Chapter 6

The contestants waited in silence for the last few to join their ranks.

Ash recognized Mason as he stepped out from the shimmering gate not long after she did. He panted for air, seeming quite out of breath from whatever his last trial had been. After he was greeted with the same message as everyone else, he quietly joined the others.

The silence only lasted until Rowan's familiar shape appeared.

He let out a yell of triumph, loud enough to drown out the message of congratulations. He joyfully thumped Mason on the back while the other boy looked like he wanted to sink into the ground. The other contestants coldly watched the one-sided celebration.

"Did Skyler come through yet?" Rowan loudly asked.

Mason shook his head.

Rowan scowled. His eyes scanned the silent qualifiers. When they landed on Ash, they lit up. "You made it!"

Ash gave him a nod accompanied by a smile at his refreshing attitude.

Several contestants later, she couldn't hide her surprise when non-other than Skyler stepped into the open.

"You're late!" Rowan greeted as he bounded to his friend.

Mason joined at a slightly slower pace.

While Ash watched the three friends reunite, she couldn't help but wonder if the girl had passed on pure luck or if there was more to her than she let on. Just by the air around her, she'd seemed like someone who would fall in the same round.

Ash thoughts were cut off when the last contestant appeared – the boy with the bow.

His eyes alighted on Ash only for his face to turn a few shades paler.

"Fifteen," the voice from before announced.

On cue, the uniformed men and woman from before appeared from thin air to join the group of successful candidates.

Ash's eyes locked on the dark-haired man with the flaming sword. The blade was nowhere in sight. As if sensing her gaze, he turned to her. Upon seeing the girl, his lips twitched. Ash broke eye contact, interest waning.

"Congratulations," the commander from before stepped forward, her gaze as cold as ever. A smile – which looked out of place on her – grew from the edge of her lips. "You have proven yourself to be worthy contestants of the Dragon Bane." Her gaze swept over the group. "I hope you all said your goodbyes before. Some of you will not return." She didn't have to explain the words for the contestants to understand.

In the next moment, the woman made a motion and a portal appeared. "We will head straight to your new quarters. As soon as you enter, your access to the outside world will be restricted until the end of the competition." She paused. "This is your last chance. If you wish to forfeit your spot, then speak up."

Glances were exchanged, but not a voice was raised.

"Good." The woman nodded in satisfaction. "Then, let's go." She stepped through the portal.

Ash patiently waited for several others to go ahead before following. As she passed the man she'd faced earlier, she felt his eyes on her every move – he was ignored.

One moment she was on the plateau, the next Ash stood on the edge of a cliff. The wind slapped at the growing group, howling as it tore at hair and clothes.

As more contestants stepped out behind her, Ash noted several dots appear on the horizon.

"Whoa!" a girl gasped as the shapes rapidly came closer and thus more visible.

Even Ash was filled with admiration. Excitement flooded her as she recognized the dots for what they were – Pegasus.

The beautiful winged horses approached, bridles and saddles shimmering in the sunlight. As rare as precious jewels, and even harder to tame, these stunning creatures were owned only by the scarce elite. Ash had never thought she would come face to face with one in her life. Few ever did.

As their form of transportation grew closer and closer, it became apparent that only the lead stallion – with a rare beautiful golden coat and white mane and wings – had a rider perched on his back. The other Pegasus were a mix of the usual stunning silver and white.

At the head of the waiting group, the commanding woman calmly watched, as though this sight was nothing new.

Ash regarded her for a moment. She guessed the reason the woman didn't just make a portal was most likely the distance to their destination. The energy required for that would take more than a few high leveled officials. The cliff itself was likely not far in proximity to the plateau.

Words of admiration escaped the potential winners of Dragon Bane as the lead stallion landed on the edge of the cliff. The creature shook his head, nostrils flaring and eyes bright as its hooves pranced on the surface. The rider on his back placed a calming hand on the high-spirited animal's neck.

More Pegasus landed, one after the other. As with every herd, there was only a single stallion while the rest were mares. Each was as skittish as the last. As majestic heads tossed, young men and women gazed in awe. For there to be this many Pegasus gathered in one place it was very apparent just how high profile the competition was.

The commander turned to face the gawking contestants. She had to yell to be heard over the wind. "Dawn will take things from here." She nodded to the woman seated on the gold-winged horse before stepped aside.

The woman, Dawn, dismounted, hand still resting on her mount's neck.

"These creatures are extremely sensitive to your mood. So, try turning the friendliness up or you'll find yourself in for quite a ride," Dawn shared. "Girls, choose a mount," she added, her face somewhat more relaxed than the previous lady's.

