Hurry 7th: Defeat the 6th Universe!

After the 11th Universe was defeated, Ryu Vegeta and the Androids made their way over to the rest of their team. Once they did, they immediately got into a stare down.

Azure: 'We've got the advantage in numbers, but against a Universe like them, that doesn't mean much.'

Erica: 'Their last members are Ryuko, Hit, Cabba, Kale, Caulifa, Two Namekian's, and that weird pig. And we still have all of our members.'

Ryuko: '-_- This is basically a 7 on one. I told that idiot Champa to let me grab another person, but he REALLY just said that a doctor of Magic, WHICH MAKES NO SENSE, would be useful.'

Ryu walked forward, with Ryuko walking as well. They stopped when they were face to face, with all eyes on them. Neither Beerus nor Champa said a word, remembering that the last battle between the two was far too close to tell the winner.

Ivan: This will decide it all. A final clash between universes.

Ryu clenched his fist, beginning to power up. Ryuko began to follow the act, as what remained of the arena began to tremble. Ryu entered Ultra Instinct, while Ryuko entered her Destroyer Saiyan Form. Electricity began to crack in the air.

Liquiir: It's hard to believe mortals so young can enter the same realm as us Destroyers. And in some rights, surpass us.

Beerus looked on, and for a moment he saw Sol in the place of Ryu.

Beerus: 'You rushing things like this only proves it. You'll have to become far stronger in a short amount of time to overcome Death.'

The Kachin on the ground began to rise, as the powers of the counterparts seemingly reached their ceilings. Feeling this, everyone knew what had to be done. With the leaders of each team moving, the others followed suite. Hit dashed towards Azure, who unleashed the full power of his Perfected Blue form. Cabba flew towards Yang and Amber, kicking the former away, and starting to attack Amber. She in turn dodged, having trouble with the strength of a Super Saiyan 2.

Amber: 'He's strong!!'

Cabba: 'We can't lose!! I'll fight with every ounce of power I have to protect my Universe!!'

Amber blocked Cabba's fist, before punching him in the jaw. He withstood this, elbowing Amber in the side, making her wince. Erica fought Caulifa, blocking every punch that was thrown at her.

Caulifa: Come on, turn Super Saiyan!! You're not gonna beat me if you just block!!

Erica: Ha. I don't need Super Saiyan at the moment with this power.

She caught the fist of the girl, before swinging her around, and into the ground.

Kale: SIS!!!

Kale powered up into Super Saiyan, rushing in to attack Erica. Seeing this coming, Erica teleported behind Kale, before firing a blast to knock her away,

Erica: Too green. The lack of experienced fighters in this team will be your Universes doom.

Caulifa: WHY YOU-

Before she could get back up, Erica, pulled her fist back, before swinging it, causing a gust of wind to nearly blow the girls off their feat. Gohan and Cinder fought the Namekian, actually having trouble with them.

Gohan: Woah, I never thought Namekian's could be so powerful!

Saonel fired a mouth blast at Gohan, who barely dodged. Cinder especially was having a difficult time fighting against Pilina, as her fire blast barely harmed the slug man.

Cinder: Argh, you're so damn stubborn!

Pilina: That's how Namekian Warriors are!! We carry with us the staggering spirit of our planet!!

He fired a mouth blast, with Cinder's eyes widening. Before the attack could connect, 17 dashed in, and used a barrier to defend himself and Cinder.

17: 16, NOW!!!

16 appeared behind Pilina, lifting him up in the air.


With all his might, he smashed Pilina through the floor, before pulling his arms back.


Two beams of Ki went into the hole the Namekian was inside of, before multiple other beams shot into the air from the ground.

17: You're out of your league with this guy. Just hang back.

Cinder: Don't order me around. It takes more than brute power to take me out for good.

16 jumped over to them.

16: Then you better hope that you'll be prepared for his next attack.

The ground shook, as Pilina burst from the ground, barely harmed from the attack.

17: That... was the same move that stunned Cell. And you're stronger than back them.

