Chapter 3
Last time on Dragon Ball Exodus. (Y/N) and friends properly met Trunks and the Supreme Kai of Time a few hours after the attack from Mira. Due to the circumstances (Y/N), Brittney, and Dave joined the Time Patrol in order to better themselves to defend themselves in the future. But will our heroes grow stronger than their enemies or will they crash to the ground? Find out now!
Far into the future, where cities are desolate and very few survivors struggle in this unknown age of time. The sky is grey but leaves a dark bluish hue on land below making the scene more sinister than it already is. As the evil scientist, Towa, stood in the ruins of a house. She was admiring her staff that she was testing the newly added power to it.
"Hmmm." She hummed as Mira slowly landed behind her. "Did you have any luck finding the target Mira?"
"No. Trunks has him under the protection of Conton City." Mira said as he crossed his arms.
"Even if we manage to get in we have to face numerous Time Patrollers and a even bigger chance into running into.... him again." Mira glared at the ground.
"So we have no other choice but to draw him out. It's been a month already and by knowing the power he possess he should be on par with a decent fighter."
Towa pointed her staff at an old building. "It's time to draw more power Mira." Then she fired one small red beam of light from the golden tip of the staff. And when that beam made contact with the building it exploded instantly.
(Y/N) View
I yawned as I tried to stay awake as I sneakily stood next to an open window for Capsule Corp.
"Woman! Where is my saiyan suit?!" I heard Vegeta shout.
"In the wash!" I heard Bulma shout back at him.
"You bitch!" Vegeta shouted back.
I sighed as I slowly sat on the ground.
When I joined the Time Patrol I thought it was going to be kick ass fights with Goku and Vegeta by my side not..... whatever the hell this is. I've been standing here for five hours just listening these two shout at each other. Like seriously. What is the point of this mission?! Trunks lived here at one point, he could easily tell what this mission was going to be like. And this isn't even the first mission like this that he gave me.
*sigh* I thought I was making some progress....
The Hyperbolic Time Chamber
"Haaaaaa!" I shouted as I threw a punch towards Trunks which he was able to dodge.
But I continued to rush at him with a series of punches and kicks but he either dodged or blocked every blow. He then retaliated by punching me dead center in the chest, knocking me back a bit. When that happened Brittney ran in and tried the same thing I did but Trunks seemed to be having an easier time with her.
Brittney threw a punch and Trunks caught it making them both stop. Dave tried to use this moment to come from behind Trunks and sledgehammer (holding both hands together to ball both hands together) down on his head. But Trunks pushed Brittney aside, quickly turned around and high kicked Dave while he was in mid jump. I could have sworn Dave's eyes went white for a second as he fell down to the ground.
Brittney and glanced at each other and nodded before we both charged in on Trunks. We threw a barrage of punches and kicks towards him and he was forced to parry and move back. But then Trunks was able to kick Brittney sending her flying back but I used that opening to punch Trunks....
"Haha!" I said happily.
....but he teleported.
"Damn it." I said before I felt something hit me in my back.
I fell forward and hit the ground. I struggled to get up for a second but I did. And so did Brittney and Dave.
We all glared at Trunks as he had a small smile on his face. We were going to charge at him at once but before we could Trunks spoke.
"You three did good today." He said.
"How? We've only managed to get one hit on you this entire month and that was only because you tripped over Dave then Brittney curb stomped you." I said.
"Well you're bodies are getting stronger without you knowing. The Hyperbolic Time Chamber has an increased gravity. But you three walk around like it's nothing. And at this moment is when I can teach you three how to use ki." Trunks said.
"Awesome!" Dave and Brittney said as we walked over to Trunks.
"Okay. What I want you to do is close your eyes." Trunks instructed and we followed. "Now imagine there's a force in your body. Like a whirlwind of air or blazing fire. That same energy is everywhere you look, different natures, but still the same thing. Now I want you to try to push that energy out. Outside of your body to use it for your own will."