Her black hair was also tightly pulled back and she sported that same white uniform. What looked like a black crop hung from one hip. A curled whip was fastened on the other.

"Boys," her lips curled upward into what could only be taken as an attempt to a sympathetic smile. "Pegasus aren't as–" she searched for the word, "–friendly with your gender. You have to work extra hard to earn their trust." Not once did she remove her hand from the golden coat. "So, for the sake of making this quick, you'll need to double up with a girl."

The girls moved to the Pegasus almost in a trance-like motion while the boys took a moment to chose who to go with. They began to mount, several failing to do so as their mounts fearfully withdrew or reared.

"Turn off that murderous aura or you can forget getting on any of these backs!" Dawn warned.

"Too late," Mason informed Rowan from where he beat his friend in doubling up with Skyler.

Rowan simply scowled before his eyes alighted on Ash. He strode over with a wide grin on his face. Ash barely noticed him, eyes still on the winged horses. Unlike the others, she hadn't moved an inch.

"So, who is our ride?" Rowan asked as he casually swung a muscular arm around her shoulders.

Both the boy and girl's eyes went to the last Pegasus without a rider – a small silver mare. The horse's large eyes met with Ash's.

"Come on then!" Rowan pushed Ash toward the mount.

No sooner did Ash take a step forward than the horse violently shook her head and scrambled to retreat. Finding the edge of the cliff right by her hindquarters, the mare froze, her legs visibly shaking. The beautiful white wings were drawn close to the creature's body.

Noticing the commotion, Dawn turned her attention to the group.

"What did I say about your aura?" she criticized with a scowl.

Ash didn't reply, her eyes still on the mounted. Rowan shot her a questioning glance, but he was ignored.

The girl couldn't say she was surprised. With a predator so terrifying dwelling inside her, it was no wonder that the Pegasus would be unwilling to get close.

Ash felt the presence in her mind stir as Callous seemed to consider this problem. All at once every Pegasus near her withdrew several steps.

Dawn's eyes narrowed as she watched the horses' reactions.

I cannot just disperse into thin air, Callous informed Ash.

I know, came the girl's reply. She eyed the horse. Lucky for us, fear can work wonders too.

Callous caught on. He would never admit it out loud, but for the utmost time he couldn't help but feel pleased that his host was a quick-witted one.

Ash stepped toward the cowering mount.

The horse wined, whites of its eyes showing.

As the approaching girl was turned toward the creature, the others in the area were unaware of the change in her eyes. For the briefest of moments, they flashed a static purple, glaring at the fragile Pegasus with extreme murderous intent.

The Pegasus froze. Ash continued to approach it.

Reaching out a hand, she paused within an arm's length.

Fighting between the urge of fight or flight, the horse stood rock still. Then it relaxed. Stretching its neck, it rubbed its muzzle on Ash's palm. It was momentarily as docile as any domesticated animal would be to its master.

Ash smiled. The animal knew it couldn't win, and thus it submitted itself to its fate.

Taking a hold of the bridle, Ash calmly led the animal to where Rolland was waiting.

The young man watched, arms crossed on his chest. If he had any questions, he didn't voice them. Even the instructor turned away, satisfied now that the Pegasus had calmed down.

Reaching Rolland, Ash brought the mount to a stop. With a pat on its neck, she swung herself on its back, offering a helping hand to Rolland. The boy took it, perching behind her.

Seeing that all were mounted, Dawn gave the youth one last warning. "Don't do a thing but let the Pegasus follow me." Her eyes brushed over the group. "A warning to those who want to try anything funny, if you make your mount throw you, no one will be stepping in to catch you."

A young man's hand froze in mid-air above the flank of his winged animal. He seemed to reconsider his intentions.

Without any further words, Dawn mounted. In a moment, her Pegasus swung its mighty white wings. The horse gracefully lifted into the air, leaving a small shower of feathers in its wake. As it rose higher, a wine escaped from its muzzle.

The mounts on the group wined in response before following, riders seated on their backs.

Ash's legs automatically tightened their grip and she couldn't help but sense a familiarity.

Perhaps I rode previously? She still had barely any knowledge of her life from before she met Callous.

As the wings of her Pegasus flapped, the horse rose higher into the air.

The wind gently caressed Ash's face. Leaning to the side, she watched the land below grow further and further away.

So, this is what it feels like to fly? She couldn't help the smile that spread across her face.

They entered the clouds in swift pursuit after the stallion.

Rowan let out a whoop as he spread his arms. A joyful laugh escaped him as he tipped his head back and shot an evil grin at his friends.

