Prologue: A fated encounter
The scene takes place at nighttime on Outcast Island, 3 years after Dagur's defeat.
Three years have passed since the war with the Berserkers, everyplace around the archipelago was in peace, even Outcast Island. In its prison an Outcast guard was giving pieces of bread to the prisoners who were in most Berserkers that stayed in the island after the final battle, there were also some Outcast that betrayed Alvin.
Outcast Guard: Mealtime, maggots!
He tossed some breads into the cells. However, he tossed something different to one cell in specific, something that didn't go unnoticed by one of the Outcast prisoners.
Prisoner: But that's not bread! Why does he always get special treatment? Oh, Mr Big-shot! Mr Beserker Chief!
Inside of the cell, there was Dagur the Deranged himself who changed during the years, he now looked more muscular and deranged than he did three years ago.
Dagur stood up and walked towards the bars of his cell.
Dagur: Oh hey you want some? (extends his hand with some food) Come here, I'll give you some.
The Outcast prisoner didn't look convinced at first, but he reached out for the food just for Dagur to grab his hand and slam his face onto the bars of the cell.
Dagur: I've been meaning to tell you something for the last three years; Your voice... is really... annoying.
He slammed the Outcast prisoner's head onto the cell bars once again, leaving him unconscious.
Dagur: (cracks his neck) Gosh that feels good.
Dagur cracked his neck before picking up what the Outcast guard tossed into his cell, in was a key, so he opened his cell and walked out.
He easily approached another guard and left him unconscious too, so he made his way towards two more guards who were talking with each other.
Outcast guard 1: A woolly igloo? (laughs)
Outcast guard 2: Where did you hear that? (laughs)
Dagur knocked their heads into each other, leaving them unconscious too. He was about to exit but a guard saw him.
Outcast: (sees Dagur) He's escaped! Dagur's got out!
Dagur groaned annoyed before picking up a bludgeon and hitting the guard with it. However, the guard managed to give the alarm voice, so more guards appeared to stop Dagur.
Dagur: (picks up a second bludgeon) Oh goodie! A challenge.
Dagur charged towards the guards and easily started to defeat the guards once by one, something that made some Berserker prisoners cheer for their chief.
Beserker 1: Get them, Dagur!
Beserker 2: Show them who's boss!
An Outcast swings his mace down at Dagur, but he slightly moves aside as the mace went to the ground. Dagur smiley waves at the guard, much to his annoyance as he pulls at the mace and swings with it, but the Beserker ducks and the mace ends up hitting an Outcast that was behind Dagur.
Outcast: Oh, that's not good.
Dagur was behind the Outcast as he smack both clubs at his head, knocking him down. Dagur laughs as he walks on top of the Outcast. Then he approaches the one guarding the exit; the same one who gave him the key.
Outcast: No, no, Dagur don't! I'm the one that gave you the key.
Dagur: (dropped the bludgeons) Which makes you a traitor.
For a moment, the guard smiled as he thought that Dagur would spare him but he got punched in the face.
Dagur: I hate traitors.
He removes the metal bar that kept the door locked, he left without releasing any of the prisoners, he even left other Berserkers in there.
When he was outside, he saw a ship unmanned, so he smiled evilly as he knew he found his way out of Outcast Island.
Dagur: It's a new day, Hiccup. Hope you're well rested. (chuckles)
As Dagur makes his way to the docks, the sky had six colored lights. One was red, the other was blue, then was green, then brown, then white, and now purple.
(The next morning)
Meanwhile at Berk during the morning, Hiccup and Toothless were flying above the sea.
Hiccup: Okay, Bud. Let's try the new move.
Toothless growl in agreement as he dives down and shoots upwards.
Hiccup: Woohoo! Yeah, baby! That's it, Toothless. Push it, you've got it! Climb higher!
Hiccup was laughing. They both seemed to be enjoying themselves, even Toothless smiled until they heard a click.
Hiccup: What the...?
The click came from his harness, the one that kept him on Toothless' back, so he started to fall back to the ground.
Hiccup: Oh no, not again! Uh hey, Toothless!
Toothless turned around and dived to get Hiccup. However, he just kept diving next to his rider, such as nothing happened.
