Dragon age inquisition part 2

[ B A T T L E M A S T E R ]


These cunning warriors control the battlefield and everyone on it. They

bolster their allies, hamper their enemies, and take advantage of any sign

of weakness.

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1. Grappling Chain


With a hooked chain and a lot of muscle, you drag your target into arm's reach.

Damage: 100% Weapon Damage

Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds

Cost: 20 Stamina

A. Give Them the Boot


After Grappling Chain drags an opponent to you, you stun them with a hard


Damage: 200% Weapon Damage

Stun Duration: 3 Seconds

2. Crippling Blows


You know how to take the fight out of your foes. Your critical hits leave

enemies weakened.

Damage Reduction: 15%

Duration: 10 Seconds

This Effect Stacks.

Strength On Unlock: +3

3. Hamstring


When you attack a target from behind, you leave them slowed.

Speed Reduction: 50%

Duration: 3 Seconds

Strength On Unlock: +3

4. Coup de Grace


You deal more damage against enemies that are stunned or knocked down.

Better them than you.

Damage Bonus: 30%

Strength On Unlock: +3

5. Combat Roll


You dive and roll to where the battle need you to be. Whether it's escaping

from a group or moving to flank an opponent.

Cooldown Time: 2 Seconds

Cost: 20 Stamina

A. Roll with It


You can now use Combat Roll to recover from most disabling conditions.

6. Deep Reserves


You get your breath back faster than most. When your stamina is very low, it

regenerates more quickly.

Low Stamina Threshold: 50%

Stamina Generation Rate Bonus: 50%

Strength On Unlock: +3

7. Horn of Valor


Your war horn's blast rings across the battlefield, giving allies the strength

to fight harder.

Damage Bonus: 15%

Armor Bonus: 15%

Duration: 10 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 18 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. That's the Spirit


Your horn's blast calls your allies to even greater glory.

Damage Bonus: 35%

8. War Horn


Your war horn's blast puts fear into the hearts of your foes, leaving them


Area of Effect: 8 Meters

Fear Duration: 6 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. Break Their Spirit


War Horn now shatters your enemy's guard, and panicked enemies are too

shaken to defend themselves, leaving their armor sundered.

Armor Reduction: 20%

Bonus Damage vs. Guard: 1,200%


[ W E A P O N & S H I E L D ]


Experts in this style are still on their feet after punishment that would

kill their allies. They use their shield to protect themselves and stagger

their enemies.

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1. Shield Wall


You stand firm and block incoming attacks at the cost of stamina. Each block

adds to your guard. You move much more slowly while sustaining this ability.

Requires A Shield

Guard provides a protection from incoming attacks by granting additional

health. Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.

A. Chevalier's Step


When you use Shield Wall, your movement is not slowed as much. You also

protect nearby allies by giving them improved armor.

Range: 4 Meters

Armor Bonus: 30%

2. Payback Strike


You recover from any disabled condition and lash out with a great blow against

nearby enemies. If you've recently taken damage, you hit that much harder and

stagger your foes.

Requires A Shield

Damage: 200% Weapon Damage

Recently Damaged Threshold: 5 Seconds

Damage Bonus: 200%

Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. Sweet Revenge


You do more damage with Payback Strike, and if you've recently taken

damage, you also stun taunted enemies.

Damage Bonus: 200%

Stun Duration: 2 Seconds

3. Bear Mauls the Wolves


Using techniques perfected by Orlesian Chevaliers, you can't be flanked by

enemies, and you're less likely to be staggered when hit from the front.

Constitution on Unlock: +3

4. Warrior's Resolve


You fight all the harder when you're hurting, gaining stamina when you lose


Stamina Restored: 10% for every 10% health lost.

Constitution on Unlock: +3

5. Turn the Bolt


Your expertise with the shield protects you against ranged attacks from the


Damage Reduction: 50%

Constitution on Unlock: +3

6. Shiel Bash


Many foes think a shield is just for defense. You correct that mistake with a

brutal slam that does bonus damage to an enemy's guard.

Requires A Shield

Damage: 300% Weapon Damage

Bonus Damage vs. Guard: 800%

Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

Impact Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.

A. Ring the Bell


You now lunge forward with Shield Bash, and you do even grater damage to

an enemy's guard.

Bonus Damage vs. Guard: 400%

7. Lunge and Slash


You lunge forward, then spin with a slashing strike if your first blow

connects. You can use this attack to close with opponents.

Requires A Shield.

Damage: 175% Weapon Damage

Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

Impact Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.

A. Great Lunge


The farther you lunge before striking your target, the more damage you

do to them.

Damage Bonus: 75% at 5 Meters

Damage Bonus: 250% at 10 Meters

8. Turn the Blade


Any blow you can see, you can turn aside. All damage coming from the front

is reduced.

Damage Resistance: 20%

Constitution on Unlock: +3


[ V A N G U A R D ]


These stalwart warriors protect their allies by making themselves the

biggest target on the battlefield. When enemies take the bait, vanguards

pick them apart with brutal precision.

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1. War Cry


You taunt all nearby enemies with a shouted challenge, gaining extra guard

for each enemy affected.

Duration: 4 Seconds

Guard per Enemy: 20%

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.

Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.

A. Call to Arms


You draw strength from your War Cry, improving your armor for the coming


Armor Bonus: 200%

Duration: 10 Seconds

2. Challenge


Your powerful shout carries across the battlefield, taunting a targeted enemy

and improving your guard.

Duration: 8 Seconds

Guard Amount: 10%

Cooldown Time: 16 Seconds

Cost: 20 Stamina

Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.

Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.

A. Throw the Gauntlet


Successfully hitting a target with Challenge gets your blood pumping,

temporarily increasing your stamina regeneration.

Bonus Regeneration: 15 Stamina per second.

3. Untouchable Defense


They can't kill what they can't hit. You get a bonus to your maximum guard.

Maximum Guard Bonus: 25%

Constitution on Unlock: +3

4. Charging Bull


You slam into your enemies, increasing your guard and knocking them down as

you break through their lines.

Damage: 150% Weapon Damage

Guard per Enemy: 10%

Cooldown Time: 8 Seconds

Cost: 5 Stamina Per Second

Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.

Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.

A. Gore and Trample


After you finish your charge, your next ability costs no stamina.

Duration: 6 Seconds

5. Trust the Steel


You know how to make the most of your equipment, gaining a bonus to armor

when you have active guard.

Armor Bonus: 20%

Constitution on Unlock: +3

6. It'll Cost You


Any foe that attacks you in melee is going to bleed for it, taking a portion

of the damage they inflict.

Damage Returned: 15%

Strength on Unlock: +3

7. Cutting Words


Your party does more damage to taunted targets as you rattle your enemies'

nerves and goad them into mistakes that leave them open.

Damage Bonus: 20%

Strength on Unlock: +3

8. Unbowed


You focus on your defensive training, gaining guard for each nearby enemy.

Guard per Enemy: 10%

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.

Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.

A. Still Standing


Unbowed further improves your guard for each nearby enemy, giving you the

strength to stay on your feet.

Guard Generation Bonus: 100%

9. Bodyguard


You accept blows meant for allies, taking a portion of the damage.

Damage Transfer: 50%

Duration: 15 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. Not Today


You ignore part of the damage transferred from party members.

Damage Resistance: 50%


[ R E A V E R ]


As the battle gets bloodier, these vicious and deadly warriors get even more

brutal. Hurting them just makes them mad, a mistake most enemies don't live

to repeat.

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1. Ring of Pain


You mark part of the battlefield as yours. Enemies inside the ring take spirit

damage while your own attacks inside the ring hit harder. The more you are

hurt, the stronger both effects are.

Can be toggled on and off.

Area of Effect: 15 Meters

Damage: 15% Weapon Damage Per Second

Damage Bonus: 1% for each 1% Missing Health

Cost: 10 Stamina Per Second

A. Torrent of Pain


While Ring of Pain is active, Devour costs less stamina and has a shorter

cooldown time, and Dragon-Rage costs less of your own health.

Cooldown Reduction: 4 Seconds

Cost Reduction: 20%

2. Blood Frenzy


They thought you'd get weaker once they'd wounded you. They were very wrong.

Damage Bonus: 5% for each 10% missing health

Strength on Unlock: +3

3. Fervor


When an enemy dies near you, the thrill of death spurs you to hit that much


Damage Bonus: 30%

Duration: 5 Seconds

Range: 10 Meters

Cunning on Unlock: +3

4. Rampage


You're an unstoppable fury of physical force while this ability is active.

Your attacks are harder and faster, and you gain health with each strike.

This ability consumes and is powered by focus.

Duration: 10 Seconds

Tier 1: 10% Attack Speed, Life Steal, and Damage

Tier 2: 20% Attack Speed, Life Steal, and Damage

Tier 3: 30% Attack Speed, Life Steal, and Damage

5. Terrifying Fury


Your critical strikes have a chance to cause a gory mess and send nearby

enemies fleeing in panic.

Fear Chance: 25%

Area of Effect: 10 Meters

Fear Duration: 6 Seconds

Cunning on Unlock: +3

6. Scenting Blood


Being near a badly wounded enemy spurs you into a frenzy, driving you to move

faster and giving you a better chance of striking deadly blows.

Range: 10 Meters

Health Threshold: 35%

Speed Bonus: 50%

Critical Hit Chance Bonus: 10%

Constitution on Unlock: +3

7. Devour


Blood is life. You rip into your enemy, doing damage based on how badly you're

wounded and healing yourself. Ring of Pain significantly increases the effect.

Damage: 100% Weapon Damage

Health Restored: 0.2% for every 1% health lost

Damage Bonus: 2% for each 1% missing health

Cooldown Time: 12 Seconds

Cost: 65 Stamina

Ring of Pain Bonus Health Restored: 0.4% for every 1% health lost

A. Consume


After you attack with Devour, your next use of Dragon-Rage has a better

chance of ripping deeply into your target for a critical strike.

Critical Hit Chance Bonus: 25%

8. Dragon-Rage


You launch an attack fueled by your fury, ripping into foes for damage that

increases as your own wounds deepen. Ring of Pain significantly increases

the effect. You take damage with each swing.

Damage: 150% Weapon Damage

Damage Bonus: 1% for each 1% missing health

Cost: 2% Health

Ring of Pain Bonus Damage Bonus: 50%

A. Ravage


For some, Dragon-Rage is a dangerous ability. For you, it's the only way to

fight. You now hit harder and reduce the cooldown time for Devour with every


Damage Bonus: 50%

Cooldown Reduction: 2 Seconds


[ T E M P L A R ]


These unrelenting warriors specialize in fighting mages and demons. No

enemy's magic can withstand them, and they inspire and protect their allies

with their righteous power.

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1. Spell Purge


Through faith and will, you dispel all hostile magic from the area around you.

Area of Effect: 5 Meters

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

Eldritch Detonator Ability: Use on incapacitated foes for a combo.

A. Spell Shatter


Spell Purge now deals massive area damage when dispelling barriers and other

beneficial effects on enemies.

Damage: 600% Weapon Damage

2. Blessed Blades


You rally all of your nearby allies to fight with greater strength, especially

when facing demons.

Damage Bonus: 15%

Duration: 24 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 10 Stamina

A. Lights in the Shadow


Attacking enemies while you're affected by Blessed Blades reduces the

cooldown times of Spell Purge and Wrath of Heaven.

Cooldown Reduction: 0.5 Seconds

3. Champions of the Just


Your righteous fervor inspires the entire party to fight harder against demons.

Damage Bonus: 10%

Strength On Unlock: +3

4. Maker's Will


Your party's attacks have a chance to weaken their targets.

Weaken Chance: 5%

Weakened Duration: 6 Seconds

Willpower On Unlock: +3

5. Rally


You inspire your allies to fight harder. Your party's guard, stamina, and mana

build over time, and all party members gain damage resistance against incoming


This ability consumes and is powered by focus.

Duration: 15 Seconds

Tier 1: 10% Guard Generation and Stamina/Mana Regeneration Per Second /

10% Damage Resistance.

Tier 1: 20% Guard Generation and Stamina/Mana Regeneration Per Second /

20% Damage Resistance.

Tier 1: 30% Guard Generation and Stamina/Mana Regeneration Per Second /

30% Damage Resistance.

6. The Last Sacrifice


Even should you fall, you give your allies the strength to fight on harder in

your name.

Health Amount: 100%

Damage Bonus: 50%

Duration: 10 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds

Constitution on Unlock: +3

7. There Is No Darkness


Your faith is your protection against the elements, and not for you alone.

The entire party gains increased resistance to fire, ice, electric and spirit


Damage Resistance: 10%

Willpower On Unlock: +3

8. Wrath of Heaven


You summon a blinding pillar of light that stuns nearby enemies and damages


Damage: 400% Weapon Damage

Area of Effect: 4 Meters

Stun Duration: 4 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 24 Seconds

Cost: 65 Stamina

A. Embrace the Light


Wrath of Heaven does even more damage to demons and leaves enemies stunned

for longer.

