Trip to Starbucks
"Chocolate chip cream milk with extra chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, two packs of sugar and extra vanilla whipped cream. Venty size."
Oikawa felt his jaw slightly dropped upon hearing the raven haired girl's rambuctios order.
Even the cashier guy that's been serving them,-and also flirting with Nathasha, has his jaw hit the floor. Not to mention few people who also can hear them was now staring at them wierdly.
"...okay. And your name is..?"
"Harry Potter."
It took all of the genius setter's energy to stop himself from laughing so hard, but the priceless face of the cashier guy's made it harder.
"Isn't that a boy's name?"
"Are you being sexist to me now?!" Natha- scratch that, Harry suddenly yelled, banging the table which caught all the people's attention.
"Of-of course not! And you sir..?" Cashier guy stammered, quickly changes subject and looks at Oikawa instead.
'Finally'. Oikawa thought to himself, ordering his drink. The guy's so busy on getting Nathasha's attention he didn't even pays anymind to him.
"...Luke Skywalker."
There's a loud gasp, and Oikawa found him self in a tight head lock that was no doubt from Nathasha.
"Ittai ittai! Stop!" The setter flails, trying to slap the slender arms away. Keyword on trying.
"Ma'am, sir, please don't make a scene-"
"WE ARE NOT MAKING A SCENE!" Nathasha yelled at the security who tries to calm them down. Keyword on tries, again.
...does Starbucks even has a security?
"Ma'am, i will have to kick you out-"
Despite being in a tight headlock, Oikawa can't help but burst out laughing.
"Ma'am, please-"
"THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! WHAT KIND OF SERVING IS THIS!?! THE MANAGER SHALL HEARS ABOUT THIS! COME STEPHEN!!" Nathasha screeched, dragging the poor Oikawa,-who is dying of laughter, away. Earning wierd looks from all over the Starbucks.
Both the cashier guy and security paled upon hearing the word 'telling the manager'. They quickly apologizes and gave them their orders.
"Well that was something.." Oikawa muttered as they sat down on the chair near the window glass.
"Tell me 'bout it."
Some people still staring at them, muttering or whispering at eachothers.
Nathasha seemed to notice them too, because she suddenly stood up and took out a... fancy.. sunglasses from her pocket before putting them on.
"Words do not hurt, these shades are Gucci." Nathasha said in intentional deep voice, pointing at herself while putting on a 'boss' expression.
Oikawa dies of laughter again.
Then she took it off and checks it before turning back to the staring people.
"Nevermind, they're Louis Vuitton. ...wait, they're Channel."
Poor Oikawa is laughing so hard, he can't even let out any voice as he shed off a tear and banging on table for 'mercy'.
In the end, they got kicked out from Starbucks, which is sucks.
Ha, get it? Strabucks and sucks? No? Okay...
"Man, that's awful." Oikawa said, sipping on his drink whilst shoving his hand inside his pocket casually.
"I know." Nathasha replied, taking out a round waffle from her pocket.
Oikawa did a perfect spit take.
"Is that Starbucks' cinnamon sauce filled waffle?!!" He screeches.
The girl only smirked evilly.
"How did you-?! Wait, you stole it?!!"
"I got the chance. Why not?" She shrugs nonchalantly before sipping her own cold beverage.
"That's stealing!"
"I left a tip."
"That's still the same!!"
"They're rude."
"You stopped a thief but yourself is stealing!!"
"Am not! It's called 'sharing is caring'!"
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
The next thing Oikawa knew, was Nathasha suddenly tackled to the ground.
"I've been looking for you like, everywhere!!"
"Ow ow! Bish! Get off'a me Poison Ivy!"
The genius setter is left wondering who on earth would be named Poison Ivy.
"Not 'till you said 'sorry'."
"Fine! Sorryyyyyy..."
"You better be." It's another girl. With messy wavy tied raven hair, blue hoodie and pair of loose yoga pants. Bright yellow headphones hung around her sun tanned neck like a collar as a pair of glasses perched ontop of her nose.
"Oh, hey! Sorry about that. Who are you?" The blue hoodie clad girl asked, looking at Oikawa.
"Uh.. Oikawa Tooru."
"Tessa. Can i borrow her for a minute? Thanks." She said quickly, not letting the setter answered as she drags Nathasha away, leaving Oikawa alone with his drink.
He stares at the direction where both girls gone, before shrugging and continues to walk.
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