The Tattoo

Word count: 3,804

Trigger warnings: Mention of tattoos but no description of n**dles

This idea came to me while I was having a conversation about tattoos with SettleDown1D  so thank her for this lol


"I really don't see why we had to come to this shop Ron I have a tattoo artist- oh fuck no. Absolutely not." Harry shook his head, turning and trying to walk out the door. "No, we had a deal, Harry."

Harry groaned, "there's no way in hell I'm letting Draco fucking Malfoy that close to me with a needle." Draco rolled his eyes, "sorry Weasley but I can't tattoo him without his consent, I like my job."

"Oh he has to consent we have a deal." Ron said with a smirk, to which Harry flipped him off. "The deal was to let a tattoo artist tattoo something of their choice on my arm. There was no mention of that tattoo artist being HIM!" Harry huffed, he was going to kill Ron.

The last thing he wanted was Draco Malfoy to have control of something permanent on his body. "Salazar Potter get over yourself, I'm not losing my job over you. I can't do anything you don't consent to."

"See Ron he can't do anything I don't consent to and I'm not consen-" Ron put his hand over Harry's mouth. "First, we had a deal. Second, you're not in fifth year anymore, get over it." Harry gasped at his best mate, and Draco snorted from behind the counter. The blonde looked up at Harry with a challenging eye, "scared potter?"

Harry looked between Ron and Draco, sighing as they both seemed dead set that this was just a fantastic idea. "You wish. Let's get this over with." He grumbled, and Draco and Ron high fived. They'd been a friendship no one expected even post war.

When Lucius went to Azkaban and Narcissa fled to France to get out of the Manor, Draco decided to stay back and Molly Weasley took him in. He'd apologized to everyone and made his wrongs right and while living together Ron and him formed a bond.

Harry wasn't jealous of their friendship per say, but he and Malfoy hadn't ever been able to get past their rivalry so he didn't hang around Ron much when he was hanging out with Draco. He knew they were friends but he wanted no parts of being a cute little fourth wheel with Malfoy and his two best mates.

While Harry sat in the chair, he listened quietly to Draco and Ron talk. "How is Hermione?" Draco asked as he set up his equipment. "She's doing well, I believe she will be coming home in a few weeks with her parents. Their progress has been amazing."

Draco smiled, "blimey that's amazing, I'm glad she was able to figure it out!" He looked over to Potter, "how've you been?" Harry looked back at Ron and then at Draco, "me?" Harry asked, a tone of confusion evident in his voice.

Draco chuckled, nodding carefully, "yes, Potter. How've you been?" Harry sat quiet for a second. "Fine I guess, depending on how this goes. I know it's your choice but please don't tattoo a prick on my arm."

Draco snorted, shaking his head, "no pricks today, besides the one in my chair." Harry couldn't help but let a quiet laugh break through his lips. "Bugger off ferret."

Draco laughed loudly in response, "always have admired your sass Potter."


"Alright we're almost done, how are you feeling?" Draco asked softly, looking over at Potter with a small smile. Him and Ron had planned this entire scheme out together to do something special for Harry. Harry was the only one who had a problem with Malfoy, Draco didn't have the same problem with Potter anymore.

"I'm alright, again depending on how this looks." Draco started to wipe down the tattoo and put some healing gel on it. "Alright well there you have it, over this way is the mirror if you're ready to see."

Harry took a deep breath, he was nervous to see what his old time enemy permanently inked into his arm. He was surprised Draco did his tattoos the muggle way, but nonetheless he was nervous.

He walked over to the mirror turning slowly, tears welled up in his eyes immediately. He stood there for what felt like forever just staring with tears falling down his face.

Draco put his hand on Harry's shoulder causing him to jump. "Do you like it?" Draco spoke softly, not wanting to upset Harry anymore. Harry nodded, turning around and hugging Ron. "I know you're responsible for this, you git."

Ron shrugged, "me and Draco sketched it up together. He's the one who had the idea. I just added to it." Harry turned to Draco with a raised brow, "is that so?"

"I know you'd been talking about getting one to remember them by. I figured this was a good way to do it. It's subtle and it's something only you and your close friends understand so it's personal." Harry couldn't even help himself from pulling Draco into a quick hug. "Thank you. I appreciate this so much from both of you."


"Well Harry my dear let's see it." Molly said smiling, Harry rolled his sleeve up to show the beautiful tattoo Draco had given him. It was a silhouette of a deer, dog, and wolf. Moony, Padfoot, and Prongs.

As soon as Molly saw it she smiled, hugging Harry. "Oh dear, it's beautiful. Draco sure has gotten good at these tattoos." Harry nodded, surprising her by agreeing. He hadn't stopped thinking about Draco since the tattoo.