I took a deep breath and I think I heard Brittney take on too. I just focused on releasing energy, like I did before. And soon enough I felt different but stronger. I opened my eyes and saw my white and black aura surrounding me. Then I looked at my feet to see I'm not even touching the ground. I'm floating!
"Woah this is so cool!" I said.
I looked to my left to see that there was white patches of flame appearing around her slowly. Then soon enough she had a white aura surrounding her. She smirked with her eyes closed then held up her hand. She pointed her palm up so that her hand was pointed out into the depths of this infinite void. And slowly a red ball of energy formed in her hand, nearly engulfing it.
She opened her eyes and her smirk grew into a small smile as she fired the ball. It flew pretty far into the distance before it crashed into the ground and made a big explosion.
"Heh I could definitely get used to this." Brittney said.
"Trunks what have you done." o_o|| I asked.
Then I started hearing some grunting noise. I turned over to see Dave trying really hard to release his energy.... but it looks like he's squatted over and trying to crap his pants.
"Come on!" Dave grunted. "I can do this!"
"He so better be glad I don't have my phone on me. This would be all over the internet." Brittney said with a smirk.
"Oh I know!" Dave said. "All I have to do is scream and because of plot reasons I get stronger!"
"Dave I don't think-"
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Dave cut me off with is screaming.
"Dave that's not going to wo-"
But as Brittney was saying that Dave was slowly starting to float with a white aura already surrounding him.
"What the fuck?!" Brittney shouted as Dave continued to rise up.
"I can't believe that actually worked." I said. "Dave you did it!" I shouted up to him as he was way high up.
"Really?" He opened his eyes. "Yay I did it!" Dave said as he started firing small yellow ki blasts as he spun around in a circle.
"Dave!" Brittney called up to him but he was too busy having his fun. "Dave!" She shouted again and again was ignored.
Then Brittney flew up to Dave and hit him on the top of his head.
"Owwww!" Dave hissed. "Why did you hit me?" Q_Q Dave asked.
"Come on we have to do that "Important" Scouting mission." Brittney said with air quotes.
"Oh yeah...." Dave said as he rubbed where Brittney hit him.
"Yay." I said boredly.
"I know you guys want to dive straight into battle but the time isn't ready yet." Trunks said as Brittney and Dave landed. "But I'll be sure to tell you when that time had come."
Back to now
Welp, I guess that's enough for today.
I stood up and stretched my arms.
"(Y/N)" My earpiece, that Trunks given me a few jobs ago, spoke."Can you please get back to Conton City when you can?"
"Yeah. Be there in a sec." I said into the earpiece.
"Hey! Who's out there?" I heard Bulma shout.
"Oh crap!" I said aloud which I instantly covered my mouth afterwards.
I then got that feeling that an overwhelming power was heading my way. Most likely it's Vegeta.
Please sent me back! Please sent me back! Please sent me back!!!
And before either Bulma or Vegeta came outside I was teleported back to Conton City main hub. I let out a sigh of relief as I started heading towards the Time Nest.
As I started walking up the steps to the Time Nest I heard Dave's voice.
"(Y/N)!" I looked over my shoulder to see Dave and Brittney. "They called you here too?" He asked.
"Yeah. I wonder what they want to talk to us about." I said.
"Well whatever it is it can't be worst than sitting outside Buu's house as he finds a porn mag." Brittney said.
With that we quickly made it up the steps and went into the large building. When we walked inside I saw the Supreme Kai of Time, Trunks, and Old Kai waiting for us.
"Hey boss." I said with a small wave.
"Great you're here." Supreme Kai of Time said with a small smile. "(Y/N), Brittney," She looked at Dave with a glare. "....Dave."
"Hehe." Dave laughed nervously.
"I would like you to introduce you to this annoying old man." She said with a happy smirk.
"Hey! You're not that much younger than me lady!" Old Kai shouted.
"Pfft! By thousands of years!" She retorted.