Danage Bonus: 300%

Stun Duration Bonus: 2 Seconds


[ C H A M P I O N ]


These powerful defenders protect their allies from harm, standing strong

against devastating blows with expert training and fierce determination.

Enemies can't kill them - and usually can't survive them.

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1. Line in the Sand


You call upon the legacy of the greatest champions in history, defying enemies

as you hold your position. This stops enemies from moving past you and enables

you to block choke points.

Size: 6 Meters

Duration: 12 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 20 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. And No Further


Your protected area increases, making it even harder for enemies to pass by.

Size Bonus: 3 Meters

2. Bulwark


You stand all the stronger to finish the fight, gaining a bonus to your

maximum guard.

Maximum Guard Bonus: 25%

Constitution On Unlock: +3

3. Resilience


You don't flinch, don't blink, and don't back down. Enemies that hit you with

melee attacks are staggered by recoil.

Stun Chance: 5%

Stun Duration: 2 Seconds

Constitution On Unlock: +3

4. Counterstrike


You push yourself to the limit, gaining full guard and taunting all nearby

enemies. While the ability is active, you automatically counter all melee


This ability consumes and is powered by focus.

Tier 1: Duration: 6 Seconds

Tier 2: Duration: 12 Seconds

Tier 3: Duration: 20 Seconds

Guard provides protection from incoming attacks by granting additional health.

Guard must be broken before a target will take damage.

5. Adamant


You've trained hard, and you know how to make the most of whatever armor

you're wearing.

Armor Bonus: 20%

Constitution On Unlock: +3

6. Unyielding


An attack that would bring you down instead leaves you with a small amount of

health, and you are immune to all damage for a short time.

Invulnerability Duration: 5 Seconds

Health Threshold: 5%

Cooldown Time: 60 Seconds

Constitution On Unlock: +3

7. To the Death


You taunt an enemy into a frenzy. Their damage output increases over time,

but so does the amount of damage they take. The effect ends if you get out

of range of the enemy.

Range: 15 Meters

Enemy Damage Output: 5% Increase Per Second

Enemy Damage Taken: 5% Increase Per Second

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

Cost: 35 Stamina

A. En Garde


While To the Death is active, your guard improves as your target takes

damage and you correct weaknesses of your own.

Guard Amount: 25%

8. Walking Fortress


You may not be able to hold them off forever, but right now, nothing can

touch you. You have complete immunity to damage for a short time.

Duration: 8 Seconds

Cooldown Time: 32 Seconds

A. Siege-Breaker


Every attack that strikes you reduces your cooldown time and increases your


Cooldown Reduction: 1 Second

Guard Amount: 10%

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The Walkthrough is written for Nightmare difficulty so the strategies included

are for the hardest mode. Some things might not seem necessary on lower levels

of difficulty, often things that are not heavy damage in Normal can destroy

your party in Nightmare. Most items are random in the game. Rare Schematics and

Unique (Purple) items seem to be static, but Rare Armor and Weapons are random

in nature. They will be noted as such when you loot the container, so if you

wanted it's possible to save, open the chest, decide whether you like the Rare

Weapon/Armor or not and reload if you don't.


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< () > THE WRATH OF HEAVEN [0401]

'..' __________________________________________________________________________




[ ] Figurine of Maferath the Betrayer [ ] Lifeward Amulet

[ ] Elfroot [ ] Iron



• Shade • Wraith

• Lesser Shade • Greater Shade

• Lesser Terror * Pride Demon



[ ] The Conclave [ ] The Breach

[ ] The Qunari [ ] Adaar, The Vashoth

[ ] Divine Justinia V [ ] Cassandra Pentaghast

[ ] Shade [ ] Vitaar

[ ] Wraith [ ] Solas

[ ] Varric Tethras

Get to the Rift with Cassandra


At the start of the game you'll be able to choose your race and class then you

can customize the looks of your character. Some scenes will take place at this

point and you can answer however you wish. Once you gain control head through

the gate and turn left. The path is fairly linear, just navigate over the bridge

where it gets taken out and you are forced into battle. You'll pick up a weapon

that is suited to the class you chose at the start, ie; an Archer will find a

bow, Mages will find a Staff, Two-Hand Warriors will find a Greatsword. The two

Shades are simple enough to defeat, if you lure the one focusing on you over to

Cassandra she can use Taunt to allow you flanking and distance if you are


Ahead you'll find a lootable [CORPSE] then two more Shades. Send Cassandra

down into the lower levels to get their attention then follow up with your own

arsenal. Turn around go near the trees to find some [IRON] then jump back to

the frozen river. Go left to find some loot and [ELFROOT] then climb up the

cliff to the left by jumping. You'll find more loot near the wagons as you head

back to the bridge. Loot the [ELFROOT] then head back to the frozen stream.

Continue down the frozen stream to find a Shade and up the stairs a

Wraith -- this enemy strikes from a distance so take it out first. Check the

corner to the right of the ramp for some [ELFROOT] then head over the hill and

look right to find a Lesser Shade and Wraith, easily wrangled up by Cassandra.

There is some fire nearby, look from it across the ice to find two more Wraiths

and a Lesser Shade. Head to the right of the staircase infront of you to find

some [IRON] and [ELFROOT] then ascend.

A number of Shades infest this area, but you have some help. Quickly dispatch

these foes to trigger a scene where you'll meet Solas and Varric Tethras. From

here you'll receive a new task.

Reach the Forward Camp


Go down the ramp and button hook right to the corner. Loot the corpse to find

a [FIGURINE OF MAFERATH THE BETRAYER] and some [IRON]. Move down the path to an

open area in the ice. Numerous Shades and Wraiths appear, so focus on the

Wraiths first to allow your party to focus on the Greater Shade all at once.

You can actually do a little exploring at this point. Turn right and go past the

house for now, you'll find some [IRON] up the hill. Go back down the hill and

right of the trees, you'll find more [IRON] and then [ELFROOT] behind the rock.

Enter the house and loot the few things inside. Go straight down the river,

bypassing the steps to your right. Search the burning house for some loot,

behind it is another [ELFROOT]. Continue along the path, more [ELFROOT] along

the way up the hill where you'll find a Greater Shade and two Lesser Shades in

a camp. Defeat them and loot the [IRON] then the [LIFEWARD AMULET].

Make your way back to center then head up the staircase. Another Greater Shade

is accompanied by Lesser Shades and Wraiths, remember to take out the Wraiths

first! Up the hill to right is more [IRON], if you follow the path you'll find

more [ELFROOT] amidst the trees before the Rift. Your objective here is to

clear out the area and seal the Rift. Use your Action command to seal it, you

will gain enough experience to level up at this point so assign your points

carefully. Don't proceed just yet, turn left and go slightly down the cliff to

find yet another [ELFROOT].

At the Forward Camp you can replenish your potions and loot a [STRONGBOX]. You

will find Leliana and be forced to make a decision on how to reach the Temple

of Sacred Ashes.

Reach the Temple through the Mountain Path


Climb up aways, when you reach the tunnel you'll find a Greater Shade and two

Wraiths waiting for you. Proceed up the stairs and down the path a little until

you reach a small room. Light the torch and loot the [CHEST] before continuing

on. Ahead you can loot some smaller items, up the stairs is a Greater Shade,

Lesser Shade, and two Wraiths waiting to ambush you. Loot the [SACK] on the

balcony and head outside. Veer off the path to the left to spot more [IRON] and

[ELFROOT], ahead is another Rift

Like last time defeat the wave of demons but be prepared for a new enemy, the

Lesser Terror, after you defeat the initial wave. Seal the Rift then head down

the ladder.

Charge with the Soldiers


Head up to a small encampment. Plenty of dead bodies to the left, but more

importantly a [STRONGBOX] to the right with assorted gear and loot. Continue

past the gate and join the soldiers already fighting the Wraiths and Shades.

As you get to the rift in the distance, two new enemies, the Lesser Terrors,

will show up. Take them out and then seal the Rift. You'll get a cut-scene

here as you push onward to the temple.

Find a Way Down to the Rift


Loot the body here then descend for a quick cutscene. Afterwards, progress

around and drop down to the Breach for another scene.


BOSS: Pride Demon Level 4


Health: 16565

Defense: 34

Resistance: Electricity

Immunity: Asleep, Frozen, Paralyzed, Physical Effects

Ability: Perceptive



The Pride Demon has some nasty little abilities, one of which is an electric

whip that reaches quite a distance. The best practice for this battle is to

have Cassandra use Challenge then move her towards a wall with her back to it.

This way the Pride Demon has his back to the rest of the party and you can

utilize Solas and Varric's ranged attacks. Use your Inquisitor to disrupt the

Fade Rift, this will stun the Pride Demon and weaken it temporarily allowing

for a chunk of damage to be dealt. Be careful at this point, Lesser Shades will

join the fray when you interrupt the Fade Rift.

Do your best to keep Barrier on Cassandra and have her use Challenge and Shield

Wall to mitigate as much damage as possible. When the Lesser Shades come you

should change your focus to them then back to the Pride Demon. When it uses

Guard you can disrupt the Fade Rift again to break it then stun and weaken the

foe. Repeat this a few times and you'll come out victorious.



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< () > THE THREAT REMAINS [0402]

'..' __________________________________________________________________________




[ ] Elfroot



• Templar Archer • Templar Defender

• Templar Knight



[ ] Letters & Notes #57 - Patient Observations

[ ] Tales #19 - Andraste's Mabari

[ ] Tales #5 - "Nightingale's Eyes"

[ ] Places #30 - The Fade

[ ] History #1 - A Chant for the Departed

[ ] Chantry Hierarchy

[ ] Founding of the Chantry

[ ] The Children of Andraste

[ ] The Maker

Find Cassandra in the Chantry


After the short scene you can loot an item from the middle of the floor. Check

the paper on the desk for [PATIENT OBSERVATIONS]. You'll also find some special

items in the box nearby. Head outside when you are ready.

From where you awaken head behind the building to the northwest. Here you'll

find two [ELFROOT] and a [CHEST]. Continue behind the house you came from for

another [ELFROOT]. Continue to the left of the starting place to find more

[ELFROOT] and a [POT] that can be looted. Head up the steps to find a note on

the left pillar, [ANDRASTE'S MABARI]. Check the pot to your left then go behind

the house to find two [ELFROOT]. Inside the house you'll find a note that


There's plenty to loot in the tent area, including a [CHEST] that gives some

[SONG LYRICS] for Patron of the Arts. To the right of the Chantry you'll find

two [ELFROOT] and on the left another with a sack and pot as well. There are a

number of houses to the right of the chantry, as well as loot. Inside the

houses over here is another [PATIENT OBSERVATIONS] as well as [THE RANDY

DOWAGER QUARTERLY]. You can also fing two [ELFROOT] around the houses if you

look. After nabbing these things head to the chantry.

Head inside to the left to spot a sack and a note on the counter that is [THE

FADE]. Check the scroll on the barrel nearby for [A CHANT FOR THE DEPARTED],

then take the first door on the left. Down the hallway you'll find a pot and

two notes, [CHANTRY HIERARCHY] and [FOUNDING OF THE CHANTRY]. At the end of the

hall you'll find prison cells that a Rogue can open and a [SMALL CHEST] that

has something good.

Head back up and into the next room on the left. Here you'll find a note

covering [THE CHILDREN OF ANDRASTE] as well as a Research Station and Minaeve.

Go across the hall and read the book on the bed for [THE MAKER] then head into

the main door for a cutscene.

Report to Haven's Chantry


Feel free to explore Haven a little bit, there's quite a few things you can do

before you head to the Chantry. Visit the Chantry to trigger a cutscene where

you'll have plenty of chances to respond. From here you'll enter the War Table

where you can pick Orlais or Ferelden. You'll need to choose Ferelden and then

Scout the Hinterlands. From here you must spend 1 Power by using Secrets. You

should start by sending some people out to locations in Ferelden, most of them

are on a pretty short timer.

War Table

- The Fallow Mire (Lost Soul)

- The Storm Coast (Vigilance on the Coast)

Travel to the Hinterlands to Speak with Mother Giselle


Head to the Crossroads at the Hinterlands when you are ready to proceed. Do

take some time to set up camps and the like. Here you'll need to defeat a few

apostates. Take the time to claim the landmark here, [SAGA OF TYRDDA BRIGHT-

AXE, AVVAR-MOTHER], then focus on taking out the mages. Once you do this you

will have a wave of 4 Templars come in from the west so take some cover. The

Defender and Knight can be brutal. Try to keep one of the Feared or Frozen so

you can take out the Templar Archers quickly. Once you defeat them you'll gain

control of the Crossroads.

Travel to Val Royeaux


Talk to Corporal Vale, he asks for help along with a myriad of other

activities. These will gain Power allowing you to travel to Val Royeaux, you

will need at least 4 Power to do this. You enter in the Main level, check out

all the plaques along the way to the center. Turn left to find another plaque

then check the bulletin board. You'll want to inspect the numerous plaques

around the central pillar, it's a lot of experience. Address the Templars in

the central area to advance the plot.