16: Yes, but that's not Cell.

Cinder: ... *Sigh* One thousandth of a second.

17: Come again?

Cinder: That's the opening to dodge one of his mouth blast. It's around 10 times less when he's switching from punching to kicking.

17: Ha, I see why Ryu wanted you on this team. You've got an eye for battle like the best of them.

Cinder: Buy me some time. I've got something to even the odds.

They all dashed in, with 17 creating another barrier to block Pilina's next punch. Azure and Hit were clashing, going blow for blow, which surprised Azure.

Azure: You've gotten way stronger than the last time we saw each other.

Hit disappeared, as Azure discharged electricity from his body. This caused Hit to back away.

Hit: I'd have to say the same for you. I've trained with Ryuko nonstop since that tournament. You however looked to have improved in more than just strength.

Azure: If you're skipping through time to hit me, then all I have to do is make it so you get just as hurt when going for an attack. That Time Skip is virtually useless against me now. You'll have to rely on raw ability for that.

Hit: Don't limit my abilities to just that.

Hit pulled his fist back, before punching forward. Instinctively, Azure dodged by leaning back, with a shockwave from his right trying to hit him.

Azure: Okay, THAT'S new.

Hit: If it was anyone else I wouldn't be able to use these abilities, but since it's you, I'm pretty sure you could handle it.

Azure smirked.

Azure: So this could get lethal huh? Alright.

Over in another part of the arena, Ryu and Ryuko battled it out, with the shocks from their colliding fist being felt by everyone remaining in the Null Realm. Ryuko fired multiple Hakai blast at Ryu, who had to dodge fast in order to avoid injury. Using this minor opening, Ryuko dashed forward, landing a hook on Ryu cheek. Now with her being close enough, Ryu did a punch at close range on her stomach, making Ryuko cough, and sending her skidding back. Ryu clenched his fist, before sending a stream of flames at the destroyer candidate. Ryuko held her hands up, creating a purple to barrier to block the fire.

Ryuko: I've gotta ask. Why in the world are you rushing like this? I didn't think you were the type to not enjoy this kind of stuff.

Ryu: *Sigh* In any other situation, I'd let this drag on as long as I could. But something dangerous is on its way for me.

Ryuko: Who? If I fought with we'd definitely overcome it right?

Ryu: Dunno, do you think Death would try harder seeing another version of me?

Ryuko's eyes widened hearing this, as she opened her mouth trying to form words, but didn't know what to say after that. With their large ears, Beerus, Champa, and Liquiir all heard what they said. Beerus facepalmed, Champa's jaw dropped, and Liquiir's fur stood on end.


Beerus immediately pounced on Champa, before covering his mouth.

Beerus: *Whisper* Keep it down you idiot!! Do you know what Grand Zeno might do if he finds out that Ryu may be killed and never reincarnate again?!!!

Liquiir: *Whisper* Your strongest warrior or not, what made you think bringing the equivalent of a ticking time bomb to this tournament was a good idea?!

Beerus: *Whisper* Ryu is different! He has the potential to one day become the strongest being to ever live in our realm! If he's prepared properly, even Death won't be able to take him!

They all looked down at the fights below, wondering if there was any truth to the claim.

Ryuko: Seriously? Death? What could you have possibly done for CONCEPTS to dislike you?

Ryu: -_- Shit that wasn't in my control I'll say that. I don't know how powerful she truly is, but I'm not gonna stay around to let you all find out too. This is a battle I have to go into alone.

Ryuko: ... Well then, with the time we have left...

The aura around Ryuko enlarged.

Ryuko: We'll just have to battle at full blast.

Ryu was confused hearing this, before realizing what she meant. This caused a smirk to cross his face.

Ryu: Alright.

Ryu clenched his fist, as his aura grew as well.

Ryu: Let's do just that.

Shojo: Seeing how much you can both power up through a tooth and nail battle huh? Risky, but effective.