"One thousand! Don't make it seem like it's more than that!"
"No offense but she looks a lot younger than you Kai." I said.
"Thank you (Y/N)." She smiled at me.
"Yeah she looks as young as my baby sister." Dave said which made the Supreme Kai of Time's head to snap towards Dave.
"Did you.... just call me.... A CHILD!" She said as she stomped over to Dave.
"No no no nononono!" Dave held up his hands in fear. "I said you loo-"
"Owwww!" Dave groaned as he held his face.
"That'll show you." She growled.
"Um? Supreme Kai of Time? Why did you call us here?" I asked.
"Yeah, I get Dave is stupid but I don't think you sent us here just for you to slap him." Brittney said.
"Oh! I almost forgot! Trunks asked for your help." She said which caused me to smirk.
"Yeah. You three kept asking about when you get to go into a real battle. And well, today is that day." Trunks said.
"Oh I can't wait." Brittney said.
"This situation is more of a serious one." Old Kai said.
"Hmm?" I hummed.
"History is being changed again. And there's no doubt Towa and Mira are behind it." Trunks said. "Look at this."
The Supreme Kai of Time pulled out the scroll other known as the "Scroll of Eternity". She placed it out on the table in front of us and sprawled it out. When it was open an image started showing on the paper, just like it does in the game.
3rd Person View
In the image it showed the Cell Games arena while shock waves littered the sky. Cell and Goku were in full swing of their battle just like in the original timeline but that wasn't the change. Down below all the Z Fighters were all knocked out cold as multiple Cell Jrs laughed devilishly at their defeated enemies. Then a dark and sinister aura surrounded them as their eyes turned red.
Goku was getting more and more tired and couldn't revive himself with a senzu since the Cell Jrs have the bag.
"Argh! I have no choice!" Goku said to himself as he motioned the Kamehameha. "" The blast charged up.
But the Cell had the same idea.
And so did all seven Cell Jrs who came to Cell's side.
Both beams clashed for a second before the bio androids' blast overpowered Goku's. He was hit and there wasn't any trace of him.
(Y/N) View
"So Cell won the Cell Games because of the Cell Jrs." I said.
"Yes. Gohan never transformed and by giving the Jrs enough power to overwhelm everyone else." Trunks explained.
"So we have to fight and make sure Gohan transforms?" Brittney asked.
"Yes." The Supreme Kai of Time answered.
"And I can't go due to my past self being there." Trunks said.
"Okay just one question." I said.
"Why are we starting out with Cell Jrs exactly? Do you really think we can beat them?" I asked.
"Well the Jrs are strong but at your current power you can hold them off if you're not overwhelmed. I believe that you can do this." Trunks said.
"Okay." I said taking a breath.
Trunks took the scroll from off the table and gave it to me. Brittney and Dave stood right next to me as I closed my eyes.
"Alright guys. Let's do this." I said as I heard a weird sound coming from all around me.
I opened my eyes soon after and saw that Brittney, Dave, and I are floating through this strange tunnel. But it was short lived as we quickly reached the end with a light blinding us.
"Ohhh, that's brisk." Dave said as my eyes were slowly adjusting to my surroundings.
But when they did, they were met with the sight of a large explosion. The explosion caused a huge amount of smoke that reached up to the sky. Then two figures flew out of the smoke with their backs towards us.
Trunks.... and Goku.
I couldn't help feel shocked seeing Goku.... in person!
"Huh?" Trunks said as he looked over at us. "Hey you kids! It's not safe out here!" Trunks shouted as he looked down at us.
"Uh, we're here to help!" I shouted back.
"I don't think you ca-" Trunks stopped talking as two Cell Jrs flew out of the smoke cloud.
"Kieeeee!" The Jrs said they charged at me, Brittney, and Dave.
They had some goofy grins on their faces as they winded up a punch. But when they got close to us I roundhouse kicked one and Dave fired a ki blast, point blank, at the other one. They weren't knocked that far back but it showed them we're able to fight back. Which explains their happy smiles they just gained as another Jr popped up.