You'll want to return to the Chantry in Haven to progress the story but Val

Royeaux offers new companions and lots of exploration! As you move around Grand

Enchanter Fiona will address you at some point, you now have two paths --



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< () > IN HUSHED WHISPERS [0403]

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[ ] Prison Key [ ] Rare Weapon

[ ] Rare Armor [ ] Bleeder of Souls

[ ] Bianca Arms III [ ] Circle of Magi Banner

[ ] Rare Weapon [ ] Staff of Stasis

[ ] Cooldown Amulet



• Lesser Terror • Venatori Zealot

• Venatori Spellbinder • Wraith

* Alexius



[ ] A Prayer to the New God

[ ] A Guard's Journal

[ ] Alexius's Journal

[ ] Spellbinder's Journal

[ ] Studies on the Blight

Travel to Redcliffe and Make Contact with the Mages


Head to the Chantry at Haven, you don't have to make a decision right now so

you can say whatever you want during the scene. From here you'll want to go to

the Crossroads in the Hinterlands and head north. It should be a pretty quiet

run until you get almost there. The objective will change and a Fade Rift can

be seen in the distance. Defeat the few Lesser Terrors that attack then close

the Fade Rift and go through the gate.

Go to the Gull & Lantern to Meet Fiona


There's a lot to do in Redcliffe. Go around and shop, start some quests by

speaking to the people around town, and break into some houses if you can. There

are plenty of codex entries to find as well for quick experience gain. You can

even find Connor, son of the previous Arl of Redcliffe, down by the docks

pending he is still alive in your game. Head to the Gull & Lantern tavern when

you are done running around. You'll meet Grand Enchanter Fiona, but oddly enough

she thinks is the first time you've met. Something is definitely going on and

just when you thought you'd never get an answer, it comes barging through the


Magister Alexius of the Tevinter Imperium walks in with his son Felix. You need

to deal with Alexius because Fiona has no negotiation powers anymore. Answer how

you wish, Felix eventually feigns illness and casually drops a note for you. The

note warns about Alexius and asks you to meet in the Chantry. Before doing so,

talk with people in the tavern. Clemence will ask to join the Inquisition after

your conversation with him, he aids Cullen in completing operations 5% faster.

In the Chantry you'll meet Dorian and he needs your assistance closing a Fade

Rift. The enemies include Wraiths and Terrors, be sure to freeze them in place

so you can defeat the Wraiths more easily. Close the Fade Rift and talk to

Dorian. He breaks the news on what Alexius is trying to do and asks to be there

if you are going after him.

Head back to Haven, it's time to make a decision. To stay on this path just

choose "In Hushed Whispers" -- it still costs 15 Power. Dorian is forced to come

along, there are some objects that require a Warrior to bash and a Rogue to

lockpick so bring at least one of each class. Starting the mission triggers a

long cutscene at the Redcliffe Castle.

Redcliffe Castle


You are warped after the cutscene and two Venatori Zealots will attack. Loot

the [PRISON KEY] and head up the left stairs to find a [POT] and on the other

side is a [SNAKE BOX]. Go up the other set of stairs and loot the objects in the

cell before advancing to the door. There are more objects to loot along the way,

but in the end you need to climb the staircase.

Here you'll find more Venatori Zealots. Defeat them and descend the left path,

taking the left door to a chest. The central door leads to Fiona, she's in a

bit of a rutt. After listening to what happened go back up the central room

then down to the right side. Here you'll find your two companions that were

with you, you'll need to convince them you aren't dead.

Return to upper cells and your met by four Venatori Zealots and a Venatori

Spellbinder, be sure he goes down first. Up the steps to the Guard Barracks,

there's plenty to loot. Be sure to grab the note on the table, [A PRAYER TO THE


in the corner. Open the locked door with a Rogue and the one opposite it to find


Find a Way Back to Alexius's Throne Room


Continue up to the torture area, the side room has some loot. Up the stairs you

can open the door to find Hanley and two Venatori Zealots. Loot the bodies for

the [BLEEDER OF SOULS] and [BIANCA ARMS II]. Continue up to the next room, door

on the left, to find Leliana. Pay attention to the dialogue, it's rather unique

and interesting. Proceed down the hall and across the bridge into the Torture

Chambers. Time to seal a Fade Rift, be sure to deal with the Wraiths first.

Use the wheel to raise the portcullis and enter the docks. Clear out the two

Lesser Shades then loot the area, the [SUPPLIES CACHE] included to refill your

Potions. Climb up to the Courtyard, another Fade Rift with plenty of Lesser

Shades to deal with. Shortly ahead is another, so deal with the demons and get

to closing it. Head to the Upper Royal Wing, searching the left room for


Ahead you'll find some loot, a [CIRCLE OF MAGI BANNER], and another [SUPPLIES

CACHE]. In the open room you'll need to fight off Spellbinders and Shades while

you close the Fade Rift, stick to cover if you need it. Loot the corpses for a

[RED LYRIUM SHARD], you'll need 5 of these. Go through the southeast door and

up the steps. In the room here you'll find another Spellbinder and Venatori

Zealots. Kill the Spellbinder and drop some heavy area of effect near the steps

for a quick win. Loot the 2nd [RED LYRIUM SHARD] and the [PUNISHER] from the

chest in the back.

Loop around the hallway to a large room, another Spellbinder and cronies. Grab

the third [RED LYRIUM SHARD] from their bodies then head into the next room.

Check the [SUPPLY CACHE] and [LOCKBOX] while you're in here for loot. Have a

Rogue open the door here then open the door across to find a Spellbinder, the

fourth [RED LYRIUM SHARD] on him. Read up on the [STUDIES ON THE BLIGHT] then

bash the northern wall down with a Warrior. Loot the pot for the [APOSTATE

STAFF] schematic. Break the other wall down to surprise two Zealots, kill them

and head out.

Check both doors on the way out, at the bottom of the staircase is another

[SUPPLY CACHE], use it then go across from here through the door. Defeat the

Spellbinder and the Gladiators to obtain the last [RED LYRIUM SHARD]. Take them

back to the main hall and place them in the door to trigger a cutscene and boss



BOSS: Alexius Level 7


Health: 25134

Defense: 13

Resistance: N/A

Immunity: All Disabling Effects

Ability: Perceptive



The first thing you should notice is that Alexius has no resistances or

vulnerabilities. This means all your physical and magical attacks will do full

damage but you lack the ability to combo since you cannot incapacitate him. He

has the ability to teleport far away so you'll want to focus on ranged attacks.

His arsenal of spells is fairly limited, the battle gets rough when you drop

Alexius's health below 50%. He summons a Fade Rift and you'll need to contend

with demons during this phase. Alexius isn't targetable here so Disrupt the

Rift and take out the small fry, closing the Fade Rift afterward.

Focus on building Guard and placing Barrier on your Warrior, you'll be able to

mitigate nearly all of the damage this way. At 25% health Alexius will summon

a second Fade Rift with even more demons. Like last time, focus on the demons.

You can cast Dispel on the location they are going to spawn to stop them from

spawning completely and placing runes or traps on the spawn location is fairly

useful for a lot of quick damage. At this point Alexius can be targeted down

and defeated.

Loot: Staff of Stasis, Cooldown Amulet


The scene that takes place afterward is pretty amazing. With everything restored

head back to the Chantry in Haven. Here you'll be given an opportunity to

recruit Dorian into the Inquisition.


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[ ] Amulet of Power [ ] Lord Seeker's Key



• Red Templar

• Red Templar Marksman

• Red Templar Horror



[ ] Tales #116 - To Be Corrupted

[ ] Letters #29 - Envy's Dogma

[ ] Tales #68 - Majestic Bastards

[ ] Tales #16 - A Nutty Affair

[ ] Tales #55 - Her Perfumed Sanctuary

Head to the Inquisition's War Room


Taking the path of reaching out to the Templars will bar you from working

with the mages. But who better to fight against this magic than those trained

to do so? To start down this path, you must visit the Inquisition's War Room

and send an agent out, which will cost 15 Power total. A small price if you

have been exploring additional areas. Doing so will take you to a meeting with

the Lord Seeker immediately with a host of Orlesian Nobles at your back.

Meet with the Templar Contact


After speaking to the Nobles you will be free to move. You can find some minor

loot down the road you came from (minor money), but we must press on to our

contact. In the stable area search both stables for loot, then talk to the


Raise the flags in order of importance


Next, you will be asked to undergo a ritual: raise the flags shown to you in

the order you value them. A very... personal objective. You can also side with

the noble and demand to see the Lord Seeker if you wish.

The choice is of course yours, but we may as well accommodate our guests. You

can find some loot around the courtyard before raising the flags. Raise the

flags in the order you wish. You will have a chance to explain your actions


Meet the Lord Seeker


Head into the next door/objective to start a meeting. Your replies don't matter

here, as the knights have a sinister purpose. Once the fighting breaks out,

have your tank taunt the front knights while you take out the archers, then

clean up. Barris will help out here. Loot and go through the next door.

Kill the soldiers in the hall and nab the nearby loot, then head right. There

is an open room here with a [CHEST] and some loot, but there is also a door

nearby that a rogue can unlock with [CHEST x2]. Once you have them, head to

the other end of the hall and up the stairs. There is another door someone can

pick with more loot. Head outside when you are done.

A fight is waiting for you. There are three templars facing you from the front

while some archers are on a roof to your upper right. A ladder behind you offers

a tactical view for ranged characters. After you deal with these first enemies,

a door to the dining hall opens to the left with more enemies. Use the doorway

as a chokepoint to lay down area of effect abilities and let the enemies roast

in it.

Head inside and search the tables to the far left for the [TO BE CORRUPTED]

codex, then head upstairs for a [CHEST]. You can jump the barricade here for

some loot, another [CHEST], and up on the third floor a note that explains

what is happening if you didn't already guess. Red for a reason, right? Head

back and go through the second floor door. This leads to more fighting, only

this time you'll have more normal allies. Numbers rule here, so help them

overwhelm the red templars.

Once they are dead, head to the top of the stairs you came from and open the

door against the left wall. This uncovers the Knight-Vigilant's body. Yikes!

Read the letter here for some context, then open the [CHEST]. This chest in

particular has a [AMULET OF POWER; CASSANDRA], so be sure to get it.

Continue ascending onward, looking for loot as you go. You will soon meet

with the Lord Seeker, which turns into something... odd.

Escape the Prison


Well then...

Head forward and enjoy the scenes. Answer as you will. Soon you will have

free reign again. Run to the marker to be in a room with pillars pouring out

spirit magic. Here head to the left and right lower rooms for dialog and a

way to get further. Time the pillars and run to the left and right rooms for

more dialog. Getting hit DOES hurt here, for the record. At the end, go through

the unmoving pillars to continue (take the hit).

You'll be in a room with a breakable wall to the left. Inside you can find an

object to examine for the [ENVY'S DOGMA] codex, as well as a boost of

[CUNNING +1]. This is part of a side-quest for this area called "Demonic Dogma".

We'll cover it in here though. Head to the right and meet up with Cole. Ask for

his help to get an idea of what to do. He will then go open the way forward for


Continue on and watch the scenes. Once you are near "Cassandra", go search the

open right cell for a [PRISON KEY]. Now, head forward and examine what is going

on in the rooms to the left and right. Bad, innit? (Sera is rubbing off...).

Head forward and take a right, then talk to Cole

He'll gift you with another task and some Veilfire. We will have to light four

Braziers. Head back to the rooms with the prisoners for Brazier #1 and Brazier

#2. Half-way done already! This causes the demon to be quite angry...

Head to the end of the hallway and left. Cullen is locked up here, but Brazier

#3 is here as well. Light it and then out in the hallway Brazier #4 will appear.

Lighting this pushes the hallway down. Follow it and head into the right room.

Light the brazier (which no longer needs numbered, apparently) and then go

back to the hallway and light the next one you find. This opens the door and

lets you into a secret room.

Read the inscription here for an updated [ENVY'S DOGMA] codex and a sweet boost

of [CONSTITUTION +2]. We'll take it! Continue on to the last door and you will

be swept to a forest next...

Escape the Forest


Head through the forest, noting that staying still is dangerous: a spirit

geyser will erupt at your feet and explode. Continue onward and upward when

you can, ignoring the wraiths. Pull a lever near Cole when you can and then

you'll be in the main courtyard.

From here, find your way to the dining hall area and head up the stairs.

Head back to the second level (vice leaving) to find the third and final

"Demonic Dogma" inscription. Read it for an updated [ENVY'S DOGMA] codex and

a sweet [STRENGTH +3] boost. Very nice.

Continue on to where the Lord Seeker was for a scene. Answer how you wish

after that to move onto the next part of this section.

The next section consists of us finding Templar Veterans and lyrium. While

we are out searching though, the Great Hall will be held by the Templars,

which means its strength is on a limited timer...

