The sleepover

Word count: 3,276

Trigger warnings: Mention of death (no descriptions only the mention of a death)

This was a fun one to write! Hope you enjoy.


"Dad, you're not being fair! I hate you!" Albus screamed at his father crossing his arms with so much sass Harry was certain he was looking in a mirror. There's no way that came from his son and not himself.

"Al bud I didn't say no I just said I needed to write an owl to Mr. Malfoy and see if it's alright okay? Me and Scorpius' father used to not get along and I need his permission as well to bring scorp over for a playdate or sleepover. Okay?" Harry said groaning internally, him and Draco had long gotten over their feud but he wouldn't call them friends.

Draco didn't really like friends. Nonetheless Harry had an angry eleven year old who just wanted his new friend to come over to hang out. Being sorted into slytherin freaked him out at first, and Harry knew his friendship with Scorpius was the only reason he'd been able to feel better about it.

Scorpius seemed like a good kid from what he'd heard, and he had no problems with his boys hanging out with other house members outside of gryffindor. That's part of what he fought for in the war anyways, unity.

"Go play with your sister for a little alright? I will write a letter to Mr. Malfoy right now and ask him!" Al nodded begrudgingly, heading off to play with his sister who was in the playroom doing Merlin knows what. Harry had to sigh to himself sometimes, realizing his kids were just like him when he was younger. Though Lily reminded him so much of his mother and his heart sank a bit.

Ginny had gotten sick a few years ago when Lily was only three, and had unexpectedly passed away after a good fight. Their kids saw how strong she was, and that's what mattered to Harry. Their kids knew how brave and generous and smart their mother was. That's all he could've asked for, and knew it was all Ginny would've wanted for them as well.

Grabbing a quill and parchment Harry sighed, thinking for a second how to write Malfoy. He had only spoken to the bloke a few times after the war and he wasn't sure how keen Malfoy would be with letting his only son come over to Harry Potter's house.

Dear, Malfoy..

It's come to my attention that our boys have become quite close. Albus is dying to have Scorpius over for a sleepover, and I just wanted to run that by you first?

If you'd like to discuss this in person you can come over anytime, as it's summer and I'm off I'm usually home. Reply if you'd like..

Harry J. Potter

Once he'd written the letter he sent it off with their family owl, and went to let Al know he'd sent the letter.


Draco Malfoy had heard just about enough about the Potter family today. He thought he was going to go absolutely mad if Scorpius muttered another word about Albus. "Scorp buddy listen I will talk to Potter about the sleepover just give me a minute please."

He sighed in frustration, he didn't care if they had a sleepover but he wouldn't be surprised if Potter didn't want his kid over for a whole night. Potter never trusted him, and he didn't expect that he'd trust his kid either.

As he went to grab parchment he saw the owl hitting his window repeatedly, tilting his head in confusion as he walked over carefully letting the owl in. He took the letter and gave the owl a treat, opening it at once. As he read it he almost sighed in relief realizing this may be a possibility after all.

He sent the owl off, deciding it'd be easier to just pop into potters now since clearly he was home. "Scorp! Come here," Scorpius came running down the hall only halting when he saw his fathers stern look.

"No running, come on buddy we are going to go over to the Potters for a few minutes to discuss the sleepover alright?" Draco sighed, he really didn't want to see Potter, he no longer hated him obviously.. he was way too old for that. His wife had passed away, he owned his own potion shop, and he was a single father. He didn't have time for rivalrys. He didn't know how Potter felt about him now though and he didn't want to fight with him about anything.

Grabbing Scorps hand, he apparated them to the Potters doorstep, a place he'd only been to once to apologize to Potter and was surprised to see it hadn't changed much over the years.

As he knocked, he heard Potter's youngest screaming and running around. When Potter opened the door his hair was messy and his shirt was disheveled revealing his collarbones and he looked exhausted. "Malfoy? Scorpius? I didn't expect you all here so soon, not a problem though come on, come in, come in."

