Chapter 16: Welcome Back...

    "Got any threes?" I ask as I look at the three cards in my hand. "No fair!" Kat declares as she flops onto my bed that we're both are sitting on. "What's not fair? The fact that I'm about to beat you in Go Fish? It's just a game Kat." I giggle. "We should have played war." Kat mumbles. "Well, we can if you'd like. Or I can call someone up so we can play sevens." Kat shot up with a smirk on her face. "You should call Draco over." I blush slightly. "No, I couldn't. His last letter to me said that his father was taking him on a trip for something. I can't interrupt that. It wouldn't be ladylike or fair to Draco. His time with his father is very important. At least that's what his mother says."

"Well that's no fun. I would have liked to have met him. At school all I saw was him in passing glances, not cool." She sighs. "Well, I can always bring my brother up or Marion, my maid." I suggest. "No." Kat her cards on my bed. "How about we watch a movie then?" I ask, hopping off my bed and looking over my collection of movies. "Nah. I'm just so bored. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want school to start again. All the cool stuff happens at school."

"School starts in two days Kat. How can you talk like it's so far away when it's practically in our faces." I say with a smile. "Because.... well just cause really. I want to see you gain all your memories back, I want to learn new spells, and I especially want to see how long it takes for Potter to die. Me and this girl named Carmine in my charms class of last year, said he would last his fourth year." She giggles. "I swear, that boy always finds a way to get someone injured or worse. It's like he's some destruction magnate. However, it still puzzles me on how he still has his friends. I bet you at least one of them has a near death like experience this year." I laugh.

"Sure Kat." I say before I see Orion at my window sill. Scape gives a noise of happiness as I open the window to let Orion in. "Ooo! Is that a letter from your Romeo I see?" Kat asks, scurrying to sit next to me. "Don't say that! He's probably just checking in." I blush and open up the letter, but before I could read it, Kat took it and hoped to her feet. "Gwen," She started, using a dramatic voice. "I'm looking for ward to seeing you soon. Father has taught me so many new spells, and I'd like to share them with you. Sincerely, Draco." Kat crinkled her nose. "That's it?!" She declares, back to her normal voice. "No, 'I miss you dearly', or 'My dearest'?" Kat groans. "Well, Draco isn't a casanova, Kat. Besides, we're only twelve."

"Sure, I get that girls grow up faster than boys, but what even! He needs to come to terms with how amazing you are. He should be here with you and cuddling! Not off with his father or whatever!" My door swung open. "Girls. If you're going to be loud at least charm the room first. I'm letting Kat stay till school starts and you can't even follow that one instruction?" My mother hisses. I look over at my bedside clock to see it was close to midnight. "Sorry mom!" I cry before flopping under the covers. Kat follows me under and my mother bids us goodnight.

"Kat! Stop running!" I call after her as we run through King's Cross station. Running through the wall and onto the wizard side I gasped for air. Bram had left with Gabby earlier so he was most likely already on the train. "Gwen, hurry! The train's about to leave!" She cries. We gather our things and throw it into the holding area and hop on as fast as we could.

"That was to close." I pant as we take our seats. "Yeah, but that was fun." I nod and lean my head on the window. About halfway to Hogwarts I open my eyes to see something that went by so fast I wasn't even sure I'd seen it. A large blue car was next to the train. "Kat, Kat did you see that?" I ask, looking at her, but she's out cold. I rub my eyes and look back, the car is gone. "Just a dream, a hallucination maybe?" I dismissed it nonetheless and wait for us to pull into Hogwarts.

"This way!" The large man from last year calls as he ushered us to the castle. Inside the castle, it looked no different from last year really. Innumerable candles were hovering in midair over four long, crowded tables, making the golden plates and goblets sparkle. Overhead, the bewitched ceiling, which always mirrored the sky outside, sparkled with stars. Then at the front was that aged old hat, patched, frayed, and dirty, sorted new students into the four Hogwarts houses (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin). I remembered putting it on, exactly one year ago, and waiting, petrified, for its decision. Good times.

"Hey, Gwen, look, Snape is missing." Kat whispered. I follow her gaze and confirm her words. "Strange. He seemed to be a very prominent teacher, do you think they fired him?" Kat shook her head. "Nah, he's probably doing some extra credit thing to impress the Headmaster!" I sigh. "Sure, that sounds plausible." I look over at the teachers on last time before eating my food.