Maintain a Hold on the Great Hall

- The Templars will hold the Great Hall, but their strength will wane over


- Returning to help the Templars re-secure the Great Hall will restore their


- If the Templars are overwhelmed, the battle will be lost.

We must be quick in our upcoming exploration. First, go outside where the

Lord Seeker cut-scene took place for a [CHEST]. Up at the front of the hall

you can also read an inscription to update the [THERINFAL REDOUBT] codex.

After that, take note of the two doors in the Great Hall we can use. Let's

start with the door on the left to head to the Upper Barracks.

Upper Barracks


Gather the loot in the hallway and go out to the courtyard. There are new

enemies here called Templar Horrors. There are two of them with two archers.

Really nothing harder than you've fought before. They are found of shooting

spikes out of their back at you, which will home in. Take them out and then be

sure to search the shack they came out of for the [MAJESTIC BASTARDS] codex.

From there head to the archway and have a warrior bust open the wall at the

end for a room with [CHEST x3] in it, then go through the nearby door. Head

to the left first and assist the Templar. He will go to the hall (1/3). Head

back and up the steps and assist the Templar up here. She too will go to the

hall (2/3). Now, there is a rogue-locked door here that leads down to the


Head across the narrow walkway to a room leading back to the Great Hall. Drop

the ladder to the left and then pick up the [A NUTTY AFFAIR] codex from a bench

to the right. There are three other ladders to drop up here as well as

[CHEST x2] in the back and another mysterious note. Go help the Templars kill

off the threat and get ready for the second door.

Officer's Quarters


Head out to the courtyard and kill the horrors and archers that await you.

After that, head to the door across from where you came from to find the

Lord Seeker's office. A scene with Cole occurs here. Afterward, loo the [CHEST]

(which likely has a rare item) and read the notes. Pick up the [LORD SEEKER'S

KEY]. Head outside and hang a right, opening the door to the lyrium cache room.

You can get some commentary on the red lyrium here. Loot the [CHEST x3] in the

room and pick up the [LYRIUM CACHE] from up above.

At this point, go help out the Great Hall, just to be safe.

Next, from the Lord Seeker's office head right (facing his office, head right)

to find a door in the corner. Head up the stairs in here and assist the Templar

you find fighting on the roof. He'll head off to assist Barris. Nab all the loot

up here and in the room beyond. Head back to where the Templar was. See the

rampart near the entrance to the stairwell? Head over there and have one of

your warriors bust down the far wall. This leads to a drop and a sealed room

with a [CHEST]. Unbar the door and make your way back to the Great Hall.

Great Hall


Talk to Barris to perform the ritual. Well... to have him do it. You will

fend off Red Templars and Horrors as the Templars bring down the barrier.

They will come from the sides, so use the chokepoints on either side to hold

them off and watch your back. Have your teammates strangle-hold one side while

you watch their back for them.

Once the barrier has fallen, head up the steps. You can refill potions up

here with the cache near the railing (heal first!) and nab a [CHEST] off to

the left. There is also the [HER PERFUMED SANCTUARY] codex on a bench to the


Continue on to face the demon.


BOSS: Envy Demon Level 8


Health: 31115

Defense: 14

Immunity: All Disabling Effects



If you have been exploring side areas and buffing up, this will be a pretty

easy fight. The Envy Demon has a TON of hit-points, but very little defense and

poor evasion.

When it comes to attack, the Envy Demon can dive into the fade and appear

underneath you, much like the Lesser Terror enemies. It can also let out a

scream in an area around itself that causes anyone caught up in the screech

to have FEAR, which stuns you in-place. This gives ranged attackers the biggest

advantage, as they'll never have to worry about getting stunned. Beware of

standing too still during this fight as spirit geysers will erupt underneath

you, much like the memories you had earlier in this chapter.

Once you take off about a third of its health, it will go into "hiding", as

Cole points out. Several Red Templars and Archers will appear during this phase

and need to be put down. Cole has had enough watching though, and will join in

the battle.

After clearing the riff-raff out, the Demon will appear to mimic you. In

Bkstunt's game, the demon came out as a human warrior, using two-handed skills

and a weapon. It is also 10 times the size of your characters. Keep laying into

him and watch out for his attacks. For the last third of the fight, the demon

will revert back to its normal self. Keep killing reinforcements as they show

up and slay the demon for good.


After the fight you will be able to loot the demon and area. The demon will

likely drop some rare item for you here, so put it to good use! Head back

towards the Great Hall to meet up with what is left of the Templar Order.

You will have a dialog choice here. Do we want the Templars to concede and

join the Inquisition as they are, or rebuild and become allies? This choice

will affect what your companions think of you:

DISBAND: Blackwall Disapproves

Cassandra Disapproves

The Iron Bull Disapproves

Sera Greatly Approves

Solas Greatly Approves

Vivienne Disapproves

Dorian Disapproves

Cole Greatly Approves

ALLIANCE: Solas Greatly Disapproves

Cassandra Greatly Approves

Blackwall Approves

Sera Greatly Disapproves

Vivienne Approves

The Iron Bull Greatly Approves

Dorian Disapproves

Cole Greatly Disapproves

Varric Slightly Approves

Enjoy the dialog afterward. In the War Room, you will have the chance to

recruit Cole, although Cassandra slightly disapproves doing so. Heh. He can

permanently join the party though, so we suggest you take him.

And with that, this quest is complete.


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'..' __________________________________________________________________________




[ ] Rare Weapon [ ] Rare Ring

[ ] Masterwork Hilted One-Handed Shaft [ ] Rare Accessory



• Red Templar • Red Templar Horror

• Red Templar Guard • Red Templar Marksman

• Knight-Templar Denam

Sealing the Breach


At the War Table choose this mission, it costs 1 Power. Set up your party and

you'll trigger a cutscene. The Breach has been closed and Haven is celebrating,

but that comes all too soon. Head for the gates where you'll meet either Dorian

or Cole, whichever you haven't met yet. Cole warns of the Templars coming,

Dorian warns of the Mages coming, they both warn of The Elder One.

Defending the North Trebuchet - Templars


Waves of Red Templars attack from both sides of the trebuchet. Focus down the

Templar Horrors and then the foot soldiers. The second wave comes from the

right and has Marksman and Guards, you'll want to defeat the ranged enemies

first but if you can get them grouped up then some area of effects attacks can

be devastating. From these first two waves you should find a [RARE WEAPON] and

[RARE RING] from the dead. The final wave is small and comes from the left,

just defeat the horrors.

Retake the South Trebuchet - Templars


There are several Red Templar, two Marksman, and a Guard defending this

trebuchet. Focus on the Marksman to quickly take them out and move the Guard

away. Move enemies come from behind trying to retake the weapon, you'll need

to fend them off like the first go around. There are two Horrors, two Red

Templar, and one Marksman in this wave. Defeat them and crank the trebuchet

to fire, causing an avalanche to wipe out most of the forces. It's all too

soon to celebrate again, a dragon emerges to destroy the trebuchet. Use the

[SUPPLY CACHE] then head back to Haven.

Evacuate Haven - Templars


Note - For each person you save you'll receive 128 Experience and 80 Influence

On your way back you'll find Harritt, help him out with a Warrior then loot

the blacksmith area before going inside the gates. Turn right as you enter to

find Lysette being attacked, defeat the Red Templars here to save her. Go up

the staircase now to find more Red Templars accompanied by a Horror. Break the

door to your left to save Seggrit then loot the chest for the [MASTERWORK HILTED

ONE-HANDED SHAFT]. Head to the tavern where you'll find three Red Templars and

a Horror, defeat them then enter and rescue Flissa.

Quickly run up the apothecary area to save Adan and Minaeve, you really need to

be quick because the nearby flames will trigger an explosion shortly. Approach

the Chantry entrance to find Threnn battling more enemies -- four Red Templars.

Enter the Chantry now to trigger a scene.

Retake the Trebuchet


There is a certain sense of urgency at this point but you can slowly progress

down the path to the final trebuchet. The packs of enemies are small until the

final one at the trebuchet. Aim it little by little until it reaches about 50%

where you'll be forced to battle a boss depending on who you sided with. If you

sided with the Mages you'll fight Knight-Templar Denam, if you sided with the

Templars you'll fight Grand Enchanter Fiona.


BOSS: Knight-Templar Denam Level 8


Health: 11840

Defense: 46

Resistance: Fire

Vulnerable: Cold

Immunity: All Physical Effects, Fear, Asleep, Paralyzed



The Knight-Templar is weak to Cold so a Mage with an Ice staff is useful,

especially with Energy Barrage. Move this monster away from your ranged

companions and take down the weaker Templars first. Watch out for the walls of

red lyrium that Denam can create, it could separate the group too much. The wall

can be destroyed, but it's likely simpler to just defeat Denam. Defeating the

Behemoth will destroy the rest of the attacking Templars. You can also win this

fight by cranking the trebuchet fully.

Loot: Rare Accessory


The Dawn Will Come


You are alone, but not dead. Move forward to obtain "Mark of the Rift" then

use it to defeat the Wraiths. Head outside and continue the trek through the

blizzard until you are found by Cullen and Cassandra. The story opens up at

this point, you understand much more after a few scenes. The Inquisition marches

to Skyhold and you are no longer the Herald of Andraste, but the Inquisitor.


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< () > HAVEN [0501]

'..' __________________________________________________________________________




Haven is located in the Frostback Mountains and leads to the Temple of Sacred

Ashes. You'll find this as a decent starting point for the Inquisition as it

supplies all the basic amenities -- a Smith, Alchemist, and a makeshift War

Table in the Chantry. Your companions and followers will fill the village when

you aren't out quelling the rebel mages and templars in other lands.

Crafting Materials


Common Rare Unique

- Elfroot

- Iron

- Fennec Fur

- Ram Leather



Requisition for Weapons


Start: Quartermaster

Reward: 1 Power, 200 Influence

Materials: 5 Iron, 1 Logging Stand

Lotus and Root


Start: Mother Giselle

Reward: 1 Power, 200 Influence

Materials: 5 Blood Lotus, 5 Elfroot



Song Lyrics


1. Once We Were - Acquire from the Bard at the Tavern

2. Sera was Never - Acquire from the Bard at the Tavern

3. Enchanters - Acquire from the Bard at the Tavern

Codex Entries


[ ] History #3 - A Study of the Fifth Blight, Vol. One

[ ] History #4 - A Study of the Fifth Blight. Vol. Two

[ ] Tales #7 - "Once We Were"



Haven's Best and Brightest


Quest Giver: N/A

Requirement: Meet at War Table

Reward: 50 Experience

You'll need to speak with a few people to get started. Find the Quartermaster,

Threnn, just outside the Chantry. If you ask her enough questions you'll unlock

[A STUDY OF THE FIFTH BLIGHT, VOL. ONE]. Speak with Adan at the Apothecary,

talk to him enough to start [PASSING NOTES] and [MIXING POTIONS]. Head outside

the walls to find Harrit the Smith. Ask him and you'll get a schematic for


the quests [THE RIGHT ARMOR] and [PIECE BY PIECE].

The Right Armor


Quest Giver: Harritt

Requirement: Complete "Haven's Best and Brightest"

Reward: New Armor

Loot the nearby crate to gather some materials then craft a new piece of armor.

Be sure to equip it, it's likely better than what you're wearing.

Piece by Piece


Quest Giver: Harritt

Requirement: Complete "Haven's Best and Brightest"

Reward: Modified Armor

Loot another crate to get more materials then upgrade the armor you just made.

You can pull upgrades out at any time, so keep that in mind before you go on a

selling spree.

Passing Notes


Quest Giver: Adan

Requirement: Scout the Hinterlands

Reward: 100 Experience, Lyrium Potion Recipe

Go into the building where Taigen's Notes can be found. You must search the

table in the back right. Lots of [IRON] behind his house. Take these back to


Mixing Potions


Quest Giver: Adan

Requirement: Complete "Passing Notes"

Reward: 50 Experience

This is a simple quest, just check out the nearby potion station.

Know Thy Enemy


Quest Giver: N/A

Requirement: Scout the Hinterlands

Reward: 50 Experience

While fighting in the Hinterlands your enemies will drop items that can be

turned in to Minaeve, the researcher, to aid in defeating these foes.



- In the tavern is a note for [A TALE OF THE FROSTBACKS]. Outside the tavern is

a note pinned to the building, [THE SINGING MAIDEN].

- Right of the tavern is Solas. In the house to the left of him is a book on the


- Inside the Apothecary is a note on the table, [PATIENT OBSERVATIONS]. There is

a [CHEST] here as well.

- Past the merchant is an open area under construction. Near a stew pot is a

person, right of them is a book -- [CONSTRUCTION ORDERS]. Behind the large

trebuchet is a [CHEST] with the [POINTED MAUL] schematic. Climb up the hill

and check the base of the mountain for a bunch of [IRON].

