dragon the nine realms sad Christmas

This is only going to be a short story, only going to be having tom in olivia.

It's also kind of going to be sad.

Dragon the nine realms sad Christmas

Tom was 15 years old, He woke up with a stretch and a yawn as he got up from his bed, He went to living room to see the christmas tree had no presence.

Tom wasn't surprised as there really wasn't anything he wanted, "Why does mom put up this christmas tree anyway?"

Olivia came in, holding in her hand a cup of eggnog, "tom why you always so not happy around this time of the year?"

Tom look at his mother, "You know why?Why do we even still celebrate this holiday after everything that happened?"

"Tom those things happened years ago and you were little... well letter, But still don't you think it's time to move on, I know santa didn't bring any presents although that's because you never made a list But we can still have fun today," Olivia said but she knew the reason why her son did not like so bring this holiday.

Ten eyes ago

5-year-old Tom ran down the stairs.Excited to open up all his gifts, His mother quickly grab him before he could even open up one gift.

"Tommy boy, you have to wait until grandpa wakes up, It would be rude," olivia said, but that only made tom ran to grandpa's bedroom.

Olivia followed him, "Tommy boy you can't do that, It's rude to wake somebody up."

Tom didn't it listen and went in.

back to present day

Tom wipe away a tear, "Please I don't want to be reminded."

Ten years ago

Tom was crying as he was looking out the window from to see an ambulance was taking away his grandpa.

Olivia came when the ambulance left, "Tom, I'm so sorry But these things do happen to all of us eventually, your grandpa is in a better place now."

"Why now Though? Why did he leave us now?" Tom cried, as he did not want to open up any gifts today Have fun as he just wanted to stay in his room.

back to present day

"Tom, I understand that you and grandpa were close, But you can't always be upset around this time, Grandpa didn't choose to leave it on that day, We can still make many good memories on this holiday?" Olivia said as she miss her son being the happy boy, he was on his holiday.

Tom was now starting to get angry, "It's not just what happened to grandpa, The year after that, dad decided to leave before Any of us woke up because he had an important job opportunity and left I never came back!"

Nine years ago

Tom coming down the stairs as he was looking forward to opening up presents but wasn't exciting knowing what happened last year.

His mother wasn't there but there was a note on the table, "What is this?"

Tom was able to read very and understood what the letter meant.

Soon olivia came downstairs with the phone in her hand as she hangs up only to see her son crying.

"Why would daddy leave?" Tom ask ran up back to his room.

back to present day

"Every year after that has always been a reminder of one dying and the other choosing the leave and are you in telling us on this stupid holiday," Tom said.

olivia sigh, "I know, I just want you to be happy again," She took a seat down, " Tom, can you please get some crackers? I wanna watch a movie."

Tom Look annoyed, "fine." He headed into Kitchen and when he got there he started crying, Olivia got up and went over.

In the dining room there was a big picture of tom grandfather, Several gifs all having Tom name on them and They were from his grandpa.

"mom what the heck is all of this?" Tom ask.

"These gifts are things that once belong to your grandfather, That he wanted to give to you one day when he got older, He always wanted a big portrait of himself, So I got one made for him," Olivia explain.

"Look tom, we don't have to act or pretend christmas is before what happened, I always kept so bring this holiday.Because I love it and your grandfather did, I want you that had the same thing that grandpa enjoy, And for what happened to your dad, I didn't care about him Because he didn't care about leaving us," Olivia explain.

Tom tear up, olivia put her hand on her son shoulder, "look tom you don't have to celebrate this holiday if you don't want to, But we could make it something more rememberable For grandpa if you want."

Tom smiled, "Thank you mom."

The end

There were a few reasons why I decided to make this?

Why would it be a dragon the nine realms?

I mean it's kind of ironic that it's started in december on the 23 And it ended in the same month, After 2 years.

No holiday specials

The story ideal was actually based off from a friend of mine, I used to know.

When I was in middle school me and my friend had this other friend, We were all in gym class.

Me And my friend always found it funny to say merry christmas because some reason it pisses off our other friend and he would get angry.

We didn't know why Until he events Told us why, which made us really regret and we apologize.

His grandfather died on christmas and we felt terrible even though we did known, We saw what we did and everything.

Now look, the point of this story is here, not everyone likes So bring holidays and they do have reasons, Some people even try to do it in a different way.

I think it's important for us to understand that.

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