Around the rink
Title: Around the rink
Word count: 5,000
Trigger warnings: n/a
PSA: this is based on my knowledge of American roller rinks. I'm not sure how they are in the UK, as I've never been. Also the boys never went through the same type of hell we see in canon, so this is as teenage romance as it gets. The awkward shy type lol. This is also my first muggle AU so bear with me, any advice welcome but pls be nice lol. TIA and enjoy <3
"..and he's just got these eyes you know? You look into them and you forget your damn name," Harry babbled on, shoving some popcorn into his face.
"Harry mate I get that you think the bloke is hot or whatever but you don't even know his name," Ron dramatically sighed out, adjusting his head in Hermione's lap to give Harry a pointed look.
"Well maybe I'll ask him eventually. I've worked the rink every weekend for three months, and he is there with his friends every weekend. So eventually I have to ask him right?"
"Right Harry, because you definitely have the ability to do that. That's why it's taken you this long," Hermione rolled her eyes, Harry hadn't shut up about the blonde at the roller rink he worked at in weeks.
Every weekend Harry picked up a few shifts at a local roller rink, and every Sunday Ron and Hermione had to hear about the gorgeous blonde lad that came in to skate with his friends.
"Why don't you two come in to skate Saturday night? Then you can finally see him, you can go on a date or whatever."
"Are you bloody mad, Harry? Me and Hermione aren't dating," Ron sputtered out, cheeks turning wildly red. "Hermione and I, Ronald, you'd think by year 10 you'd understand basic English," Hermione bit back, looking equally as red.
Smirking, Harry replied subtly, "well of course not, I meant as friends of course. For real guys, you have to come!"
"Come where?" Sirius' voice interrupted the conversation, making the three teens jump in unison. Harry wasn't exactly out to his dads yet, so the blonde bloke from the rink hadn't been discussed with them.
"Uhm.. to the rink on Saturday," Harry stuttered out, hoping Padfoot didn't want an explanation. "You better not be up to trouble while you're working," Remus' voice came from behind Sirius.
Rolling his eyes, Harry glared at Sirius for not warning him Remus was there. He went to reply but Ron beat him to it, "don't worry Remus, Harry here just wants me and Hermione to meet his crush."
"Shove off Ron, I don't have a crush on anyone Moony don't worry," Harry said glaring at his best friend now.
"Well whoever he is I'm sure he's lovely," Remus said walking off, causing Harry to sputter again. "I don't like blokes Moony!"
"Sure you don't Prongslet, we said the same thing at your age!" Sirius said, laughing evilly as he walked away. Harry stared in horror at the door.
"Oh give me a break honestly Harry, you were raised by your parents gay bestfriends what sort of reaction are you hoping for here? They're not going to smite you," Hermione sighed, shoving Ron's head off of her lap, "I'm going to study for my AP calculus final, Ron I expect you'll pick me up at six on Saturday."
"Uhm yeah sure Mione, whatever you want mate," Ron said with a side eye glare towards Harry, "way to go Harry," he muttered.
"Oh please Ron, you've been wanting to go on a date with Hermione since year seven," Harry said once Hermione left the room, laughing at Ron's disgruntled facial expression.
"Well maybe but I don't want her to know that," Ron said dramatically flopping back down on the bed, "and yet she does. You chose the girl in AP calculus at 15 Ron, she knows everything."
"Well you chose the gay dads to hide your gayness from, so I guess we're both dumb," Ron playfully shot back. "I did not choose them, I inherited them from my parents will after they were murdered," Harry said with a cruel smile on his face.
"Bloody hell mate, you have a twisted sense of humor," Ron chuckled, throwing the pillow he was holding at Harry's head. He accidentally knocked the popcorn off his bed.
The next twenty minutes were of course spent in an intense pillow fight, full of giggling and shouting. "Harry, if you two don't knock it off and start studying, I'm taking your phone away for a month," Remus shouted down the hall.
"You wouldn't dream of it moony!" Harry shouted back laughing. Sirius and Remus adopted Harry at a young age, after his parents were murdered by a psycho serial killer when he was a baby.