- If you head to the west near the Forward Camp you'll find a scroll on a crate


- In the training camp near Cullen and Cassandra is a [LOCKBOX] with the

a chance for [RARE ARMOR].


.''. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

< () > THE HINTERLANDS [0502]

'..' __________________________________________________________________________




The Hinterlands is located in Ferelden outside of Redcliffe. The conflict

between Rebel Mages and Templars is evident here as the two sides often battle

across the hilly terrain. This is one of the largest areas available for

exploration in Thedas with plenty for the Inquisitor to do. The Crossroads and

Redcliffe Farm highlight the mainstays of civilization not wrought with conflict

but with commerce and stability. There is High Dragon in this zone and the Carta

base dungeon of Valammar.



Companions: Blackwall

Agents: Clemence, Corporal Vale, Enchanter Ellendra, Horsemaster Dennet, Lord

Berand, Ritts, Speaker Anais, Tanner

Crafting Materials


Common Rare Unique

- Elfroot - Royal Elfroot - Crystal Grace

- Embrium - Deep Mushroom - Drakestone

- Spindleweed - Obsidian - Onyx

- Iron - Bear Hide

- Fennec Fur - Ram Leather

- Nugskin

- Canine Leather



• Outlaw Archer • Red Templar • Red Templar Knight

• Bear • Mabari • Venatori Zealot

• Venatori Spellbinder

Codex Entries


[ ] Templar Encampment

- In Fort Connor

[ ] A Page from a Journal, Edges Scorched

- Near an apostate cache in a burning house that's locked.





1. Constellation: Judex

- Location:

- Solve Order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 4, 6


2 4

1 6


2. Constellation: Draconis

- Location:

- Solve Order:

3. Constellation: Peraquialis

- Location:

- Solve Order:

With all three Astrarium's solved head to Witchwood through the Mage's Camp.

Loot the [CHEST] in the back for a [RARE WEAPON].

Bottles of Thedas


1. Inside Dennet's House on the shelf.

2. In Winterwatch Tower, second floor of tavern.

3. In the house during the "Blood Brothers" Side Quest.




1. Northwest corner of the map, a dungeon in Dead Rams Gorge. Light some

Veilfire and go in. Defeat some Outlaw Archers, one drops a [RARE RING]. Grab

the [MOSAIC PIECE] then go down the steps, [FERELDAN MEDALLION OF SERVICE].

Head down the way into the larger open area and examine the wall to learn

[FROST RUNE] Schematic.

2. East side of map above the Astrarium

High Dragons


1. Ferelden Frostback



Finding all Landmarks nets 500 Influence and 2 Power.

1. The Gull and Lantern

2. The Hero of Ferelden

3. Redcliffe Windmill

4. Dragon Nest

5. Maferath Repentant

6. Tyrdda's Lover

7. Hendir, Dwarf-Prince, Friend to Tyrdda

8. The Burial of the Beast

9. Fort Connor

10. Broken Bridge

11. The Departure of Her Lover

12. Templar Camp

13. Thelm Gold-Handed, the Dreamer

14. Tyrdda Bright-Axe, Avvar Mother

15. Tyrdda Flying to Her Lover

16. Thelm Gold-Handed, the Tempter

17. Grand Forest Villa

18. Lornan's Exile

19. The Tempter Burns

Mosaic Pieces


1. Inside the ruins of Fort Connor












Oculara and Shards


Oculara near Redcliffe Farm

1. Near haystack outside of Bron's hut.

2. On a hill north of the Redcliffe Farms Camp.

3. Near Constellation: Peraquialis

4. Through Dead Ram Grove near a note for "Bergrit's Claws"

5. West side of Redcliffe Farms.

Hafter's Woods Oculara

6. Atop a hill between the Grand Forest Villa and Forest Camp

7. Near a single tree in the river outside the Grand Forest Villa

8. Cliff to the north of the Grand Forest Villa

9. On a large rock east of the Grand Forest Villa

Upper Lake Camp Oculara

10. North of the Upper Lake Camp through the village.

11. Outside the ruins of Fort Connor

12. At the edge of Witchwood near a Fade Rift.



Lady Shayna's Valley Oculara

15. At the entrance

16. Up the cliff to the south

17. Climb the rock pillar at the entrance

18. Atop a cliff to the north of the entrance

The Outskirts Oculara



21. South of the Outskirts Camp on the ledge of a broken building.

22. Broken bridge at Calenhad's Foothold.

Treasure Maps


1. Map to a Waterfall - Just outside of Upper Lake Camp

2. Sketch of Calenhad's Foothold - Just south of the Outskirts Camp

3. Map of a Farmland Cave - In Hafter's Woods, east of the mercenary fortress

Logging Stands


1. Just south of the Forest Camp.

2. East of the Forest Camp along the way to the Upper Lake Camp.



Song Lyrics


1. From the Bards in Redcliffe

2. From the Bards in Redcliffe



Hinterlands Drakestone Survey


Start: Requisition Officer

Reward: 1 Power, 200 Influence

Materials: 2 Onyx, 5 Drakestone

Hinterlands Tapestry Requisition


Start: Requisition Officer

Reward: 1 Power, 200 Influence

Materials: 5 Velveteen, 4 Decorative Gems

Hinterlands Cage Requisition


Start: Requisition Officer

Reward: 1 Power, 200 Influence

Materials: 5 Fereldan Locks, 10 Iron



Rifts on the Outskirts


Rifts: 2

Power: 2

Rifts at the Farm


Rifts: 2

Power: 2

Rifts at Dwarfson's Pass


Rifts: 3

Power: 3

Rifts at the Foothold


Rifts: 2

Power: 2

Rifts in the Woods


Rifts: 2

Power: 2

Holding the Hinterlands


Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 50 Influence, 1 Power (Total: 250 Influence, 5 Power)

There are 5 additional camps other than the one you start in, top-left and

bottom-left, top-right and bottom-right, and then center from your current

location at the Outskirts Camp. Dwarfson's Camp is at the bottom-right and has

a [CHEST] on a ledge. On the way here you should find a Worried Scout, he can

start the "Strange Bedfellows" quest. The Upper Lake Camp is central and has an

Oculura nearby. The Redcliffe Farms Camps is at the top-left near the Redcliffe

Farms. The Forest Camp is out to the southwest. In the northeast you'll find the

Dusklight Camp, don't go too far past it unless you're trying to fight a High


In the Elements


Quest Giver: Recruit Whittle

Requirement: Secure the Crossroads.

Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power

You need to mark five Apostate Caches. The first one is found outside of

Dwarfson's Camp, another is west of here up a hill. In Smuggler's Cave to the

east you'll find the third cache. Head to the Ashe Warrior's Refuge in the

southeast to spot the fourth cache. The final cache is just outside Winterwatch,

mark it then return to Whittle.

East Road Bandits


Quest Giver: Recruit Bellette

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power

Go east of the Crossroads and you'll find Recruit Bellette guarding a stone

arch. Ask about the bandits to trigger the quest. Follow the trail until you

find some of the bandits, two Footmen and two Archers. Like most scenarios, have

your Warrior charge in and gain their attention while everyone else takes out

the Archers. Further east you'll find yourself in the Rebel Queen's Ravine, a

scout usually can be seen running back at this point.

The camp has five Archers and an Enforcer guarding it, you'll need to check his

resistances and tank him away from the other party members. The Archers all

stand close enough to be taken out quickly with some Area of Effect attacks

like Immolate and Explosive Arrow. Focus down the Enforcer, keeping up your

Guard as much as possible and then Barrier. Loot the bodies for [LETTER ON A


become the Dusklight Camp, so be sure to set up here. Avoid going too far north

into the valley, there are Dragons and an unskilled and underleveled party would

get decimated.

Hunger Pangs


Quest Giver: Refugee Hunter

Requirement: Secure the Crossroads

Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power

For this quest you'll need to assist the Refugee Hunter by collecting 10 pieces

of Ram Meat. It's not too difficult to go to Dwarfson's Camp and just start

picking off the Rams, use an ability that can Freeze or Paralyze to avoid

having to chase it down since it will flee.

A Healing Hand


Quest Giver: Corporal Vale

Requirement: Secure the Crossroads

Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power

You can start this once you've secured the Crossroads, but the healer you need

is in Redcliffe so you must advance the story past "The Threat Remains" before

you can complete it.

A Common Treatment


Quest Giver: Corporal Vale

Requirement: Advance the Inquisition's Path past "The Threat Remains"

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

An Advanced Treatment


Quest Giver: Healer from Redcliffe

Requirement: Complete "A Common Treatment"

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

A Rare Treament


Quest Giver: Healer from Redcliffe

Requirement: Complete "An Advanced Treatment"

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

Apostates in the Witchwood


Quest Giver: Dead body of an apostate. This is found southeast of the Outskirts

Camp. A note in a house from the Crossroads to Redcliffe or the

one in the caves near Witchwood also starts the quest.

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 354 Experience, 200 Influence, 2 Power

The [STRONGHOLD OF THE APOSTATE MAGES] note can be obtained near the Outskirts

Camp where some apostates and templars are fighting. Head over to Witchwood and

take out the magical barrier with a Mage. You'll need to fight off some of the

Spellbinders that are around the cave that leads to the stronghold first though.

The apostates will try to cut you off with runes, just plow through and get in

their faces where they will fall easily. The Rebel Mage drops the [WRATH OF


Templars to the West


Quest Giver: Letter on the corpse of a Templar. Can also trigger this quest by

finding a letter in Fort Connor.

Requirement: Defeat the templars holding the "Dalish Ring" during the "Agrarian

Apostate" quest to find the letter.

Reward: 354 Experience, 200 Influence, 2 Power

You'll want to start at the Upper Lake Camp so you are full on supplies. From

here just head west along the road towards the Redcliffe Farm. You'll encounter

a Templar Defender and three Templar Knights. The Templar Defender can be a bit

of a challenging foe, so grab his attention and defeat the rest of the Templar

Knights first. Head south of the bridge when you reach it to spot a pair of

Templar Defenders.

Continuing along this path you'll find the entrance to the Templar Encampment.

It's guarded by a Templar Archer who will retreat a bit to three more Templar

Archers and a Templar Knight. They are grouped tightly so a group attack would

be best to take them out, Immolate or Explosive Arrow works wonders as does

Chain Lightning. Hopefully these guys don't attract the remaining three Templar

Knights and the Templar Defender that are further back or you'll have 9 foes to

contend with at once. Loot the area once you're done, there is a schematic for

[TEMPLAR GREATSWORD] in a chest at the back and some [ROYAL ELFROOT]. The

Templar Defender drops [THE SWEETISH FINGERS].

Praise the Herald of Andraste


Quest Giver: Speaker Anais

Requirement: Speak with Speaker Anais infront of Lornan's Exile

Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power

Speak with the Speaker to gain access to Lornan's Exile then head to the back

of the area to find a Fade Rift. Defeat the Wraiths that are summoned and use

the Fade Rift to disrupt the demons that are spawned. You can use Dispel when

they are being summoned to completely stop them from being spawned at all, if

you're lucky you'll guess the tougher enemy that joins (usually a Rage Demon).

Return to Speaker Anais after closing the Fade Rift and she'll pledge her

loyalty to the Inquisition.

Shallow Breaths


Quest Giver: Refugee

Requirement: Secure the Crossroads

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

Speak with this villager in the Crossroads, he needs a potion that only his son

Hyndel can make. Visit Hyndel in Lornan's Exile, he's on the second tier to the

left. Take the potion back to the villager in the Crossroads to complete the

quest, but if you go back to Hyndel with Solas you can convince him to go back

to the Crossroads. Just below this area, near the ladder, is a book called

[QUEEN ASHA OF ANTIVA]. Go across from here and climb up to find a [MOSAIC

PIECE] and if you go inside on the bottom right you'll find the tavern. A

[CHEST] can be found on the lower level, loot it and go upstairs from here.

Search on the table for a [BOTTLE OF THEDAS].

Master of Horses


Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power

Head to the Redcliffe Farms to find Dennet. Ignore him for a second and go

upstairs. Search for the book [HARD IN HIGHTOWN: CHAPTER ONE] and the [FREE

MARCHES BANNER] in a chest. Back downstairs you'll find a [BOTTLE OF THEDAL]

on a shelf in the back room, it's a hidden object so you'll need to get close

before you can actually pick it up. Speak with Dennet who suggests talking to

his wife and servant before he can give you a horse. In addition, one of the

huts near the rift has [THE TEVINTER IMPERIUM].

In the Saddle


Quest Giver: Seanna

Requirement: Obtain a Horse

Reward: Gold

This is a simple challenge, you'll just need to be quick with the horse to

navigate three courses with increasing length and difficulty.

Farmland Security


Quest Giver: Bron

Requirement: Speak with Dennet

Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power

Riding out and marking the locations that Bron wants to build the watchtowers

isn't that hard, there any really any enemies nearby so you can just ride there

and place the marker. You'll have to use the War Table from here and use the

"Watchtowers in the Farms" mission which can take some time to complete. Once

done, return to Bron.

