chapter 26

Chapter 26 “Trapped”

Akira stared up at the large building that towered ahead.

“So, this is the Grand Tower?” Seth asked.

“Yup,” Savannah nodded, “One of the tallest buildings around.”

“So what now?” Tresus asked as he casually leaned against the wall of the smaller building they were standing by.

“We go in and see if this Jack guy has what we need,” Seth spoke.

“And if he doesn’t?” Liam asked.

“Oh, he’ll know something,” Dominique assured him.

“So what, we find out how Steeson is controlling riders, great. But how exactly is that supposed to help us?” Kirk asked the question that had been on his mind for some time.

“We’ll know how to avoid getting controlled, narrow the risk down,” Seth replied calmly.

“Seems like a waste of time to me,” Kirk muttered, no sooner where the words were out of his mouth there was an angry shout. The group turned their eyes to see a group of Watchers heading in their direction on dragons. They were looking right and left, at every person that they passed, as though searching for someone.

“Oh great,” Tresus muttered.

“You think they’re looking for us?” Liam frowned as the Watchers got closer. Suddenly a group of Night Riders appeared on the other side and began to make their way slowly towards the group of Watchers, staring at each person they passed intently.

“Things just got a whole lot worse,” Kirk muttered.

“This is too much of a coincidence,” Seth spoke softly.

“Maybe they aren’t looking for us,” Anita suggested. “We could play cool and hope they pass. Besides, how would they even know we’re here?”

Anita and Akira exchanged a look.

“Anibal,” Akira spoke.

“Why that little traitor,” Dominique growled. “Wait till I get my hands on him!”

“What now?” Savannah asked panic in her voice as the Watchers got closer.

“Hide,” Tresus ordered as he held open the door of the building behind them. No one argued as they all slipped into through it.

Akira glanced around to find shelves full of books surrounding them. A white haired man, who stood behind a desk at the far end, watched the group, suspicion written on his face. Savannah turned at once and picked a book out of the shelf and began to flip through it.

“Now’s not the time to look at books,” Kirk hissed.

“You want the owner to call the Watchers in here because he thinks we’re too suspicious?” Savannah whispered back.

“She’s right,” Seth agreed. “Look like we’re customers,” as he spoke he wondered down, along one shelf, as though looking for a certain book, all the while he kept one eye on the windows, watching the Watchers outside.

Everyone followed his lead, breathing a sigh of relief as the group Watchers passed by the store.

“It won’t be long until they start checking the stores one by one,” Dominique warned.

“We’re sitting draglins!” Liam groaned as he banged his head against a shelf. When the owner of the store shot him a look he quickly grabbed a random book from the shelf and pretended that he was reading it.

“Should we make a run for it?” Kirk asked just as another Watcher, accompanied by a Night Rider, passed by the store.

“We’d be caught straight away,” Tresus replied with a shake of his head. “Besides, if Anibal did rat us out then they not only know what we look like but also where we’re heading. The streets all around will be covered by now and if we're unlucky, the whole city will be on high alert.”

“So in other words, we’re trapped,” Anita sighed, seeming unusually calm in contrast to Savannah.

Akira didn’t reply as she stared out the window only to see people and dragons seeming to disappear from the streets.

“What are they doing?” she asked.

Dominique came to stand beside her and look at what she was looking at. “Oh this is bad,” he muttered.

“What?” Seth asked.

“They’re clearing the streets,” Dominique replied grimly.

“That means they’re going to start on the buildings next!” Kirk spoke, suddenly looking more than worried.

“What do we do?” Savannah wailed, looking like she was about to panic.

Dominique sighed as he leaned against a shelf in defeat, “We could make a run for it, but the chances are we would all get caught.”

“No,” Liam shook his head. “Unless we had some sort of distraction that would take all the attention away from us there’s absolutely nothing we can do.

“A distraction?” Akira asked, a smile spreading across her face as an idea popped into her head, “Well why didn’t you just say so in the first place?”

Seth shot Akira a look only to frown as he saw the gleam in her eyes. “No way Akira,” he shook his head, “Don’t you dare even consider what I think you are!”

“Can you think of another way out of this?” Akira challenged.

Seth opened his mouth to protest only to close it again.

“Right,” Akira nodded. “In that case, if I can find a way to get to Redemption then I think I can provide a distraction big enough to get you unnoticed into the Grand Tower.”

“And what are you going to do?” Tresus asked her curiously.

“I’m going to reveal Redemption’s true color,” Akira replied calmly.

“And then what?” Tresus asked.

“Head right for the Academy and get Steeson and the entire city's attention,” Akira grinned.

“If you go in as the Rider of Legend then no one will stop you,” Savannah told her, seeming more than confused.

“Not if I know Steeson the way I think I do,” Akira replied calmly. “He’ll find a way around and probably send someone out to stop me; he does control riders after all. If he doesn’t do anything then fine, I make it to the Academy and stop this whole madness.”

