Flowers on the Grave
I got the idea for this from a viral Tumblr post and I've been wanting to write it for ages now.
{Description: sometimes I steal flowers from your garden on my way to the cemetery but today you've caught me and have demanded to come with me to make sure "the girl is pretty enough to warrant flower theft" and I'm trying to figure out how to break it to you that we're on our way to a graveyard.}
Harry really needed to stop getting himself into situations like this. Honestly, most times they could be avoidable, and he thought he had been in the clear. The house, could he even call it that, because really it was more like a mansion, had so many flowers growing in the front garden, he didn't think a few missing every two weeks would be that noticeable. He even tried to change the times where he would show up and pick a few, thinking it would help. Instead, as he reached his hand through the gap in the fence, something grabbed his wrist.
"I knew it! I knew someone was taking flowers, but they didn't believe me."
"I'm so sorry, I didn't think a few flowers would be missed. I tried to only take the ones that grew through the fence onto the sidewalk."
"Meet me by the front gate flower thief."
Everyone had told Draco that he was going crazy, but he knew that wasn't the case. He had planted most of the flowers himself, and initially he had thought it had been the work of some animals. When the slices became more precise, he knew that's when someone with a knife had been visiting and stealing his flowers.
Whatever lashing Draco was prepared to give faltered as he took in the sheepish man's appearance.
"Why are you dressed like that?"
"I'm, erm, going somewhere special."
"You're stealing flowers... for a date?"
"I suppose you could say that. Really, I am sorry. I can give you money for what I've taken-"
"You're taking me with you to your date. Let's go," Draco demanded.
"I- you're what?"
"I need to make sure the girl is pretty enough to warrant flower theft."
That's how Harry found himself panicking as he walked the familiar route to the cemetery where his parents were buried, and he was running out of time and excuses.
"I promise I won't do it again, you really don't have to do this."
"I'm invested. You've been taking flowers for at least the past month, I'm sure it's been longer. I want to see who's been receiving them."
"No actually, you don't," Harry muttered.
A few minutes later, they arrived at the gate to the cemetery.
"Is this... a shortcut?," Draco asked, getting worried for the first time.
"You wanted to meet who the flowers were going to."
"You bring them here?," Draco flinched, a look of horror present on his face.
"And you're only telling me now?"
"You assumed I was giving them to a girl. Technically they're for my mum, so you're right with that, but I'm very much not straight, and this isn't a traditional date. I come every 2 weeks on Sundays rain or shine to clean up their graves and replace the flowers."
"Oh. Um. Me neither? With being straight I mean. My parents are... I'm going to stop talking now."
"Good to know," Harry said, taking the other man in for the first time.
He was beautiful, that much was certain.
"I'm just gonna..."
"Yes, um, I'll wait here until you're done."
"No, I don't think so. You said you wanted to see where the flowers were going."
"I really stuck my foot in it huh?"
"That's what I should be saying. I've stolen flowers and brought you into a cemetery."
"Have you tried growing your own?"
"I live in a cheap flat, no garden space. I grow a few plants in my window, but I suppose I should look into something more permanent to plant here."
They had arrived at the grave, and Draco stood back a respectful distance as he didn't want to eavesdrop on the other man's conversation. It was a short visit, and Draco felt as if he had taken away time from the other man.
"The flowers look beautiful," Draco commented as they left the cemetery.
"My compliments to the gardener."
"Thank you."
"I won't take anymore flowers."
"You're the only person besides myself who appreciates their beauty. My father thinks they're a frivolous way to spend my time. They help keep me grounded, make me feel like I have a purpose."
"Which is your favorite?," Harry asked curiously.
"I don't think I have a favorite flower. I love my roses and my sunflowers. My fig tree is my favorite tree, basil is my favorite herb. I love growing carrots because when you harvest them you'll never know what shape they'll turn out to be. My raspberries are also to die for."
"I didn't even know you grew most of that."
"The fence is 95% effective it seems," Draco teased, a smile tilting up the edges of his mouth.
"I'm Harry."
"Draco," Harry repeated, tasting the name on his tongue for the first time. "It suits you."
"You think so?"
"Yeah, I'd say you're a star."
Draco knew there was a blush coloring his cheeks now.
"You're one of the first to understand my name."
"I love the stars. When things are dark and look grim, they're always there to share their light."
"I'll share my light with you."
"You already are," Harry replied with a soft smile. "Can I pay you back for the flowers? Buy you some new seeds or something?"
"In the least rude way possible, can you afford that? Not to presume that you're poor- I mean there's nothing wrong if you were- I- please shut me up."
"I'm not dirt poor, but I'm certainly not well off. I get by, but not with much extra to spend. I can afford some seeds or a new plant to replace what I've taken. I'm not offended, you didn't mean it in the way it came out. I think."
"I didn't, not at all. I don't need more plants, but I think we can come to some sort of arrangement."
"Do you want a tour of the garden?"
"I would love that."
Harry's jaw dropping produced an almost audible sound.
"This is like a botanical garden."
"This is what I meant when I said no one else noticed the flowers missing. There's so many, it wouldn't matter to anyone who just casually passed through."
Draco gave Harry a tour of the grounds. It was so refreshing, having someone's attention be on him for him, not because of who he was. He wondered if this was what it was like to have a friend.
"You've put so much time and effort into this, it's amazing."
"Have you ever passed by at night? I strung fairy lights in the trees. Sometimes I'll fall asleep in my hammock while reading a book out here. It's peaceful."
"I'll pass by the next time I'm in the neighborhood. I should probably get going though."
"Oh. Right, of course."
He had almost forgotten Harry had been there out of responsibility.
"Maybe, I could get your number and we can figure out how I can repay your kindness? I can start with a coffee or a tea?"
"I'd like that."
Harry removed his phone from his pocket and gave it to Draco, who typed in his number before giving it back.
"Well, it was nice to finally meet the person responsible for all of this. It's much more beautiful than I could have imagined."
"It was nice to be able to share this with someone who appreciates it. Here, take this," Draco said, carefully breaking off a sunflower to give to Harry.
"I've taken enough-," Harry began to argue.
"I'd rather have the flowers go towards a pretty boy."
"Much better than a pretty girl," Harry agreed with a soft smile, his cheeks heating up. "I'll see you soon?"
"In my dreams," Draco thought, watching Harry walk away in a daze.
{I think this could have potential? I've had this Tumblr post in my to be written list for over 3 years now. Expect a lot more Drabbles as I figure out what I want to write next!
Also if you loved my Quidditch Qualms Drabble, it is now a completed story posted on my account.}
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