Harry ushered the blondes inside and smiled down at Scorpius, "hello Scorpius, would you like to go play with the kids while I speak with your father? They're right upstairs in the playroom. I know you'll hear them."

Scorpius looked to his dad for approval and ran away smiling when he got an eager nod. Draco sighed heavily, looking at Harry with an uneasy smile. "Thank you, he has not stopped talking about Albus since he got off the Hogwarts express. I assume after reading your letter you've been dealing with this as well?"

Harry nodded with a small chuckle, "you have no idea. I really don't mind if he stays over or comes over whenever he's always welcome, I just wasn't sure how you'd feel about it. I explained to Al you aren't my biggest fan-"

"I have absolutely no problem with you Potter really. That is all in the past, I figured you had a problem with me," Draco said anxiously, scratching the back of his neck lumberingly, looking everywhere but at Harry.

Harry's eyes went wide, "oh no Draco, I too have no problems with you, I'm sorry if I have come off that way during our past few interactions. When you'd come over to apologize for everything it was shortly after we lost Gin and I was just not in a good mood around that time.. but that was a few years ago and honestly I just haven't gone out or tried to interact with people much.

I still talk to Ron and Mione of course but between being a professor and a single dad I just haven't had much time to go out and form new connections. I'm glad that Albus and Scorpius are friends, when he got sorted into slytherin he was so scared and confused because we'd all been gryffindors before that and he was so afraid to disappoint me.

I told him he could never, and that I knew Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape, one of which he was named after. I told him they were two of the bravest wizards I had ever known. His friendship with Scorpius though is when I really saw an amazing change, they became inseparable and it gave me an idea of how we'd have looked if I got sorted into slytherin. Joking but seriously Scorpius is always always always welcome in my home, as are you!"

When Harry finished speaking he felt very weird, because he'd never so easily opened up to anyone before that. Draco smiled softly at the confession and looked up at Harry, "well if that's the case then I don't see any reason why they can't have a sleepover, I'm just glad we're raising better kids than we were."

Harry laughed at this, and Draco noticed how Harry's eyes sparkled when he smiled. He shook his head quickly, ignoring the thoughts he was having.


It had been a week since Draco dropped by, and today Harry was hosting Scorpius for a sleepover. They'd spent all morning cleaning and setting up the playroom for a sleepover, and Albus got to rent a muggle movie because he was nice enough to invite his siblings to sleep in the playroom with him.

Harry didn't expect him to invite his siblings into his sleepover, because it wasn't their sleepover or their friend, but his kids get along so well and it warms his heart. He's happy he had three kids so close in age, they are bestfriends and he never had to worry about them being alone the way he was.

Draco arrived with Scorpius right on time, and Harry was prepared with dinner. "I made personal pan pizzas for everyone, I just need to know what toppings you guys want on yours," Harry says with a smile as he ushers the blondes into the house. Almost immediately Scorpius and Albus are hugging, and Lily runs over excitedly. "You have pretty hair, pretty boy!" Lily squeals at Scorpius.

Scorp blushes and bends over to ruffle Lily's hair, "I think your hair is beautiful as well!" Scorpius replies softly, making Lily smile, "thank you! Dad says my mum gave it to me," Harry smiled softly at the kids' interactions, shaking his head with a joy filled expression.

"I love our kids," he whispered softly to Draco, walking over to get a list of the pizza toppings they all wanted. He came over to Draco when he was done, "what toppings would you like mate?"

Draco blinks in confusion, tilting his head and reminding Harry of a small golden lab puppy he once saw in a pet shop, "oh I don't want to be a burden, I was only staying to see how he settled in. I can be off no-"

"It wasn't really an invitation Draco, I already made your pizza," Harry said with so much confidence Draco wondered how many times he'd gone over what to say when Draco tried to deny him. Rolling his eyes at the man's sass, he shrugged, "I supposed just pepperoni is fine."