They were his dads in every way that mattered, but moony and padfoot always were the names they wanted and the ones that stuck. They were amazing parents to Harry.
"So we're going to the rink on Saturday right? So Draco can see the love of his life," Pansy asks with a chuckle, earning a glare from Draco.
"Very funny Parkinson, we go because we enjoy it," Draco scoffed out, rolling his eyes at his friends who were laughing at him.
"Yes we enjoy roller skating, and you enjoy fawning over the black haired green eyed ball of nerves that works behind the counter," Blaise teases, winking at Pansy.
"He's very attractive, okay? In fact I'm surprised you two don't think he's attractive," Draco sniffed, turning his nose up at his friends.
"Oh he's plenty hot mate, but he's absolutely smitten over you so we will leave you to it. As for Pansy I don't think there's a straight bone in the blokes body so I don't suppose she would get far."
"I'll cheers to that love, he's completely drooling for Draco," Pansy snickered.
"Who is drooling for my dear boy?" Narcissa said in the doorway, causing the three to sit up straighter. "No one insane mother, just a boy from the roller rink. He's quite the charmer," Draco was openly out to his parents.
His father didn't like it at first, but Draco was quite spoiled and they just wanted their boy to be happy. They got over it rather quickly, and if Narcissa threatened Lucius' life to quicken up that acceptance a bit sooner well Draco didn't need to know that.
"Well if this boy is worth your time dear, then perhaps you should ask him to dinner or something," Narcissa winked, motioning the children to come eat dinner themselves.
"How do I look mate?" Ron asked for the umpteenth time, even though he was only wearing blue jeans and a nice shirt. "You look brill mate truly, now let's go pick her up before you're late and she's mad."
Walking downstairs, Harry shouted for Padfoot who was driving them all. "Don't forget we have to pick up Mione, so that this one can embarrass himself at my expense all night."
"Very funny, I'd watch it mate or I'll go tell your little friend how their eyes make you forget your name," Ron winked, dodging the pillow Harry threw towards him.
"Forget your name? He must be truly beautiful my dear Prongslet," Sirius' joked, grabbing his keys as he headed for the door.
Once in the car, the three very mature men were screaming to Taylor swift as they pulled into the Granger residence.
"You have to go to the door and get her mate, and here give her this," Harry handed him a rose. "Mate where did you get this?" Ron laughed, taking hold of the rose.
"The garden obviously, I see why Mione calls you daft honestly," Harry joked, trying to push Ron out of the car. "I don't see why you can't just ask for his name, you have no problem giving me advice," Ron whispered.
"Out of the car Ronald," Harry said, rolling his eyes at both his friend and his dad who was laughing in the front seat, "and you up there, be quiet."
Harry watched as Ron walked up to the door, holding the rose behind his back. The rinks Saturday night skate was eight to eleven, so they were heading to dinner first.
What Ron didn't know is Harry booked two seperate tables, so while he was having dinner with his dad Ron and Hermione get to go on a date of their own.
"Mate I can't believe you did that," Ron grumbled as they pulled into the rink, making Harry laugh. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Alright padfoot I'll be off around midnight once we finish cleaning, Hermione and Ron can stay over right?"
"Yes that's fine, IF you ask him what his name is," Sirius winked, causing two of the three teens to laugh, and of course one to overdramatically groan and throw his hands up like his father. "Okay Prongslet, dial down the James dramatics."
"Never, see you after pads," Harry said, hugging Sirius before dragging Hermione and Ron in through the doors. The roller rink was not spectacular by any means, but it was a classic hangout for the local teens.
"Alright I'll get you two skates and then I've got to get to work, have fun," Harry said, grabbing his friends' skates before grabbing his own. Part of the job meant he had to skate everywhere he went.
Which didn't matter much because nights like tonight his job was to go out in the rink and make sure all of the kids were okay, and everyone was following rules.
Even though it was a late night skate many parents brought their little children out, and most teens didn't watch close enough for the little bodies falling everywhere.
Harry had seen some gruesome injuries to the littles, so he liked the nights he got to go out and help teach them.
It only took ten minutes for the rink to start filling up, and Harry continued looking for the blonde subconsciously. He was usually right on time for the doors to open.
