Halloween Horror Nights
{The ending of this completely got away from me so there might be a re-write in the future. Happy Halloween!}
Draco Malfoy hated being scared and the loss of control that came with subjecting himself to the unknown. The only reason he was at this horror night to begin with was because his best friend Pansy didn't want to go alone. Naturally, he would hold this over her head for the rest of her life as he screamed for the tenth time in the span of 5 minutes.
"Pansy darling, I very well may sacrifice you to the next demonic looking thing that comes for me," Draco muttered, looking down at his phone for some semblance of peace as he continued to follow her.
"And if I wanted you instead?," a low voice whispered in his ear from behind.
"I don't put out on the first date but Pansy does, she's right there," Draco replied as he nodded in her direction, not even looking at the actor as he walked faster in her direction.
Harry didn't think that response would do at all. Not from the beautiful blond man who had captured his attention as soon as he walked into the park.
So, Harry watched and waited from behind, looking for the perfect opportunity to strike again. It came less than an hour later.
Really, the beautiful man should stay off of his phone. It's quite easy to get turned around at the park, especially when you're not paying attention. Harry watched earnestly as "Pansy" decided to make a sharp right turn, and his beauty had continued on straight, completely oblivious.
"Perfect," Harry whispered to himself with a grin as he stalked after the man.
It was easy to get him steered into a corner, a simple wink or head nod at his coworkers was all it took. They loved helping each other set up their scares.
By the time Draco realized he had cornered himself and quickly spun around to flee, it was too late. Harry was behind him, waiting, slowly moving closer until Draco's back was pressed against the wall, but never touching him.
Slowly, Draco's gaze traveled upwards from the man's chest, the only place he deemed safe to look so he didn't scream, to his face. His mouth parted, because despite the man's grotesque makeup and pointy toothed smile, he was beautiful in a way. His green eyes were sparkling with mischief, but there was an undertone of kindness hidden within them.
Everything seemed to move in slow motion, and soon enough Draco was encapsulated by the man. His hands were on either side of Draco's head, pressed against the wall, but even so, he was mindful to keep as much space as possible between himself and Draco.
Draco didn't think this would be his undoing, but he was nervous and flustered, which was never a good combination.
"Are we about to kiss right now?," Draco blurted out with a nervous giggle.
A surprised laugh was startled out of the other man. He had never gotten that reaction before, but he also hadn't done anything like this before either.
"I thought you didn't put out on the first date?"
"What?- oh. It was you."
"Does that change anything?," Harry asked with a grin, looking down at Draco's form pressed against the wall.
"It may."
"What's a beautiful man like you doing all alone?"
"I lost my friend. Some friend she is abandoning me like this anyway. She's not answering her phone."
"No boyfriend?"
"Why, you wanna ask me out on a date?"
"Maybe. Do you have a boyfriend?," Harry asked with a grin, finishing the Scream reference.
"No, but that doesn't answer my question."
"I won't pretend like I haven't been captivated by you since you first entered the park."
"You've been watching me?"
Under normal circumstances, Draco would have been mildly concerned at the minimum. It was different with this man. He found that he liked being pinned down by the other's gaze. It made him excited, and his life could use some more excitement.
"Would you believe me if I said you're the only person in all the years I've worked here to have captivated me?"
"Would you believe me if I said I felt the same?," Draco flirted back.
"Yes, actually."
"And why is that?"
"Because I'm the only person who's face you haven't screamed in tonight."
"Do you want me to scream for you?," Draco asked before the implication could set in.
Harry just grinned wickedly in return, while Draco blushed and hit Harry's chest with his hand.
"Did you know if you touch me first, I'm allowed to touch you back pretty boy?," Harry asked, hand reaching out to caress Draco's face, but leaving mere centimeters between them.
Feeling brave, Draco took the initiative and leaned into Harry's touch.
"There are so many things wrong with me that I'm into this."
"I fear what's underneath will be scarier than the makeup."
"Unlikely. You have kind eyes."
"Yours hold the answer to everything I've been looking for."
"You're such a smooth talker."
"Maybe right now," Harry admitted, "but if I had seen you anywhere else I'd be a stuttering fool."
"Good thing I'm into that then," Draco flirted, nuzzling into Harry's hand.