Later that night, after sharing hugs with the twins, we all settled into bed. "Hey, Gwen." Kat whispered. "I noticed that you were low on your sweet dreams juice from last year. You think you'll be alright for tonight?" I gasp. I'd almost forgotten about that. "Yeah, I've just got enough for a few more nights. I'll get more as soon as I can." Kat nodded. "Good, well, goodnight." She turned on her side and instantly started to snore lightly. "Goodnight." I whispered, placing the drop on my forehead.

"Good morning~" Kat yells, hopping on my bed. I jolt and nearly slap Kat in the face. "Bajeezal Kat! Don't scare me like that!" I shriek. Scape screeches as well seeing as Kat woke him up too. "Come on!" Kat whined. "Breakfast is gonna start soon!" She pulled me out of my bed and I quickly dress myself for the day. "Marion and Natalia have already left and most likely have saved us a seat." Kat explained as we make our way to the grand hall. Softly bursting through the doors, we take our rightful spots at the Hufflepuff table. All was quiet until-

"STEALING THE CAR, I WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SURPRISED IF THEY'D EXPELLED YOU, YOU WAIT TILL I GET HOLD OF YOU, I DON'T SUPPOSE YOU STOPPED TO THINK WHAT YOUR FATHER AND I WENT THROUGH WHEN WE SAW IT WAS GONE!" A voice yells. It made the plates and spoons rattle on the table, and echoed deafeningly off the stone walls. People throughout the hall were swiveling around to see who had received the Howler, and when my eyes fell on the Weasley boy, I couldn't help but giggle as he sank so low in his chair that only his crimson forehead could be seen. "WE GOT A LETTER FROM DUMBLEDORE LAST NIGHT, I THOUGHT YOUR FATHER WOULD DIE OF SHAME, WE DIDN'T BRING YOU UP TO BEHAVE LIKE THIS, YOU AND HARRY COULD BOTH HAVE DIED—" Potter, of course he caused a mess. "—ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED —YOUR FATHER'S FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK, IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT AND IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT BACK HOME." A ringing silence fell. The red envelope, which had dropped from the Weasley boy's hand, burst into flames and curled into ashes. A few people laughed and, gradually, a babble of talk broke out again.

"Poor buggers." Kat said, taking a drink of her milk. I was going to reply when my schedule dropped into my lap. "Ooo! We have Herbology this year!" I say giddily. "But it's right after breakfast." Kat scrunches up her nose. "Guess I'll be eating like this year and snaking in between classes." I lightly nudge her shoulder. "Can't be all that bad, come on now, I want to see their greenhouse. I bet it's beautiful."

When we got to the greenhouses we just stood outside, seeing as the door was locked, waiting for Professor Sprout.Once many of the others in our class joined us, I could see her striding into view across the lawn, accompanied by a boy, whose name was Gilderoy Lockhart, I think. Professor Sprout was a squat little witch who wore a patched hat over her flyaway hair; there was usually a large amount of earth on her clothes and under her fingernails. Then her arms were full of bandages, that's when I spot the Whomping Willow in the distance, several of its branches now in slings. "What happened to the willow?" I asked. "Potter crashed into it last night!" Someone whispered back.

I turn my attention to Gilderoy Lockhart, however. He was quite the opposite of Professor Sprout. Dressed in sweeping robes of turquoise, his golden hair shining under a perfectly positioned turquoise hat with gold trimming. In my opinion, he looked out of place and completely idiotic. "Oh, hello there!" he calls, beaming at us. "Just been showing Professor Sprout the right way to doctor a Whomping Willow! But I don't want you running away with the idea that I'm better at Herbology than she is! I just happen to have met several of these exotic plants on my travels..."

"Greenhouse three today, chaps!" said Professor Sprout, who was looking distinctly disgruntled, not at all her usual cheerful self. There was a murmur of interest. We'd only ever worked in greenhouse one before — greenhouse three housed far more interesting and dangerous plants. Professor Sprout took a large key from her belt and unlocked the door. I caught a whiff of damp earth and fertilizer mingling with the heavy perfume of some giant, umbrella-sized flowers dangling from the ceiling.Professor Sprout stood behind a trestle bench in the center of the greenhouse. About twenty pairs of different-colored ear muffs were lying on the bench.