"Guys, hold them off until we can figure out why Gohan didn't change." I said.
"Hey who made you leader?" Brittney said.
"No one did but that's what we have to do anyways. Now lets just focus on the fight." I said as we got into fighting positions.
As we did the Jrs' smile grew bigger which made me sweat a little.... but then someone else arrived.
"Well, well, well..." A familiar voice said as a figure came from the smoke. "It seems like more contenders for my Games." The green man himself said.... not Piccolo. "I hope they have fun with the other kids."
And as soon as he said that the Jrs rushed at us. Causing all three of us to go off in different directions.
3rd Person View
Dave and Brittney jumped back and flew up into the sky as the Cell Jrs followed them. Brittney decided to take action first by charging back at her Cell Jr resulting in an exchange of blows.
Dave on the other hand continued to fly up higher in the sky until he was much higher than the Cell Jr. He turned back and fired a barrage of ki blasts at the Cell Jr, which could only block to the sudden action. And Dave didn't look like he would tire out soon as he kept firing.
(Y/N) stayed on the ground but quickly jumped back as a Cell Jr tried punching him. But the blue bio android wasn't going to give up that easy. He charged at you and threw multiple punches forcing you to dodge and move back.
He threw a punch towards your face but you swurved your head to the side, barley dodging the punch. You used that opening to knee the Jr in the stomach before punching him across the face, knocking him back a bit. Then you fired a barrage of ki blasts at him making the Jr howl in pain as you continued your attack.
Meanwhile Goku and Trunks stared down the real threat in the Cell Games. But he had a confident smile as he glanced over at your group's battle.
"It looks like the children are enjoying themselves." Cell said.
"Argh! How could you make those kids fight?!" Trunks shouted.
"They said they wanted to help and they are.... until my children beat them to an inch of their life." Cell said.
"Argh!" Trunks growled and was ready to charge at Cell but Goku put an arm in front of him holding him back.
"Trunks go help the others. Cell and I are through yet." Goku said.
"R-Right!" Trunks nodded as he flew off to help the other Z Fighters.
"Well now Goku." A golden aura surrounded Cell. "Shall we start round 2?"
Back with Brittney, her and the Cell Jr was still exchanging blows to each other. But the Jr was doing a lot more damage to her than she's doing to him. Brittney angrily threw a punch forward only to have Jr caught it. He stuck his dark purple tongue out before he punched her face, making her fly back.
But the Jr wasn't finished. He teleported in her path then kicked her upwards. Then teleported above her kicking her down so she crashed into the ground making a small crater.
"Hehe ha ha!" The Jr laughed as he landed on the ground and continued laughing as he walked up to the crater.
Brittney was face down in the ground with her clothes slightly tattered. Which made the Jr laugh louder.
"Hahaha-Eh?" The Jr was cut off as Brittney grabbed the Jr's head.
Then she got up with some blood coming from the corner of her mouth and a few scratches on her body, and glared at the Jr.
"You.... little..... bastard." Brittney said as her grip on his head grew tighter.
The Jr looked scared for a second before he flipped himself out of her hand and got into a fighting position. Brittney glared and charged at him, making the Jr fly back up into the sky. She quickly caught up to him and kneed him in the stomach, punched him across the face a few times, then fire a ki blast to his face point blank.
As this was happening Dave was STILL firing ki blasts at the his Jr. At this point the Jr was deflecting them but at least he was still attacking. But the Jr was getting closer and closer with every shot deflected.
"Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh crap! Oh craaaaaaaappppppp!" Dave said to himself as the Jr finally got close enough to punch Dave.
Which he did. Hard. Dave was sent flying with that punch.... right into Brittney's Cell Jr.
"Ow!" Dave said as he crashed into the other Cell Jr making him fly back.
"Dave?" Brittney said surprised.