"Fancy an escort to find your friend, pretty boy?"
"What if I wanted to spend the rest of the night with you?"
"That can be arranged if you want to meet the man behind the mask."
"What time do you get off?"
"I may be persuaded to get off early," Harry replied with a grin. "I typically get off at midnight though."
"Do you eat after your shifts?"
"I usually go out with my mates, but if you're offering, I'll gladly make other plans for you, pretty boy," Harry offered, holding out his hand for the man to take.
"Draco. My name is Draco," he replied shyly as he took Harry's hand.
"I'd make a wish on you my star, but I think my greatest desire has just been granted."
"I'm not that special," Draco brushed off.
"I broke character for you, I would say that makes you quite special. Hold on."
Draco watched with bated breath as Harry set up another scare. He envied how alive the other man looked when he came back, and Draco smiled softly as Harry grabbed his hand again.
"What's your name?"
"They call me Scarhead here."
"Do I get to know your given name?"
"Once the makeup is off, if you decide to hang around," Harry replied with a shrug.
"I don't see why I wouldn't."
"Oi Scarhead! Find yourself a boyfriend did you?"
"Jealous, are you Gingersnap? I'm afraid I have new dinner plans. You wouldn't have happened to have seen a woman with a black bob walking around lately have you?"
"Check in with my love at guest services. People lose their friends here all the time and that's the easiest way to find them."
"As brilliant as always mate. I'll see you around."
"Text me when you're home so I know blondie didn't turn you into a mincemeat pie," Ron teased.
"My pretty boy would never, would you pretty boy?," Harry asked, tilting Draco's head up with one finger by his chin to look at Harry.
"I would never," Draco replied breathlessly.
"See mate? Nothing to worry about."
"Oh you have him wrapped around your finger. Have a goodnight, send my tell-tale heart all of my love."
"I will mate. Come along Draco, let's find your friend so we can get out of here."
"Why did you call me your star?," Draco asked after watching Harry scare a group of guests.
"You're named after the Draco constellation aren't you?"
"Are you also named after a star?," Draco asked curiously.
"Oh no, my name is quite plain. My dad is named after a star though."
"My family has a tradition on my mother's side, consider yourself lucky. At least you can find your name on a keychain," Draco joked, not noticing the look on Harry's face.
"Family tradition?"
"Oh yes. My mother somehow got out of it, her name is Narcissa, but her sisters are Andromeda and Bellatrix. And I have some cousins we don't speak with named after stars as well-"
"Draco, there you are! Hey, you're not supposed to touch him!," Pansy accused, ripping Harry's hand away from Draco's.
"You also weren't supposed to leave him. Besides, this was consensual so I could help him find you."
"Come on Draco, we're leaving."
"No, you are. I have dinner plans."
"No, we had dinner plans," Pansy spoke slowly as if she was talking to a child, tightening her grip on Draco's hand.
As they continued to argue back and forth, Harry spared Draco one last lingering look before he slipped away into the crowd. It was for the best, Harry knew Sirius and Regulus had cut off their family for a reason, but why did leaving the stranger behind hurt so bad?
By the time Pansy yelled "fine!," and stormed off, Harry was gone, and Draco was frantic. After looking around for a minute, he marched after Pansy.
"You scared him away!"
"As if I could scare the scare actor. Draco this is a man that you just met what, an hour ago? This isn't some Disney movie, you don't even know what he looks like", she explained calmly.
"Pansy, you don't understand. He was so charming and he kept everyone from trying to scare me while we tried to find you. He called me his pretty boy and wanted to go out to dinner with me. Why did he leave?"
"He is still at work, Draco. Did he say to meet up anywhere?"
"We were going to guest relations to look for you... maybe he's there."
"He means that much to you?"
"Pansy you know I don't buy into that love at first sight rubbish, but I felt a connection, I know that I did."
"Fine. We'll go look for loverboy."
"His name is Scarhead."
"Of course it is. Come on."
Draco could tell right away who Gingersnap's girlfriend was, and he approached her with a new determination.
"Hello, I'm looking for Scarhead."
"May I ask why?"
"He promised me a dinner date, and then he ran off on me."
"I'm sorry, he did what?"
"You are Gingersnap's "tell-tale heart" as he calls you?"
