Search for the Super Saiyan God!
On planet Earth, Bulma is having her birthday on a fancy cruise ship. All of the Z fighters are there celebrating. Bulma was sitting at a table being upset about Y/N and Goku absence.
Bulma: (yelling) Vegeta told you to tell me he's too business training and Y/N and Goku aren't coming either!
Gohan: (refilling her cup)Sorry, it's not personal you know that.
Bulma: It is to me. I can't believe Y/N would skip out his own mother's birthday just to go do some push ups and jumping jacks.
Krillin: Oh come on Bulma let's talk about something more pleasant like how old are you now anyway?
Bulma turned to Krillin and punched him on top of his head.
Bulma: Like I tell you! You should never ask a woman that!
Gohan:(nervously) Want some more punch?
Then Android 18 talk with Chi-Chi
18: I can't believe Y/N don't come to the party. He said he would help win those prizes.
Chi-Chi: I hear ya 18, Goku said he and Y/N were going to train and that was hours ago.
18: I wonder where the hell are those two.
Meanwhile on King Kai, Goku and Y/N continued their training by lifting giant weights
King Kai watches the saiyans but suddenly heard a voice using telepathy. It was the supreme kai warning him about Beerus coming to his planet and told not to let Goku and Y/N fight or else he might destroy the entire universe. King Kai was terrified when he heard the news and quickly tried to found somewhere to hide Goku and Y/N before Beerus arrives. While King Kai was panick Goku and Y/N were still training when Y/N suddenly remembered something very important and in shock he dropped his giant weights this also caught Goku's attention and dropping his weights.
Goku: Y/N what's wrong? Are you OK?
Y/N: Aaaah! No Noooo!
King Kai: (running to Y/N and Goku) What's it Y/N! Is he here!
Y/N: Goku we totally forgot today's my mom's birthday! She's having a gigantic birthday party and we forgot.
King Kai then fell and slid across ground pass Goku and Y/N.
Goku: Ah! Y/N you're right! This is bad King Kai! Bulma gotta be so mad if we don't show!
Y/N: Aw man! And I promise 18 I would there to help her win the bingo prizes! She's so scary when she's mad!
King Kai pick himself off the ground and take a rag to swipe the sweat on his forehead.
King Kai:(talking quietly to himself) Phew that was close! I gotta almost gave me a heart attack! I thought they've seen lord Beerus.
Goku and Y/N heard King Kai mention Beerus and they got curious. They quietly sneak up behind King Kai.
Goku: Hey King Kai, who are you talking about?
Y/N: Yeah what's a Beerus? Is that a person?
King Kai turned around and quick backed jumped back and fell to the ground.
King Kai: AH! It's no one! Didn't sneak up on me you two!
Goku: Oh I see you been trying hiding something from us. That explains why you've been so acting weird all day.
Y/N: So who is this guy?
King Kai slowly turned around to the two saiyans who smiling at him and he hesitantly began to speak.
King Kai: OK I'll tell you but just try to listen like grown ups. It's Lord Beerus and he's not a human or anything close to that. He's a deity on level of the supreme Kai roughly speaking and he's actually heading here now.
Goku: Ok cool. But deities are good,right? Why're you worried?
King: Because Lord Beerus is very different sort of deity. He's moody, unpredictable, and very scary.
Y/N: Well what does he do that so scary?
King Kai: He called a destroyer because his role is to destroy stuff which he does on the slightest of whims. If you do anything he doesn't like he'll explode your planet without a second thought.
Goku: Like if you just didn't clean up after your dog on walk?
King Kai: Hmm I guess that would be enough sure.
Y/N: Or if you didn't eat all your broccoli?
King Kai: Sigh Yep that could probably do it.
Goku: Or if you go to a hot spring and pee pee in it.
Goku: Oh I see, so he's a bad guy huh?
King Kai: Hmm It's not as simple as that.
King Kai tilted his head up to the sky and Goku and Y/N did the same.
King Kai: The universe must always be balanced. If deities like Kais exist to create life and worlds and encourage order. Then other deities must also exist to destroy life and spread chaos.
Y/N: Then I take it he's a strong one huh?