"We'll be repotting Mandrakes today. Now, who can tell me the properties of the Mandrake?" I raised my hand, but that Hermione girl's hand was still the first into the air. "Mandrake, or Mandragora, is a powerful restorative," said Hermione, sounding like an audio version of a textbook. "It is used to return people who have been transfigured or cursed to their original state."

"Excellent. Ten points to Gryffindor," said Professor Sprout. I huff and cross my arms. "The Mandrake forms an essential part of most antidotes. It is also, however, dangerous. Who can tell me why?" Hermione's hand it shot up again. "The cry of the Mandrake is fatal to anyone who hears it," she said promptly. I gave up on raising my hand. Seeing as she couldn't even wait for the teacher to call on her to start talking. Most rude. "Precisely. Take another ten points," said Professor Sprout. I mentally groan. "Now, the Mandrakes we have here are still very young." She pointed to a row of deep trays as she spoke, and everyone shuffled forward for a better look. A hundred or so tufty little plants, purplish green in color, were growing there in rows. They looked strangely interesting to me, considering I've never see one up close before.

"Everyone take a pair of earmuffs," said Professor Sprout. There was a scramble as everyone tried to seize a pair that wasn't pink and fluffy. Except for Kat who rushed for the pink ones, and grabbed me a pair as well. "When I tell you to put them on, make sure your ears are completely covered," said Professor Sprout. "When it is safe to remove them, I will give you the thumbs-up. Right — earmuffs on." We quickly put them on. They shut out sound completely. Professor Sprout put the pink, fluffy pair over her own ears, rolled up the sleeves of her robes, grasped one of the tufty plants firmly, and pulled hard. I can only guess that the whole class gasped at the sight.

Instead of roots, a small, muddy, and extremely ugly baby popped out of the earth. The leaves were growing right out of his head. He had pale green, mottled skin, and was clearly bawling at the top of his lungs. Professor Sprout took a large plant pot from under the table and plunged the Mandrake into it, burying him in dark, damp compost until only the tufted leaves were visible. Professor Sprout dusted off her hands, gave them all the thumbs-up, and removed her own earmuffs. "As our Mandrakes are only seedlings, their cries won't kill yet," she said calmly as though she'd just done nothing more exciting than water a begonia. "However, they will knock you out for several hours, and as I'm sure none of you want to miss your first day back, make sure your earmuffs are securely in place while you work. I will attract your attention when it is time to pack up." She says. My heart's still racing from the intensity of what we're about to do.

"Four to a tray — there is a large supply of pots here — compost in the sacks over there — and be careful of the Venemous Tentacula, it's teething." She gave a sharp slap to a spiky, dark red plant as she spoke, making it draw in the long feelers that had been inching sneakily over her shoulder. Kat and I paired up tried to pair up with Marion and Natalia, but they had friends in Gryffindor, so they paired with them. So Kat and I ended up with two boys, one from Gryffindor and one from Hufflepuff. "I'm Carter McLane." The Hufflepuff boy says. "I'm Neville Longbottom." I knew the Neville boy, from last year. "Hey! Aren't you the one who tried to take on Crabbe and Goyle, all on your own?" Kat asked. Neville nodded. I could tell wanted to say more but it was time to put on our earmuffs.

Professor Sprout had made it look extremely easy, but it wasn't. The Mandrakes didn't like coming out of the earth, but didn't seem to want to go back into it either. They squirmed, kicked, flailed their sharp little fists, and gnashed their teeth; I alone spent at least ten whole minutes trying to squash a particularly fat one into a pot. By the end of the class everyone was sweaty, aching, and covered in earth. Then everyone traipsed back to the castle for a quick wash and then we Hufflepuffs hurried off to Charms. I was not looking forward to it.

After a lot of yelling and explosions from the failed potions, we finally left for lunch. Kat raises her eyebrows. "Why are you eating so fast?" I swallow hard before answering, "Madam Hooch sent me a letter over the summer that on the first day, to meet her in the courtyard after lunch. Ya know, preparing from the Quidditch games and all." Kat nodded. "Then I'll let you go alone then, say hi to her for me though. I do miss our flying lessons." She sighs, remembering our first year. "I'll let her know, see you next class." I say before heading to the court yard.

