1. | fall from grace


White hot, burning pain.

That was the primary feeling that the Emperor of the North Galaxy was currently feeling. To think that his attempt to utilize that Earthling's attack would backfire so horribly.

He had ignored the Saiyan's warning, thinking it to be a mere trick, a diversion...yet when the disc sliced through his body, he realized he had been wrong. The lack of feeling in his arm, his lower body...it was disorienting. He fell to the ground, panting heavily as blood dripped from the open wounds.

The Saiyan—The Super Saiyan he had been fighting, Son Goku stared down at him, with a look of...pity? This ape was pitying him?! The mighty Frieza?!

"This sure is a pathetic end...it isn't worthy of you, even if you did do it to yourself..." Goku said, making the Frost Demon hiss in anger. "D...Damn...you!" He hissed out.

And the Saiyan began to walk away. "I have to go back to Earth now...You can stay here and share the fate of the planet you've destroyed..." He says lowly, as Frieza twitched. He was leaving him? Just like that? He can't die like this! He can't—!

"H...Help me...please!" Frieza muttered breathily. The words came like a poison to his tongue, the begging so unnatural and horrid. And Goku stopped, turning around and glaring down at him. "Help you? Help you?!? The way that you helped everybody who begged you for their lives?!" Goku shouted, energy charging in his hand momentarily before he shot it at Frieza.

The Frost Demon screwed his eyes shut tightly, preparing for the utter evisceration, and yet...the warm feeling blanketed over him, perking him right up. "What—"

"I've given you a little bit of my energy, enough for you to fly a little, even in your condition." He spat, before moving to fly off. "You're on your own."

Frieza let out a breath, looking up at the fleeing Saiyan. The anger he felt was unimaginable. 'That damn ape...! I'll show him one day!' He thought...before a smirk came to his face. On second thought...why should he need to wait? The ship was nearby...and he could breathe in space, the other Saiyan couldn't. It was the perfect ruse. 'Or perhaps...at this very moment.'

"Saiyan! Wait! Use my ship to leave!" Frieza shouted, making Goku stop short. What was he saying? Was he...trying to help? Surely not, right?

"What are you talking about? Your ship is still around in this...destruction and chaos?" Goku asked, doubtfully. The planet was on the brink of destruction, it would blow any moment.

Frieza felt a bit irked by the Saiyan's swift doubt in his words. "Don't you dare underestimate my ship, you fool. If it can withstand me in one of my fits, it can surely withstand this." He said, now flying up. "Follow me. I remember where it was parked." The Frost Demon spoke calmly, now moving to fly off as fast as he possibly could to locate his spacecraft, and after a moment of consideration, he moved to follow.

"Goku...something about this is giving me a bad feeling..." The North Kaiō, or King Kai spoke up, speaking telepathically into Goku's head. 'Hey, don't worry, King Kai. I'm still on guard...I don't believe Frieza completely changed in an instant like that. But if there is a chance it'll help me escape, I have to take it.' Goku spoke back to him, making sure not to speak aloud to alert Frieza. And soon enough, they made it to the ship, rattling and shaking on uneven ground as lava and molten rock spat up from the caverns being etched into the surface of the planet.

It seemed slightly damaged, but the cockpit where the controls were were thankfully unharmed, and the two get to the ship, the Emperor leading Goku to the bridge. "Why are you helping me, Frieza?" Goku inquired to him lightly, looking at him as they made their way. "A few minutes ago, you were trying to kill me without a second thought."

Frieza let out an exaggerated sigh, shutting his eyes momentarily. "I merely saw the error of my ways, monk...Goku." He says lightly. "I realize there is no point to hindering progress...I merely needed to be set straight. And that's where you came in."

Goku could tell that something was definitely off...he wasn't sure what to think, but...well, they were in Frieza's ship for sure...and they were heading to the bridge to escape...and soon enough, they made it, Frieza calmly punching in the controls to start the ship. The ship slowly begins to shift and shake on its way off of the ground, soon flying off into the dark red sky.

Frieza was struggling, after all, he only had the one arm. So Goku offered to help, moving to help steer them up to get to a safe location. And it manages to reach the upper atmosphere, the deep red shifting colors to a deep blue, stars beginning to turn visible as they began to approach outer space.

Goku let out a small breath of relief. They were actually going to make it! He slowly turned over to the Frost Demon beside him. "I don't know what to say, Frieza....you actually kept your word...thanks. I'm glad you've seen sense."

