Ronald Weasley
Word count: 1,800
Trigger warnings: none it's super fluffy and sappy and shit
Ron Weasley was different after the war. Before the war he could be described as loud and obnoxious and rude. Which wasn't too far off nowadays, but overtop the loud and obnoxious was now sappy and observant. Losing Fred had changed him, taught him that having emotions and loving the people around him before it was too late was important.
Ron started observing Harry super closely, he felt he hasn't been the best mate he could be to him. After fourth year and on things just never were the same, the boys loved each other like family but their relationship had shifted a bit. After the war Ron planned to changed that. Though Harry was quiet and disclosed now after the war.
So that's how Ron figured it out. Figured out the thing that makes Harry Potter the happiest. That thing was Draco Malfoy. Every night when Harry had nightmares, he'd slowly get up and leave the dorms. Draco always following soon after. Then Ron would grab the map as soon as the boys were out of sight and he'd look closely at it, every night the same thing. Harry and Draco would appear at the astronomy tower together for an hour or two, then return back to their separate beds a few minutes apart from each other with smiles on their faces.
Every day, during breakfast lunch and dinner, Harry and Draco couldn't care less about the food on their plates, or their friends surrounding them. Ron would share secret glances as the boys just stared at each other longingly. One would notice the other staring, and look up, and the other boy would blush and put his head down. Ron saw it all.
A few years ago, the thought of Harry and Draco being friends, let alone something more, would've sent Ron into panic. He would've acted irrationally and taken weeks to himself to loathe Harry and Draco. Now though? Now he just wanted his best mate happy. So finally one day after watching for weeks, he looked to Hermione.
"Hermione love, can we talk for a moment in private?" Hermione smiled sweetly at her boyfriend, and nodded getting up to follow Ron. "Harry we will be right back, you'll be okay?" Harry muttered some words about being fine and went back to staring towards a certain slytherin. Ron smiled and lead Hermione out of the great hall.
"What is it Ron?" Hermione asked, confused by her boyfriends randomness. "We need to befriend the slytherins. If you're okay with it." Hermione tilted her head, shocked at this sudden 'need' of Rons. "Why? What are you up to?" She didn't mean to sound accusing, but Ron never wanted anything to do with slytherins before.
"Harry is in love with Draco. Don't look at me like that I mean it. Look a few years ago I'd have lost my mind over this, but I just want to see Harry genuinely happy all of the time, not just at bloody three in the morning when they sneak off to go comfort each other over their nightmares." Hermione took a second to take this information in.
"Well let's go make some new friends, also I'm proud of you for paying more attention than me." Ron chuckled, "always the tone of surprise." They shared a sweet look at each other, and maybe a soft kiss, before marching back into the great hall and over to the slytherin table.
"Draco, Pansy, Blaise, hello." Ron started, making three heads snap up. The three looked at him, and Blaise smiled softly, "hello! Ron, Hermione right? Did we do something? We're sorry we've been trying to stay lowkey this yea-" Ron smiled and quickly cut him off, "hey you guys didn't do anything. We wanted to invite you to the room of requirements on Friday to hang out with us and our friends. We want to befriend you guys, this silly house rivalry is stupid. Blaise you've never done anything to me, Pansy me and you haven't even spoken and Draco our parents filled our heads with terrible things about each other at a young age. It's time to put it all away."
The three looked shocked, but Draco glanced so quickly at Harry with fond eyes, and back to Ron and Hermione. "Under one condition We- Ron. You let us all apologize to everyone first. Please. I'd like that though, personally." Blaise and Pansy agreed with the blonde, and Ron and Hermione smiled. "That's fine, even though in my eyes you're already forgiven. See you then!"
So now it was Friday, and there were 10 people gathered in the room of requirements. Sitting around a table. Ron, Hermione, Harry, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Luna, Ginny, Hannah and Neville. They were going to play some party games, but first, the slytherins decided to speak.
Draco was first, he took a sharp inhale, and let out a shaky exhale. "Hey, I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy. I was a rude, snarky, sassy little shit and I am sorry. To all of you. Hermione Granger, I'm sorry for calling you a filthy slur, you're the smartest witch I've ever met, no matter your blood status you're amazing. Ron Weasley, and Ginny Weasley, your family is amazing and you all did not deserve my treatment. Money is not everything, and you have a family who cares and loves you. Neville Longbottom, I'm sorry for calling you fat in first year and for every other insult I shot at you after that. Luna, I'm sorry I didn't rescue you sooner from the dungeons. Pot- Harry? Harry. I'm sorry that I was so awful to you, even though I've already personally apologized to you for everything. I'm sorry to all of you for being such an insufferable prat. Truly."