Mason looked somewhat sick as he clung tightly to Skyler who didn't look so good herself. Their mount shook its head, as though gleeful at the misfortune of the riders on its back.

When they broke above the clouds, Ash still had the smile on her face. She couldn't help the delighted laugh that escaped her at the feeling of joy which came from no apparent source.

All around, other riders on Pegasus whooped in excitement and giggled at the thrill of being so high up. Even those who had refused to crack even a hint of a smile before now gazed at the blue sky and white clouds with sparkling eyes. Almost every contestant suddenly felt as though they had returned to the happiest time in their childhood – that was, the few that weren't terrified of heights or feeling somewhat motion sick.

The flight lasted a good while, but for several of the riders, it didn't feel long enough.

No one fell, and thus the whole group arrived at their destination.

They witnessed the clouds part to reveal an amazing view below. A city almost magically appeared in the middle of a previous endless desert. White buildings clustered together, with several towers spiraling into the air. Green gardens added color but seemed out of place in the middle of the arid expansion. Pools of water and fountains boasted of life where there should be none.

Not a single student could keep their eyes from the amazing city, and even those who felt sick before seemed to be momentarily be cured of their ailments.

As the horses spiraled down, the riders witnessed the streets come alive. People of all colors and races bustled about. Men and woman wore loose fitting clothes, and both were covered in jewelry that reeked of wealth.

There was no doubt about the place below. The city which contained the wealthiest of all nations. The city where the greatest heroes earned a place to rest. The city every boy, girl, man, woman, and child hoped they could live one day. This was Ballaeter.

The contestants' excitement was short lived as the Pegasus turned from the great city. They made a beeline to a rocky outcrop some distance away. When they reached it, the ground seemed to fall away. The sight on the lower level made the atmosphere go from awe to something more serious.

Sandy roads from every side all met at the same building – a massive indoor arena. Its metal frame glistened in the sun, causing the approaching to shield their eyes. To those seated on the Pegasus, the stadium was not just the famed stadium people from all over flocked to, no, it was the place where one person's dreams would be fulfilled here.

Ash felt the Pegasus beneath her let out a violent shiver as a whine escaped its muzzle.

The reason was apparent when Callous spoke, Soon.

Ash heard a longing in the tone. It made her wonder, bringing to surface questions she hadn't asked. Callous, she began.

"I guess that's our new home," Rowland's voice blasted in her ear as the boy leaned over and pointed, causing the Pegasus to briefly tilt off balance to one side. It swiftly corrected itself.

Dropping her questions, Ash turned her eyes in the direction.

Not far from the stadium, a large white building formed a circle. It almost looked like a smaller replica version of the arena. The middle of the roof, being glass, gave a glimpse of green.

It was to this building that the Pegasus flew.

As they arrived, part of the glass roof retracted, leaving a wide opening.

Dawn led the way on her stallion, not hesitating to fly through.

The moment Ash's mount followed, she felt the change from dry heat to a cool refreshing temperature. A lush garden greeted her eyes, giving relief from the harsh outside.

Several trees graced the area, some sporting ripe fruit. A fountain bubbled to one side while grass and flowers blanketed the whole area – a miniature Garden of Eden.

The Pegasus touched down, their hooves sinking into the soft soil. Several immediately lowered their heads to graze while their riders helplessly exchanged glances.

Dawn stayed on her mount, waiting.

Several men and woman in uniform marched over.

Surprise flittered through Ash as her eyes alighted on the leader. Again, it was the man she had fought for her last stage of the test. Other than him, all the other uniformed man and women were new faces.

How did he get here before us? She couldn't help but wonder.

As though sensing her eyes, his gaze briefly flittered to her. He met the questioning gaze, something like amusement flickering through his eyes.

"Keegan?" Dawn's voice questioned.

The amused eyes turned from Ash to the lady on the stallion. "You're the first to arrive," the man calmly replied.

Without replying, Dawn dismounted.

The contestants followed her lead.

"Flying was fun," Rowland spoke as he stretched his limbs. "But I must say it's good to be back on land." He shot Mason and Skylar a grin. "Right?"

Mason, who still didn't look so good, answered him with a glare.

Skylar's hand moved to her mouth and she made a gagging sound, making Mason turn his attention to her.

Ignoring them, Ash felt the soft earth between her boots. She couldn't help but tip her head back to stare at the high ceiling above. The glass part had slipped back into place, sealing the contestants from the outside.

"Listen up!" Dawn turned to the group.

Murmurs died.