King Kai: The word strong does not begin to cut it. His power on a level beyond anything you've seen or even imagine. And he can destroy the whole universe if he felt like it, no one can match him.
Y/N: (excitedly smiling) Wow he's that strong! Now I really wanna meet this guy!
Goku: Yeah I can't wait til get here
King Kai:(yelling while pushing Y/N and Goku) That is not going to happen unless absolutely necessary! And if you do meet I'm warning you, don't do anything stupid! You hear me!
Y/N: OK I got it. You don't want us to challenge this Beerus unless he something really wrong, right!
King Kai suddenly senses Beerus' god ki and he quickly pushed Goku and Y/N to his damage house.
King Kai: (quickly yelling) Get inside! Don't talk! Don't move! And don't come out!
King Kai pushed Goku and Y/N into his house.
Goku: Ouch King Kai take it easy.
Y/N: What was that for?
King Kai ran outside panicking. Y/N and Goku peaked out the damage wall of King Kai's house to see this new deity.
King Kai: (panting) I never should have gotten of bed.
Suddenly they heard a loud voice out of nowhere.
???: Something the matter Kai?!
Then in a bright flash a light Whis appeared and scared King Kai.
King Kai: (scared)AHHHH! Lord Beerus sir! What bring you to my planet.
Y/N and Goku who still hiding spotted Whis and they were shocked when they saw him.
Y/N: (whispering)wow So that's Beerus.
Goku: (whispering)So that's what a destroyer god looks like huh?
Beerus walk beside Whis
Beerus: It's been quit a while hasn't North Kai.
Goku:(whispering) What? That's Beerus?
Y/N: (whispering) Quiet Goku! He might hear us!
King Kai: So Lord Beerus could offer you something to eat or drink?
Beerus: No thanks I already stuffed myself on the way here. Perhaps another time.
King Kai: So I have to ask, if you didn't come for the delicious cuisine then what is the reason for your visit.
Beerus: Well there's a small matter I like to discuss with those saiyans you're harboring!
This shocked Goku, Y/N, and King Kai.
Y/N and Goku: AH! Busted!
King Kai: Oh where are my manners? I should of introduced you to them.(Turning to his house.) Goku! Y/N! Were you two raised in a mountain hut! Stopping rude and come say hello to Lord Beerus!
Y/N: (whispering)Now he want us to come out.
Goku: Come on Y/N. Let's go say hey to him.
Both Goku and Y/n come out of King Kai house to King King, Beerus, and Whis. When Y/N got closer to Beerus he felt a little intimidated. He couldn't sense his ki but he could tell that Beerus is extremely powerful.
Goku: Hey, my name Goku-(King Kai punched him on top of his head) Ow!
Goku: (holding his head in pain)Ow! That hurt!
Y/N: Goku did you forget who we're talking to? You have to watch what you say.
Goku: Right sorry. Hello and good morning Lords greats. My name is Goku sir and it is an honor for you to meet me sir.
Y/N: Hello Lord Beerus sir. My name is Y/N and it is an honor to meet you sir.
Beerus: Okay if you say so. Now that out of that's out of the way there's something I was to ask you two about... Let's see uh super uh...
Whis: Super Saiyan God my lord. Shall I write it down.
Beerus: Yes yes I knew that. So you two tell me about the existence of this Super Saiyan God?
Y/N: Super Saiyan God? Sorry but I can not say that I know it lord Beerus.(turning to Goku) Goku do you know?
Goku: (putting his hand on his chin) Super Saiyan God let me think. I mean I know all about regular Super saiyans but that a no on the god stuff buddy.
King Kai glared at Goku. Goku noticed this change his words immediately.
Goku: I know none of it sir.
King Kai: I can say I've heard of it either Lord Beerus. Sounds like a dead end you probably shouldn't worry about anymore.
Beerus: (walks closer to Goku)Well that's too bad. But my servant Whis here tells you defeated that bastard Frieza in battle.
Goku: Oh yeah, I kicked his butt a long time go. I mean yes lord.
Beerus then walked around Goku and Y/N carefully examining them.