“Akira, are you sure?” Seth asked.

Akira nodded.

“Sounds good by me,” Liam spoke up. “I’m willing to help divert the Watchers’ attention away so you can sneak out,” he volunteered.

“Yeah, me to,” Kirk nodded. “We could always all meet up at place when we get away.”

Akira noted his use of the word ‘when’ and not ‘if’ and was glad for his positive attitude.

“How about using the Red Dragon as our meeting point?” Dominique suggested making Akira smile as she recognized the name of the inn Dominique had introduced her to a while back.

“Fine by me,” Liam shrugged.

“Then let’s do this,” Akira said cheerfully, as though there was nothing to it.

“Be careful guys,” Anita warned as she watched the Watchers outside with a worried expression on her face.

Kirk and Liam looked at each other and nodded.

“Wait until they have their attention on us, then slip out,” Liam instructed Akira as he and Kirk made their way to the door.

“Why don’t we just all go while Liam and Kirk distract them?” Savannah asked, looking as scared as ever.

“Savannah,” Tresus put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “It would be too noticeable. If only Akira slips away she’ll be less likely to be caught than if we all made a dash for it. Besides, the Grand Tower is right ahead of us and that is why we came here. We need to talk to Jack.”

“Ready?” Kirk, who was standing by the door, asked Akira impatiently.

Akira nodded in reply.

“You sure about this?” Liam asked Kirk as the two stared at the Watchers that were outside.

“Nope,” Kirk replied.

Liam grinned and moments later both boys dashed from the door. They straight away turned to the right, in the opposite direction the group had come from before. Sprinting, they looked anything but innocent and the Watchers spotted them almost immediately. One of them let out a yell to alert the others and immediately all attention was diverted to the two boys that were running away. Watchers pulled out Shockers, cranking them up and aiming.

Akira took a step to the door and paused long enough to meet Seth’s worried gaze.

“You know what has to be done,” she told him.

Seth nodded.

With a smile Akira turned and slipped out of the door. She went left straight away, keeping her head low she hurried to join the last few people from the crowd that the Watchers had told had to clear the area. She kept her steps light and tried to stay relaxed so that it looked like she had nothing to hide. At the same time she stayed alert for any sign of danger.

She expected someone to stop her at any moment and yet when she rounded the next corner and no one had she let out a sigh of relief. Hearing shouting in the distance and a loud band she could only hope that Kirk and Liam were okay.

Hurrying she turned back in the direction that they had come from back to where they had stabled their dragons. She passed past streets vendors, not shooting them a second glance, keeping a good distance away from any Watchers or even Night Riders she spotted. As she turned from road to road she could only hope that her memory served her correctly and that she was going the right way, for the others were depending on her and if she got lost, well then she would be of no help whatsoever.

Relief flooded through her as she reached the familiar inn beside which they had stabled their dragons. She hurried over noting on the way that most of the dragons looked asleep.

Ignoring the man whom she had paid earlier to stable Redemption, she hurried past him and up to Redemption's stable. When she was only a few feet away Redemption suddenly lifted his head.

He stared at her sleepily before his eyes widened in surprise.

“Back already?” he asked.

Akira didn't reply as she slipped the metal disk she had been given earlier and swiped it in front of the pen Redemption was in. The door to the pen opened with a click and Akira quickly turned and returned the disk to the man behind the table who was watching her with a bored expression. Apparently riders leaving with their dragons in a hurry was not something new.

“Looks like you all hit a spot of trouble,” Redemption thought as Akira felt him going through her mind.

She turned to face her dragon only to find that all her friends' dragons were watching by now, their eyes full of question as they wondered where their riders were.

“Ree, we have a job to do,” Akira told Redemption. Without giving him time to reply she walked up to Emerald. “Watchers and Night Riders are searching for us so if you sense Seth is in danger,” she looked at the others, “If anyone in the group is in danger, then break out of here and go to them, understand?”

Seth's green dragon nodded her head solemnly.

Akira turned to Redemption. “Let's go boy,” she told him as he walked from the pen.

“Um, Akira, I know you want to head to the Academy and all, but I think they'll be far from impressed if I go as a yellow dragon,” Redemption thought as Akira pulled herself onto his back.

“That’s okay. We'll make a quick stop,” Akira thought, “How do you feel about visiting that Dragon Wash?” she asked.

“Oh I love this plan already,” Redemption thought gleefully as he spread his wings.

“Hey!” the man in charge of the stabling protested, “This is a no fly zone!”

Akira turned her eyes on him and stared. “You mean it was a no fly zone,” she told him before Redemption sprang into the air and left a speechless man and staring by passers behind.

“Oh boy, we may have Steeson's attention sooner than you expect if we go about breaking rules,” Redemption thought in amusement.

