Title: cocoa?
Word count: 4,000
Trigger warnings: n/a
Thank you Jenny my dear friend for helping bounce ideas back and forth, she helped me finish this after months of working on it lol!
It was a cold winter night, chilled air filled Harry's lungs with each inhale, and frostbitten exhales fogged his glasses for a moment each time. Sitting in a small shoveled area on the ground, he had stopped shivering a few moments ago. He only felt the warmth of his frustration as he stared into the night sky and wondered how he was going to solve his case the next day.
He had seen cases like this before, but this one was a bit more complicated. If he could just figure out how to lure the guy into some sort of trap. Maybe maybe, he could finally catch him. Cases that took awhile always made Harry feel incompetent in some ways.
"Potter you absolute maniac, why are you sitting in the snow." Harry heard his once enemy, now neighbor shout from the other side of the fence. He rolled his eyes, trying to focus on his memory of the case file. Ignoring the blonde who he was sure would march over in a few seconds.
After the war they'd both called a truce, they weren't really close friends, nor did they talk often.. but they were neighbors now and they didn't hate each other. Some nights they'd have decent talks in Harry's back yard, and then they'd go a few days acting as if they didn't know one another.
It was a strange relationship, one that Hermione and Ron often thought was weird, but they stayed out of it. Now that Harry was free to live his life as he pleased, they didn't much enjoy taking those small decisions away from their healing friend. So they supported any and all crazy decisions the boy made. Though Hermione, being the new mother she was, still often gave both boys their routine lectures.
Zoning back into reality, Harry felt a rapid tapping on his shoulder. He looked up at the blonde unamused like, glaring into his silver eyes. "Can I help you Malfoy?" Harry bit, annoyed that his thought process had been distracted. It would take him hours to regain focus with his scattered brain that made him dizzy thought after thought.
"If you're going to sit here like a lunatic trying to solve this case, at least come inside my flat for some cocoa. It's freezing, and I disapprove of you sitting on snow filled ground." Draco huffed, hugging himself further into his winter coat and shivering. Harry glanced up again, this time with a more curious glare, his eyebrow arched perfectly to portray his confusion.
"How did you know I was thinking about my case?" He practically whispered the words, like the enemy was just sitting ahead of them listening in to their words. "I know you well enough Potter, your tongue was sticking out, your face way too warm for this cold weather. You were staring up at the stars, and you're sitting on the ground with your legs crossed. I've watched you work out hundreds of cases back here. You worry yourself sick but you always come back the following day with your shoulders sagging lower and a look of relief on your face. You know what you're doing, and I know what you look like doing it. Now, cocoa?"
Harry was absolutely baffled to say the least, he hadn't realized how much Draco knew about him. He cast a tempus charm silently, realizing it was well after eleven and sighed. "A quick mug of cocoa wouldn't hurt, but then I must get some rest." He said with a sigh, running his fingers through his black forever messy hair, and standing off the ground with a hand up from the blonde.
They walked silently back to Draco's flat, neither knowing what to say to the other. Harry was too stuck on how well Draco paid attention to him, and Draco's only thought was to get Harry out of the freezing cold weather.
They entered the neat and aesthetic little apartment, and Harry was amazing at how well it showcased Draco as a person. "Wow Draco, your place is beautiful." Harry whispered, taking in the sight and mentally comparing it to his own house. One that was barely filled with anything and looked unlived in. Harry rarely was home, always too busy with work, he only really used his apartment to sleep in.
"Thank you, I had forgotten that you have never actually been in here. Have a seat wherever you're comfortable, there's a throw over the sofa if you're cold. I'll go make the cocoa." Harry nodded, figuring nothing Draco said warranted a response. He sat on the sofa and decided maybe a blanket was a good idea, he hadn't realized how numb his limbs were from the cold until he entered the warm apartment.
He looked around a bit, discovering cute little things he hadn't noticed when they walked in. The picture of Pansy and Draco that sat right by the door, so guests could know immediately he had a best friend. The throw pillows on the couch that were worn down by one too many nights sleeping there by accident. Harry smiled to himself, Draco truly put his own image into his flat.
A few moments later, Draco returned with two mugs, cutting off Harry's brain. "It's quite hot, so be careful." Draco spoke soft but stern, getting the point across to Harry that he truly cared and didn't want him to get burnt. Harry smiled to himself, realizing now that when Draco cared he did it with his whole heart. That he didn't scream it out and hold up a big sign, but it was small gestures like that, they meant more to Draco. Harry thought they meant more to him too now.
They sat in relative silence, letting the warmth of the cocoa trail down their body til there was feeling in their limbs and a warm sensation in their stomachs.