Frieza smirked lightly, giving a low bow. "Yes, yes I have...not to worry, I know where my destiny is..." he says slowly, before looking up. "Yours, however...ENDS HERE!" The tyrant shouted.

He turned, jutting out his hand to blast the window of the cockpit, the air beginning to rush out and decompress the room. Goku tried to stay planted with every fiber of his being.

Frieza smirked. "You truly are an imbecile! Too trusting! Too believing! You—" he started, sounding smug, before Goku reached out, latching onto his arm with both hands as he started to spin around rapidly. "What?! What—are—you—" he yelled out, before Goku let go, a loud yell escaping him as he flung Frieza out of the newly made hole in the window, sending him careening through the sky.

The Saiyan let out a mighty roar, as he sent off a rage-fueled Kamehameha after him, and Frieza cannot counter this. He has no footing, and not enough energy. He grossly overestimated the extent of the energy he was given. He was left orbiting the planet Namek, before said planet explodes with him close to it.

Goku feels the heat of the planets explosion build up behind the ship, making him move to pound on every single button on the console to try and activate the blast shields, which he thankfully does with mere seconds to spare. He let out a sigh, dropping to base and flopping onto his back. He could breathe, finally rest, left floating through space with a decent ship.


King Cold was in disbelief.

Sure, he had been observing the battle between his son and that measly Saiyan for as long as he could, but he hadn't expected to see his son in such a horrid state. He had at least expected him to have killed the Saiyan at the time of the explosion.

He immediately sent out a party to fetch what was left of his son, swiftly bringing him to the medical facilities and the best medics in the force to operate on his son.

Cold kept a close eyes on as much if the operation as he could, staring on as the mangled form of his son was fixed with frantically placed machinery, metal, robotics. Weeks went by before Frieza regained consciousness, and most of the medics initially expected him to be enraged, but...he seemed to be in thought, looking forward. The fact that he was part machine didn't seem to register just yet.

'All of that...work, that planning...the most cunning and dastardly of my tricks...even that paled when it comes to that Saiyan...I lost...' Frieza thought, his fists clenching slightly. 'To make matters worse...Father saw the whole thing...' His mind kept racing, thoughts not stopping. He was broken...both figuratively, and literally.

Cold initially was relieved his son was awake...before he saw the turmoil on his son's expression. He was perturbed...this wasn't like his son at all...

Frieza shut his eyes, moving to stand up and go to his quarters. 'Maybe...I should have just blasted him the first chance I got...'


After a bit more time, allowing him to come to terms with his new body and recuperate, Cold stepped into Frieza's quarters, clearing his throat. "My boy. You have not seemed like yourself lately...what...exactly happened on your trip to Namek...?" Cold asked, Frieza seeming morose before he told his father the whole story. He plan to get the Dragon Balls, his fight with the other Earthlings and Vegeta, the Super Saiyan, and his downfall.

Cold was shell-shocked. The few Saiyans that were left—they had gotten that strong? "My boy...what should we do? Should we set course for this Earth to enact revenge? With how strong you are now with your upgrade, and with my might, they would not stand a chance! They cannot get away with this!"

In normal circumstances, Frieza would relish the idea, being able to go to the monkey's new home, slaughter them and everyone they care about, but the Emperor gave no other reaction; instead he turned away.

"It's useless, father. They will only grow stronger...perhaps they are already...I discovered their ability to grow stronger upon surviving grave injuries...that damn Goku...perhaps he's stronger now than when I had pretended to rescue him." Frieza muttered, with made Cold pause.

"You what? You grew soft with him? Did you want to see him live?" Cold asked lowly, his tone changing from concerned for his son, to a mix of disbelief and anger. "No! Not at all! I wanted to trick him! He was a simpleton, I thought—" Frieza spoke in retaliation before Cold spoke up, cutting him off.

"No son of mine would do something so long-winded and risky! The Frieza I know would have destroyed him on the spot and without mercy!" Cold shouted out, stomping down as he stared down at Frieza. "You've changed, Frieza...and not for the better...perhaps this Super Saiyan is not someone you should face." He spat as he turned. "I need to make some arrangements." And with that, he left Frieza's quarters, leaving the Emperor with his thoughts.


Not long after, Frieza is informed that he had been stripped of his status as Lord Frieza, Emperor of the North Galaxy. "Excuse me?" Frieza spat out, getting to his feet, glaring at the messenger. "Then who—?!"