Akira ignored the comment. “You remember where the Dragon Wash is?” she asked.

“You seriously think I would forget?” Redemption snorted as he joined a line of flying dragons. He fell in behind them before he suddenly sped up and began to fly around, over and under any dragon ahead, finding any way to get past. They needed to hurry, and he knew it. Both he and Akira ignored comments riders yelled after them about 'getting in line' and Redemption flew like a dragon who knew exactly where he was going.

At one point Akira began to wonder if Redemption really had a clue where the Dragon Wash was when suddenly, without warning, he folded his wings back and dived down. Used to Redemption's sudden changes in direction, Akira automatically adjusted her position and hung on to the saddle like a pro.

Moments later Redemption suddenly spread his wings and pulled upright, stopping himself from crashing into the ground at the last moment. His feet touched the cobbled stone below and Akira saw that before her was none other than the Dragon Wash.

“Still think I have no idea where I'm going?” Redemption asked smugly.

Akira didn't reply as she slipped unfazed from Redemption's back. Only when on the ground did she notice how the courtyard had gone silent and riders all around were staring at her and Redemption, seeming shocked at their form of entry.

“I'm thinking this was a no fly zone to,” Redemption thought in amusement.

There was once a time when the stares from strangers unnerved Akira, yet that time had passed. While she hated attention, she could deal with it. Ignoring everyone around her she walked to the man that was standing at the start of the dragon wash.

“I need my dragon washed urgently,” Akira told the man as she came to a stand before him. At once all attention in the courtyard diverted itself from her and everyone went back to what they had been doing before.

“Get in line,” the man told her gruffly before he spat to the side.

Akira turned her head to look at the long line of dragons. She frowned, it would take forever to get through that and she didn't have the time. She turned to shoot Redemption a look, yet he was of no help as he stared at the dragon wash with a dreamy expression in his eyes.

“Right,” Akira nodded as she turned back to the man before her. “That causes a slight problem,” she reached into her pocket and pulled forth two gold Dracos, “You see, I'm on a tight schedule.”

The man stared at the two gold Dracos in Akira's hands as though nothing else existed. He shot a glance at the long line of dragons before he quickly turned it back to Akira.

“Well, our special guests always get served first,” he grinned as he held out his hands.

Akira just smiled as she handed over the Dracos.

“Get your dragon right in,” the man motioned to the Dragon Wash.

“Come on Ree,” Akira turned to Redemption, “Time to get a wash.”

Redemption responded by walking forward onto the long piece of black material that stood at the start of the wash. His steps were that of a dragon that seemed to be in trance.

“Seriously?” Akira muttered as she walked up to him and undid his saddle. Slinging it over her shoulder she stood back to watch.

No sooner was she out of the way than the man pulled a lever and the black material Redemption stood on began to move. Redemption's eyes widened as he seemed somewhat surprised, and he stood rigid, as though afraid that if he made one move something would go wrong.

“First time in a Dragon Wash?” the man at the lever asked Akira, though he locked far from interested.

“Yeah,” Akira replied. The man nodded before turning his attention away, looking more than bored.

The moving material brought Redemption between two metal boxes and then stopped. Akira watched intently, even though she had seen this once it still intrigued her. On cue both boxes sprayed out a white foamy material and once Redemption was almost completely covered in it from head to toe they stopped and the black material began to move again.

When it came to a stop again two men began to scrub Redemption, covering any areas with foam that the box had missed. Redemption half closed his eyes, looking as though he were living in bliss as his tail swished gently back and forth.

Once the two men were done the black material began to move once again and came to a stop underneath a large, metal tub like object with a tube going in to it. Water began to sprinkle out and Akira watched as both the foam and the yellow color disappeared from Redemption's body.

At first no one seemed to notice, but yet the more yellow disappeared from Redemption and the more white became visible, the more people began to turn their heads and stare in disbelief.

By the time the water stopped and the black material moved Redemption into the tunnel to dry him off, silence had resumed in the courtyard as every eye was turned to the white dragon.

Akira watched calmly as Redemption was dried off and once done walked out of wash.

“Well that was definitely the best wash ever!” Redemption thought happily.

There were gasps all around as people and dragons stared at the former yellow dragon who was now a blinding white. Redemption proudly arched his neck, turning his head to stare at his back before spreading his wings ever so slightly and peering closely, as though making sure that all the paint was gone.

Satisfied he turned his attention to Akira.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“That it's about time we got going,” Akira replied as she walked forward, Every eye in the courtyard watched in a stunned silence as she walked forward and slung Redemption's saddle back over his back.

“Cant I have another turn in the Dragon Wash?” Redemption begged as he bounced on his feet excitedly like a young draglin.

“Nope,” Akira replied as she fasted the saddles strap.


“Maybe later,” Akira replied as she swung herself onto Redemption's back. She turned to look at the man who stood at the lever, his mouth wide open as he stared at Redemption in disbelief.

