The music was blasting the room, bottles of wine were sprawled on the floor, he look frustrated and ruminative. She must surely pay for what she did, how dare her?!.

He screamed out of anger, that caught Miss Eliza's attention, she scutled to his room.

"What happen?" She asked, yanking the bottle of wine from his mouth. "Why all this, Laith?" She added, sitting beside him.

"Mom, she must pay for what she did, i've never feel humiliated like that." He answered, resting his head on her laps.

"Who's she? What has she done?" Miss Eliza asked, bamboozled.

"She's a new girl in our school." He answered, closing his eyes. He don't want to reminisce that moment. "Mom, she slapped me." He added through gritted teeth.

"OMG! What? What happen? You might did something bad, Laith." Miss Eliza blurted, hoping her son is not into another trouble again. "Hope you didn't do something bad to her, Laith." She asked again.

"I-I did nothing wrong Mom." He stuttered, sitting upright. "Trust me, not again." He added, holding her hands.

"What happened?" She sterned. She doesn't want any trouble again, and her son is not helping matters.

"You see... I talked to her, but she answered laconically. So I yanked her with her veil and that reveal her long hair." He closed his eyes. The hair was endearing. "I hold her hand and she abruptly slapped me, her boyfriend came and punched my hand." He added, fuming with rage.

"You did wrong Laith, you shouldn't have hold her hand." Miss Eliza spoke, softly. She hold his hands. "It's not the teachings of your religion, Laith."

"But Mom..."

"Let me finish, you father; never for once hold my hands until i was officially his." She said, holding back her tears. She grisp his hand, "You should've practice your religion teachings, be like your father. He's a religious man." She added.

"But Mom, i just wanted to say Hi, why will she snub me?" He said, grivancely. "And she most pay for this slap. Wallahi." He added, standing up, he need to do something for this girl.

"Where do you think you're going? Come back here." And she yanked him back on the bed. "You should exercise patience my dear. Afterall, she has the right to slap you, why will you hold her hand?" She added. "Aren't you a good Muslim?"

"I am Mom, but i just like the girl."

"That doesn't gave you the guts, Laith." Miss Eliza said, advisingly. "You should apologize to her tomorrow."

"What?! Mom, No!" He blurted, looking at her, startled. "How can i apologize? She is the one that slapped me." He added. "She must pay for this Mom."

"I beg you, Laith. Don't harm that girl." She pleaded. He hate seeing his mother like this, she've had enough. It's her time to laugh, not to cry anymore.

"Ok Mom, don't cry please." He hug her, His Mum is his world. May Allah have mercy on you Dad. He blurted.

"Aimen." She answered, chuckling at how she pronounced the word. "How many times will i tell you to stop drinking, Laith? It's injurous to your health, talkless of the sin you got yourself into." She added, accusingly looking at him.

"I was left with no choice, Mum." He said, head hung low.

"You should've come to me, not to drink." She said, combing his hair with her hand. "You should stop please, it hurts seeing you like this. I feel like i've not hold unto the promise i made to your Dad."

"No Mom, i promise you not to drink again." He look up, emoting his sincerity through his eyes. "I wish you'll convert to Islam, Mum. I'll be the happiest man on earth." He added, closing his eyes; this is not the first time he talked to her about Islam.

"I wish i can, but it's a promise, Laith. I can't break that promise."


She kept tossing throughout the night, when Baba came to wake her up; she was awake. It's morning now, but still she can't sleep. Her sleep is her utmost priority, she never for once had something in mind that kept her away from her sleep. But now, being the forlorn she is; she can't sleep anymore. Indeed sleeping is a blessing.

She suddenly became inured to thinkings, cryings, heartaches. She's no more worried about that. He broke her brittle heart. She promised not to fall in love, promise not to come close to a guy, but he made her broke that promise. And left her alone in a lonesome world.

She sombrely pull herself up from her bed, clean her room and advanced to the toilet to have her bath.

She was dressed in a pink and dotted blue ankara gown, she took her matching veil and exited the room. She's tired of her aloofness, she'll visit Salma today.

They say their greeting with Aunty, which became their monotone thing to do. She went to Salma's house, along with her diary. She need to update her top secret keeper. Apart from her heart, which is now jumbled with many unspoken feelings.

"Good morning, Maama." She greeted, smiling fleetingly.

"Morning Ummi, it's been decades. How're you?" Maama asked, smiling at her. She's jovial.

"I'm fine Maama. Is Salma around?"

"Yes she is, i think she's sleeping, go and check."

"Ok." She answered and prowled to Salma's room.

"Wake up, sleepy head." She shake her, laughing mischievously.

"Ahhh! Ummi.... i haven't sleep yesterday, leave me please." Salma groaned, yawing from her side.

"Which book were you reading?" Ummi asked, switching on the television.

"AFTER." She answered laconically.

"Ohhh... Salma where's that film?" Ummi asked, checking the drawers.

"Which one?"