"So do you feel any better?" Draco asked, and it's the first time Harry looked up to see how close he was to the blonde. To get a true glimpse of his rosy cheeks from the frigid weather outside. Weather he walked out in to check on Harry.
He wasn't sure if it was the gestures Draco was making, or if it was just because he was tired, but everything in him was screaming to kiss Draco. A few things had changed about Harry, but his gryffindor impulsiveness never once left.
On one hand he felt like everything finally made sense. The little gestures Draco always made when he'd notice Harry over working on a case. The way he'd bring Harry food or a drink if he'd noticed him pacing too much. He would also get his mail when Harry was on a case for more than a day, and he'd always bring it over the minute Harry got home to see if he was okay.
Draco rarely allowed anyone into his flat, that was something Harry knew about him. Yet here he was cuddled up in a blanket with a cup of cocoa in his hand on Draco Malfoy's couch. I mean that was reason enough to kiss him right?
He was a really decent mate, and Harry felt so many emotions towards him at that moment. He wasn't sure Draco would feel the same though. They'd only recently really become friends and Harry was afraid to ruin it by trying to kiss him the first time he'd ever been in his flat.
Harry's mind was racing with the possibilities while Draco was simply staring at him. Obtusely aware of the fact that he was in deep thought, and that the cocoa has lost its steam. As he analyzed his face he realized he was in deep thought, but it wasn't about a case.
Harry had the same face as when he was working a case.. but it was different at the same time. He had this little arch in his brow, and instead of his tongue sticking out he had his lips slightly parted and he was breathing slower than usual.
"Harry? What are you thinking about?" Draco asked, almost startling Harry out of his daze but not fully. "Nothing nothing, just my case." Harry answered, detached. "No you're not, that's not your case face. What's wrong?"
Harry's head snapped up and he finally made eye contact with Draco. He almost kissed him right then and there, because for the first time in forever Harry felt seen. He felt heard. Someone he's barely allowed in, who barely allowed him in, knew that much about him? To know that wasn't -as Draco called it- his 'case face'.. "If I said or did something wrong please tell me-"
"I really want to kiss you right now." Harry blurted, and immediately a blush rose to the blonde mans cheeks. "Oh? Well uhm, well that would be nice I suppose." That's all Harry needed to hear to set his mug of cocoa down and lean in slowly, kissing Draco. It was soft and short, but it made both boys feel something strong.
When Harry pulled away, letting the realization sink that he quite enjoyed that, he looked up at Draco. "Was that.. was that okay?" He stuttered out, suddenly feeling foolish and small. Like maybe this time his impulsiveness could've stayed to himself.
Draco grabbed his hands in his, nodding slowly, "yeah.. yeah it was more than okay, great even," Draco mumbled back with even more awkwardness than Harry, "I should really invite you over for cocoa more often."
Harry chuckled at the joke and smiled, "maybe, but I think you should definitely let me take you on a date this weekend." Draco nodded, still confused on how they got here, but smiled nonetheless, "absolutely, I would love that."
The following days were confusing, Harry was explaining to Ron and Hermione everything that happened over some tea. Both of them were beyond baffled, and nodding along slowly.
"Wait so you're telling me he invited you for cocoa, you kissed him, and now you're taking him out to dinner tonight?" Ron asked in a confused tone, he wasn't necessarily mad, he figured this would occur at some point. He was just shocked it didn't take another few decades.
"Yes that is precisely how it went Ronald, and it's a picnic not dinner, I don't know something about the way he was being just got me. I can't explain it, but I just knew I had to or I would've regretted it." Harry said calmly, he didn't think it was such a big deal, so he may like Draco. Who cares?
"Well I think it's lovely that you two are trying this, and it didn't even take half a century." Hermione said with a small smirk, she's been waiting on this for a long while now.
Harry rolls his eyes, shaking his head in a mixture of amusement and excitement. He was taking Draco out and it felt great, he hadn't been on a date since he and Ginny split and it was going to be great to get out into the world again with someone. Even if it happened quite fast. Sometimes you just know, right?
"Okay so help me plan this picnic please."
On the other hand Draco was pacing in front of Pansy trying to wrap his head around this whole ordeal. "I don't get it, I've tried flirting, friendly banter, everything I could think of and all I had to do was invite the bloke over for some cocoa and a nice conversation and suddenly he's snogging me on my couch and asking me on a date?!"
Draco was out of breath by the time Pansy had slapped him, and he looked up in shock, and then his shoulders sagged. "Okay maybe that was needed, but what do I wear? What do I do? Say? How do I do this Pan-"
"Draco Lucius Malfoy if you don't calm down this instant I'm going to break each of your limbs slowly and painfully." Pansy took a deep breath, staring at her friend with widened eyes and a flared nostril. Draco backed away a little, sighing deeply.