Ryu: Yeah, I'm gonna need that healing factor on overdrive.

They both rushed at each other, with the other battles momentarily halting after the shockwave the went through the entire arena, threatening to blow everyone away.


Hit: So yours is the same way eh?

Vegeta held the pig doctor by the head, annoyed at the fact he didn't even put up a fight.

Vegeta: Well at least this a good way to dispose of trash.

Dr Rota: NO WAIT-

He let go of the small pig, as he flew out of the arena.

Vegeta: -_- Waist of my God damn time. Who else is in over their heads?

Vegeta heard a nearby explosion, feeling powers drop, one disappear, and another skyrocket dramatically.

Vegeta: I wonder what's going on over there.

Grand Priest: Android 17, and 16, and Cinder Fall of Universe 7 have all been eliminated.

This alarmed everyone, having not expected it.


Gohan was fighting Saonel, gaining the upper hand in his God Form.

Gohan: Your power has been rising while we've been fighting! At first I was confused, but now I get it!!

Gohan blocked a punch, before doing a spinning round house kick to knock back the Namekian.

Gohan: You've fused with Namekian's on your planet, and I'm betting it wasn't just two or three!!

Saonel: It is as you've said! Pilina and I have fused with the entirety of our race to prevail in this tournament!! You may be mighty, but you shall not overcome the will of our people!!!

Gohan: Yeah?! Well you're not the only ones with a Universe to protect!!

Pilina had also become stronger, firing multiple blast at 17 and 16. However both Cyborgs were resilient, and stood their ground against the warrior.

17: Argh, could she be taking any longer? She's lucky that pattern she gave us was spot on, or we would be in way deeper trouble.

Cinder had fallen back, charging an attack, holding her palm out. Wind blew around her, as her hand glowed a bright orange.

Cinder: 'I've got to be careful with this. No matter how strong someone is, without a good use of magic, this will run through them.'

Those who could sense magic were slightly distracted, as the level of power Cinder built up was shocking. Amber ducked under a punch, with Yang jumping over to nail Cabba in the jaw.

Amber: Holy hell I'm glad we aren't fighting against each other again!

Azure dodged shockwaves sent by Hit, noticing as well.

Azure: Well shit, that'll hurt whoever it's meant for.

With Erica, she grabbed the fist of Kale, looking over in the direction of the battle.

Erica: Yikes, I feel bad for the one who's gonna have to deal with that.

Ryu ended up being far to distracted in his own fight to comment on the large build up.

Shojo however-

Shojo: So I'm not the only one that thinks it's bullshit for that woman to be able to harness so much power at her level right? Anyone else at all?

Gohan did a back flip, before firing multiple blast as Saonel. The Namekian unbothered went forward, deflecting the blast.

Gohan: 'I don't understand! He should've stopped powering up a while ago, but I can still feel his Ki rising! What kind of fusion is he?!'

Saonel: *Sigh* 'I was skeptical at first, but Ryuko was right. This is coming in handy.'

16 and 17 were having greater difficulty keeping up with Pilina, as his attacks grew faster and stronger.

17: What's with this Namekian?! Piccolo's never gotten this much stronger over the course of a battle!

16: My scanners are unable to detect the anomaly, but my common sense says otherwise.

17 looked in the corner of his eyes.

17: Well it doesn't matter. This better work!

Pilina went in to attack 17 again, however the cyborg created a barrier around the Namekian, keeping him in place.

Pilina: You won't hold me forever!!

17: Don't got to.

Cinder flew in with her palm set ablaze, and 17 letting the barrier down.

Cinder: Bye.

She struck Pilina in the chest, with the force being felt through the entire void. Pilina spat out blood, while part of his body was completely obliterated.

17: Damn, glad I wasn't on the receiving end of that.

Saonel: PILINA!!!

Saonel fired a blast at Gohan, distracting him long enough to sprint over to his comrade.

Gohan: It might've been brutal, but you can't deny the strength of Cinder's attack.