Hermione and Ron kept skating by, albeit poorly. Ron was pretty good at skating, but Hermione had only gone once before and was practically clinging to Ron. Harry laughed each time they passed.
That is until another group of three passed by and caught Harry's eye. How he missed their entrance was beyond him, he must've been watching Ron and Hermione too closely.
The blonde immediately locked eyes with Harry, and Harry smiled awkwardly back at him. They continued staring at each other each time the blondes' group would pass Harry.
It was all fine until Harry was helping one of the littles get up, and Draco was staring a bit too hard, he crashed right into Pansy and went flying into Harry.
Harry was able to keep his balance and keep a hold of the little girl, but Draco ended up on the floor. "Are you okay sweetheart?" Harry asked the little girl, who nodded, "thank you mister," she said giggling and went back to try and keep skating.
Harry turned around and looked at the blonde on the floor, moving closer and extending a hand, "need help up?" Harry asked as calmly as he could, he had talked to him before, but usually only to ask his skate size the nights he worked the skate booth.
The blonde extended his hand awkwardly, blushing the entire time, "thanks, I'm sorry about that, I'm usually pretty good at this."
"I know, I see you in here every weekend, but we all fall sometimes it's okay," Harry said as he helped pull the blonde up. "I didn't hurt that little girl did I," Draco asked looking around for her.
"No she was fine you didn't even hit her, your friends are waiting right up there," Harry pointed to where the other two were standing in the middle of the ring. There was a middle circle in the rink, open to people who needed to get out of the skate for a second.
Draco looked back at his friends, and then over at Harry again, "I'm Draco by the way, try to look worse next weekend so I don't get so distracted," Draco said with a wink.
"Harry, and I'll be in the skate booth next weekend so you don't have to worry about falling for me," Harry winked back, blushing a bit as Draco skated back over to his friends.
After a few non-suspicious laps, Hermione and Ron skated up to Harry. "Oh my god! He talked to you, you talked to him! You guys were definitely flirting with each other," Hermione said frantically.
"Maybe a little, and his name is Draco," Harry said, biting his lip to hold back the smile that wanted to creep on his face. He hadn't really crushed on anyone in his almost fifteen years of life, this was a first for him.
At the end of the night Harry stayed on the rink until he made sure everyone was off safely and no one got hurt. When he came off the rink himself he realized Draco and his friends were talking to Ron and Hermione.
He skated over to the five of them smiling, "hey guys what's up?" He asked Ron and Hermione, who smiled shamelessly at him, "oh we were just discussing coming back next weekend, this is Pansy and Blaise, they're Draco's friends."
"Nice to meet you both, Harry," he said a bit awkwardly, nodding to the two, "oh trust me we know who you are," Pansy mumbled, causing Hermione and Ron to laugh.
Harry could tell his friends were up to no good, and he glared at them a bit, "well I'm not sure what you two are up to, but I've got to go start cleaning so we can get out of here at some point tonight, it was nice meeting you all!"
Harry skated away shaking his head, trying his best not to look back at a certain blonde. He made it over to the skate stand, taking his skates off and spraying them out before tucking the laces and putting them away.
"I saw you talking to your blonde boy," Seamus sang out, helping Harry do the same to the rest of the skates people brought back up. "His name is Draco, and I believe my friends are setting something sneaky up as we speak," Harry grumbled, pointing to where the five were still talking.
"Oh yeah lad, Ron's got that face that means he's up to no good, you have fun with that," Seamus chuckles, continuing to quickly move through the skates. "See you next weekend Harry," Draco's friend Pansy calls out, to which Harry sighs, "see you guys."
Once they're out the door Harry groans, glaring at his friends, "what in the hell did you two do?" Hermione smiles sweetly, shrugging, "oh nothing, we're just gonna grab some dinner with them all next Saturday, before your shift of course so you can be there."
"You guys are seriously unbelievable," Harry groaned. "Listen mate, it took you three months to get the blokes' name, we just needed to speed up the process a bit. If we waited on you two, you'd be pining for so long we'd be grown before you asked him out."