Hermione stared at Draco before making up her mind about something. With a nod, she was off.
"I like her," Pansy remarked.
"Oh you like her but not the love of my life?"
"I honestly can't believe you of all people are acting like this."
"You don't understand."
"No I don't because you're supposed to be the logical one of the two of us."
"Scarhead gets off at 11:30 if you want to wait for him. He's having a mild crisis at the moment," Hermione said fondly with an eyeroll.
"Is he okay?"
"Pretty boys make him flustered. His words, not mine. I'm sure he'll apologize multiple times for leaving once you see him."
Harry meanwhile had tried calling both Sirius and Regulus multiple times, with neither of them answering. He had just been considering calling Remus, he always knew Moony was the most dependable of the group, when Hermione came in.
"Harry, your date is looking for you."
"Mione, I'm fairly certain he's a part of the side of the family Sirius refuses to talk about. I can't do that to my dad."
"What makes you say that?"
"He's named after a star, and the aunts he named. He named Aunt Andromeda. That's not a common name, and he said they have a family tradition of making people after stars. Then he said that he has two cousins named after stars! That cannot be a coincidence."
"You must like him a lot if you listened that intently."
"He's absolutely wonderful. I felt so drawn to him, I had to leave."
"Have you tried running towards something that you want for once? Finish up early, he'll be waiting for you. Don't you dare hurt him by standing him up Harry."
"Okay. I can do this," Harry reassured himself, rolling his shoulders as he headed out the back entrance to finish his shift.
"I can't do this," he mumbled an hour later into Ron's chest.
"Harry what changed? You were absolutely smitten a few hours ago. You practically stalked the man across the park. Don't you dare stand him up."
"What if I just sneak out the back?"
"That's a low blow mate."
"Maybe I'm a coward."
"No son of mine is a coward!"
Harry whipped his head around as he heard Sirius's voice.
"Where have you been?!," Harry accused. "I tried calling you and Regulus!"
"It was date night Prongslet, but the amount of phone calls was concerning so I stopped here on the way home."
"Harry is avoiding the love of his life because he thinks he might be your cousin."
"Why would you think that?"
"Blond, beautiful, named after a star-"
Harry groaned into his hands then grabbed his hair tightly.
"You're not blood-related Harry," Sirius said gently.
"I know, but you always complain about his father-"
"You of all people should know that you shouldn't judge someone based on their parents."
Harry grimaced, remembering his encounter with Sirius's parents.
"You're right. We're not blood-related, he's the love of my life."
"What are you waiting for then? Go get your man! I'll be in the background if you need me. You know the signal."
Taking a deep breath, head held high, Harry peered outside of the door. He couldn't help but smile when his gaze rested on Draco, who was rocking on the balls of his feet nervously.
"Go," Sirius encouraged gently.
Nodding, Harry did just that.
"Hi, I'm Harry."
Draco spun around, and his smile quickly turned fond.
"For a minute there, I thought that you were going to stand me up."
"I got nervous, but you're worth fighting those feelings. What do you like to eat?"
"I'm not too picky I-"
"Harry! Is everything alright?"
"I'm fine Regulus. So dinner-"
"You're sure? I- Draco?"
"Cousin Regulus?," Draco asked in confusion. "Harry... we're not... you left after I mentioned my cousins..."
"Adopted. Not blood-related," Harry clarified.
"It's been years... look at you Draco, all grown up."
"Can I... can I hug you?"
"Come here kid."
"Aww, Harry started a family reunion. Group hug!"
"Sirius I did have a dinner date to get too- ouch! Group hug," Harry echoed through gritted teeth.
"Harry, it seems like conversation will flow easily over dinner. I have so many questions."
"Dead parents, Sirius fought for custody, he won, he and his husband Remus adopted me so I have three dads now, Regulus left the family a few years ago to come live with us," Harry counted off on his fingers. "That's the abridged version."
"I told you there was a connection," Draco said fondly, grabbing Harry's hand in his own.
"Let's see what else we have in common. Don't wait up at home."
"They'll definitely wait up for me," Harry whispered to Draco with a quiet laugh after they said goodbye.
"They'll be waiting a long while then, because I don't think I want to let you go."
"Then don't pretty boy," Harry said firmly.
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