Daddy issues.
A/N Before you read on, I apologize for the season 10 reference spam. Enjoy the chapter!
Kai was padding around in his cave when Jay and Nya entered.
Kai noticed two things:
One: Jay was sweating like an ice cube in a furnace.
Two: Nya was injured badly.
His brotherly instincts took control instantly.
Kai immediately ran up to Nya and nuzzled her.
Fear was struck (A/N 😎😎😎) in Jay's heart after two words filled the silence of the cave.
"What. Happened?" Kai commanded more than asked.
Jay when into panic mode and immediately began to tell Kai every detail of the story, Nya filled in on the details for when he wasn't there.
"You told my sister that you were done with her and she didn't pound you? I'm flabbergasted." Kai wasn't mad at all, which came as a relief to the lightning dragon.
Not too later, the two boys were applying herb leaves to Nya's wounds.
They were quick to heal, as female dragons recover faster than males.
Five minutes later and Nya was up and going again.
"Thank you Jay, Kai."
Just then, Cole came tumbling into the cave, luckily unscathed.
"Guys, quick we have an emergency at dragon's bounty!" Dragon's Bounty was their meeting place, it was a rock shaped like a flying ship.
"What's the problem, Cole?" Nya asked.
"You'll have to see if to believe it!" The earth dragon exclaimed.
The four quickly made their way there, meeting Zane on the way.
Kai only had one, well two actually, question on his mind: Where's Lloyd?
"This is where you go? This tiny... Compartment?"
Everybody's except Cole's jaw dropped.
"Is that... Lord G-garmadon?" Jay asked shakily.
The five were hiding in the bushes.
Cole nodded slowly.
"And Lloyd's following him around like a shadow!"
"Let's just watch to find out more." Zane suggested. They all agreed.
"It's not a compartment, it's a rock. This is a forest remember?" Lloyd argued. Both dragon's were unaware of the group at the moment.
"Remind me why you brought me here again." Garmadon questioned the energy dragon.
"I didn't bring you here. You followed me."
"Oh, really?" The elder smirked.
"What?" Lloyd asked.
"What, what?" Garmadon said.
"Why are you smiling like that?"
"Maybe I'm happy."
"That isn't a happy smile. That's an evil, "I've got something up my sleeve" smile."
"How about this?" Garmadon smiled exactly the same as before.
"That's exactly the same."
"No, it isn't."
"Yes, it is!"
"NO IT ISN'T!" Lloyd flattened his ears, crouched down and whimpered at the others tone of voice.
Garmadon sighed and circled the green scaled dragon.
"Oh, what am I going to do with you, boy? Firstly, you leave the cave without permission, then you rebel against me? I am your father! Show some respect!"
Cole, Zane, Nya, Jay and Kai blinked in perfect unison. Their jaws went beyond the underworld.
"Lloyd? Garmadon? Father? Son? Lord Garmadon? Lloyd Garmadon? Related?" Cole asked all at once while pointing his claw between the two. The rest of them nodded.
"ThAT IS A PLOT TWIST I NEVER SAW COMING!!!" Jay yelled while jumping.
Unfortunately, and obviously, the two Garmadons heard this.
Lloyd, recognising the voices that were hushing Jay, backed away, ready to fly of at a moments notice.
The warlord used his purple flame breath to burn away the bush that the teenage dragon's were hiding behind.
"Ah... more innocent dragons to demolish." Garmadon was powering up his destruction.
Lloyd stood there watching. He had to. He wasn't allowed to interfere.
Nearly everyday he saw innocent dragons die at the claws of his father.
But not today (Any ARMYs out there? :]), Lloyd said in his head.
Without any regrets, Lloyd stood protectively in front of his friends.
"Move out the way, Lloyd." Garmadon commanded.
Lloyd shook his head and only made his stance stronger. "No."
"IF YOU DON'T MOVE OUT THE WAY THE BLAST WILL KILL YOU!" Garmadon yelled. No matter how much he fought it, Garmadon always had a light side telling him not to do something he'd regret.
That voice was booming in his ears right now.
But no matter what he tried, the dark side always won.
Kill him, he's protecting his friends, you ordered him not to have any, you ordered him not to leave the cave, but he didn't listen. He was never of any use to you. NOW KILL HIM!