Harry rolled his eyes again, turning back to finish the last few skates and ignoring his friends. Once he was done with the skates he finished vacuuming and cleaning up the rest of the roller rink, still not saying anything to Ron and Hermione.
Once he was completely done for the night he let his boss, Tonks, know so she could close up. "Thanks Potter, see you next weekend! Tell Sirius I said hello!"
"Bye Tonks, I will!" Tonks was Sirius' younger cousin, and she was very much like him in many ways. Sirius didn't get along with most of his family, beside Tonks and Andromeda. He has a brother he is trying to rebuild a relationship with of some sort, but it's not something that seems to be working well.
Speaking of Sirius, he was honking his horn repeatedly as the three teens walked out. "Calm down Padfoot we're here my goodness, Tonks says hello by the way."
"Harry has a date next weekend!" Ron shouts immediately, causing Harry to glare, "seriously Ron can you ever keep your bloody mouth shut. It's not a date if I recall, you two set up some kind of group dinner."
"So you got his name?" Sirius asks Ron, knowing Harry won't be so willing to share, "Draco!" Ron shouts again, before Harry can stop him.
"I hate yo-" Harry starts, but is quickly cut off by Sirius slamming the breaks and pulling off the side of the road. "Draco?! As in Draco Malfoy?!"
The three teens in the back looked at each other confused, "uhm, super pale, blonde, kind of gray silvery eyes, pretty? I don't know his last name," Harry said in a confused tone.
"Narcissa is his mother Harry, there's not too many Draco's around here," Sirius said in a weird, somehow even tone, almost like he was trying not to snap.
"Narcissa, your cousin? Lucius Malfoy's wife? Bellatrixs' sister? The nut job side of your family," Harry said slowly, feeling his mouth go dry.
"I'm not saying you can't go out with him, he may be completely different from them. In fact I don't even think Narcissa is quite as bad as the rest of the family, just.. be careful please," Sirius didn't want Harry to not enjoy himself if he really liked Draco.
"Wait Harry wouldn't that make him your cousin too?" Ron asks, making Hermione and Sirius groan. "No Ron, I'm adopted you prat, dead parents remember."
"Oh. Right, okay. I forgot that part," Ron said, turning red. Everyone shook their heads in annoyance, chuckling, as much as they loved Ron he was so daft sometimes.
"Har it'll be fine I promise, we will have a fun time okay?" Mione said giving my hand a comforting squeeze, "well now I have to worry about him being a prat like his parents, which isn't very encouraging to find out about the boy I've fancied from afar for months."
"Let's just give him a chance mate, who knows like Sirius said he may be nothing like them," Ron clapped his friend on the shoulder, trying to offer some of the same comfort Hermione did.
"Alright we will see," Harry said reluctantly, smoothing down his shirt. He was really worried about this hang out or date or whatever it was. He still wasn't really sure.
"You ready Harry?" Sirius asked with a faux smile, he was trying to be extra cheerful because, of course, it was his godsons first crush but Harry saw right through it.
"Yes Sirius, let's go," Harry grumbled, not looking forward to any part of tonight. Hermione and Ron froze, watching the way Sirius reacted to being called by his first name by Harry.
Sirius tried not to react, but he was still Sirius, overdramatic and loud. So his face morphed into disgust and betrayal very quickly. "You called me Sirius.." he whispered.
Harry sighed, "sorry Padfoot, I'm nervous I didn't mean it," Harry wrapped his arms around his dad hugging him tightly. "I suppose I'm being paranoid."
"It's okay Harry, it's kind of my fault. I didn't mean to get you freaked out, Draco is probably a very sweet young man. I'm sure you'll have a great time," Sirius said, hugging Harry back.
"Let's go love," Remus said at the door, "I'll drive for you pads." Sirius kissed his husband on the way out of the door.
When they arrived at the restaurant, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy were the first two people you spotted standing in front of it.
Sirius and Remus took deep breaths both getting out of the car. "Cissy, my dear cousin," Sirius said, sarcastically. "Sirius love, how are you? Long time no see," Narcissa replied, almost so sweet you couldn't tell where the sarcasm was.