"Legend of the blue sea." She answered.

"Check it over there." She gestured at the mirror and closed her eyes. "Don't talk again, please."

"Hahaha... Ok".


"Do you have lectures today?" He asked, while trekking down to the dormitory.

"Yes Yaya, Good morning." She answered, rubbing her eyes with her palm.

"I'm on my way, get ready before i arrive." With that he ended the call.

She sauntered to the bathroom, took her bath and exited. She applied some lotions and make up her face. She look pulchritudinous, albeit the makeup is nude.

A:I'm at the gate.

She take her handbag and lecture notes.

"Bye, Inas." She yelled and scutle out of the room.

"Bye, i'm waiting for a feedback." Inas yelled back.

He drooled over her appearance, she look so beautiful. He stood there looking at her, mouth agape. Almost dribbling.

"Morning Yaya." She said as she come close to him, a mischievous smile plastered on her lips.

"Morning Lil sis, You look beautiful." He said, almost baffled with his sudden change.

"Thank you Yaya, you look handsome too." Laila said, obsequiously.

He smiled. "Shall we?"

She nodded and they sauntered to the nearest bus stop, took a cab and zoom off.

They almost bump into each other, Laith looked up and his eyes landed on their entwined hands. He feel a pang of jealousy, but just shrugged it off. "Hi." His waved, bumptiously.

"Hello." Al-amin said briskly, guiding Laila to the other side.

"Oh sorry, Salamu Alaikum." Laith smiled bumptiously.

They looked up baffled, there is no scintilla of Islam in him.

"Wa'alaikumus Salam." They answered in Unison, moving to the other.

"My Mum said i should apoligize, that's not my habit." He grimaced, yawing his face from their side. "I-I am sorry." He stuttered. "For my Mum's sake." He added and leave.

"I don't think he mean it, Yaya." Laila said, she's humbugged.

"I don't think too."


I've texted him but he didn't reply, i always check his profile and he's always online. He took my text as a bumf, i don't blame him though. Had it been i didn't text him, i wouldn't have feel this bad. I'm now inured with all this heartaches. But i still love him!. Her ringing tone intruded her, she checked the caller ID and her forehead creased in confusion.

"Hello Aunty." She said, simply waiting for the worst.

"You should come back home, we're going to Egbeda." Aunty said and ended the call.

She bid Salma goodbye and left.

Baba sent Kabir aka KB Afafa. They named him KB Afafa, she and Ya Husna; when they last came to lagos. He took them to Takwa bay, he is garrulous. To top it all; he can't pronounce the word 'Apapa' as it is, rather 'Afafa'.

KB Afafa took them to Egbeda and they'll call him when they're through.

She wonder why will Aunty visit Maman Hajia, she just despise the woman. She always sneered at her, hushing some words to Aunty, something relating to Mama. She's a mischief-maker.

She checked her whatsapp texts, probably checking wether he replied her text, but to no avail. She check Hafiz's text.

H:Hey Aysha!

U:Hello, Hafiz how you dey?

H:Fine. I heard you went to Lagos, how is it?

U:Fine Alhamdulillah. How's Kaduna?

H:Kaduna is fine. How's our friend?

U:Al-amin? He's fine woo.

H:Hmmm Aysha, i heard you guys break up.

Her eyes stiffened with bamboozlement. What does this mean? Did he really tell them they break up?

She suddenly feel a salt water-like liquid on her lips, she realized she's crying. Upon the realization, she burst into tears, crying hysterically. Why all this?

This chapter is dedicated to Sholeey_, Napheesat9. Thank you guys😊 I LOVE YOU❤❤ Like dayawa fa.

Another update💃💃💃

Aren't I the sweetest?


I've changed Ummu's name to Salma, Don't be confused.

So Laith is a Muslim abi? Which promise did Miss Eliza made?

So Laith really apologized abi?

Something is coming.....

My your soul rest in peace, Laith's Dad😢😢😢. He's dead abi?

Wallahi i have no word to describe how Ummi feels, but just imagine the pain, put yourself in her shoes.

How will you feel? your boyfriend ignored you, you texted him, he saw the text and still ignore you. How cruel!

Su Laila manya😂 ansha kyau😤😤.

Su Maman Hajia Manya😑😑.

One word for her.

KB Afafa😂😂😂😂 who have people like KB Afafa around him?😂😂

See this Hafiz dan Allah😑😑 Minahiki.

Kunga dai i've done alot of mutunci for you, you didn't expect an update. So shower me some love please.

Where are you? Hausa Novel readers... I've started writing a Book #Rayuwar Badiyya. If you're interested, PM me. It's not on wattpad.

Kunsan ya kamata anayi ana chanza yare😂😂 Mother's tongue no be joke fa😂.

Show your appreciation by..


Ghost readers biko😭😭💔💔

Allah if you didn't vote and comment well well, i will not update until upper week.

Soko juur.

Mi yidi ma.


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