"Gwen. Over here." Madam Hooch says. I rush over to her and we began to talk, until I heard, "Signed photos? You're giving out signed photos, Potter?" Loud and scathing, Draco's voice echoed around the courtyard. I gulped as i turned my head slightly to see Draco yelling at Potter. "Everyone line up!" Draco roared to the crowd. "Harry Potter's giving out signed photos!"

"No, I'm not," said Potter angrily, his fists clenching. "Shut up, Malfoy."

"You're just jealous," piped up a small boy, whose entire body was about as thick as Crabbe's neck. "Jealous?" said Draco, who didn't need to shout anymore: half the courtyard was listening in. "Of what? I don't want a foul scar right across my head, thanks. I don't think getting your head cut open makes you that special, myself." Crabbe and Goyle were sniggering stupidly. "Eat slugs, Malfoy," said Weasley angrily. Crabbe stopped laughing and started rubbing his knuckles in a menacing way.

"Be careful, Weasley," sneered Draco. "You don't want to start any trouble or your Mommy'll have to come and take you away from school." He put on a shrill, piercing voice. "'If you put another toe out of line'—" A knot of Slytherin fifth-years nearby laughed loudly at this. "Weasley would like a signed photo, Potter," smirked Draco. "It'd be worth more than his family's whole house —" Weasley whipped out his Spellotaped wand, but Hermione shut Voyages with Vampires with a snap and whispered, "Look out!"

"What's all this, what's all this?" Gilderoy Lockhart was striding toward them, his turquoise robes swirling behind him. "Who's giving out signed photos?" Potter started to speak but he was cut short as Lockhart flung an arm around his shoulders and thundered jovially, "Shouldn't have asked! We meet again, Harry!" Pinned to Lockhart's side and burning with humiliation, Potter say Draco slide smirking back into the crowd. "Come on then, Mr. Creevey," said Lockhart, beaming at Colin. "A double portrait, can't do better than that, and we'll both sign it for you." Colin fumbled for his camera and took the picture as the bell rang behind them, signaling the start of afternoon classes. "Off you go, move along there," Lockhart called to the crowd, and he set off back to the castle with Potter.

It wasn't till now that I'd realized my hands were in fists. "Gwen, dear, are you alright?" Madam Hooch asks. I unclench my fists and nod, taking a deep breath. "Yes, Madam Hooch. If, you'll excuse me, I should get to class." I murmur. I make myself as small as I can just as I hear a voice that was all too familiar for my liking. "That Malfoy kid is so cute." Alicia's voice rings in my ears as I quickly pass her and her gaggle of friends. "To bad he's, like, with at Hufflepuff girl." My face burned with embarrassment as I flew down the halls to Transfiguration. As funny as it may sound, I always felt the safest in Transfiguration class. It made me happy to watch something beautiful become something else more beautiful.

"Gwen, what movement do I use for this?" The boy behind me asked. "Like this." I swished my wand and turned his pencil into a snake. He squealed and Professor Mcgonagall narrowed her eyes at us as I swiftly tuned the snake back into a pencil. "Man, how are you so good at this?" Kat asks, flopping her head on her desk. "Aw, don't be sad Kat. Next is Defense Against the Dark Arts. You know I'm not good in that class. We all have our strengths and weaknesses."

"Class is dismissed, remember to practice this!" Professor Mcgonagall says as we all leave the room. "I really don't want to go to Defense Against the Dark Arts." Kat mutters. "That Gilderoy Lockhart guy really gives me the creeps." I nod in agreement as we enter his class. When the whole class was seated, Lockhart cleared his throat loudly and silence fell. He reached forward, picked up a boy's copy of Travels with Trolls, and held it up to show his own, winking portrait on the front. "Me," he said, pointing at it and winking as well. "Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award but I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at her!" He waited for them to laugh; a few people smiled weakly.

"I see you've all bought a complete set of my books — well done. I thought we'd start today with a little quiz. Nothing to worry about — just to check how well you've read them, how much you've taken in —" When he had handed out the test papers he returned to the front of the class and said, "You have thirty minutes — start —now!" Harry looked down at his paper and read:

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition?

3. What, in your opinion, is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date?

On and on it went, over three sides of paper, right down to:

54. When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday, and what would his ideal gift be?

I sigh, I'm really going to dislike this guy.

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