"Is my boy going to be okay tonight Narcissa?" Sirius asked slowly, looking Lucius up and down, "Now now Black, don't worry about me, my sons a decent boy," Lucius replied, snidely.
Sirius cocked his head towards Narcissa, who genuinely laughed, "your boy will be fine Sirius. Draco's been going on and on about Harry for months, he doesn't share nor was he taught the same views our parents tried to teach us."
Harry sighed a bit in relief at that. He wasn't sure why but he trusted Narcissa. He had a good feeling about her. Lucius not so much, but that may have just been Sirius' doing.
He slowly walked up to them, "Harry, nice to meet you," he poked his hand out awkwardly. "Narcissa, lovely to meet you as well dear," she returned the hand shake, and Harry bowed his head a bit.
"Lucius. Treat him well," Lucius said sharply, shaking his hand firmly but quickly. He never cared for the Potters, but if his son cared for Harry he would simply get over it.
"I will sir, thank you," Harry nodded, looking back at his friends, "uhm, let's go inside guys. See you later Padfoot, Moony, love you guys," Harry hugged them both, waving once more at the Malfoys.
When Harry walked in he immediately spotted the table in which Draco and his friends were. Suddenly feeling shy, he looked at Hermione. She always knew what to do.
Chuckling at her lost best friend she slowly dragged her two boys over to the table. "Hey guys!" She said cheerfully, sitting next to Pansy and Blaise.
Ron sat across from her, leaving the seat in between him and Draco for Harry. Harry awkwardly sat down, smiling at Draco. "I met your parents outside, your mom and my Godfather are cousins," Harry chuckled.
"Oh lord, hopefully my father wasn't too overbearing. Wait, your Godfather? Sirius? You're Harry Potter?" Draco asked, his eyes wide. He had heard so much about the Potters, and he knew Harry had been adopted by his cousin.
"Yep, that would be me," Harry chuckled, running his hands through his hair nervously. "Oh my, please tell me my father was alright?"
"He shook my hand, he was short but respectful. I can't complain about the interaction. Your mother was absolutely lovely."
"Yes mother is amazing, father on the other hand usually says enough to not make mother angry," Draco said jokingly.
The waiter came around shortly after and got their orders and drinks, as the group started talking. "So Harry, what part of the rink are you working tonight?" Draco asked curiously, he liked when Harry was out on the floor cos he could usually see him the whole night.
"Oh I actually switched shifts with Dean tonight, I figured I'd join you all tonight," the boy replied, winking at Draco. Draco blushed a bit, but quickly recovered, "that will be lovely."
The two bantered and talked back and forth, getting to know one another. The entire time they were at dinner they barely spoke to anyone else at the table.
Of course the other four didn't mind, after months of hearing the two fawn over each other it was nice to see. They made quite the pair.
Harry was feeling on top of the world, his teenage heart pounding in his chest the entire time. He had never felt so connected to a person, it was like Draco just understood him.
Draco felt the same way. He had never really shared the disgusting views his family always did. He had heard so much about the Potters and their "filth" growing up, which really just meant they were probably good people. His extended family didn't like good people much.
Draco always felt like he was the outcast in his family. He wanted to be just like his father when he was younger, but as he grew up he realized his fathers views and values weren't all that glorious. His father nearly choked when he found out his son was gay.
Since then Draco had gotten through to his father though, he was starting to slowly accept more and more. His father was no perfect man, but nowadays he wasn't a man Draco was afraid or ashamed to claim.
"Sirius is honking again, Harry, must be about time to go. That man has absolutely no patience," Hermione tsked, shaking her head. Harry just laughed in response.
"You know how Padfoot is, lord forbid you make the man wait," Harry said, quickly setting money down for the entire bill, "let's go losers."
He ran out with a laugh as everyone started complaining to him about paying the bill, "I told you guys from the beginning I had it. I don't know why we're surprised now," he stuck his tongue out and quickly jumped in the back seat.
"So how was it?" Padfoot asked as soon as they got into the car. Harry sighed happily, "it was better than I imagined. He's amazing."
"Oh our little Prongslet has fallen hard, moony alert the heaven bound friends of ours. Their little boy has his first crush," Padfoot said dramatically, causing Remus to snort.