“Thanks,” Akira told him. Her reply was a mute, the man to speechless to talk.

“They're sure a silent bunch,” Redemption thought.

“Let’s go,” Akira told him, glad that the people and the dragons in the courtyard were too shocked to even move, that just made getting away less complicated as no one was crowding around.

“Okay then,” Redemption spread his wings, “To the Academy.” He sprang into the air, leaving a very quite courtyard behind as its occupants stared after him.

Redemption rose straight up, going far above the lines of dragons that were flying in fly zones, all of whom seemed to be turning their attention in his direction as soon as they caught sight of him, their riders staring with open mouths.

“You think we got their attention?” Redemption asked as he turned and headed for the Academy building.

“Positively,” Akira replied as she leaned forward and stared at the Academy ahead.

“Right, so getting the city's attention, check. Now all we need to do is get Steeson to see us,” Redemption thought gleefully as he slowed down somewhat, seeming in no hurry to get the Academy.

“Oh, he probably knows we're already here,” Akira replied as she watched the Academy with narrowed eyes. Somewhere in there Steeson and Deception were taking refuge. They were so close, it would be so easy to try and take care of this right now.

“Stick to the plan,” Redemption warned.

“I know,” Akira muttered in reply. “Let’s just hope Steeson takes the bait and moves all attention to us.”

 “Steeson!” Steeson cringed as he heard Nemis call him by his first name. Sighing he turned away from the screen before him and turned to face Nemis, a fake smile plastered on his face.

“Akira, she's...!” Nemis began, yet he trailed off as he saw that the screen before Nemis had a picture of the white dragon and his rider making their way to the Academy.

“What is her plan?” Nemis asked as he walked to stand beside Steeson to stare at the screen. “Does she honestly just fly her way in here?”

“No Nemis,” Steeson smiled knowingly. “She's a distraction.”

“A distraction?” Nemis frowned, “for who?”

“Her friends,” Steeson replied calmly. “They're here to find some information at the Grand Tower.”

“Then this is our perfect chance!” Nemis' eyes lit up. “Let's crush them here and now!”

“My my, so eager to see them die?” Steeson asked amusement in his voice. “No. Leave her friends be.”

Nemis turned to stare at Steeson in disbelief.

“Call the Watchers and Night Riders at the Grand Tower off and tell them that they should head over to the Academy,” Steeson smiled as he turned his attention back to the screen.

“But...!” Nemis began to protest.

“Trust me Nemis, whatever they dig up, it won’t affect my plans in the least,” Steeson smiled.

“So we do what?” Nemis asked sarcastically, “Wait until the Rider of Legend gets here and hope to give her the treatment to? If she reaches the Academy you won’t be able to contain her. Trust me Steeson; her power is beyond what you can handle.”

“I do believe you,” Steeson smiled, “Which is why she is not going to reach the Send some Watchers after her, if she deals with them add some Night Riders into the mix.”

Nemis stared at Steeson in confusion. “To what end? She will take care of them with ease. Besides, you only control a few Watchers and Night Riders, the others will not attack the white dragon and his rider out of free will.”

“I have that covered,” Steeson replied smoothly as he stood up. “That is where Argos comes in,” he smiled. “A man appointed by the Rider of Legend herself and so there is no doubt that he knows what the Rider of Legend looks like,” he grinned at the screen where Akira was visible, “We'll have him pronounce her and her dragon fakes. The Watchers and Night Riders will believe him, even the people will, trust me.”

Nemis looked uncertain.

“Once Argos pronounces her a fake I want you to start sending a few Watchers and Night Riders after her. Every time she takes care of them, send in a bigger group. Let’s see just how many she can handle.”

“To what end?” Nemis asked. “What is the point here Steeson? Why not just kill her when you have the chance?”

Steeson turned to Nemis with a surprised expression on his face. “Dear me Nemis, you still haven't caught on to my motives,” he sighed, “Oh well, you will find out in time. Be assured for the time being though, this all does have a point.”

Nemis' jaw worked. He was not pleased at all about not being clued in to Steeson's plans, and yet there was no way that Steeson was telling him anytime soon.

“Now go let Argos know what to do,” Steeson waved him off.

Nemis, annoyed at being treated like a messenger boy, turned around and sauntered off.

“Oh and Nemis!” Steeson called after him, “Please make sure that you let Argos issue the order that they should avoid killing the girl and her dragon. I don’t want to have my plans ruined in any way.”

In reply Nemis scowled.

Steeson didn’t pay any attention and as Nemis’ disappearing footsteps echoed he turned his eyes back to the screen which showed the white dragon and his rider approaching.

“Perfect timing Akira, you just made things so much easier for me and you don’t even know it. Now,” Steeson smiled, “Let’s see what you’re made of.”

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