Beerus: No. It's seem possible that you could defeat him as you are now. But I understand you two are capable of transformation. Becoming a Super Saiyan as you call it.
King Kai: Yes that's right. It's interesting power up though not that interesting for someone of your caliber.
Beerus: Then not a Super Saiyan God.
Whis: See my lord it's as I suspected. This wasn't a true premonition it was just a dream the random thought of a sleeping mind. That makes a lot more sense that a mysterious warrior no ones heard who so how capable of matching your power.
Beerus: Hmm Possibly except the oracle fish saw it as well. Let's ask prince Vegeta what he knows. Planet earth relatively close to here, right.
King Kai: Planet earth?!
Whis: As you wish my lord. We may go wherever you like.
King Kai: Uh About that, your not planning on destroy the earth or anything are you?
Beerus: Not so long as nothing there annoys me. Come Whis let's go.
Whis: As you wish Lord Beerus.
Goku: Hey listen your suppose to- sorry. I mean Lord Beerus sir me and Y/N have heard that your lordship is incredibly strong. How about showing us a teensy bit of your strength so we can know if that's true.
Y/N: Yes Lord Beerus. Me and Goku would be delighted to experience the superior power of god of destruction such as yourself
Beerus: You want me to demonstrate my power? In what way?
Goku: (He and Y/N excitedly ran up to to Beerus) Nothing big. We can go toe-to-toe in sparring match even if only for a minute.
King Kai: (pushing Goku and Y/N away)That enough out you two. I'm sorry Lord Beerus I'm civilizing them.
Beerus: I lived hundreds of millions yet never in my existence have I been issued a challenge as your's Goku and Y/N. You two must be strong indeed to have that degree of confidence. Either that or you're just arrogant fools.
King Kai: Yes! That it they're fools! They're big dumb stupid fools!
Beerus: Why not. Go head and come at me with all you got.
King Kai: What?
Y/N and Goku smiling with excitement after hearing Beerus' answer.
Goku: Sweet! Uh I mean thank you very much your lordness.
Y/N: Yes thank you sir. We are very grateful.
King Kai: Why didn't you two get how stupid this is?! He's not a fighter in a tournament or even some alien trying to conquer a galaxy! Beerus is a destroyer deity OK! He's on a whole another level other than anyone you ever seen before! He's enough power in one breath to knock you both over the other end of the universe!
Goku and Y/N were stretching, ready for the match.
Y/N: (smiling) I know isn't great! If he's stronger than any opponent we ever fought then he must be the most powerful being in the universe! This is my chance to find out how strong I am against him!
Goku: (smiling) All the more reason to fight him, to see where I need to improve! Aw man this gotta be great!
King Kai: I swear you two have brain damage.
Goku: So which one of us is gonna fight him first?
Y/N: Let's it with rock, paper, scissors.
Goku Good idea.
Goku and Y/N: Rock, paper, scissors shot!
Goku chose paper and Y/N chose scissors.
Y/N: Yeah I'm up first!
Beerus: I'm bored. Are we doing fighting or not?
Y/N ran up to Beerus ready to fight.
Y/N: Yeah! Yeah! We're doing it!
Beerus: Very well whenever your ready then.
Y/N: I could try fighting you in my normal state but that might an insult to your power Lord Beerus.
Y/N transformed into his Super Saiyan form.
Y/N: This level is called a Super Saiyan.
Beerus: I see, so this is the transformation Goku relied on to defeat Frieza and you do seem to power up a little bit. As I said attack when your ready.
Y/N: (glaring at Beerus) Before we start let's get one thing clear. I don't want you holding back in this battle. Cuz I'm giving you all I've got.
Beerus: Yes please do.
Y/N yelled and dash at Beerus ready to punch but the Beerus dodge his punch with incredible speed. Y/N turn around and saw Beerus with his back turned. He then started throwing more punches but Beerus every punch easily. Y/N tried attacking him with punches and kicks as fast as could but Beerus keep dodging.
Goku: Wow he dodging Y/N like it's nothing
Y/N: Dammit! I'm not even laying a finger on this guy!
King Kai: (yelling)I told you dummy! Now stop while you still can!
