he thought that he wasn't mad at his friends. Besides, he was trying to think of a way to ask Draco out. He fell asleep quickly, dreaming of grey eyes that looked at him with love.
Hey guys! Did you enjoy this chapter? What was your favourite part?
I wanted to thank everyone for reading because today, this book of oneshots reached 100K reads. I can't even explain how happy I am. I was expecting barely any reads, but we reached 100K. Thank you so much to the people who read and enjoy this book.
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