"Where is he taking you?" The girl asked, finally getting a moment to speak, hell finally getting a moment to breathe. She hadn't been able to process anything Draco had said during his freak out because he just continued to nonstop freak out.
"He didn't say honestly, just said to dress casually and warm.. what does that mean?!" Draco said with a twitch in his eye, hadn't he been driven crazy by Harry enough?
"Okay so cute but cozy we can work with that alright? You go shower and do your hair and I'll find you an outfit." Pansy ordered pointing towards the bathroom.
Draco threw his arms around her in a rush, "I love you so much, you know?" Pansy chuckled, pushing her best friend off of her, "yes I'm aware loverboy, now go."
Once the panic died down, Draco was quite excited for their date. He had figured out the perfect outfit and was pacing a bit waiting for the knock on his door.
Once it came he practically jumped towards his door, opening it quickly with a nervous chuckle. Harry who still had his fist up mid-knock pulled back quickly as to not punch his date in the face.
He laughed loudly, shaking his head, "eager are we?" Draco blushed a bright crimson color, holding his hand over his face. "Oh that's embarrassing I'm so sorry." Harry shrugged, holding out his hand. "Are you ready darling?"
"Yes extremely, where are we headed?" Harry smiled devilishly, grabbing ahold of Draco's hand. "You'll find out, are you okay to apparate?" Draco nodded, grabbing Harry closer than he needed to.
They apparated quickly, and Draco looked around in amazement once they'd landed, "oh Harry, this is so beautiful."
Harry had gone all out, he found an open field in quite a secluded area that no one muggle or wizard traveled by. He had a blanket set up with two picnic baskets and candles floating above head. There was also a small vase of white lilies in the center of the two baskets.
Draco stared in awe before shaking his head to rid his warm and personal thoughts. Harry cleared his throat a bit awkwardly, "I'm really glad you like it, let's sit."
So they sat, and Harry pulled out some food. Well really it was too much food for one picnic. He wasn't sure what Draco wanted, so he went way too overboard. Hermione suggested something small and simple, but Harry wanted Draco to enjoy the food, so he made it all.
Together they ate, chatted, and laughed away. They shared a thermos of cocoa, and a few kisses here and there. It was the perfect date.
"If I had known asking you over for a cup of cocoa would've done all this, I would've done it months ago," Draco said with a faint blush on his cheeks. Which he would for sure be blaming on the cold even though Harry's heating charms were perfect.
"So you uhm, well.. I mean, like you've felt this way for a while then?" Harry stumbled out, sipping on the cocoa to avoid making eye contact.
"Yeah I suppose, I mean I've always found you attractive. Even in school, but after we spent a little more time together without the whole weight of the war issue in the way.. I actually liked being around you."
"I feel the same way, but I didn't realize that I felt that way until I kissed you. Which sounds horrid I'm sure but I am terrible with recognizing my own feelings. I've been too worried about everyone else's feelings for so long I forgot I could have them myself."
Draco sighed, deciding not to respond as he laid his head on Harry's shoulder. The two sat in silence, enjoying the bit of cool breeze they could still feel through the heating charms.
When they finished eating, Harry flicked his wand quickly to clean everything up. Which Draco found incredibly attractive, and Harry noticed by the smallest hitch in his breath. Which he solved by pulling Draco into another breathtaking kiss.
"Shall I get you home now? I'm sure you have to write to Pansy and explain how the whole date went," Harry teased, sticking out his arm to apparate them back. The blonde just rolled his eyes with a small smirk, "oh please like you aren't going to do the same with Ron and Hermione."
"It was amazing Hermione, you don't get it. I felt so free, like I could do or say anything," Harry said cheerfully, a small sparkle in his eye as he sighed in bliss.
"Oh you've got it bad don't you? Did you ask him to be your boyfriend?" Hermione smiled, sharing a look of amusement with Ron who was giving Harry multiple looks of concern.
Rose was babbling and smacking Harry in the face, but he didn't quite mind. He loved his niece in all of her cuteness. "Not really, I mean we've seen each other everyday for the last two weeks. But I don't think anybody wants to label it just yet. He's coming over this evening though I hope that's okay?"
Ron shrugged, "if he hurts my daughter I'll have to end you for it. If you trust him around Rosie, we trust your judgment mate."
Harry smiled at his friend, every fortnight they left him with Rose so they could go on a date and enjoy their evening. Harry loved it because he got to spend time with his favorite-and only-niece.
A few minutes later while Harry was talking to Hermione with Rose in his lap, there was a knock on the door. Ron motioned for Harry to stay seated and went to answer the door.