Trouble with Wolves


Quest Giver: Elaina

Requirement: Speak with Dennet

Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power

The wolves around the Redcliffe Farm are causing all kinds of problems and need

to be dealt with. Head to the Wolf Hollow where you'll find some aggressive

Wolves and close quarters, try to lure them back and avoid the open area until

you are forced to. Here you'll find a Lesser Terror that must be defeated.

Loot the [TOKEN OF THE PACKMASTER] and equip it to make all Wolves friendly to

your party. Likewise, kill all of the Wolves for the experience and their pelts.

Return to Elaina with the good news once completed.

Horses of the Inquisition


Quest Giver: Dennet

Requirement: Complete "Farmland Security" and "Trouble with Wolves"

Reward: Dennet joins the Inquisition, 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power

Complete the two prerequisites to gain support and horses. If you have Cassandra

or are intimidating enough, Dennet can become the Horsemaster of the Inquisition

if persuaded.

Sketch of Calenhad's Foothold


Quest Giver: Corpse south of Outskirts Camp

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence, Rock Armor Schematic

After collecting the map go west up the mountain to some castle ruins. There is

a nearby Fade Rift if you didn't take it out yet. There are some rocks that are

piled up like steps, just jump up them or likewise walk around and take the

ladder down. Open the chest here to receive the [ROCK ARMOR] schematic.

Map to a Waterfall


Quest Giver: Scroll west of the Upper Lake Camp

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

After grabbing the map head west towards the Redcliffe Farms then follow the

large river south. At the end of the river you'll find a waterfall with the

chest tucked in it. You need to go through the Templar Encampment to be high


Map of a Farmland Cave


Quest Giver: Map in Hafter's Woods

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence

The cave you are looking for is northeast of the Redcliffe Farms. There is an

Astrarium nearby, if you go west from here you'll find the cave on the map

and can search to find the hidden object.

Blood Brothers


Quest Giver: Note in a hut south of Outskirts Camp

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence, Mercenary Lord Blade

From the Outskirts Camp to the Crossroads you'll find the hut with this note

inside. It tells the tale of two brothers, one an apostate and the other a

templar. Head to the location on your map marked for their battle to find the

corpse with the [MERCENARY LORD BLADE] on it. The hut here is locked but if you

open it you'll find a [BOTTLE OF THEDAS] inside.

Stone Dreams


Quest Giver: Note inside abandoned home

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

North of the Crossroads you'll find this abandoned home. Head to the cave at

the Ash Warrior's Refuge and defeat this apostate then loot his area, this quest

is fairly simple and straightforward.

Love Waits


Quest Giver: Letter on corpse east of Dwarfson's Pass. Can also start by

talking to Lord Berand at Dwarfson's Pass enclave.

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power

You'll find the letter you need on a few cultists in Lornan's Exile, they are

part of a "Shallow Breaths" and "Praise the Herald of Andraste" as well if you

have them. Give the letter to Lord Berand and you'll get an opportunity to

recruit him into the Inquisition. Search the table nearby for a [BOTTLE OF

THEDAS] if you didn't grab it already.

Open a Vein


Quest Giver: Note next to an apostate cache

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

This quest is best completed alongside "Elements" since they are in the same

location. Head to the Ash Warrior Refuge in the far southeast and break the

magic barrier. Loot the [CHEST] nearby then the corpse for [BIANCA ARMS I

(ENHANCED)] then check the lyrium vein to complete this quest.

My Lover's Phylactery


Quest Giver: Dead Templar in the Winterwatch Tower region

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

Once you recover the phylactery and start the quest all you need to do is

return it to Ellendra. She's in the cave to the north by herself. With Cassandra

in the party you can convince her to join the Inquisition.

Agrarian Apostate


Quest Giver: Widow Maura

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

You'll find the hut of the Widow Maura near a Fade Rift around the Outskirt's

Camp. Talk to her then head east of Dwarfson's Pass and defeat the Templars

to recover the ring. Return it to Maura to complete the quest.

Conscientious Objector


Quest Giver: Dead corpse in the southeast of Hinterlands

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

At the southeast of the Hinterlands you'll find a dead body with a letter and

[GRANDMA'S KEY]. The story is about an apostate that was a Circle Mage and just

wanted to head to his grandmother's cabin. With the key in hand, head to the

northwest of the Crossroads to find a Terror. Kill it and loot the cabin.

Strange Bedfellows


Quest Giver: Inquisition Scout

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power

Along the way is a tower. Loot a [CHEST] inside and climb to the top. A [CHEST]

on the right has [RARE ARMOR], the [CHEST] on the left has [RARE WEAPON]. Save

the Scout Ritts then search the camp for two hidden objects. If Varric is in the

party you can enlist her into the Inquisition.

A Spirit in the Lake


Quest Giver: Storyteller in Redcliffe

Requirement: Enter Redcliffe Village during "In Hushed Whispers"

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence, Warlord Greatsword

From the Upper Lake Camp go south and place the Blood Lotus on the pier. A

sword will rise up and you can loot it for the [WARLORD GREATSWORD].

Safeguards Against Looters


Quest Giver: Letter on a farmer's corpse in Redcliffe Farms

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence

Head up the river past the Redcliffe Farm to reach this area. Into the Wolf

Hollow you'll need to ascend and cross the little bridge to find the crate.

Letter from a Lover


Quest Giver: Letter in abandoned campsite in Dead Ram Gorge

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

Failure to Deliver


Quest Giver: Not near overturned cart

Requirement: Secure the Crossroads

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence, Carta Coat

You'll have to make a little trek from where you find this note but it's worth

it. The Carta Coat is limited to Dwarf Rogues, perfect for Varric.

Business Arrangements


Quest Giver: A note on a dead body north of the Crossroads

Requirement: Have access to Redcliffe Village

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

The Ballad of Lord Woolsley


Quest Giver: One-Eyed Jimmy

Requirement: Have access to Redcliffe Village

Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power

From the Upper Lake Camp go south a little bit to find a different colored Ram.

You can send it back to Redcliffe, but if you attack it you'll discover it was

a Rage Demon.

Where the Druffalo Roam


Quest Giver: Notice Board

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence

This quest starts on the notice board at the Redcliffe Farms. Find the Druffalo

and defeat the enmies along the way as you head back west. You'll want to have

cleared the Fade Rift in the river, it's the reason the Druffalo ran away in

the first place!

Playing with Fire


Quest Giver: Letter on a corpse in Avvar Blade Valley

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 44 Experience, 40 Influence, Master Demon-Slaying Rune

You'll find this note near a landmark in the Avvar Blade Valley. Go to the

statue and spin in three clockwise circles to summon the Grandfather who can be

defeated quite easily.

The Mercenary Fortress


Quest Giver: Orders on mercenaries at Avvar Blade Valley

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence

Return Policy


Quest Giver: Note on corpse west of Broken Bridge

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence

Finding the note isn't that hard, but you'll have to go past the Mercenary

Fortress to reach the altar. Complete the ritual to summon a Rage Demon,

defeat it to complete the quest.

Flowers for Senna


Quest Giver: Widower

Requirement: Have access to Redcliffe Village

Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence

Talk to the Widower near the docks in Redcliffe Village then travel to the

Forest Camp. Just up the hill you'll find the grave, place the flowers then

return for your reward.

Bergrit's Claws


Quest Giver: Note on corpse in Dead Ram Gorge

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence, 3 Great Bear Claws

The bears you need to defeat are around the Forest Camp in the southwest. They

can be a bit of a challenge, though Fear works wonders on them. Defeat enough

to collect three Great Bear Claws, you can use them in Masterwork Crafting.

Hinterlands Who's Who


Quest Giver: Corpse in Old Simeon's Cave

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence

Getting through the bears to reach the cave is the hard part. Collect the letter

and go back to the Redcliffe Farms where you can mail the letter.

Deep Trouble


Quest Giver: Hidden alcove south of Lake Luthias or find the Key of Valammar

in the Mercenary Fortress

Requirement: Enter the Hinterlands

Reward: 1,025 Experience, 400 Influence, 3 Power

A Mercenary Leader guards the key when you get to the Mercenary Fortress and

he is a tough guy. An [UNSIGNED LETTER] can be found behind it. Snag the Mosaic

at the top of this place and a chest. Above the shard here you'll find two

[CHESTS]. Head to the camp then into the door. Valammar is a dungeon so you'll

go to a loading screen. There is a Carta Bowman at the entrance and another atop

the steps. The path is split, you can go left through the cave or right up the

steps. The left path can't be opened yet so go right.

Enter the first room to the left, the door is open. Grab the [CARTA NOTE ON

SECURITY] and use a Warrior to bash the rock in the back. Loot the containers

inside for the [PITCH GRENADE RECIPE] then go to the next door. You'll need a

Rogue to pick the lock. Once inside read the [DEFACED CARTA NOTICE] and an

[ANGRY NOTE]. Continue further to the staircase where you'll begin to encounter

Darkspawn. Enter the room behind you to find the Carta Leader. The battle can

be tough but use the door as a choke point and you'll be fine.




The Vault of Valammar


Quest Giver: Sealed Vault Door in Valammar

Requirement: Complete "Deep Trouble"

Reward: 512 Experience, 80 Influence, 2 Power

Since you're here and have 1 of the 2 gears, continue across the bridge. To

the right is a huge door, use a Rogue to unlock it. Inside, loot the pot and

grab the nearby [MOSAIC PIECE]. Grab the second [DWARVEN GEAR] and loot the

other pot. If you exit and go down the steps to the left you'll find a Hurlock

Alpha, be careful with this foe! Use a Mage at this level to block off the

Darkspawn. Continue down the bridge and around, back to the area with the lever

so you can open the vault.

In the vault room you'll have to fight another Hurlock Alpha and some Hurlocks

firing arrows from the back. Loot the area to find a [DWARVEN BANNER], [MOSAIC

PIECE], [BIANCA ARMS III], and an [AMULET OF POWER]. With that settled, head on

out with your great rewards.


BOSS: Ferelden Frostback Level 12


Health: 105261

Defense: 38

Resistance: Greater Fire

Vulnerable: Cold

Immunity: All Disabling Effects, Slowed

Ability: Perceptive



The battle starts almost as soon as you enter Lady Shayna's Valley. The High

Dragon will not land at this point, you'll need to defeat the Dragonlings and

move to the Blood Cliffs to the north. Use the rock pillar to shield yourself

from fireballs as you defeat the Dragonlings. Ice attacks are definitely your

best attacks against these foes, so bring Mages with Ice Staves and toss Frost

Runes on your physical attackers if you have it. As you enter the Blood Cliffs

the Ferelden Frostback will land in the center.

From a melee perspective, a Warrior can get up close and use Shield Wall easily

since the leg strikes and bites are telegraphed. It's a great way to build up

some Guard in addition to a Barrier you should have going. You need to be ready

to avoid the flame breath at all times, do your best to keep everyone but your

Warrior behind this High Dragon. The sign for this is when she rears back with

the flames in her mouth. You'll also have to contend with the wing flap that

pushes party members away that are too close.

From a ranged perspective, you'll need to watch for fireballs and focus on

doing a lot of damage. Archers can really put some good damage out there, couple

it with an Assassin's Mark of Death (bring Cole with this setup if you can) and

you can deal a lot of damage then trigger the mark for upwards of 5,000 damage

to really put a dent in the Frostback. Mages should use Energy Barrage with an

Ice Staff or general Ice Magic for the most effect, though a Mage with Barrier

will certainly aid in staying alive.

At times you'll have to deal with the Ferelden Frostback stunning the party and

flying away. At this moment Dragonlings will appear from around the arena, just

focus them down and bring the High Dragon back. Keep the Frostback taunted and

away from your ranged attackers, don't shy away from using Potions and Focus


Reward: 1600 Influence, 4 Power, Superior Belt of Focus, Grand Enchanter's Staff

Super Amulet of Constitution, Dragon's Tooth, Intense Dragon Blood

Dragon Webbing, Dragon Scales, Dragon Bone


Loot the area after that war. On the east side raise a bridge to gain acces to

more stuff. You'll get quite a bit of [OBSIDIAN] and [VERIDIUM]. There are a

few [CHESTS] up north, don't pass those up. You can also find the final Landmark

if you've obtained all the other ones.


.''. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

< () > VAL ROYEAUX [0503]

'..' __________________________________________________________________________




Inner Circle - [NOT OF HEROES: UNITED IN HATRED] near top-left merchant

Inner Circle - Examine a tree for [LA POMME VIE ET MORTE]

Start on the outer layer of the upper market, southwest side. A note is next to

a man on a bench, [LONGING AND THE UPPER COURT]. Move north into a room where

a merchant is located, he sells a Mystery Box for 10,000 Gold. Read the scroll

here for [THE FOLLY OF GENERAL NOT-SHERITAN]. The box is a golden nug called

the big one if you care to purchase it. Continue to the far north and read the

note on the ledge, [THE RANDY DOWAGER QUARTERLY].