Before Pilina could be flung out of the arena, Saonel stretched his arm to grab him, and pulled him back over.

Pilina: I-I underestimated the girls power... *Cough* Who knew that she could possibly generate an attack of that level...?!

Pilina began to regenerate, but it was clear his energy had plummeted like a stone.

Saonel: We have to fight side by side now! You're too weak to fight alone!

Pilina: I'm too weak to fight at all now. Th-There's only one reasonable choice here...

Pilina looked up at Saonel.

Pilina: Win this fight for the sake of Namek...!

Saonel: ... Right...

Saonel put a hand on Pilina's chest.


A massive aura began to shoot into the sky.

17: What's going on?!

16: I cannot tell, but it's nothing good.

Cinder looked at the scene, confused.

Cinder: How is this possible?

Gohan looked closer, as from the light, only one Namekian stepped out.


The three fighters were confused, before the Namekian held out a hand. Faster than they could realize, a giant beam was fired at them, connecting.

Cinder: AHHHHHHHH!!!!

The blast carved through the ground, as after a second, the three were knocked out of the ring.

Grand Priest: Android 17, and 16, and Cinder Fall of Universe 7 have all been eliminated.

Ryu stopped his fighting when hearing this.

Ryu: What?!!

Ryuko threw a punch at Ryu, but he dodged and threw her over his shoulder. He looked in the direction, as the Ki of the new Namekian had changed.

Ryu: Not only did they fuse... But that power is unmistakable!

Beerus Whis Shin and the Elder Kai looked at the three defeated fighters, shocked.

Beerus: You... You three did well and all, but how did you let yourselves get defeated by a Namekian of all things?!

17: *Cough* I-I don't know. That attack just happened so fast...

Cinder was completely unconscious, as 16 observed her.

16: H-His Ki changed at the last minute... He almost completely vanished from my sensors...

Whis: Lord Beerus, you may want to take a closer look at the other battles as well.

Beerus looked down, seeing many of the Universe 6 fighters glowing in an odd aura.


Champa began to grin once this happened.

Shin: Is that what I think it is?!

Cabba knocked Yang into Amber, who grabbed her and barely avoided the next blast, which was far larger than the last.

Yang: Okay, THAT might've actually broken my aura!

Cabba looked at the glow around him.

Cabba: I see. It's finally starting to sink in. The constant fighting has helped.

Amber: 'This feeling...'

Amber looked at the young Super Saiyan, tilting her head.

Amber: '... It's just like them.'

Erica was defending against the attacks of Kale and Caulifa, but noticed something else.

Erica: 'This glow... Wait, are their attacks getting stronger?!'

Kale grabbed Erica's arm, holding her tight.

Kale: NOW SIS!!!

Caulifa: YEAH!!!! CRUSH CANNON!!!!

Caulifa fired blast at Erica, who tried to break free, but found that it was far more difficult than she anticipated.

Erica: 'CRAP!!!'

Erica teleported away, barely avoiding a catastrophe.

Erica: What the hell was that?!

She felt the energy within the two rising and changing.

Caulifa: Man, this power of freaking amazing!! I feel like there's nothing I can't do!!

Kale: Th-This is really our own power now?

Caulifa: Sure is!! Ryuko sure came in clutch!!

Erica: Is that what this is?

Azure: What the hell is going on here?

Azure fired a blast to make Hit fly back.

Hit: Better late than never. I was wondering when it would finally settle.

Azure: ... This is your doing isn't it?

Hit: Just my idea.

Ryu stopped attacking, looking at the smug Ryuko.

Ryu: Did you seriously do what I think you did?!

Ryuko: Hey, winning is pretty necessary here. It was a gamble, but it's paying off big time.

Ryu: You actually gave your own God Ki to your team?!!



Ryu: You crazy bitch!! There was a chance that it would probably make them explode the second they got it!!

Shojo: Are you really mad because of that?

Ryu: No it's cause I DIDN'T EVEN CONSIDER IT!!!

