Expecto Patronum

Word count: 1,375

Trigger warnings: None, super cute.


Harry's pov:

I cannot stand him.

His stupid blonde hair, his dumb bright grey eyes I can't help but get lost in. The way his eyes follow his smile. The feeling I get when he's near me. The way his cheeks get a subtle red glow to them whenever his friends tease him, or touch his hair and he tries to be mad at them before laughing. Don't get me started on that laugh.

I hate him.

Because I love him.

"Harry, mate stop staring at Malfoy." I snapped my head up in attention, groaning in frustration.  "Why don't you try talking to him? The war is over you guys could set your differences aside." Ginny asked softly, putting a hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner. I sighed shrugging, "he would never go for that. Besides, I'm sure the last thing on Malfoys mind is a friendship with Harry bloody Potter."

Everyone chuckled, "you'll never know if you don't try." Ron added and I shrugged, "I guess I'll never know then." Ron rolled his eyes, "bloody hell mate you're a prat." I glared at him and just sighed, getting up and leaving the great hall. I walked around for awhile not knowing where I was going to end up. "Potter!" I heard yelled behind me.

I turned around looking at Malfoy with a raised eyebrow, "yes?" I deadpanned not trusting the soft expression on his face. "I, well, I was just wondering if I had upset you in anyway. I saw you looking at me before you ran out and you looked pretty upset. I'm really trying for no drama this year." I was a bit taken back by this, and I sighed. "You didn't do anything wrong Draco I promise. Have a good day." I turned around leaving before he could respond but I saw the shock on his face at his given name.


It had been a week since my interaction with Malfoy, and I seemed to be thinking of him more and more. It didn't help that now Pansy Blaise, and him were friends with the other gryffindors including Ron and Mione so they sat with us at meals. "Hey Pot.. Harry, would you help me with my patronus?" My head snapped up and I gave him a shocked look. "I'm sorry... help.. you? You want my help?" He chuckled, smiling. "Yeah I mean who better than the boy who taught like fifty kids how to cast one, in fifth year."

I couldn't help the blush that arose on my face, looking down at my plate. "Well then uh.. yeah sure.. can you just not cast one? Are you getting any wisps?" He shook his head, "nothing. I'm not sure why but I know if anyone can figure it out you can." I chuckled, rolling my eyes, "don't feel too confident just yet.. Draco.. I'm no expert." His name felt good rolling off of my tongue, I had to admit.

"Oh bloody hell mate, you're fantastic at teaching! Malfoy you'll be in the right hands here with my Harry!" I glared at Ron, but Hermione cut in before I could say anything, "he's right and you know it Harry!" I just sighed, "meet me after classes and I'll take a look at you.. well wait that came out wrong, not looking at you I mean you as in like Well.. your patronus.. I'm gonna go now, don't want to be late to potions, uhm see you then Malf- Draco, bye guys." I scurried up from the table mentally cursing myself. Why the bloody hell did he have such a dramatic effect on me.


"Alright, so how do I want to start this?" I chuckled at his eagerness, "what's so funny?" I shrugged, "you are like a cute little puppy." He blushed, and quirked up an eyebrow, "you think I'm cute huh Potter?" I put my head down, avoiding eye contact and coughed, "shove off. Let's start. Okay so I want you to stand there and close your eyes. Picture the happiest memory you have."

He closed his eyes, and I couldn't help but notice the struggle on his face. "Are you okay?" He shrugged taking a deep breath. "I only have one that comes to mind." I nodded then remembered his eyes were closed, "that's okay, is it strong?" He shrugged again sighing, "strongest one I have honestly."

"Alright, think about it hard for a few seconds then I want you to try and cast the spell." He took a deep breath, and after a few seconds shouted the spell. Nothing happened, I sighed. "It's okay, don't be disappointed you did good." He scoffed, "good? I didn't even get a wisp." I smiled, "the first time I tried casting one I passed out." He looked at me with wide eyes. "Really?!" I nodded sheepishly. "If you're okay with telling me, what did you think about?" He blushed, "you. Well not you specifically but you speaking at my trial." I smiled, and then frowned. "That was your happiest memory..?"

He shrugged, something he must do when he was uncomfortable, "well yeah, all I ever searched for in school was your validation. I got it that day." For some reason my gryffindor courage kicked in, "can I try something? I don't want to outright explain it so I need you to tell me what you are and aren't comfortable with." He looked me dead in the eyes, "I trust you with my life Harry. Do what you must." I nodded, "alright, close your eyes again okay."

He closed his eyes, and I snuck up behind him. I started rubbing my hands down his arms and back up. He tended a bit, "hey it's just me, listen to my voice alright. Try to relax." He nodded, relaxing a bit at the softness of my voice. "That's it love, good job." I couldn't help but feel nervous. This would either go really well or really bad, "that validation you were searching for, it's always been there. I have had feelings for you since third year, even when you were a prat there's just something about you I've never been able to see in anyone else." He opened his eyes, "Harry.."

I leaned down and attached out lips slowly, I stayed slow for a second, seeing how he responded. He immediately melted into my touch kissing me back, it was slow and passionate and I knew without his words what I'd been asking myself for years. Draco sodding Malfoy returned my feelings, I gripped his hips pulling him closer, enjoying the feeling of his body on mine.

When we finally pulled apart, he lifted his wand, and shouted the spell again. The familiar blue line shot out, and within seconds formed into a.. a dragon. I smiled brightly, "you did it! I'm so proud of you oh my merlin." He smiled wide, still blushing. "Thank you for your help." Still smiling, I kissed him again, this time much shorter. "I meant every word by the way." He chuckled, "I was hoping you did, I like you too, you know."

"I never thought you would." He sighed, "Harry, I climbed a tree for you. I sent you a cheesy picture in the shape of a bird. I made Potter stinks badges just to get you to yell at me. I risked my life to make sure you got out of the manor safe. I threw you the wand. I've been trying to get your attention for years." I pulled him into a hug. "Well you can have it anytime you want it, dragon." He rolled his eyes, "ew do not call me that! What is your patronus anyways."

I smiled, taking out my wand and casting a patronus, my stag showed up running in circles around Draco's head. "Try to cast yours again." He cast his a lot faster this time, only taking him a few seconds, and the dragon met my stag nuzzling it's head into the stags. I smiled, "even our patronus' think we should go to dinner." He looked over at me, "was that your way of asking me out on a date Potter?"

"Scared Malfoy?"

"You wish. Pick me up at six."

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