The way Draco was so kind and careful not to make him uncomfortable. Harry figured he'd been a better person nowadays, otherwise Ron wouldn't have anything to do with him. He just wasn't expecting the change to shine over onto him as well.

Him and Draco never saw eye to eye, when they'd tried to hang out for Ron and Hermione's sake there always seemed to be an argument between the two. Now looking back on it, Harry realized that every argument they had ever had seemed to start with him.

Whether he would accuse Draco of something bizarre, or simply go off about something Draco said that he didn't mean offensively. Harry sighed as he came to the conclusion that he was in fact the problem. He had spent months missing out on hanging out with his two best friends because of his own petty behavior.

Realizing this changed his viewpoint on some things. First, Draco Malfoy was not the same kid from school. Sure he was still dramatic and rude when he needed to be but he wasn't hateful or discriminating for no reason. Second, Harry realized that he simply avoided friendship with Draco Malfoy because he didn't know how to be friends with him.

After spending several days thinking about this he decided it was time to make a change.


"Welcome to Wicked Ink how may I- Potter?" Draco's voice was filled with confusion as he laid eyes on Harry. They hadn't seen each other or spoken since his tattoo a few weeks ago. "Hey Malfoy, I set up an appointment for today right?"

Draco set aside his confusion for a moment, and acted as if Harry was any other customer. It had taken way too long to get his own shop in Hogsmeade seeing as everyone looked down on muggle tattoos for a long time. It also didn't help that he was a former death eater, the papers still weren't the kindest to him, but he stopped reading them a while ago.

"Uhm, well it looks like my only appointment today is for a James Black- oh you're a sneaky bastard. You know that took me way too long to catch on to, why didn't you just use your real name?" Draco rolled his eyes. Harry shrugged, chuckling at Draco, "I didn't know how you would feel about me coming in here without Ron.." Harry trailed off, sounding unsure of himself.

"Oh you're fine, I don't know how many times I have to tell you Potter I have no problems with you anymore. That part of my life is in the past. I view you as a friend, and right now as a customer so get in that chair." Harry nodded, not adding much on for now. He would say all he needed to say after his tattoo.

"What are we looking at doing today?" Draco asked softly, setting his equipment up. "I want to get something for my mother. Thinking of a lily under the other tattoo you did." Draco smiled and nodded, grabbing his sketchbook and quickly drawing out a lily.

"How is this?" Draco asked, giving Harry the sketchbook. Harry smiled, "you're so good at this. It's beautiful Draco, I love it." Draco shrugged sheepishly, "hey it's what I get paid to do. Alright let's see that arm and I'll get it stenciled on and get started."


"Alright there we are. Take a look." Harry smiled at his fourth tattoo this month. He scheduled two more as soon as Draco had finished the beautiful Lily to represent his mother. He had gotten the deathly hallows symbol, and a lion to represent gryffindor.

Draco was starting to get suspicious with his intentions though. "It looks so badass, you're amazing Draco!" Draco rolled his eyes, Harry wasn't going to talk about his intentions so Draco decided to force it out of him.

"Alright Potter, you've gotten four tattoos in the last three and a half weeks. If you want to hang out just say that!" Harry blushed looking down at his feet, "well I really do like your tattoos.."

"I believe you, I really do and I appreciate it but that isn't what this is about. I'm closing up the shop for the day and me and you are going to actually hang out and get to know each other okay? Awesome." Draco quickly cleaned up and closed up his shop, dragging Harry along with him.

"Lunch?" Draco asked the still silent Harry, "yeah.. uhm lunch sounds good." The blonde shook his head in amusement, "Harry we've hung out a few times before with Ron and Mione, I know you still have issues with me and I understand that but I don't bite."

"I know, and I don't have issues with you anymore. That's why I've been getting so many tattoos, I realized I was the problem but I didn't know how to openly admit that so I just kept coming back for more ink. That's so lame."

They had walked into the three broomsticks, and sat down. After ordering lunch, and a butter beer, Draco finally responded. "It's not lame Potter, you didn't want to hang around me and I didn't blame you. If you've changed your mind though, I'd really like to be friends."

"Yeah, I'd really like that too. Let's start over." Harry stuck his hand out awkwardly. Draco chuckled, shaking his hand, "that's only been on my to do list since we were eleven." Draco teased, winking at Harry.


Harry and Draco had been hanging out for a month now, and Ron was ecstatic to have both of his best mates getting along. "So you and Draco have been getting pretty close mate."

Harry shrugged, rolling his eyes, "it's not like that Ron. I just got a couple tattoos from him and we've had lunch a couple times."