Codex Entries


[ ] Three Little Empresses

- Merchant's room on south side of Main Level.

Songs: Rise


.''. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

< () > THE FALLOW MIRE [0504]

'..' __________________________________________________________________________




The Fallow Mire can be unlocked from the War Table once you have 8 Inquisition

Power. It is exactly what it sounds like: a bog in the southern section of

Fereleden. As for what we are doing here, well... it seems that some of our

men have been captured by Avvar Barbarians, who wish to fight the great

"Herald of Andraste". Fame has its price, my friends...



Agents: Sky Watcher

Crafting Materials


Common Rare Unique

- Blood Lotus - Dawn Lotus

- Blue Vitriol

- Summer Stone



• Corpse • Corpse Archer • Lesser Terror

• Wraith • Avvar Bowmen • Avvar Warrior

• Avvar Defender • Bear

Codex Entries


[ ] Letters #74 - Waterlogged Diary

- Found during the "Cabin Fever" quest.

[ ] Notes #19 - Apostate Widris's Journal

- Found near the third "Beacon in the Dark" beacon. On the ground.

[ ] Notes #52 - Notes on the Stars

- Found north of the third "Beacon in the Dark" beacon. In a campground area

on the ground.

[ ] Place #30 - Rivian

- Found in a house in Fisher's End, by a corpse.

[ ] Tales #23 - Before Andrastianism: Forgotten Faiths

- To the north-west of the initial camp is a house. Search inside to find

this letter.

[ ] Tales #25 - Casper the Magnificent

- To the northwest of the fourth beacon. Follow the path to a house and read

the book inside.

[ ] Tales #103 - The Lost City of Barindur

- In a house, south of the third beacon of the area. It is the book on the




Bottles of Thedas


1. To the north-west of the initial camp is a house. Search inside to find this

hidden cache by the bed.

2. To the northwest of the fourth beacon. Follow the path to a house and find it

hidden by a table.









1. The Light of Andraste (Near Fisher's End)

2. The Den (near second rift)

3. Old Windmill (southeast of the 4th beacon)

4. Granite Point (at Granite Point, south of Old Thoroughfare Camp)



Blue Vitriol Survey in the Mire


Start: Requisition Officer

Reward: 1 Power, 200 Influence

Materials: 20 Blue Vitriol, 10 Summer Stones

Depending on the amount of exploration you've been doing up to now, this may

be very easy. 20 Summer Stones and 10 Blue Vitriol are needed here. Summer

Stones are found near The Den landmark as well as pretty much everywhere (you

can find them in Sword Coast as well). Blue Vitriol is throughout the Mire and

really can't be missed.

Artifact Requisition in the Mire


This request hinges upon us finding one "Fereldan Medallion of Service" and

one "Fereldan Tome". "Where the heck are these?" you may ask. Fair question!

Corpse enemies have a rare chance of dropping both of these. This is likely

added to their drop list once you have the quest, so head out and keep killing

those corpses, but be sure to check what they leave behind. After 20-30 kills

you will very likely have this quest completed.

You will get the "Summer Stone Survey in the Mire" quest after this one.

Elixir Requisition in the Mire


Start: Requisition Officer

Reward: 1 Power, 200 Influence

Materials: 5 Elfroot, 5 Diseased Tissue

Well, seems like we need elixirs to combat the plague! Elfroot is easy enough

of course, but what about the diseased tissue? That is found out on corpses that

are floating in the bog. Looting them will likely give you what you need.

Of course, the catch is that out in the bog you will likely be attacked by

corpses, so be sure to clear out any enemies after looting. Once you have five

pieces of flesh you can turn this in.

Note that you will likely get the "Artifact Requisition in the Mire" quest

after turning this in.



Lost Souls


Quest Giver: War Table

Requirement: Venture to the Hinterlands once.

Reward: 1,025 Experience, 400 Influence, 3 Power

While we will do this main quest, it is ideal to go ahead and head towards

the nearby town of Fisher's End. In the houses around this area (including

up to the northwest) you can find several codex's, including [BEFORE


codex entry and hidden in the northwest house by the bed), and the "Place"

codex [RIVAIN] (down in the village). You can also find "The Light of Andastre"

landmark nearby.

Corpses will likely come greet you here. Lovely. Take some time to explore

the bog and get used to the corpses. Many of them are ranged, so you will

want your warriors to set up defenses and close in quickly. They are also

ice-resistant, so Solus is likely a poor option here. Consider knocking them

down and/or stunning and sleeping them.

Head to the central landmass to the southeast to find a beacon. You can

energize this for the "Beacons in the Dark" quest, which you should do now.

After that, stock up if you have to and press further south to the second

beacon of that quest chain.

Once you reach that point, it is a short journey south again to the unclaimed

camp, which should be your next objective. From there we can regroup as we

claim the "Old Thoroughfare Camp".

From here it is wise to mop up ever side quest you have. Rifts, beacons, and

anything else you get along the way. We will really need the level (or levels)

that come. Plus, this main quest is the last thing on the map.

Once you are ready, head south and you'll come to a castle in the distance.

Here you will have dozens of undead pop up. Your party encourages you to run,

which is honestly the smart thing to do. If you are capable though, you can

put everything here to the sword. Fire AoE attacks (Earthshaking Strike) are

godly here. Despite the "They are endless!" screams from your companions,

these undead are indeed limited. Watch any range fighter's back as more come

up and kill until you are content. Only do this if you are comfortable fighting

them, but feel free to use up as many health potions as you wish...

Once you enter the castle, kill the Avvar and go up the ramp. You will find a

[CHEST x2] up here as well as a potion cache (the reason we could use so many

potions earlier). Hit the gate lever to open the way forward. You'll have to

battle a few Avvar warriors, but soon you'll be in a ruined keep where the

leader, the "Hand of Korth" will face you.


BOSS: Hand of Korth Level 9


Health: 9867

Defense: 46

Electricity Vulnerability

Immunity: All Disabling Effects

Immunity: paralyzed


Immunity: Slowed, Stunned, Taunted


The Avvar leader is not alone. In the middle of the area will be a Defender

unit while up the steps in the very back are three archers. Let Cassandra

challenge the "Hand" to keep him busy. From there, either stun or run by

the defender and take out the three archers first. The last thing we need is

them raining fire from their advantageous position. This is where your archers

should be, once it is clear.

After that, take out the defender and focus on the leader. Ranged units should

have no problem providing support as there are no reinforcements after you take

out his allies. The Hand of Korth is a two-handed fighter, and as such he has

large, sweeping blows that will hit any melee fighters. He can also re-apply

his armor in the middle of the fight and will occasionally (and stupidly) stand

and cheer at times.

With him challenged, he will focus solely on Cassandra, which lets you lay down

AoE traps and effects to great effect. If you are melee, keep your guard up

and/or use your excellent Block and Slash ability to avoid damage and hurt him

as well. Ranged characters have it easy here as long as they tank can stay



Once you fall this beast of a man, claim his treasure (likely a two-handed

rare weapon) and his cell key. Your allies are close by. Open the door and

let them out, gaining +200 Influence and a [CHEST]. Near the entrance is the

Sky Warrior who helped us out on our first rift. Talk to him and ask him to

join your efforts for the [SKY WARRIOR AGENT] and some power. Extremely good

to have this barbarian on our side.

Rifts in the Mire


There are two rifts to worry about here. The first can be tackled after

setting up the second camp. It is similar to your last rift at the Storm

Coast. Remember, the one by the waterfall? Expect normal enemies (Wraiths)

at first, but on the second wave there will be a Despair Demon. If you can,

light it on fire (which is tough without a fire-specialized mage). You can

always thin out the lesser enemies and disrupt it, which helps. As an added

bonus, an Avvar warrior will be helping us out here. Feel free to talk to

him before hand to learn that at least he is honorable. He is a beast of a

warrior, so no need to worry about him at all as he will help greatly.

The second rift is the hardest one yet. It is to the north of the last one.

Be sure to bring regen potions for everyone. The first wave isn't bad, to be

honest. Wraiths and a single Despair Demon. Take them out, as you've had some

practice. The second wave will be tough. Here we fact TWO Despair Demons and

a Revenant. Everything here is weak to fire, so use it if you can and have

everyone drink a regen potion at the first scratch. Put the fire on the

Revenant as he is not likely to zoom away like the Despair Demons. Don't

bother with the disrupt this time: it only effects the Revenant for about

a second. Slay them all and seal the rift. With any look you got some good

drops from these enemies.

With that the rifts in the mire are clear. Good job!

Holding the Mire


Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Enter the Fallow Mire

Reward: 50 Influence and 1 Power per camp.

This isn't much of a challenge as there is only one other camp in the Mire.

It is located south of the second beacon area, past a small set of stone

archways. Be sure to search nearby for loot and the remains of a scout. This

is a good location to take on the challenges that lie to the east and further

to the south.

Beacons in the Dark


Quest Giver: Find a Beacon in the Fallow Mire

Requirement: Enter the Fallow Mire

Reward: 967 Experience, 200 Influence, 2 Power

This quest is a four-part quest to light beacons on the way to the "Lost Souls"

main quest. May as well do something on your long march! It also goes hand in

hand with the "Beneath the Mire" quest.

The first beacon is a taste of what this is about: have a mage energize the

beacon and get ready to defend it. You will always have the high ground on

every beacon, and there will always be an elite Lesser Terror that acts as

the mini-boss. He will usually come in first, followed by corpses. This is the

same set-up as every other beacon.

On the first one, knock down the terror as it appears from the ramp and get

ready for two sets of corpses to come up two different hills. Set traps for

them and use fire if you can (Earthshaking Strike is a beautiful thing here).

Take out the corpses and then the terror. Once you are done, light the veilfire

nearby and examine the runes on the pillar for the "Beneath the Mire" quest,

then continue on.

At the second beacon, be SURE you grab the [APOSTATE WIDRIS'S JOURNAL] item

laying on the ground. This gives you the "These Demons are Clever" quest,

which we will want to do later. Now, here the set-up is the same as the first

beacon. Defend the high ground, set traps when you can and take out the elite

terror enemy. The numbers are the same as the first beacon, so take them out

like before. Kill it with fire! Don't forget the "Beneath the Mire" quest!

The third beacon will likely come after you play around with the last rift

and Widris. It is a bit harder than the last one, but the set-up is the same.

You will be facing two Terror enemies here. Have Cassandra taunt them both

so you have a good chance of setting them on fire. There will be more corpse

enemies coming in as long as the Terror enemies show up, so kill them as you

wish and slay the Terrors to end the third round. Don't forget the "Beneath

the Mire" quest!

The fourth and last beacon is likely your last objective before the Lost Souls

quest. It is similar to the third beacon, with two Terror enemies and ramps up

to the middle area. Trap the ramps, use some regen potions and fire, and take

out those enemies! It should be a good time.

Once they are dead, you can bask in the knowledge that you made the path south

safer. That and the +200 Influence doesn't hurt. You will also be able to

complete the "Beneath the Mire" quest!

Beneath the Mire


Quest Giver: Rune in Stone Beacons

Requirement: Enter the Fallow Mire

Reward: 512 Experience, 200 Influence, 2 Power

This quest really goes hand in hand with the "Beacons in the Dark" quest.

Completing it is all about remembering it is there! Do the "Beacons in the

Dark" quest and every time you defend a beacon, light a torch with the Veil

Fire that remains and examine the rune on the pillar. This tells a bit of

story about what the crazed apostate Widris is up to. After the fourth beacon,

his work will be made clear and you will get his research as a reward, which

nets you the [TEARS OF THE DEAD RECIPE]. Very nice!

These Demons Are Clever


Quest Giver: Journal near Veilfire Beacon

Requirement: Enter the Fallow Mire

Reward: 967 Experience, 200 Influence, 2 Power

This quest should be yours after reading the journal near the second beacon

in the mire. Sounds like an Apostate is going mad out here. Best to deal with

him now. This quest will be on hold until you finish the Rift quests, as the

apostate is protected by his location. Once you do finish the rift sealing

in this area, go heal up (rest!) and re-visit "The Den". From there, take the

west exit out and head northeast. This leads to the "Hidden Apostate Camp",

where Widris is hiding.

He isn't happy to see us and will summon 4 level 12 Wraiths. He himself is

a level 12 Elite Mage. Have Cassandra get his focus and Solus should barrier

her up to ensure she lives. Varric and you should then focus on taking out

the wraiths as fast as possible. Their ranged support can wipe us out if we

don't hurry.

Without the wraiths, Widris is doomed. He hits hard, but it is nothing Solus's

barrier can't handle. Keep him knocked down or stunned if you can and back him

into the walls here. Once you finish him (+200 Influence), be sure to loot his

body for some rare gear, then open the [CHEST x2] in the area and turn on the

elven ward for +40 Influence.

Also note that there is a rare Dawn Lotus just to the northwest of his camp,

past the log and surrounded by Blood Lotus.