"The title of Emperor is returning to your father, King Cold as of now." The messenger said, Frieza beginning to shake as the man swiftly moved to leave. 'I'm...no longer emperor?' Frieza thought. His status, his empire...he'd just lost everything in one fell swoop. All because of his mouth and that one stupid comment.

Frieza stepped out of his room, now moving to go to the throne room to speak with his father. However, instead of the tender affection he was used to normally, he was met with an icy reception. "What do you want, boy? I have an empire to fix after you messed it up..." Cold said lowly, glancing over. "You are lucky your brother wasn't here...he would have made sure you never set foot on this planet again...However, I'm nice enough to allow you to stay."

Frieza grit his teeth, clenching his fists. "Father, listen to me. There was no need to strip my status! I am still capable! I—"

"That is enough, Frieza..." Cold said lowly. "I do not wish to hear any pathetic begging you may have...as far as I am concerned, you are not fit to lead this empire...you left Super Saiyans to pose a threat to our life's work...and Vegeta...you let the prince escape as well..."

Frieza's eye twitched at that, a spark of anger escaping at this, and Cold seemed to...revel in this resentment. "Come now...is my little boy mad? I saved you from the big bad monkeys who scared you so—" Cold started, before Frieza let out a growl, powering up as much as he could before moving to attack his father directly...which connected.

Cold stared down, seeing the metal arm having cracked his armor plate in shock. His own flesh and blood attacking him? Now this...this will not do...

He let out a roar, his body morphing and twitching, his power level rising drastically as smoke suddenly blew out around, revealing the King in his own final form.

He reached up, suddenly grabbing Frieza's wrist. "That was a big mistake, boy." Cold spat out. And with a sickening crunch and sparks flying, Cold tore off Frieza's mechanical arm, oil sputtering out from the sparking gash as he tossed it aside, before he raised his food, slamming the base of his foot into his son's chest, knocking him to the main floor of the throne room violently.

"Go back to your room, boy. I do not want to see you again." He says, turning back to his throne before glancing over. "You disgraced me." This final act caused by his son was all the confirmation that Cold needed. Frieza was clearly too unstable to rule over this empire. He proved it himself.

Frieza shakily got up, making his way to his room before stopping at the hangar window. The engineers were hard at work finalizing the finishing touches on the latest mothership...and in the distance, he was able to spot a ship hidden by various crates where the main ship was taking priority, and the former emperor got an idea...

He began to make his way to the hangar, but before he can make it, he is blocked by his childhood nanny, Berryblue.

"Frieza..." She spoke, already able to tell what he was planning...after all, she had raised him since he was a boy. "You know, if you leave right now...you kiss your life, your opportunity...all of it goodbye." She says calmly. "After all, I don't believe your father would take kindly to a soldier, much less his son, who would turn tail and flee...it's not like you, Frieza.

Frieza grit his teeth as he breathed in. He managed to keep himself from attacking her. After all, this was his nanny in front of him, one of the few who showed him the slightest bit of care throughout his life. "Berryblue...I fear that I already have lost everything for me here...now please, leave me be..." he says softly, now moving to step past her. "It's time I found some answers...and I won't be finding them here..."

Berryblue turned to watch the Frost Demon hobble his way to the ship on his robotic legs, still somewhat damaged from his fight with his father. She simply let him go. After all, this was another life lesson that he needed to learn. 'I assumed for sure that boy would attack me...' she thought.


Frieza let out a small hum, glancing forward at the ship he was making his way to before he heard a shout. "Hey! You aren't allowed in here anymore!" One of the Frieza—now Cold soldiers shouted over, making him stop. Of course this was sure to happen. His father most likely removed any clearance he had.

And in the blink of an eyes, the resistance was annihilated. Of course, after all, they were mere foot soldiers. Nothing in comparison to his strength. He made his way into the ship, clumsily trying to fly the ship out of the hangar. He had men for this before, but of course, now he had to learn how to do this himself.

Cold was able to see the ship clumsily begin to fly away, but instead of shooting it down, he allows it to leave. "To think I would end up with two failures instead of one..."

"Looks like it's time to head back to the drawing board."



| Hello everyone! Illiyah here! I'm writing out my first actual book! And it's a written version of Revelation F by MasakoX!

I know, not original, but I've wanted to go back and learn the story, but it's a bit tedious to listen to the entire video series!

This is in no way meant to be a replacement. Please go watch the original video yourselves!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

If you've already watch the video above, and seen the Revelation F series below

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

If all of these have been watched, you are good to go! Enjoy my novelization of Dragon  Ball: Revelation F! |

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