About that time Draco walked in, and Ron noticed when Harry's face lit up. He smirked to himself, he always knew they'd end up fancying each other. "Hey potty." Draco teased ruffling Harry's hair.

"Shove off, you prat." Harry said, flipping Draco off. Draco and Ron snickered, and they sat around the table at the burrow. "So Hermione is coming back tomorrow right? Did everything work out ?" Draco asked immediately.Harry could tell how much he missed Hermione. Harry missed her too but he understood why she had to go to Australia, they'd visited a couple of times but it wasn't the same as having her home.

"She will be home tomorrow and yes, her parents will be with her. I'm so ready to have her back in my arms." Ron said, sighing happily. Hermione leaving had been very hard on Ron, but he knew she needed to do this for her family and he was happy to support her.

"So Harry, I was thinking maybe you and I could go get some dinner Saturday night?" Draco asked shyly, turning bright red. Harry smiled, nodding, "that sounds brilliant. Sure Draco." Draco smiled, letting out a sigh. He avoided Ron's gaze and stood up, "well I'm tired, don't stay up too late you too we need to be up when Mione gets here. Night guys."

After hugging both boys Draco headed to bed. "So you say you don't fancy him, and then agree to go on a date with him?" Ron asked Harry  once Draco was out of ear shot.

"Date? I don't think he meant it as a date." Harry said, confusion evident in his voice. "Oh you oblivious little git, he definitely meant that as a date. He told me he was going to ask you."

Harry's eyes widened in realization, "Merlin I have a date with Malfoy!" He tried not to sound too excited, but he had to admit that idea was pretty intriguing. He may have a small crush on Malfoy.

"You're hopelessly dumb sometimes mate. I still love you though." Ron said with a laugh, "gee thanks Ron. You're always so kind to me. I love you too, you prat." Harry muttered back.

All Harry could think about was what to wear Saturday.


"Harry, you look wonderful." Hermione said with a smile bright on her face. She'd been back for a few days now, and all of the boys were thrilled with her return. They also got to formally meet her parents.

"Thanks, I hope this goes well." Harry said, uncertainty lining his tone. Hermione straightened his collar a bit, winking, "it will be brilliant I just know it!"

Harry hugged Hermione, smiling nervously, "I missed you so much." He whispered, and Hermione kissed the side of his head. "Oh Harry I missed you too," she whispered back.

About that time there was a knock on the door and Harry took a deep breath. He went over slowly to open the door, and Draco was standing there with a pink rose. He handed the rose to Harry with a blush, and Harry smiled softly thanking him.

Hermione couldn't help the small squeal of excitement that left her lips, only because she knew the meaning behind that flower. "Oh hi Hermione." Draco said face going bright red. "Hermione was just leaving, she was helping me with something." Harry mumbled, shooting Hermione a warning look.

Hermione laughed, throwing her hands up, "have fun boys." She said with a snap smirk, walking towards the floo. Draco and Harry shared a small laugh, "are you ready?" Draco asked, and smiled when Harry nodded.

He took his hand and pulled him close, looking over at the raven haired boy. "Are you alright to apparate?" Draco said as they made their way outside. "Yes that's fine, where are we going?" Draco just shrugged, pulling Harry a little closer and apparating them away.

They were on the outskirts of a muggle town Harry wasn't familiar with. "Draco?" Harry asked, confusion evident in his voice. "There's a beautiful Italian restaurant just a block down from here." Draco said, pulling Harry along.

Harry couldn't help but smile and wonder how long Draco had taken to plan this out. He figured Ron helped because otherwise there was no way Draco knew Italian food was his favorite.

When they finally arrived at the restaurant Harry was stunned. "I'm very underdressed." Harry spoke softly, looking between Draco and the restaurant. "You look beautiful to me." Draco whispered back, putting his hand on the small of Harry's back. He led them into the restaurant.

They made small talk for a few minutes until the waitress came over. "Evening Draco. What can I get you two to drink?" Draco smiled up at the waitress, having been here quite frequently with his mother lately, he knew most of the staff. The boys ordered their drinks, and each got a plate of shrimp Alfredo.

"It's to die for, trust me." Draco said with a sweet smile. "Well I'm good at dying, so let's hope it's to live for." Harry tried to joke, but Draco just raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm sorry I'm not very good at this whole dating scene." Harry said, scratching the back of his neck.

When the waitress brought their food out, Harry found out Draco was not lying. He would happily die for a jar of their Alfredo sauce. "This is better than the Alfredo I make." Harry said confidently, eating quickly.