Harry smiled feeling like he'd made a small success and sent off the kids to do whatever kids do, while he attempted to make small talk with Draco. "I didn't know you could cook," Draco said watching Harry as he delicately placed toppings on the pizzas.

"I learned to cook before I learned that I was a wizard," Harry teased, making Draco laugh. "Well I guess there's that, now for the truth, you can cook.. but can you cook well?"

"I guess you will just have to find out," Harry winked, laughing as he did so. Draco felt his cheeks heat and groaned internally, was Potter flirting with him?

Harry was having similar thoughts, because when the hell did he feel such a need to flirt with Malfoy. He had to admit the blonde was quite attractive, he always had thought that, but he'd never noticed how much he really liked looking at him.

I guess all that stalking in sixth year really caused a minor attraction, that's all it was right? There's not a chance in hell that Harry liked Malfoy in any way other than friendly. That would be too weird.


"Dinner is served," Harry shouted, and four sets of feet came running downstairs. Harry smiled, handing them each their own pizza and sitting around the table with them.

"Jamie when we're done I trust you can set up the television for your brother?" Harry asked, smiling over at his oldest, who in return nodded with an eye roll, "yeah whatever dad."

Harry glared, causing all the kids to laugh. "Well I know which one got your sass Potter, you kids should've seen your dad in school, he was the sass master," Draco said winking at the kids all looking up at him.

"Daddy says that you and him used to not like each other, is that true Mr. Malfoy," Lily asked with a full mouth.

"Lily Luna Potter, we do not talk with our mouths full. Do I need to stop you from eating with Uncle Ron?" Lily shook her head with wide eyes, "you can't take away lunch with uncle Ron!"

"Then mind your manners young lady, but to answer your question yes me and Malfoy did not get along. That was many years ago though," the little girl nodded, her attention going back down to her plate.

"I'm glad me and Al get along! Dad says we're the only ones in our whole family who didn't have to hate each other because of moldy wart," Scorpius exclaims, causing Harry to choke on his wine.

"Moldy wart?" Harry says, throwing his head back with laughter. Draco smiles nervously, not taking his eyes off of Harry as he laughs. "It's better than calling him the dark lord, what even was that?" Draco laughs along with him.


After dinner the kids ran off to play and Draco and Harry cleaned up the kitchen, though Harry argued for twenty minutes about it.

When dinner was all cleaned up, they'd sat down on the couch to talk. They didn't realize when an hour passed, or when two hours had passed.

The kids weren't causing any trouble surprisingly, only coming down for drinks or to ask questions. Draco realized much too late that he really has overstayed his welcome. "I should get going," he said with a small smile, "thank you for having me, and I'll be over tomorrow to get him."

Harry also smiled awkwardly, nodding, "alright sorry to keep you so long, I don't get to talk to many people," he admitted sheepishly.

"Scorp I'm leaving bud!" Draco hollered, smiling as his kid stuck his head out the door, "goodbye father, love you!"

"I love you too son, behave yourself, don't give Potter any problems," then he looked back at Potter, "let me know if he's a pain."

"I'm sure it's no worse than you at his age," Harry joked with a wink. Draco smiled, "that is true, well uhm, I'll be off."

"You have to come over for dinner another time, it was lovely catching up with you," Harry said honestly, hoping he wasn't sounding too weird. He really did enjoy this evening with Draco.

"I'd love that thank you, have a good night," Draco smiled, as he walked out to apparate. "You too Malfoy," Harry said politely, waving the blonde off.

Harry sighed as he closed the door, well that was a weird feeling.


Sleepovers, dinners, and play dates, had all become the usual over the summer. Even when Harry had taken his kids to a water park for a whole weekend, Scorpius and Draco had tagged along. It seemed they were there more than they weren't.

"I don't know guys, I just enjoy hanging out with him. He's funny, and he makes everything more fun. He keeps the kids attention, and he's great with them. Plus Al and Scorp are connected at the hip, they remind me or me and Ron."