Beerus yawns taunting Y/N to attack. Y/n growls and charges again at Beerus.
King Kai: Y/N!!!
Y/N threw another flurry of punches and kicks each attack faster than the last. But Beerus kept dodging they easily before Y/N could hit him. Y/N try to land a powerful punch at him but the deity dodged it cause Y/N to miss and punch large crater in the ground. After the dust cleared Y/N was catching his breath while Beerus was standing behind young saiyan with his hand behind his back.
Beerus: You're a decent fighter, are you saiyan.
Y/N turn around and glared at Beerus.
Beerus: I see how Goku could defeat Frieza after reaching this level. But even with this increase your only slightly stronger then he was. I thought the son of the saiyan prince was stronger than this.
Y/N: Heh Don't underestimate me! I'm a lot stronger than you think!
Y/N quickly dashed at Beerus on more but Beerus just leaped out of the way.
Beerus: I was expecting a great deal more from you. What disappointing trip. You ready to go Whis?
Whis: Always my lord.
Y/N: Hey wait! This isn't even close to finished!
Y/N transformed into to Super Saiyan 2. His super saiyan hair grow spikier and there are sparks of electric in his golden aura.
Y/N:(yelling) Get a load of this! It's called Super Saiyan 2!!
Beerus: Oh you found another level. Seem your more clever than I though. Maybe this has something to dowith Super Saiyan God.
Y/N: When I'm at this level you won't get off so easily!
Y/N dashes ready to land an attack on Beerus but still he easily dodge.
Beerus thought: Oh so that all he has to offer.
Y/N attacked as fast as could but still even in Super Saiyan 2 Beerus still too fast.
Y/N: Timeout! Look lord Beerus, your clearly great at dodge but could you fight back a little too. I mean, how could I appreciate how strong you really are if all you do is get out of the way?
Beerus: Very well. But only if you can show me you have enough power to make even my slightest effort worth while.
Y/N: (glaring) Oh Yeah?
Beerus: Yeah
Y/N: Alright if it's proof you want!
Y/N separates his arms wide apart ready to use his Final Flash. But he stop his attack and thought to himself.
Y/N thought: Dammit there's no point! He's guard is completely! Gotta change that!
Y/N flew at Beerus throwing a flurry of punch but they all miss and hit the ground. Y/N kept trying to hit Beerus but he ways ended you punching to ground making more craters.
Y/N: (smiling)Even after powering up to super saiyan 2 I still can't land a single blow. You're amazing Lord Beerus! On whole other level!
King Kai: I literally just said that!!
Beerus: Are you finished yet? I won't fight back if this is the best you can do. Of course you haven't fooled me, I can sense there's still more your body is capable of. So stop holding it back! Show me your all if you want any hope of witnessing a destroyer's power!
Y/N: Well when you put it like that I guess I don't have any other choice! Fine you asked for it!
King Kai: Y/N!! NO!!
Y/N stood in his power up stance and yelled a really loud roar.
His super saiyan 2 aura was emitting around his body and his energy increased even more. Y/N power up was so strong that it caused King Kai whole planet to shake. Then Y/N's super saiyan 2 hair started growing longer and longer.
Y/N then let out another loud roar and his body emit a flashy bright light. After the light disappeared Y/N had completed his transformation. He now has long spiky golden hair, sparks of electric in his golden aura, and his eyebrows had disappeared.
Y/N: (yelling)Get ready Beerus!!! This is Super Saiyan 3!!!
Goku: (smiling) Now this fight starting to get exciting!
Beerus: hm Super Saiyan 3, seem that you've been working hard over the years. Compared to your previous forms the increase in power is indeed considerable. Perhaps your not the total foolish child I take you for.
Y/N:(slightly deeper voice) Alright Beerus you see my real power. So does that mean going to start fighting back now?
Beerus: Well how can I know it's enough until I see you put it into action?
Y/N:(slightly deeper voice) Say what!?
Both Beerus and Y/N slowly floated up into the sky ready for battle.
Y/N:(slightly deeper voice) I can only use this form for so long. So let's make it count!