"Slow down before you choke, we have all night." Draco said in an amused tone, Harry just shrugged. "Trauma response, I went so long wondering when I'd have food next that I have to remind myself sometimes I don't have to eat it that quickly. It's not going to disappear." He said the last bit quietly enough Draco knew he was talking to himself.

After dinner the two started to walk back to the apparation point, "I know this was a bit awkward, but I really like you Harry. I hope we find ourselves on more dates sometime." Harry blushed, nodding in response, "of course. I had a wonderful time. You're brilliant Draco truly."

They apparated back to Harry's place, and Draco placed a quick kiss on his forehead. "I'll be in touch." Draco said sweetly, "you better be Malfoy." Harry teased, closing the door softly and leaning against it. "I'm so screwed." He whispered to himself.


A few months had gone by and Harry and Draco were steadily dating, they hadn't officially added a label to their relationship though, and Draco was holding to change that.

"I need your help Ron." Draco said shortly, and of course being as close as he was with Draco Ron agreed immediately. "I want to get a tattoo." Draco said slowly, hoping this wasn't a bad idea. "Alright? Don't you have all the magic to do that mate." Ron said teasingly.

"Shove off Weasel, I mean I want to get a tattoo for Harry. I want to officially ask him to be mine. Is that crazy?" Draco scratched the back of his neck. Ron smiled widely, "no mate that's very nice. I think you could ask him without the tattoo, but I know the sentiment behind it. It's not crazy."

Draco nodded and took a deep breath, if anything went wrong he had the ability to remove the tattoo with Magic. Why not? He thought, "want to come with me?" Draco asked, needing Ron for moral support.

"Let me say bye to Mione and grab my coat. I'll see if she can go make sure Harry doesn't try to pop in and see you." Ron replied, running upstairs.

When he came back down they floo'd to Draco's shop. Draco spent a few minutes sketching out what he wanted. It was two hands reaching for a paper bird like the one Draco enchanted to fly to Harry in third year.

"It's the first time I realized I may have feelings for the git." Draco admitted sheepishly. Ron smiled, "he definitely thought it was a love note. That's very sweet, I like it." Ron nodded his approval and Draco decided to get to work.

"I do magic tattoos only when I'm doing them on myself. I can remove magic ones easier than muggle ones with the spell I invented for it. It's possible with muggle ones but much harder. I've used myself as a practice canvas a lot this way. It's how I got good." Draco said, and Ron's eyes widened.

"I don't know what you said but I think Mione would be very impressed." Ron said, making Draco snort, "always the charmer Weasley."

Draco started on the tattoo, having Ron help with handing him certain supplies and water when needed. They made small talk about their people during the task.

When Draco was finished he was very satisfied with his work. Ron was equally as impressed. "Now look who is getting a tattoo for the others' attention." Ron teased his friend again, getting a smack upside the head for it. "Listen here, Weasley hating you was my second favorite thing to do for many years. Don't make me renege on my old ways."

Ron grabbed Draco and ruffled his hair. "The difference is you love me now so you couldn't." Ron teased again, making Draco roll his eyes. "Let's go so I can claim your best mate like I've been using you to do all along." Draco teased back earning his own smack upside the head.

The boys popped back over to the burrow for a second, so Draco could grab his lucky ring which in his eyes was a much needed accessory for success. His Aunt Andy gave it to him when he was a child one occasion when she'd seen him without his mother knowing.

Ron decided to go with, he wanted to see his best friends finally get together. They went through the floo and found Hermione and Harry knitting. "Well isn't this a sight to see?" Draco remarked teasingly.

Harry's head popped up, "hey love. What brings you guys here?" Draco walked over to Harry and gave him a hug. "Well I got a new tattoo." Draco said, slowly showing Harry his arm. Harry had tears in his eyes almost instantly. "Draco.."

Draco silenced him with a finger to his lips. "I've messed up a lot in life, and I don't want this to be one of those times. This moment I tattooed is one of the first moments I knew I felt something for you. We started this connection a few months ago at my tattoo shop, so I wanted a permanent reminder that while the beginning wasn't so great for us, we found each other in a new light later on in life. Harry James Potter, will you be mine?"

Harry didn't have all the words, so he quickly pulled Draco into his arms and kissed him breathlessly. "Yes, yes I have always been yours Draco. You owned my heart without me even knowing it. I love you." Harry kissed him again, just for good measure. "I love you too Harry."

"See Harry? Aren't you glad we made that deal?" Ron blurted, breaking the delicate atmosphere. Everyone laughed as Mione smacked him. "Yeah I guess I am Ron. Thanks." Harry shook his head, intertwining his fingers with Draco's. He smiled softly at the blonde. He had found a permanent tattoo artist, because no one could tattoo like his Draco.

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