This chapter will be a bit emotional😢just be ready because you can cry if you're a cry-cry baby😂. Don't get me wrong,I miss my honey bunch🍯.
"Baba"she drawled her voice is amalgamated with sadness and confusion,glumly looking at him.
"Yes ummi,don't worry my dear,it will be alright insha Allah and the wedding won't be soon,but in 3-4 years time insha Allah,that's when both you and the husband grow up"said baba trying to soothe because he can see she's narked but trying to fake a normal expression,but it's palpable she's bamboozled.
"Ok baba,Goodnight"came her answer more like a whisper,she stood up and leave for her room bamboozled. Without snooping on the boys name or his family's. It's of no use to her.
"Goodnight my dear,don't be ruminative it's nothing"said baba.
She entered her room,locked it and sprawled on her bed glumly.
"What does this mean? Is baba jesting? Ya Allah see me through. I can't love anyone expect Al-amin wallahi, i won't tell him about this"she thought. "when it's time i'll tell him that i habe someone i love,i know he'll understand me"A smile plastered on her lips because she know baba will agree.
She shrugged the thought off "i won't let this disturbs me, i love Al-amin and he'll be my husband insha Allah"with that she pacify herself and advanced to the toilet.
She finished her shafa'i and wutr(muslims prayer) she prolonged in her last sujud"Ya Allah don't let this be my problem now or later" she spoke in a monotone drawl.
She layed on her bed vacantly staring at her window,contentment glinted in her eyes. You know that feeling when you finished praying,you'll feel all those rocks were lift-off from your shoulders. Indeed Allah is the greatest❤.
Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!
"Ummi get up it's subh's(early morning prayer) time"said baba.
It's his daily routine to wake her up before going to the mosque even when she's off. Albeit he does'nt know she's off but she'll still answer him glumly. She hates it when she's off and somebody wakes her up for subh prayer.
I don't blame her,it's annoying uno?
"Ok baba"she answered and advanced to her toilet.
She's still on the prayer mat when it somersaults in her that she didn't call ummu. Their neighbour,she's her friend and they get along albeit ummi is 17 years while ummu is 15years but that does'nt make any difference.
Ummu don't kill me please😂😂😂 you're my younnnnngggerrrrr sister ai, but still i have to manage😭 Poor me😩😒😞.
U:hey idiot.
U:hello yeye child,to what do i owe this call?or are you planning on coming over?
U:hahahah,I'm already here since yesterday ai mumu.
U:Arghhh!!! But you did'nt tell me abi?you're not a good friend wallahi.
U:OMG!!! Ummi i'm very sorry wallahi,i slept off yesterday and you know lagos balmy weather so i can't help,My sleep is my number one priority you knows ai.
U:mtsww... i heard, since you didn't come yesterday we'll go out with ya aysha and sadiq around 4pm will you join us?
U:ohhh no ummu,just go and chilled,call me when you're back i'll come over to greet mama and mommy.
U: ummi pleaseeeeee,we won't take time wallahi, dan Allah.
U:okay okay i'll,before you start your enraging nag.
U:awwn thank you meri jaan, i love you,bye i need to sleep.
U:hidiot i know you did'nt sleep yesterday,bye.
U:iam glad you know,wattpad is my world girl.
U:it's my world too but you should know how to schedule your activities,as a 15year old girl it's not good for you to read till dawn, had it been it's school books but all those wattpad books😂 i hope you're not reading the naughty one dai.
U:OMG!!! When did you convert to islam?sed how you're preaching like sh.kabir gombe. Wellll..... thank you sh.Aysha.
U:mtsww bye joor,and mind you! I'll tell alhaji about this wallahi😂.
U:nooooo please i'm sorry yaya ummi.
U:good girl. You're forgiven.
They hang up and ummi sprawled on her bed and slept off.
"Ummiiiiiiiiiiii,wake up joor" ummi shouted shaking her roughly.
"OMG! Ummu won't you let me rest please,you're incorrigible wallahi,didn't you said the outing will be around 4? So why waking me now for godsake ummu?" Said ummi narked.
"Hey!sorry i just wanted to chat with you privately that's why,and it's not too early;check you time idiot"
"Still ummu it's just 1:30 and i didn't pray talkless of having my breakfast..well brunch to be called"she said while advancing to the toilet.
They nattered away for like 30mins,pray and ummi dressed and they bid anty goodbye because ummu didn't even allow her to take her brunch claiming they'll eat something when they're out.
"Good afternoon maama and mommy" ummi greet them smiling nervously,yes she gets nervous whenever she's around them,most especially mommy;is it because of the crush she had on sadiq last time she came to lagos or that the women are just perfect for her liking?
Hidiot,mumu,useless,sayeed's love,wife,anything lovable😂 here's my little secret idiot👊😂. As i warned you, if you say pim! Wallahi na me and you in this.