Ron and Hermione looked at Harry like he had three heads, "maybe.. maybe it's more than what you're thinking it is Harry," Hermione stuttered out, not wanting to upset Harry.

Ron nodded, "yeah mate, I mean, Gins been gone for a long time now.. it's okay if you want to move on," Harry tilted his head in confusion, "what are you two on about?"

Hermione sighed, she figured Harry would be oblivious, some things just don't change. "Well Harry all we're saying is, we've been sitting here for the last hour basically hearing you confess your love for Malfoy."

Harry choked on his drink, going into a coughing fit, "confessed my what?! Are you bloody mental?" Ron patted his back, looking over at his wife with a raised eyebrow.

"Harry.. mate, what she's trying to say is, you seem perfectly smitten with Malfoy. I guess we just assumed you had feelings for him," Ron says slowly, getting a look of approval from Hermione.

"I don't.. well I don't think I have feelings for him? Do I ?" Harry asks in a confused tone that brings Hermione back to memory lane, Harry is still the same oblivious childlike boy sometimes even in his twenties.

"That will have to be for you to figure out and decide yourself love, just think about it. Doesn't hurt," Hermione said with a smile.

"Yeah mate, no matter what you decide we're going to support you. Even if Malfoy is still a right git," this made Harry laugh, as he looked at Ron with admiration. Hermione smiled at two of the most important men in her life.

"His wife passed away too, right? Astoria?" Hermione asked, with a raised eyebrow. Harry nodded, "yes she did, he doesn't talk of her much but he did tell me Scorp took it pretty hard. The anniversary is coming up soon, and Al and I are going to surprise them with flowers," Hermione smiled, nodding.


The anniversary of Astorias death took a toll out on both Scorpius and Draco. They both decided to stay home all day in pajamas and watch muggle movies.

The only time Draco got off the couch was to answer the door. He didn't expect to see Harry and Albus standing there with flowers. "Oh uh, potter come in," the blonde said awkwardly, not sure what he was doing wrong in life to have potter show up while he was in sweats with messy bed hair.

"We brought flowers, I hope we aren't bothering you lot, but Albus wanted to try and help Scorpius," Draco took the bouquet of white lilies and red roses from Harry. "Thank you Albus, he's right in on the couch."

"ALBUS!!" They heard the younger Malfoy yell, causing the single dads to smile at each other. Draco closed the door leaving the two men standing outside.

Harry expected Draco to say something, he didn't expect to have a kiss planted on his cheek. "Thank you, for everything you do for me and Scorpius. These last few months have been amazing, I really needed the connection to another not only single dad but one who lost his wife too. I don't know what to do somedays, and others you're there with your kids and I feel like in a roundabout sort of way we're some blended family. I can't thank you enough-"

Harry Potter didn't know how to control his impulsiveness, even to this day. He really was listening to Draco, and he didn't mean to cut him off, but he had to know. So right there in the middle of a sentence Harry Potter crashed his lips into Draco Malfoys.

Draco reacted as anyone would at first, he froze, and then he pulled back and looked at Harry with wide eyes. The two men stood, neither knowing what to say for a minute, before Draco-much more gently than Harry- leaned down a little to kiss the man again.

They both realized in that moment why everything fit into place so easily, whether this was destiny, or soulmates, or the stars aligning correctly -whatever you believe in- they were meant to find each other. They held each other's faces softly, enjoying the smiles in their kiss and the warm touch on their faces.

Nothing could stop this moment, nothing could break the beautiful atmosphere between the two as everything finally pieced together..

"COOL! SCORPIUS WE'RE GONNA BE BROTHERS," yelled Albus, making the two men jump apart cursing. Okay maybe kids could stop the moment, but as Harry looked over at a blushing, beautiful Draco, everything felt like it made sense again. All because of two kids, and one sleepover.

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