Chapter 4

While trying to eradicate each other, the group fighting in the open paid little attention to their surroundings. It made things easier for Ash.

Approaching almost unnoticed, she was ready to take down the first opponent. However, before she could put her plan into action, the group fell one after the other – each with an arrow of light neatly sticking from them.




Whoever the attacker, they had set up in a sweet spot to catch the others.

Rather than running away, Ash stayed on track.

She reached the now panicking group. Never once did she turn her back on the direction she knew the arrows were coming from. As the hairs on her arms stood, she grabbed an escaping opponent. Whirling, she used momentum to move the boy in the direction of her choice.


He disappeared as an arrow collided with his chest.

For the briefest moment, Ash felt a crackle of energy. It confirmed her earlier thoughts. These arrows didn't kill, they stunned.

So, as long as the other person is incapacitated, they are eliminated. One of her questions was answered.

She dodged a blow from an escaping girl. As she turned, she was fully aware of the hand that raised and the crystal that glowed a bright orange.

Ash felt the ground beneath her shake. She leaped back just as vines seemed to spring out from nowhere searching for something to grasp. They caught an unsuspecting girl who was almost immediately hit with an arrow.

Seeing the hand turn to her, Ash simply raised her forearm. As she felt the blast of energy, she waved down, deflecting it almost effortlessly. Needing somewhere to go, the force bounced off her, heading right back to the owner and sending her flying.


Ash was not so much as shaken.

The group had all disappeared, leaving only her.

"Sixty-one," the voice counted.

Ash whirled. Her eyes followed the arrow of energy that shot by. As it flew, it dispersed as it wasn't able to find a target in the short time its energy crackled with life.

Unaffected by the close call, Ash turned in the direction of the origin, eyes searching.

There. Though there was no wind at the moment, the high grass rustled slightly in the distance.

Letting her feet lead, Ash walked in the direction.

"Fifty-three," the voice continued.


Ash turned, avoiding another arrow as it came. It was fast, but she was faster, seeing it's path from the moment it set flight. Her lips twitched into a smile as she pinpointed the exact location of its launch.

The grass rustled again, betraying the urgency in the movement of the figure within. While shooting enemies from far was ideal, the owner of the arrows seemed nervous about close range combat.

Another arrow came. This time, Ash was too close to simply dodge. She raised a hand.

The arrow reached its target.

Ash's head dropped.

The shooter felt a flicker of triumph.

"Fifty," the voice announced.

Ash wasn't the reason. She lifted her head, dark eyes reflecting the light of the arrow she clutched in one hand.

It sizzled and crackled but didn't harm so much a hair on her as she held it only a few centimeters from her chest. With a smile, Ash's fingers tightened their grip.


The arrow shattered, energy fizzling in all directions.

Ash was close enough to meet the wide eyes of her crouching attacker. The boy held a bow, no sign of arrows near him but a glowing bracelet showing the source.

A look of understanding crossed the face as the boy scrambled to his feet. The next moment, he did the wisest thing anyone in his shoes could – he ran. For he knew that the only type of person who could so easily nullify an attack like that was someone whose level way surpassed that of the attacker's.

As he fled, Ash calmly followed into the high grass.

"Forty-six," the voice announced.

Ash wasn't in a hurry to defeat opponents. All she needed was to be one of the last thirty. As far as she saw it, there was no obvious benefit in wasting energy and mowing down everyone in her sight.

She kept up a slow pursuit, leaving it up to the young man's luck on if he got away or not. Strolling through the grass, she kept her ears and eyes open.

A yell caught her attention as a scuffle broke out some way before her.

When she reached the area, the boy with the bow was rolling. Several knives buried themselves in the ground where he'd been a moment before. A girl had her hand thrust out, confident grin on her face as orange glowed from beneath her shirt.

What's up with all the low levels? Ash couldn't help but wonder.

The boy scrambled to his feet even as the knives seemed to magically dislodge themselves and re-direct their flight.

"Thirty-five," the voice announced.

Ash stayed in her spot watching the girl who still hadn't noticed her. The boy stumbled. It was what saved him as the knives flew over his head. Letting out a cluck of frustration, the attacker followed.

It's a pity, Ash thought with some regret for the boy. A little longer and you would have made it.

From where he was sprawled, the kid with the bow turned and crawled backward on his hands, pleading eyes landing on the watching Ash. The girl felt a tug.

It's not your place, she reminded herself.

The eyes stayed on her.

No. If he doesn't make it that's not on you. Ash gritted her teeth.

The knives shot back to their master before turning and aiming at their helpless target.

Those eyes.

A sigh escaped Ash.

The sigh alerted the owner of the orange crystal. Whirling, the girl moved at an impressive rate. She flicked her fingers even as her eyes landed on Ash.

The daggers changed direction and flew almost instantly. Ash moved her hand in a cutting motion and sidestepped.


Two daggers fell into the grass, deflected by her [perfectly timed motion.

The third, however, brushed by too close for comfort.

Ash felt the trickle from a cut on her cheek. She didn't have a moment to check the source when the other girl already charged.

However, she made the critical mistake of forgetting the boy on the ground.

Ash didn't move a muscle, making the target easier. Just as the attacker's fist was about to collide with her unblinking eyes, the attacker froze. She stared down at the tip of light that stuck from her abdomen.


With the girl gone, Ash's eyes landed on the guy. He was still on the floor, bow in his hands. He smiled at the girl who, in his eyes, he'd just saved from being eliminated.

With her previous target no longer in danger, Ash's sympathy evaporated. She trod forward to do what had to be done. Her target's nostril's quivered and his eyes twitched as he seemed to realize that Ash wasn't about to let him go.