Shojo: Well to be fair with your power Yang Cinder and Amber probably would've been out of commission. Something like this requires an extreme level of delicate control that you don't have.

Ryu: Shojo, do you really think that I couldn't have found some way?

Shojo: If you looked into it a while back, maybe. Today, no chance.

Ryu: ...

Hearing this, Ryu can to ponder many things.

Ryu: 'That's honestly pretty eye opening... I thought I've been getting a lot stronger recently, but maybe the next step in my training isn't just strength.'

He shook his head.

Ryu: Whatever. My current limit will be enough for this battle.


Caulifa: Hey Kale. Even though the two of us have powered up a bit, I'm not sure if it'll be enough to take her down separately.

Kale: What do we do then?

Caulifa smiled hearing this, before pulling out an earring.

Erica: Why does that look familiar?

Caulifa: Let's take our teamwork to the next stage!

Kale after seeing this smiled, pulling out her own earring.

Kale: Yeah, let's do it!

They both put their earrings on, before drawing closer to each other.

Erica: What the-

When the girls collided into each other, a bright light filled the arena. Beerus up in the stands nearly choked on air, while Shin's mouth hung agape.



Azure Ryu and Vegeta were alarmed, having experienced a similar event recently.

Azure: A fusion?!

Vegeta: Those two girls! But how could they have done something like that?!!

Ryu: Hold on-

Ryu looked up in the stands, seeing the 6th Universe Supreme Kai was missing his Potara Earrings.


Ryuko: Just saying it now, I was against it.

Erica looked on, as after the light dissipated, only a single person was there. However this was different than both Kale and Caulifa. And it was apparent that they were already in a Super Saiyan form.

Erica: -_- A fusion huh? Haven't seen one of those in a while. So, what do I call you?

???: This is Kale plus Caulifa. We're Kefla!!


Zeno: WOW, SO COOL!!!!

Grand Priest: It seems like the Omni King will allow the use of Fusion.


Shin: Wha?!

Beerus: We're fusing Ryu and Azure right now so we can end this idiocy-



Ryu: I don't care if we lose cause if we don't I am NOT fusing again!!

Azure: Same here, there's no point!!

Erica: -_- *Sigh* Pride before the fall guys.

Kefla began to power up, shaking the ground.


Erica closed one eye at this.

Erica: Wow, this is one hell of a power boost. That's not an ordinary Super Saiyan form either from the looks of it.

Erica thought back.

Erica: It's almost like when Ryu goes into his Wrathful Super Saiyan.


Gohan was on the back foot, fighting against the fused Namekian.

Gohan: Man, this isn't good!!

Namekian: You have fought valiantly Som Gohan, but this is where your fight in this tournament ends!

Gohan was punched in the stomach, causing him to cough, and fall to a knee.

Namekian: IT'S OVER!!!

He prepared to fire a blast at the hybrid, but before he could, Vegeta dashed in, kicking the Namekian away.

Gohan: V-Vegeta?

Vegeta: Pathetic!!

Gohan was shocked hearing this.

Vegeta: It disgust me to see that you of all people are on the ground against an opponent for this long! STAND UP DAMNIT!!!

Vegeta grabbed Gohan by the collar, standing him up.

Gohan: We can't beat this guy one on one! If we want to beat him for sure we have to-

Before he could finish that sentence, Vegeta scowled.

Vegeta: Don't even think about it! Resorting to help against an enemy like this? I'm starting to believe that you were never a student of Ryu, much less Kakarot's son!

Gohan: W-What are you talking about?

Vegeta: As it stands now, I could easily defeat that Namekian on my own if I truly wanted to, but there's no point when you already started the fight!

Gohan: ...

Vegeta: Within you is the potential to be one of the strongest warriors to ever draw breath! Don't hold yourself back by relying on others to help fight your battles! I will not have someone with Saiyan Blood to disgrace themselves like that!!

Gohan looked down at host fist, questioning many things.

Vegeta: Use what you have been taught Gohan! Release that dormant power inside you and you can tap into a power that trespass into the domain of the Gods!