"I'll give you one last chance, boy! Move out the way... NOW!"
Lloyd only growled in response.
His friends could only watch as the energy dragon put his life in danger to save them. That shows proof that he's a real friend. Not an evil warlord like his father, their friend.
"Very well, you made your choice." Said the warlord.
Just as Garmadon fired his purple flames, Lloyd fired his energy breath, creating a collision in the the two powers.
Lloyd's friends backed away, but only to defend Lloyd from Garmadon's army, which Garmadon had summoned.
Kai whipped his tail into two warriors, and used his bone wings to knock out the other two.
Jay just started shooting lightning at anyone who dared to challenge him.
Cole was moving under the earth and randomly popping out like a dolphin, all whilst grabbing enemies and dragging them with him.
Nya and Zane had the job of making sure they had a "good" time on the "ice rink".
Lloyd however, was not fairing so well. His side of the power collision was visibly weakening, and so was he.
Fatigue started to take control of Lloyd's body as his knees buckled and he fell.
Garmadon pounced on him and prepared to give the final blow.
"Please... don't... do... this..." Garmadon could see his son's consciousness fading.
And for once, both the light and the dark won as he resorted the throw Lloyd deeper into the forest.
Garmadon roared for his army to retreat, and they did so. Garmadon flew away.
Cole was quick to alert everyone that Lloyd wasn't with them.
They all went into panic mode, well, Zane didn't, the other three didn't know his secret yet and his panic switch was only to be used in an emergency.
This proved to be quite useful as he was able to tap into his sixth sense and see where Lloyd was.
He informed the others immediately and they followed him to find Lloyd.
Oh, God my head is killing me!
So is everything else!
Uh, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say I didn't win.
Oh, no! My dad knows!
Oh, jeez! My FRIENDS know!
Oh, man I'm gonna be lonely for the rest of my life.
That's okay though, I don't like talking to other people.
Oh, gosh, I'm not even awake, but, why can't I open my eyes?
I want to, I really do.
I want to wake up so I can asked my friends if they can forgive me.
But I can't, I just can't.
I feel as if all my energy has been drained out.
I felt warm paws on me.
"Lloyd? Can you hear us?"
That was Kai. My gosh there here! I really want to apologize!
Kai for goodness sake do something.
"Lloyd? Com'on buddy. Wake up."
I'm trying to, Cole! Oh for the first dragjitzu master's name, do something! Slap me! Scratch me! Even hold my eyes open for me! Just do SOMETHING!
"Please, Lloyd it is imperative that you respond."
I know, Zane! That's why I'm trying to!
"Wait, Zane, what would happen if you used your sixth sense to contact Lloyd? Would he respond?"
Excellent idea, Nya. Why didn't you think of that... hm... I dunno about FITHTEEN MINUTES AGO!!!
"If he is alive then, yes, he will be able to respond. I could try and see how he is feeling if you wish, he could even give us advice on what to do."
Oh my gosh! That gives me an idea! Uncle Wu's tea shop! He has a tea for everything! If Zane can talk to me I could tell him!
"Do it."
Listen to Kai, Zane!
"As you wish."
I felt a cold paw on my head, it was quite soothing actually.
Z: Well, that's pleasing to hear.
Oh, my gosh! Zane? Is that you?
Z: Yes, it is.
Oh, thank the first dragjitzu master! I heard you and the others talking and I tried to wake up but I couldn't.
Z: That is concerning.
I also have an answer to what you asked about before, when you said to the others about if I could help you on what to do.
Z: And what is that?
Have you heard of the small tea shop Wisdom's Tea?
Z: Yes, in fact, I am quite good friends with the owner, Sensei Wu, why?
Because Sensei Wu is my uncle and if you can get me there I'd be awake in no time!
Z: Very well, is there a specific thing you would like me to say.
Yes, could you tell him that I would like to speak with him privately afterwards.
Z: Of course. By the way, how aware are you of your surroundings?
I can hear and feel, that's all- no smell and no sight.
Z: Thank you for letting me know that. I am sorry to inform you that I must be leaving know to let the others know of your condition. Rest up well, my friend.
Thanks, Zane.
I can hear Zane's voice telling the others about how I'm holding up, indicating he had left.
Nonetheless, the cold paw didn't leave my head. If I could see my self, I swear I would be smiling.
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