He scrambled to form another arrow of light, however, in the blink of an eye, Ash closed the distance.

She raised her first.

A siren stopped her in her tracks.

"Ladies, gentlemen!" the same voice boomed. "Congratulations on passing round one."

Ash lowered her hand while witnessing her intended target let out a sigh of relief.

"Now then," the voice continued, "shall we commence with round two?"


Ash had no further time to consider this unexpected turn of events as the ground began to shake. She struggled to stay on her feet from the violent movement. With her balance thrown off, she didn't notice the next event until it was too late. The ground split open, swallowing all the occupants above.

Several surprised yells echoed as all qualifiers fell into the dark depths.

Ash reached out for something, anything to keep her from falling. There was nothing.

Changing tactics, she turned on her belly, trying to see what would approach her from below. Utter darkness greeted her eyes.

The air grew colder. Senses tingling, something told Ash the end was coming. It did a moment later.

The landing was surprisingly soft. It was as though the ground dented itself to absorb the impact and cushion the contender. There was no pain, not even a hint of the impact winding the victim.

Picking herself up, Ash stood in the pitch black.

The whistle of wind hailed her, but other than that, it was completely silent.

"Welcome," the same voice from before spoke as clearly as though the speaker was right next to her, "to the labyrinth."

Torches of fire magically flickered to life, dimly lighting up the area. There were walls left and right, too high and steep to climb. They enclosed the girl in a narrow space. Seeing she faced a dead-end, Ash turned to find the path before her the only possible way to go.

"The rules are simple," the voice continued, "the first fifteen people who find their way out will advance."

That was it. No more instructions.

Ash didn't take time to think about it and started to walk the only way she could. She doubted it was as simple as simply finding her way out. There would be obstacles of some sort. Of that she was sure.

As she came to a fork, Ash was faced with the decision of going left or right. Without hesitation, she went left, following the direction of the wind.

Every time she turned a corner, torches would flicker to life to light her way, never revealing what was more than a few paces before her.

After a while of walking, a presence stirred in her mind.

What? Now they have you taking a stroll? Callous asked.

Ash didn't reply.

If these are the qualifications, the competition is going to be as easy as taking out a village.

"Don't be so quick to judge," Ash murmured as one foot landed in front of the other. She came to another fork and smoothly turned the corner. "Somethings going to happen at some point."

No doubt, Callous agreed. Let's just hope its fun enough for me to come out and play.

"I already told you," Ash dashed his hopes, "leave the qualifications to me."

She turned the corner only to stop in midstride. The lights revealed a dead end.

Without another thought, Ash was about to turn and retrace her steps when something made her pause.

This way couldn't be wrong. The air, it was coming from in front of her.

Callous' presence stayed as he seemed content to watch her movements.

Approaching the stone wall, Ash reached out. She gave a push. Nothing happened.

Standing back, the girl regarded the barricade. Her eyes swept it from top to bottom. The slightest glimmer caught her attention. Ash let her fingers brush across it. No sooner did she feel the unusually smooth texture than a blue light rushed across the wall. Words shimmered into view, one sentence at a time.

"Imagine you are falling from an unimaginable height," Ash read aloud. The words changed. "Your hands are chained behind your back." She paused, watching the letter re-arrange themselves. "Your legs are bound." Another pause. "Below are sharp rocks which will impale you upon impact." Another pause. "How will you escape?"

The last sentence remained with the word "escape" pulsing.

Ash paused, thinking the riddle over. "How many tries do I have?" she asked.

"3," the blue number briefly flickered at the end of the sentence.

"If I pass, will the door open?"

The 3 morphed into a "Yes."

"And if I fail?" Ash ventured.

"The door will be sealed until round two of qualifications is over," Ash nodded as she read the savage words. She'd expected as much.

The question she needed to answer ran through her mind again.

This is all they could come up with? Callous sounded more than bored. His tone suggested he'd already arrived at the answer.

Not paying him any attention, Ash debated it. The one thing she'd learned about riddles was that it was never a complicated answer.

"I use a crystal to form a protective shield upon impact," she tried the answer she was sure most other contenders would give.

"Wrong," the word flashed as the whole wall briefly was illuminated in red.

The number 3 changed to 2.

Ash scratched her head. "Falling from unimaginable heights?"

In her mind, she felt Callous sigh. Ignoring him, she retraced her thoughts.

No crystals can be used. My hands are bound. There's no feasible way to escape and I'll die on impact.

She remembered that riddles often contained the answer within the wording.

"Can I see the riddle once more?" she asked.

The words shifted.

Imagine you are falling from unimaginable heights.

Even as the words changed, Ash's lips twitched into a smile.

Your hands are chained behind your back.

Your legs are bound.

Ash patiently let the words continue.

Below are sharp rocks which will impale you upon impact.

The girl was certain she had the answer.

How will you escape? Again, the last word pulsed.

"I'll stop imagining," Ash spoke the simple words.

The wall shook. A moment later, it smoothly slid open.

Ash stepped through as several torches lit up to show her a few paces ahead. She walked on, still following the wind.

It wasn't much later that she stepped into what looked like a gigantic wooden portcullis. Ash came to a slow halt as she eyed it.

Callous' interest perked. Something that big can only be there for one reason.

A grating behind made Ash whirl. The path she had come from closed, leaving nothing but smooth stone. She turned back to the gate ahead.

The ground shook as a rumbling grew. Unfortunately, it came from the only direction Ash could now go. She watched the gate slowly inch it's way upward.

Let's see what they keep locked down here. Callous anticipated.

Ash adjusted her stance, standing on her forefoot so that she could move at a given notice.

The shaking of the ground increased.

"It's coming," Ash spoke the words to herself.

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