Hiccup: Hey. (Toothless gnarls) So, just plummet, or, uh any ideas?
Toothless dived lower and caught Hiccup on his back.
Hiccup: I seriously have to get my own pair of wings.
He reattached his harness to Toothless' saddle, who growl when hearing his ridder's words.
Hiccup: Oh, quiet, you. Don't even start.
They flew back to Berk as some of the Vikings wave them a hello. In the three years after the war with the Berserkers, lots of things changed.
Gobber gave Snotlout the title of "Official Weapons Tester", which meant all weapons were tested with him.
Hiccup flew above them just as Snotlout was launched into the air by a catapult.
Snotlout: (laughs) It works!
He was supposed to land in a pile of pillows but he was going to land in a cart full of weapons that the twins placed.
To the annoyance of everyone, the twins decided to devote their lives to Loki, so it was common to see them playing pranks on others.
Snoutlout: (realized, scared) Hookfang! Hookfang!
Luckily for him, Hookfang saved him on time.
Snotlout: (to Hookfang, annoyed) You just have to cut it that close, don't you? (Hookfang tossed Snoutlout) Hookfang! (lands on his saddle, glares at the twins) There will be repercussions for this! Repercussions!
His dragon flew away with him. The twins didn't care, they just hi fived each other before walking away.
Then, Hiccup and Toothless flew above Berk's plaza, where Fishlegs was, he now dedicated himself to teaching the children of Berk the"History of Dragons".
He was with some children who were riding on Meatlug's back.
Fishlegs: And if you look closely at the walls of the Great Hall, you'll still see some puncture marks where the Speed Stingers attacked. (gestured at the Great hall) Interesting fact about those dragons-
He stopped when he saw Stoick and Gobber walking near them.
Fishlegs: Look, kids! We're in luck... here come two of Berk's most famous heroes!
Stoick and Gobber looked proud of themselves.
Stoick: Ho ho! (intrigued) Heroes? I've got some chiefing to do, but I guess I could spare a moment-
Fishlegs: Hiccup and the amazing Toothless!
The children saw how Toothless did a loop in the air.
Stoick: Eh... to introduce my son as his Night Fury. (laughs to hide his embarrassment)
Hiccup and Toothless flew away and met up with Astrid and Stormfly.
Hiccup: Hey, there you are.
Astrid: Hiccup, I've been chasing you since the armory.
Hiccup: Well, I thought we'd try out far north today.
Astrid: Can we talk about something first?
Hiccup: Yeah, sure... if you can catch me.
Toothless flew faster while Stormfly followed from behind. It took Astrid a while, but she caught up with Hiccup on a sea stack, he was looking around with his spyglass.
Hiccup: You know what? I'm just going to say it... I have a good feeling about today, Astrid.
Astrid: You say that every time we go searching for new dragons.
Hiccup didn't answer, he was too focused in what he was doing.
Astrid: Hiccup, while we have a second... I wanted to talk to you about-
Hiccup: Whoa, look, look, look, look! (tossed Astrid the spyglasses) Did you see that? There's definitely some movement up ahead. Long neck, large head... behind that rock formation.
Astrid: Yeah, anyway, I wanted to tell you-
Before Astrid could answer, Hiccup and Toothless flew towards the rocks, so she only sighed annoyedly.
Hiccup: (excited) This is it, Toothless. A new species of dragon, bud.
Hiccup's excitement turned into disappointment when he realized the dragon he saw was Barf and Belch, with the twins.
Twins: Loki'd!
Tuffnut: Ha! You totally thought 'Barch' was a new dragon. (Twins laugh)
Hiccup: (frustrated and annoyed) Oh, come on! Did not! Let's go, bud.
Hiccup and Toothless flew off, leaving the twins and their dragon.
Tuffnut: Wow, who yanked his mutton?
Hiccup and Toothless landed at a sea stack, Hiccup was still frustrated, so Toothless nuzzled him to comfort him. Then, Astrid landed behind them as she got Stormfly and walk next to him.
Astrid: Hiccup, those guys are muttonheads. But you have to admit... we've visited every island, every sea stack and every rock in the archipelago... twice, and we haven't spotted a new dragon in a long time.
Hiccup: This can't be all there is! There has to be something more out there!