Everyone spoke over each other, trying to forgive him as fast as they could. That was the most genuine apology Draco Malfoy had ever given to anyone ever. They all smiled and shook his hand, Harry was next to him, so he hugged him instead. Everyone smiled as Draco didn't even flinch and wrapped his arms around the boy tightly. Smiling bright as he held the boy for a few seconds longer than would be considered normal.
Pansy was next, "I laid pretty low most of the time, the only one I truly need to apologize to is Harry. I didn't want you dead, I just wanted to live. I was a coward, and I'm sorry." Harry got up and walked around to the other side of Draco and hugged the girl tightly, "you're forgiven, I am so sorry you ever had to be scared for your life truly."
He sat back down shortly after, and Blaise started to ramble. "I'm sorry too you know, I am not sure why, or what I did. I'm sorry for being a slytherin I guess, I'm sorry for being a weak close minded piece of shi-"
"Knock it off." Harry snapped, causing all heads to look his way with wide eyes. "You don't need to apologize for being you Blaise, from what I've learned you're an amazing person, and who cares that you're a slytherin? I'm over this petty house rivalry rubbish. We are humans, kids really, who let some hat tell us who we could and couldn't be friends with. We had adults who treated us as soldiers from a young age, we had a traumatic shitty childhood and if I ever hear any of you say you are sorry for being you again I will personally hex you. Out of love of course."
Everyone around the table agreed to hex them at any mention of anything bad about themselves. The slytherins laughed, and all three group hugged Harry. Who smiled in pure bliss. Ron and Hermione shared a knowing look, their hearts were full seeing Harry so happy.
After the corny apologies, and light hearted joking the group decided to get straight into the games. "Let's play Never Have I Ever! We can get to know the slytherins!" Everyone agreed to Hermiones suggestion, and soon enough, after explaining the game to the slytherins they were playing.
"Never have I ever, hexed a teacher." Harry was the only one to take a shot, and everyone gaped at him. "Wait when what?" Draco asked curious, "third year, Snape. I wanted him to be quiet so I could hear out Sirius. He wanted to kill me for that. Anywho, my turn. Never have I ever, kissed a boy." Everyone took a shot besides Ron and Luna. "Wait Harry you have?" Harry shrugged, "surprise Ron I'm gay." Luna chuckled softly, "and that's the same reason why I didn't take a shot." She said smiling and kissing Ginny softly.
Everyone smiled, and Ron smiled extremely hard at Harry. "I'm so proud of you mate." He whispered across the table, Harry looked up at his best mate smiling just as wide. "Thank you." He mouthed back, receiving a nod of gratitude.
The game continued on, everyone finding out way too much about each other. They later moved on to truth or dare. "Harry truth or dare?" Pansy asked, a wild smile on her face. At this point everyone warmed up to one another, and they all wanted answers. "Dare." Harry said shrugging, he knew what was coming.
"Kiss Draco!" Pansy wasted no time shouting. Harry chuckled, and turned to Draco who was smirking. They leaned in and kissed slowly, Draco's hands gently playing with Harry's hair. They pulled apart shortly after they started, and everyone looked at them shocked as they pulled apart, whispering I love yous to each other quickly.
"What? You guys are..? Are you guys..?" Ron stuttered to find the right words.
"Ron you're way more observant than before, I'll give you that mate. Not sneaky though, I knew you'd caught on. So I let you figure the rest out yourself. Me and Draco have been dating for a few months. I love him, and he understands me. We weren't really hiding it, just not sharing it either. Thank you for being amazing and befriending them because you wanted me happy."
Ron stared in amazement, "you heard me and Hermione? Blimey Harry, you sneaky bastard. I'm happy for you mate."
Draco smiled at his boyfriend and Ron, and avoided pansy's gaze. "This has been cute and all but Harry please stop Pansy from harming me." Pansy just groaned, "you've been dating Harry bloody Potter for a few months and didn't tell me?!"
"We love you Pansyyyy!" Harry sang, and everyone started laughing. Ron smiled widely at the interactions going around. Ron Weasley had changed and now he got to watch his best mate change, and fall in love, and be himself, and be happy.
Everything was going to be okay.
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