Y/N yelled and dashed at Beerus to land a punch but Beerus dodge it by just tilting his head out of the way. Y/N turned around and try to attack Beerus with his back turned but with amazing speed he turn around and caught Y/N punch with his hand. Beerus then throw Y/N to the ground. But Y/N used his hand to catch himself and land on his feet. Then Y/N flew back to Beerus and threw a flurry punches but Beerus blocked them all with his hand. The power of Y/N's punches make to grass on the ground to dissolve.
King Kai: I can't tell! Is Y/N some how winning?!
Y/N then extends his arm and opens his palm and turns his hand up at a 90 degree angle.
Y/N: Big Bang Attack!!!
He then powers up and fires a powerful whitish-yellow energy sphere and fired it at Beerus creating an enormous explosion upon contact. After the expolsion the was a giant dust cloud in the sky.
Goku: Did he get him?
Y/N glared at the dust cloud thinking that his big bang attack was able to do so damage. But Y/N's eyes widened in shock when he saw the dust cleared he saw the destroyer with his finger up and not a scratch on him also shocking Goku and King Kai.
Y/N: No way! He deflected the whole blast! He amazing!
Super Saiyan 3 Y/N flew straight at Beerus for another attack but suddenly when the young saiyan warrior was a few inches from the deity, he immediately stopped an flew away from him.
Y/N: What the?! It was like my feet just acted on their own!
Beerus: Impressive saiyan. The truth is you finally convinced me to attack you which I was about to do in that moment. If you hadn't jumped back like that this fight would be over. Your instincts saved you. You can't sense my energy yet your body avoided me even if your mind still catching up. You truly are a gifted warrior, one of the best I've seen. But I don't suppose there's something your hiding from me like Super Saiyan God, is that it.
Y/N: Well now your just mocking me!
Y/N dash at him to land a punch but yet again Beerus easily dodged.
Y/N: He dodging again!
Y/N tried to hit more punches and kick but still they don't connected.
Y/N thought: I thought he couldn't have once I went Super Saiyan 3. Unless he meant to take my earlier attack on purpose. If that's the case, I'll just try to catch him off guard and hit him with my full power.
Y/N flew straight at Beerus to attack him head on again. Beerus was planning easily dodge him at the last second but not this time. Y/N used the instant transmission to teleport right beside Beerus. Y/N punched the destroyer on the side of his face with all his strength send him back a couple feet shocking Goku, King Kai, and even Whis a little. Then Y/N gathered up all of his ki and spread both his arm and finger wide apart.
Then he straightens his arms to the front, forming a sphere of energy in the space between the palms of each hand that emits sporadic bolts of electric yellow ki that shoot out in all directions.
Y/N: Final Flash!!!
Y/N fires a massive golden beam of energy with electric ki streaming around it towards his Beerus. The energy blast was so power when it hit King Kai's planet it blow a whole through the other side. But then Y/N quickly turn around and was shocked when he saw beerus behind him.
Beerus: Well I guess that's all.
Y/N jump back from him.
Beerus:(slowly flying closer to Y/N) While this is a let down you did give me a really entertaining show. You're even the first one to ever land an punch on me in a very long time. So I'll thank you by showing you something too. A very small display of a destroyer's power.
Beerus lifted his hand up and finger flicked Y/N on the forehead. Even though it was just a finger flick it was so strong that it sent Y/N flying back. While Y/N was flying backwards Beerus appear and he gently place his hand on the Y/N's shoulder. Y/N felt a very intense pain that caused him to revert back to his base form and sent him plummeting to the ground.
Goku:(running to Y/N who was lying in a crater) Y/N are you okay!
Y/N: Oooow...King Kai was right about Beerus...Goku you shouldn't hold back against this guy...
Goku: Right, try rest up okay. I'll give you a senzu after I'm done.
Y/N: Right...good luck...master...
Y/N slowly lost consciousness.
Narrator: It appears that what King Kai had said about Beerus is true. How can Goku, Y/N and the z fighters defeat such a powerful foe? Also who is the mysterious Super Saiyan God Beerus is looking for? And this Super Saiyan God be the only one powerful enough to fight this destroyer god? Found out next time on Dragon ball Super.
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