Astrid: What if there isn't? What if the search is over?
Hiccup: It can't be.
Astrid: (sigh) Well, it's over for me. (Hiccup looks in surprise) I've been trying to tell you. Stormfly and I... We're joining the Berk Guard.
Hiccup: Oh. That's great... I'm happy for you guys...
He may say that, but it was obvious he was not happy.
Astrid: Look, maybe you should give a thought to what's next for you and Toothless.
She then flew away on Stormfly. Hiccup started to think in Astrid's words, he realized it was true that all of his friends have dedicated themselves to something.
The scene changes to Hiccup and Toothless were now seen at the Dragon Academy as Hiccup closed Astrid's door.
Hiccup: (looks at Toothless) I guess it's just you and me for now, bud.
He and Toothless exited out of the Dragon Academy until the Night Fury hears something which perks his head up.
Hiccup: Toothless? What is it, bud?
Just then, Hiccup and his dragon partner look up in the sky and saw a red colored shooting star that is falling from the sky.
Hiccup: Whoa...
The flaming rock was heading towards Berk as it crashed landed on the other side of the village, causing an explosion of fire to be seen.
Hiccup: Let's check it out, Toothless.
Hiccup gets on Toothless as the Night Fury flies over to where the star made impact. When they arrived at the crash site, there was fire around the area. The center of the crash site was covered in smoke.
Hiccup: I wonder what's in there.
His curiosity was answered when he and Toothless heard footsteps coming from the smoke. As the being had emerged from the smoke, the Dragon Rider and his partner widen their eyes in shock.
Hiccup: (shocked) Odin's beard...
It was a large mech-like being with red, gold, red-orange, and azure colored armor, a red mask, and blue eyes.
Tahu: (holds his head) Ugh... Where... am I?
Tahu looks around the area he was at until he noticed Hiccup and Toothless.
Hiccup: (waves nervously) Umm... hi.
Tahu: (draws his golden swords) What creatures are you supposed to be?!
Toothless: (growls)
Hiccup: (moves in between) Whoa! Easy, bud. (looks at Tahu) Listen, we mean you no harm.
Tahu: Do you know where I am?
Hiccup: You're at Berk.
Tahu: (tilt his head in confusion) Berk? Then, I'm certainly not in the island. (puts his swords on his back) My apologise, strange one.
Hiccup: Oh, uh, it's okay. Anyway, who, what are you?
Tahu: I am Tahu, Master of Fire and leader of the Toa. And you are?
Hiccup: Well, I'm Hiccup. (gestures to Toothless) And this is Toothless.
Tahu: What an interesting creature. (walks and kneels to Toothless' level) I never seen something like this before.
Hiccup: He's a Night Fury, a rare type of dragon.
Tahu: A Night Fury? Dragon?
Hiccup: You don't know what a dragon is?
Tahu: No.
Hiccup: You aren't from around here, aren't you?
Tahu: Indeed. I remembered I was part of battle, then all I suddenly, I was here. Completely lost with no where to go or stay.
Hiccup and Toothless looked at each other before looking back at the Toa.
Hiccup: Well if you want, you could come with us to our village.
Tahu: Really? Are you sure it's not a big deal?
Hiccup: No, not at all. I mean, we allowed dragons to live with us peacefully. Plus, me and the other Dragon Riders can show you around the Archipelago and fill you in about the dragons we know and discovered.
Tahu: Hmm... Very well, I accept your request. Hopefully, we'll get the chance to see my siblings too.
Hiccup: (surprised) Siblings? There's more of you?
Tahu: Six of us, to be exact. Four are my brothers and one is my sister.
Hiccup: Okay then. I'll talk to my dad about this, he's the chief. Oh, and one more thing. Try not to cause too much attention to yourself.
Tahu: That I can deal with. Now then, let us move! (starts walking)
Hiccup: Um, the village is the other way, Tahu.
Tahu: Oh. Well, lead the way, Hiccup.
Toothless rolled his eyes.
Prologue ended.
Done! I hope you guys like what I done, especially with Hiccup and Toothless meeting Tahu. The next will include the other five Toa as well as their first mission with the Dragon Riders.
If you have any ideas for, let me know at the comments below. Peace out and enjoy!
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