"This is going to be your new home for the next few weeks." She motioned to the area. Even as she spoke, a group of women stepped out and began to round up the Pegasus.

"The south wing is where you will be staying to start off with."

The stallion was led by her as she spoke, tossing its head as though not pleased at being taken away from the supply of fresh grass. The mares followed, trotting after their leader with some reluctance.

"The west wing is where the winners. The east is for those eliminated." There was almost no trace of emotion as she spoke. "Either way, unless you are traveling to or from the arena, you will not leave this place for the duration of the competition. If anyone is caught doing so," her lips curled, "they will be eliminated immediately. Understood?"

There were several nods. Rowland rubbed the back of his neck while Ash leaned her weight on one foot.

The boy with the bow raised a hand.

Arching an eyebrow, Dawn waited on him.

"What's the North wing?" the boy asked.

Dawn eyed him until he shifted uncomfortably under her gaze.

"Training facilities," the woman finally replied. "As promised, those of you who have your personal trainers or masters may meet and continue to do so between competitions."

Ash wasn't surprised by the information. Unless one was crazy, entering the Dragon Bane without a trainer was near suicidal.

Maybe that's what I am? she questioned.

You have me, she was surprised Callous was listening in as she hadn't felt his presence stir.

Ash only hummed in response.

"While you are here, there are four simple rules." Dawn lifted a fist. "One." Her index finger shot up. "As stated, you are not to leave the premises. Two." Her middle finger joined the first. "Other than in the training room, use of crystals or drawing of weapons is forbidden. A barrier has been set up in case some of you feel tempted."

As nervous chuckles sounded from the group, Callous only scoffed. One or two yelps followed by individuals who seemed to immediately try test their luck. They were met with only a flicker in their crystals followed by a sharp pain.

Dawn shot them a warning glare.

"Three," another finger rose. "Competitors from the same region may interact but with those from other areas will be limited." She pursed her lips. "Fighting outside the arena will strip you of that privilege."

Privilege? Ash eyed the others around her to find some doing the same. Why let us interact when we're going to fight each other?

Callous chuckled at that. Friends fighting friends, don't you think that makes the show all the more entertaining?

The answer made Ash scowl. It was a reminder that while for the competitors this could be a life or death situation, the audience was only looking for a good show.

"And finally," Dawn's last finger rose, "both within and outside of the arena, the officials hold absolute authority over you. Challenging or rebellious behavior toward us of any sort will not be tolerated." Her eyes cut down any who dared to defy her. "We–" she motioned to the men and women behind her, "–have been given permission to use force if deemed necessary." She cocked her head as her crystal began to glow a solid black – the highest level of crystal user – unhindered by the barrier in place.

Boys and girls exchanged glances, murmurs of surprise at her activation of the weapon when they could not.

Ash's eyes flashed to Dawn's ear. She'd noticed the same silver earing every single man and woman in uniform in the garden wore. It was clear to her that it had to somehow render the barrier ineffective for the wearer.

"Understood?" Dawn asked.

Again, there were nods all around.

"Good." Dawn's crystal died, satisfied that her warning had gotten across.

"What do they think we are?" someone muttered. "Monsters?"

"Are you kidding?" Another chuckled. "Do you have any idea what kind of people the Dragon Bane attracts?" The speaker – a girl – shot a meaningful look in the direction of a boy with a shaved head and covered in tattoos. "Unless you are a monster, there's no way you can win this." Her smile grew. "If not, then why are you here?"

She got a glare in response.

"Well then, before you settle in, let's go get your fitting over with." Dawn smoothly turned on a heel, leaving a neat imprint in the soil. She motioned for the group to follow. The other man and woman in uniform parted to let her pass through.

The contestants hesitated.

"Don't dilly dally," Dawn barked over her shoulder. "You'll need to be out by the time the next group gets here."

The contestants scrambled after her.

"Fitting?" Rowland questioned as he fell into step beside Ash. "You think this year's battle uniforms will be fashionable?" He flexed an arm. "I'm really hoping its something that'll show off my guns," he jokingly added.

"Uniforms?" Ash tried to recall the information.

"Hopefully they're not flowy like three years ago," Rowland continued. "The number of people that had them torn up was crazy!" He chuckled. "The choice of white last year wasn't the best either. They were dyed red by the end of each battle."

As he babbled on, the two passed by the group of uniformed men and woman. The moment Ash brushed passed Keegan, she felt his eyes follow her again. Though she was fully aware, she didn't show it.

What's his problem? She couldn't help but think.

The thought was brushed aside as she and the contestants left the garden behind and headed for their fitting.

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