The Alhaji Sani's family were their family friend since when baba was transfered to lagos. So they're more like family's now.
His family are way to perfection,they're humble and their home can be called HOME OF HOSPITALITY.
Where are katsinatians😂😂😂😂😂 yesso am i not correct? Katsinatians😂 #Home Of Hospitality. Congrats guys for the new amazing filter on snapchat,gosh it's breathtaking wallahi. If you're not from katsina kindly go and view all your snaps to get a glimpse of this awesome filter❤. Indeed katsina is Home of hospitality. Proudly katsinatian😂❤.
They nattered away for hours before ya Aysha barged in ummu's room abruptly interrupting the movie they were watching LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA "ummu you know we're waiting for you guys but you're here wnjoying your movie abi?"she said brusquely.
"We're sorry ya Aysha"they said in unison and followed suit.
The atmosphere in the car was tensed but they do have fun and lots more before they came back home.
"Oush! Iam tired wallahi aunty"said ummi while removing her loafers and her kimono.
"Indeed you must,lagos outings aren't easy woo,for a 30mins drive you'll spend almost 1hr in a go-slow"said aunty grievancely.
"Hmm bari kedai aunty,let ne go and fresh up before it's maghrib(muslim's prayer)"she excused her self. "Where's rabab aunty?"she asked at her door.
"She went to ummu's to play with zeenah but will be back anytime from now"aunty answered.
"Ohh i didn't see her today,i was sleeping when she went to school"
"she asked of you when she's back and she even starts her rigima wai i'm just covering it up but you went back to kaduna"
"Ahhh Allah sarki mon babè i miss her too"
"Yeeeeee ya ummi so you didn't went back to kaduna"rabab squealed.
"Yes lil sis how will i go back without you knowing"she answered smiling at the little girl's behaviour.
"Call mama please,i want to talk to her wallahi"she pouted making her best puppy face.
"Ok girl"and she dailed mama's number and handed the phone to rabab,they nattered away for hour before theh ended the call.
They prayed maghrib salat and ummi is still on her prayer mat.
"What is wrong with Al-amin? I've called his number but he didn't pick,texted him but all in vain,is he sick? Or did baba warned him to stop calling me because iam betrothed? Ohhh ya Allah please let the answer be No"and her phone's ringtone chirped in her thoughts. "Yee may be it's him"
Ummi:Ummusalma sani sanfu, what do you want now?
Ummu:haan! Can't i call to hear your voice?
Ummi:ummu please nake i rest,it's not like you didn't see me for a whole month.
Ummu:ummmmiiiii,well come and collect the movie you hidiot.
Ummi:alright my small friend,give it to rabab, i'll send her to your house,i don't have the energy to come and collect.
Ummu:ok bye hidiot.
She just laughed and ended the call, ummu can be incorrigible wallahi,and you can't stop laughing when your around her because of her barmy behaviours. She just love the girl and her two babies hair style😂.
Suddenly came ya yusuf's call,she picked and they nattered away for hours before it's time for isha'(muslim's prayer) that's when they hang up.
She prayed and went to eat her dinner,do the dishes and excused herself saying she's sleepy but deep inside she started worrying about Al-amin, why didn't he pick her call nor reply her text messages? This is not the Al-amin she knew, he'll text her if he's busy.
She finished her routine,chat on whatsapp,checked her instagram's posts and view her snaps. before she changed into her pyjama's it's already 11pm.
She plopped on her bed and decided calling him, " i know he's less busy now,even if he's busy all day"she thought and dial his number.
She called for the third but he didn't pick,she's now enrage with her behaviour of breaking the girl's law;Two missed calls per day.
She relentlessly dial the number again "this will be the last if he didn't pick wallahi"she murmured.
"Urgh! Please we need some privacy,you've been calling and texting him since but he didn't pay heed, aren't you a girl? Be classy please"comes a lady's suddenly after recieving the call,emphasizing the 'classy' and ended the call.
Ummk was baffled,she's totally bewildered,different thoughts rummage in her brain;who's this girl?, what does this mean?, is she not being classy the whole time?,Where is Al-amin?,is he probably there when the lady picked the call?........
Hey guys🙌
How is you?
How is school and exams?
Wish you the best of luck💞
So ummi had a crush on sadiq😂 i hope it won't turn out to be something more than that woo,though that was then,she now have Al-amin❤
Comments please..
Help me answer ummi's question..
Suggest yout idea of solving this problem,wallahi i don't know how to solve it.
Iam sorry for my in-line comments up there😂 if you didn't like it tell me,wallahi i'll stop writing it.
Where are my katsinatians? Hope you're okay guys? Most especially;Alqalamist❤.
Okay enough of my surutu....
Don't hesitate to....
Amd share please...
Soko jur🙌
Mi yidi ma❤
الجمعة مبارك💋
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