"As soon as I figure out how to properly communicate to the dead I will let them know, also are we sure prongs made it to heaven? Lily of course, but.. James?" Remus said, making everyone laugh.
"You two are entirely too dramatic," Harry said exasperated, shaking his head at his dads. They pulled into the rink shortly after, and Harry kissed the two men's heads. "We will be done at eleven tonight since I'm not working, love you guys."
Getting out of the car and rushing inside, all of the kids met inside the skating rink, everyone in their little pairs. When Draco and Harry walked up to the skate stand together, Dean whistled, nodding his head. "Oh finally, you two can stop pining," the boy said, winking.
Both Harry and Draco blushed, "piss off mate, you know my size," Harry said with a glare. Dean laughed grabbing both boys skates, seeing as Draco was a frequent skater there he knew his size too.
Once they had their skates on, they sort of ditched the rest of the group, choosing to skate just the two of them around the rink. Draco kept brushing his hand against Harrys, and Harry would blush.. but neither of them seemed to want to make the next move.
"So, how long have you been pining?" Harry said teasingly, trying to break up some of the tension, "Since the first night you worked here, there was something about you that just kept me hooked. I'm not usually one to gain crushes especially not so quickly. I take academics very seriously."
"Now you sound like Hermione," Harry joked, "but wow yeah I'd say it's been about that long for me too. Your eyes really are what caught my attention. They are stunning."
Draco blushed, looking down and finally linking their hands, "thank you Harry, for what it is worth, I think YOU are stunning."
Both boys had a blush on their cheeks and an unmovable smile plastered to their faces. They skated in silence with their fingers laced, every once in a while talking about something random.
When the skate was over, neither quite knew how to say goodbye. They stood by the door awkwardly, blushing. "Well I had a lovely night.." Draco trailed off, not knowing how to continue.
"Me too.. we should do it again," Harry said shyly, looking anywhere but at Draco. His hands were shaking and he took a deep breath, looking up to meet Draco's eyes.
Draco smiled again, only halfway this time, and then he decided to go for it. He leaned in slowly, and Harry started to do the same. They shared a chaste kiss that made both of their cheeks light up red.
They pulled apart bashfully, smiling like fools. "Well.. call me, I would like to take you out again soon," Harry said, trying to contain his excitement.
"Yes I will do that, perhaps we could go somewhere outside of the rink," Draco winked, opening the door for Harry. They walked to their separate vehicles, both smiling and internally freaking out.
"So how was it?" Padfoot asked as Harry got into the car. "I'm so damn glad Tonks asked me to work here," Harry said, tone giddy and high. Padfoot glanced back at his son, a huge smile on his face as well, just happy that his Harry was happy.
Draco and Harry had gone on several more dates since the first one. They were currently at Harry's, hanging out in his room. Harry had invited Draco and his parents over for dinner.
Both boys were having a great time together, going on dates, sharing sweet kisses, and just being teenagers through and through. Draco was impatient though, and Harry had yet to ask him to be his boyfriend. Draco didn't like when he didn't get his way.
"So what are we?" Draco asked bluntly, quickly learning that with Harry you couldn't be subtle. Which he of course found endearing, when it didn't have to do with him.
"What do you mean what are we?" Harry asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion. He wasn't sure what Draco meant, "like, are we just friends or..?" Draco trailed off, suddenly feeling very awkward for even asking the question.
"Oh. OH. Like what are we. Uhm w-well," Harry stuttered out, looking down at his hands, he took a deep breath, "would you like to be my boyfriend?"
Draco smiled brightly, pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek, "I thought you'd never ask me darling. Yes of course I would."
"Then I suppose we are a couple," Harry winked, with a laugh. "So no more staring at you while I'm skating with my friends ?" Draco teased.
"I don't think I'd be able to take my eyes off you if you paid me, beautiful boy," Harry flirted, leaning over to give Draco a small kiss.
They sighed happily, both estatic the other felt the same way. From pining at the skating rink, to officially being boyfriends. Both boys were thrilled to have found someone who made them feel so special.
Thank goodness for the skating rink, and pretty eyes of course.
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