Cabin Fever


Quest Giver: Lost Cabin Key

Requirement: Enter the Fallow Mire

Reward: 128 Experience, 80 Influence

South of the third beacon in the area, past the Avvar Archer checkpoints you

will find a cabin. A locked cabin. Being the curious sort, we MUST get in!

To do that, we have to find the key. This starts a hot/cold hunt with your

investigation button. The key can be found to the northeast, on the edge of

the bog water. Kill whatever pops up and grab it, then back to the cabin.

Just opening this nets us +80 Influence. Just because. Search the [CHEST]

here, loot what you can, and claim the [WATERLOGGED DIARY] on the table.


.''. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

< () > THE STORM COAST [0505]

'..' __________________________________________________________________________




The Storm Coast is unlocked once you have 4 Power in the Inquisition and can

be researched from the War Table. 4 Power is very easy to acquire if you spend

some time in the Hinterlands doing the main quest, side quests, and closing

rifts. With that power you can unlock this area. It should be noted that the

Storm Coast is the first optional area you can unlock.



Companions: The Iron Bull

Agents: The Blades of Hessarian

Crafting Materials


Common Rare Unique

- Spindleweed - Black Lotus

- Blood Lotus - Prophet's Laurel

- Serpentstone

- Summer Stone

- Iron

- Deep Mushroom



• Hessarian Blade • Hessarian Archer • Hessarian Hound

• Deepstalker • Giant Spider • Giant

• Dragonling • Bear

Codex Entries


[ ] History #18 - From the Canticle of Transigurations

- Found in a small cave, by a statue, south of the southern Astrarium.

[ ] History #60 - The Qun

- Found near beach, by the boats.

[ ] Letters #1 - A Challenge!

- Found on a table near the Morrin's Outlook Rift, near the sea.

[ ] Letters #4 - A Grey Warden's Journal

- Found while doing "Warden's of the Coast".

[ ] Letters #66 - The Conversion of Hessarian

- Found in the Hessarian Camp.

[ ] Tales #27 - Constellation: Bellitanus

- Found by doing the Astrarium.

[ ] Tales #32 - Constellation: Fervenial

- Found by doing the Astrarium.

[ ] Tales #37 - Constellation: Servani

- Found by doing the Astrarium.

[ ] Tales #45 - Grey Whiskey/Ritewine/Conscription Ale

- Found while doing the main quest in the area, "Wardens on the Coast".

[ ] Tales #54 - Hard in Hightown: Chapter 2

- Found in the Hessarian Camp.

[ ] Tales #112 - The Stone Tree

- Claim "The Stone Tree" landmark. Near the sourth Astrarium.

[ ] What Discpline Achieves

- Along the coast near a Shard.

[ ] Par Vollen: The Occupied North

- In a large house at the top of a cliff, northeast of the Small Grove Camp.



1. Constellation: Servani

- Location: On the Great Cove. Search on top of the cliffs.

- Solve Order:

Start at #2, then:

1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 6


2 3






2. Constellation: Fervenial

- Location: Morin's Outlook. On top of the cliffs by the statue.

- Solve Order:

Start at #7, then:

7, 5, 4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 5, 6 (Top Triangles made)

8, 11, 13, 10, 8, 5, 9, (Half of bottom made, middle upwards point made)

12, 14, 10, 9, 7, 10, 6 (Bottom finished, middle downwards point made)

1 2

3 4


6 7

8 9


11 12

13 14

3. Constellation: Bellitanus

- Location: Near The Stone Tree. Southern part of the map.

- Solve Order:

Start at #5, then:

7, 4, 5, 2, 1, 5, 3, 6, 5, 8, 12, 9, 5 (Making the top bows and lower diamond).

12, 11, 9, 8, 10, 12 (Finishing the middle area / letting us focus on the bottom

part last).

13, 16, 12, 14, 15, 18, 17, 16, 15, 12 (Finishing out the bottom).

1 2

3 4


6 7

8 9

10 11


13 14

15 16



Now that we have done all three Astrarium's, we can explore a cave! Yes! The

cave in question is to the south, and is built into the cliff side. It is near

the cliffs over-looking the sea as well, and has a dwarven statue by it. Head

down and fight the spiders you find to claim two [CHESTS] that will have some

rare (blue or higher) gear. Here's hoping you get something you can use!

Bottles of Thedas




High Dragons





1. Morrin's Steps

2. Morrin's Outlook

3. The Stone Tree

4. Lyrium Falls





Oculara and Shards


West of Storm's Solitude

1. To the left, on the mountains.

2. Down on the beach.

3. Across from the beach (between the two rock on the left, in the distance).

Near Morrin's Outlook

4. To the right, in the valley.

5. Below number 1, down on the beach.

6. To the right of number 2, on the cliff-side of the peninsula.

Near Lyrium Falls

7. To the left of the trees in the distance, on the ground.

8. Between the second and third tree, up in the distance.

9. To the right, on some of the rocks nearby.

Near Small Grove Camp

10. Underneath a fallen tree near the camp.

11. On the hill south of the camp.

12. West Ridge up on the hill, east of the Driftwood Margin Camp.


Logging Stands






1. North of Lyrium Falls entrance. (Stick to mountain on the right)



Iron Survey on the Coast


The iron is likely no big deal to you, but Serpentstone is the new thing

here. You can find it right outside of camp, actually, to the south and again

on a rock on your way west to the coast. Just two examples of close locations.

It is not as common as iron, but can be found while exploring. Serpentstone

shows up more often the further south you go.

Once you do complete this quest, +1 Power is yours. You will also get the

"Antivenom Requisition on the Coast" quest after you complete this one.

NOTE: This quest can be repeated, provided you have the resources. An easy

source of power.

Antivenom Requisition on the Coast


Elfroot is likely no big deal to you, but Spider Glands can be. They are of

course gotten off of Giant Spider corpses, which you are likely to find in

the caves on Storm Coast. These aren't guaranteed drops, but you can find

five of them by the time you finish this area for sure. You can also find

a TON of spiders near Lyrium Falls, in the south of the map (they show up

after clearing out the rift in this area, which you should be level 8+

before trying).

NOTE: This quest can be repeated, provided you have the resources. An easy

source of power.



Wardens of the Coast


Quest Giver: War Table

Requirement: Arrive at the Storm Coast

Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power

This is the main quest of this area (and the reason we came here), but it

should be noted that the side-quests "Cleaning House", "Rifts of the Coast",

and "Holding the Storm Coast" all appear once we first arrive in the area.

Talking to the Requisition Officer will add "Iron Survey on the Coast" to that

list as well.

We recommend doing the "Cleaning House" quest first, as well as the "Rifts of

the Coast" quest and even pursue the Astrariums before doing this. All of

those things are nearby, whereas the warden clues are to the south. Plus you

will likely gain a level or two.

Once you are ready, head south for the top two warden markers. They are near

the southern astrarium. It should be noted you are looking for stacks of papers

here. One is on a trail by a tree and a second is by a tent. Very hard to miss.

Further to the south are the other two (near Westridge). The third you can find

inside a building on a cliff. More notes. There is a [CHEST] nearby as well as

a hidden [GREY WHISKEY/RITEWINE/CONSCRIPTION ALE] bottle inside the house.

The final notes are just to the southwest. Near a small campfire. It seems

that the wardens have moved on, after talking a fisherman out of joining.

We won't be talking to them on the Storm Coast...

Cleaning House


Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Enter the Storm Coast

Reward: 177 Experience, 80 Influence, 1 Power

Scout Harden will bring this quest to your attention as soon as you enter

the Storm Coast. Soliders went to go talk to some bandits... not very smart.

Head south to the objective point and up the cliffs. A small path takes you

to a higher opening. You will likely encounter a bear or Hessarian foes along

the way.

At the top is a house. Kill the foes here (on harder difficulties you can put

an archer on the roof for the damage bonus) and loot the house fora [CHEST] and

two pots. The next house is shut, but contains the corpses of the soldiers. As

we suspected. However, there is a map and a note here. Read them to get the

[MERCY'S CREST RECIPE] and get an optional objective to this quest:

OPTIONAL: Requisition Mercy's Crest to challenge the Bandit Leader.

This optional objective requires some crafting though. You need to get two

Serpentstones (not too hard) and one Deepstalker Hide. You can find some

Deepstalkers in the dungeons to the far left and right sides of the coast by

going into the two dungeons (there are a number of chests in there too, but

not many enemies: just some Deepstalkers and Spiders, both of which aren't

threats to you).

Once you have the items, visit the camp and forge (and equip!) the item. You

can now peacefully visit the Hessarian camp to the south. Go ahead and enter

and talk to the leader. This will start a fight no matter what you say.


NOTE: You can actually get the same rewards AFTER beating the Hessarian Leader,

despite not having the crest equipped. You MUST have it at least crafted

though, otherwise you will face the same fight below with the leader's

men thrown in as well. You also face missing the agent here, so be sure

to craft that accessory!

Time for a fight! This isn't a particularly tough battle. You'll face the

Hessarian Leader and two Hessarian Hounds. These are Elite foes, however.

Have your tank challenge and Solus freeze the leader so you can shatter him.

Traps and area of effect skills can be put in the central area, as the hounds

will move through there quite a bit. Earthshaking Strike's upgrade is lovely

here as well. Focus down a target as they get close to death and keep barrier

effects going. An archer with Full Draw can help a ton here too. Keep at it

and you'll take him out.

Afterwards enjoy the +330 Influence and talk to the Hessarian Soldier that

comes to speak to you. He'll claim to serve you now, which nets you +1 Power

and the [HESSARIAN AGENT]. Very nice! See, it is worth making the charm!

Inspect the house here for the [HARD IN HIGHTOWN: CHAPTER 2] book as well as

[THE CONVERSION OF HESSARIAN] note. There's a [CHEST] as well. There are some

notes to read outside as well, but we are done with this quest.

NOTE: You will now randomly see soldiers out patrolling. They are no longer

hostile, and will in fact fight against the beasts and enemies in the

area, which helps us out. Thanks, Hessarian Swords!

Rifts of the Coast


Reward: 1 Power per Rift

It is recommended to do "Cleaning House" before you do this.

There are only two rifts on the coast. The first one is west of the Hessarian

Camp, down on the beach. There is a special event on the way though: you will

see a Giant fighting a Dragon. Now, we can join in this fight, but the Dragon

will actually fly off, leaving us with the giant.

The giant's attacks are powerful, and should be avoided by anyone who isn't

the tank! It will slam its fists down as well as pick up boulders to throw.

During the start of the fight, it will also jump at party members and land

powerfully. Aim for his legs and lay what traps you can. Ranged fighters excel

here, but warriors need to watch his attacks extra carefully and attack his


Once his legs lose half their health, he will kneel down in pain. This is the

time to put up your AoE attacks and hit him hard. He stays like this for several

seconds, but will get up soon. He relaxs the jumping attacks from here, but can

still pack a punch so stay on him to fell him for good.

Once he is down you can (safely) access the rift beyond him. Normal rift demons

come out of here. Take them out and disrupt when you can, then get ready for

the second wave. Close the rift once you drive the demons back.

The second rift is located out at Morrin's Outlook. Head over there and explore

the area if you haven't already. You'll be treated with dragonlings you can

actually kill, which is fun. The rift is at the dock, below the point, and is

nothing you haven't faced before. The big challenge here is the Rage Demon that

comes out in the second wave, so be ready for him and try to clear out his

allies so you can disrupt him and take him out easier. Seal the rife once he

is dead.

Rift at the Falls


Reward: 1 Power

This quest appears after you close the other rifts. This rift is located near

Lyrium Falls, which is up Long River. It is a Level 12 Rift, meaning you should

stay away until you are 8 or higher (on normal, at least), and have a full

potion stock.

Once you do decide to take it, head into the cave and head to the back. This

place is pretty neat. At the back is the rift. Regular Wraith will compose

the first wave, ready to send a salvo of shots at you. Barrier up and charge.

Take them out and get ready for the much harder second wave, which is even

more Wraiths and a Despair Demon. Note there is a rock pillar to the left you

can use to to draw the demon behind. Divide and conquer. Or let Cassandra

handle the aggro while you thin out the Wraith numbers. That will let you

disrupt the demon to take it out quicker.

Once you are done, close the rift. Be sure to get the Chest and Landmark

nearby and use the Ocalarum.

Holding the Storm Coast


Quest Giver: Scout Harding

Requirement: Enter the Storm Coast

Reward: 50 Influence and 1 Power per camp

This is a pretty standard "set up all your camps" quest. Nothing really

challenging here. You will set these up as you head further south in your

pursuit of the Grey Warden notes. One is down on a beach after leaving a

short cave (the "Small Grove" camp) while the other is in a clearing even

further to the south (the "Driftwood Margin" camp).

Small Grove is best done after Clearing House while you are exploring.

Driftwood Margin is best done after collecting the Grey Warden notes, as

it is nearby.

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