"Oh hey Weasley," Draco said, awkwardly scratching his neck. He wasn't expecting to have to see them this soon. "Hey Malfoy, come on in, Harry's got Rose on his lap so I figured I'd grab the door."
Draco nodded, giving Ron a small smile. Him and Ron were on decent terms and all, but it was always weird to be around him. They certainly weren't friends.
Walking into the sitting room of Harry's flat, Draco couldn't help but look at Harry in awe. Harry was plenty attractive on his own, but seeing him with a baby? Now that was hot.
"Hey love, come on in. Hermione and Ron are leaving shortly and then me, you, and this sweet little girl are going to have some dinner," Harry said quietly, looking down at the baby in his arms with a fond smile.
"Sounds good. Hermione you look lovely as always, I hope you're doing well. Ron, same to you." Draco said, hanging up his coat.
The four adults chatted for a bit, catching up with Draco mostly which made the blonde feel welcomed and less awkward. He felt good knowing maybe he and Harry could have something without Ron and Hermione being upset.
"Alright now that they're gone I'm just gonna order some take out for the three of us, and then we will watch Cinderella because it's this little princess's favorite," Harry cooed the last part at Rose, and Draco smiled fondly.
Harry ordered some pizza and came back to put on Cinderella. "Pizza at her age huh? Seems a bit hard to eat."
Harry laughed, shrugging, "it's actually her favorite. I cut it up really small for her and she just loves it. It's our special thing, she gets pizza and ice cream every fortnight. Also she is 14 months old, she isn't a newborn."
"You're really great with kids," Draco said both simply and fondly. "I wouldn't say I'm great with kids, just Rosie and Teddy. I don't spend much time around kids otherwise."
"How is Teddy? I've been wondering and haven't gotten to ask," Harry was Teddy's godfather but with his constant work schedule they had decided it was best to leave him with Andromeda for a while.
"He's alright, I see him as much as I can. I know why Andy wanted to take him, I know with my job it would be too hard.. but sometimes I feel like I'm failing Remus you know? Remus trusted me with him, Remus loved me enough to put his sons life in my hands. That's a lot of trust."
"I don't think he would say you are failing if he was here love, you did the right thing by keeping him with Aunt Andy for now. Especially after the war you were in no shape to raise a child," Draco ran his hand up and down Harry's arm for comfort.
"I suppose you're right, plus I think keeping him in one place is for the best. If Andy ever decides she can't do it then of course I will but.. right now she's best with him. Plus she's gotten him into muggle school until hogwarts and he loves it."
"I wish I would've been around that side of my family more. Maybe I would've turned out better," Draco said, chuckling dryly. "I think you turned out absolutely amazing, even with the obstacles you faced along the way," Harry said, causing a blush to creep onto Draco's face.
Their conversation got cut off there when the delivery man knocked on their door. That was the great thing about living in muggle London, they had enough wards to still be able to do magic but they could still have muggles around.
"Alright I'll go cut up her food and make our plates if you don't mind holding her?" Harry asked handing Rose to Draco "uhm yeah sure," Draco answered nervously grabbing the baby awkwardly. It isn't that he didn't like kids he just wasn't around them often. By the time he got to meet Teddy he was already five.
"Well aren't you very cute, for a ginger," Draco said, poking Rose's nose. The little look she gave him made him chuckle, "wow you've got your mums look of disapproval down at a very young age darling."
Draco continued awkwardly holding the baby until Harry came back with dinner. He laughed at the sight of the two of them and set the pizza on the coffee table.
He took Rose back from Draco and set her up in her high chair with her pizza, and then walked back to the kitchen for a moment.
When he returned he handed Draco a glass of wine and winked cheekily at him, "pizza and wine huh Potter? You sure know how to woo a man."
"Well I'd like to think I've wooed you enough to maybe make you consider being my boyfriend?" Harry asked nervously, turning the wine in his glass as a distraction.
Draco sat silent for a moment, a huge smile on his face, "are you serious?" The blonde questioned in a bit of shock. Harry wanted to be his boyfriend. His boyfriend.
"Of course I'm serious Draco. I'm not sure how I missed it for so long, but now that I've come to realize and understand my feelings more I realized how long they've really been there. You're wonderful for me, with me, and to me and I want you to be in my life that way if you'll have me."
Draco almost spilled both of their wine jumping up to hug Harry, "yes yes, I would absolutely love to be yours Harry Potter."
Harry smiled, and responded by giving Draco a slow kiss. Which of course got interrupted by a baby throwing pizza and screaming. The two men pulled apart, chuckling together as they helped Rose finish her pizza.
"Maybe instead of wine I should've made cocoa." Harry winked, smiling at how perfect everything had turned out. All because of a stupid winter night, a terrible work case, and a glass of cocoa.
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