Vegeta they go of Gohan.

Vegeta: So what will it be? Will you run away from this fight like a coward, or will you fight on and try to Surpass your limits, even if it means putting everything on the line?!

Gohan: ... Thanks Vegeta.

Gohan began to walk forward, with a look of steely resolve on his face.

Gohan: You might be brutal to a fault, but you reminded me just how important it is to stand my ground.

Vegeta: Hmph. Don't make me repeat that. Now fight with all your might, and accept nothing less than victory!

The Namekian ran back over seeing Gohan was back up.

Gohan: 'When fighting against enemies that have an overwhelming advantage against me, I've backed down more than once.'

Gohan ran in, clashing fist with the Namekian, before exchanging blows, still at a disadvantage.

Gohan: 'But I'm not a kid anymore. I can't keep expecting someone might still be there to pick up where I left off. And I can't be satisfied if that is the case!!'

Gohan's aura raged, as he punched the Namekian in the face, seemingly dealing some damage.

Namekian: 'That hit was harder than any of his previous attacks!'

The warrior punched Gohan in the face, sending him back again, and drawing blood.

Gohan: 'That kind of mindset will keep me from growing forever! There's a reason I never stopped training!' HAAAAAAAA!!!

Gohan fired a blast at the Namekian, who dodged to his right.

Gohan: 'I have friends and a family that may one day need me to save them!'

He thought of Pan and Videl, seeing their smiling faces, while the other Z Fighters appeared behind them.


Gohan's eyes went red, as his aura changed.


The blue aura around Gohan exploded into the air, as it soon changed into a white one, with blue purple and even red within it.

Azure: Th-That can't be Gohan, could it?

Kefla: Woah, what just happened?!

While he continued his fight with Ryuko, Ryu smiled.

Ryu: It's about time. You were long overdue for something of your own.

Vegeta watching could only smirk.

Vegeta: So you're finally starting to embrace your true power. Let's see what it's all about.

Gohan looked at the aura around his hands, confused.

Gohan: The hell is this?

Gohan was surprised when he saw white hair fluttering in front of his eyes.

Gohan: White hair?

He clenched his fist.

Whis: Oh my. This is a rather unforeseen turn of events.

Beerus: Whatever that power is, let's see you put it to use Gohan!!!

Shin: I wonder, could this be related to you ritual Elder?

Elder Kai: Ehhh, it could be. However, all of this power belongs to Gohan, and Gohan alone.

Gohan: 'This power is fleeting at the moment. It's different from Super Saiyan... I feel like I just unleashed a beast.'

Gohan began to walk forward.

Gohan: I'll use it while it last then. I'll call this form Beast.


Gohan: Let's make this count.

Zeno: WOW!!! Goku's son'a face just got really scary, but cool!

The Namekian shook off his shock, before dashing over to Gohan to punch him in the stomach.

However once he did, Gohan didn't even flinch.

Gohan: ... That all you got?

Namekian: I-Impossible!!

Gohan grabbed the Namekian's arm, moving it off of him.

Gohan: In that case, sorry in advance. I'm brand new to his power, but I can't play games anymore.

Gohan's eyes glowed, as he disappeared from sight. Before the Namekian could even move, he felt a great pain in his abdomen. Gohan reappeared, and kicked the fuses warrior right in the stomach. This caused him to waver in and out of consciousness, before being flung out of the arena in nearly an instant. After he was, Gohan landed on the ground, slightly amazed at his new strength.

Grand Priest: The Namekian Warrior formally known as Pilina and Saonel have been eliminated.


Gohan turned to Vegeta, before smiling and reverting to base.

Gohan: Thank you, Vegeta.

Vegeta: Keep your thanks. I did nothing worthy of it. I was merely reminding you of your heritage.

Vegeta turned around.

Vegeta: Stop dawdling. We've got a show to catch.

Gohan: Right!!

Gohan ran to catch up with Vegeta.


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