"These things are so hard to beat!" Dave said. "And there's four more of these things running around!"
The two Jrs then got on either side of Brittney and Dave. One facing Dave, the other facing Brittney, as our two heroes went back to back.
"Yeah." Brittney said. Then the Jr facing her pulled down the bottom part of his eye and stuck his tongue out again. "Argh! That's it!"
Brittney put up one arm and fired a yellow beam from her palm. The Jr smirked and fired a Kamehameha at the blast causing the two to clash. The other Jr had the same idea and fired one at Dave, which was forced to copy Brittney.
Meanwhile (Y/N) was still in hard combat with his Jr. Both of them looked like they took damage from each other and weren't going to be stopping soon.
They punched each other's fist, causing a shock wave and making them jump back from each other to gain some distance.
"Man you won't just go down." You said which made the Jr smirk.
You charged at the Jr, throwing punches and kicks but were either dodged or blocked. Then the Jr kicked you in the face knocking you back. Then he quickly rammed into you in a flash, then teleported and did the same thing from behind, then kneed you in the back making you fall to the ground.
"Neh ha heh ha heh!" The Jr taunted.
"Argh!" You growled as your aura flared around you.
You quickly got back up and rushed at the Jr again but he kept dodging with a smile on his face. Then you jumped up brought your fist down but he dodged as your fist punched the ground. And not even giving you a second he kicked you in the face making you fall flat on your back.
"I win! I win!" The Jr shouted.
But you got back up with your head looking towards the ground so a shadow casted over your eyes, a scowl, and your aura turned more black than it's original color.
"Heh?" He said confused.
Then you snapped your head up and quickly punched the Jr in the stomach. The Jr was a lost for air and spat as his mouth was wide open. Then you punched the Jr across the face, again, and again, and again, before you kicked him up into the sky. Then you charged up a regular ki blast, but it was larger than normal one, and threw it at the Cell Jr. When it made contact with him it exploded. And when the dust cleared the Jr fell to the ground... dead.
"Annoying blue bastard." You said before you started flying back towards the Cell Games arena.
During this Cell and Goku were exchanging blows. Goku threw a punch but Cell blocked it with his own. They both pushed against each others fist before they pushed each other back.
"Splendid Goku. Utterly splendi-" Cell was cut off as he sensed one of the Cell Jr's energies disappeared.
He looked towards your direction where he saw the Jr's corpse and you flying away from it. Cell growled before looking back to Goku.
"It seems that boy might be stronger than I thought. He must be taken out my Games." Cell said.
"No! I won't let you!" Goku said.
The two charged at each other again but Cell kneed Goku in the stomach before roundhouse kicking him into a nearby rock formation. Then he glared back at you before he teleported into your path.
"Well hello there." Cell said as your eyes went wide.
"Um, hello-"
You were cut off by Cell kicking in the stomach and sending you flying. And you flew FAR. You skidded across the ground a few times before you just crashed into the ground.
"Arg!" You groaned as you struggled to get up.
But as you did you saw Cell taking his time to walk towards you. You let out a low growl knowing you can't beat him.
"Hey." A voice said from right next to you.
You looked to your left and went wide eyed as Goku was standing right next to you.
(Y/N) View
"You're really pulling your own out there." Goku told me with a small smile.
"U-Uh, thank you." I said with a wavering smile.
"I don't know who you are but I hope you and your friends can hold out til this is over." Goku said.
"Yeah." I said as I looked in the sky to see Brittney and Dave still fighting two Cell Jrs. But then I remembered Cell is still walking towards us. I turned towards him and saw he was way closer.
"Hey, I need you to help with this guy." Goku said as his expression became more serious.
"O-Okay." I nodded.
"Okay follow my lead." Goku said as he turned his body, then put his hands togther.
"Oh." I said as I realized what he was doing.
I turned my body like Goku's and started gesturing the Kamehameha.
Cell just realized what we were doing and his eyes widened for a second.
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