A/N:Ummy is her cousin sister while Ummi is our Aysha❤💋. Don't be ruminative🎀.

24th december

Ummi squinted her eyes and groggily get up from the bed, shooting daggers at Ummy for waking her up; though she's on her period. It started yesterday so today is the day for the pain.

"You're such a pain in the neck, you know i'm on my period" she yowled.

"Keh!its not my blankety-blank fault, Mama said i should wake you up,you know visitors were trooping in since yesterday, so breakfast things and all"

She just hissed and entered the toilet, bathe and exited the toilet.

"You're too sluggish" Ummy huffed. "i've been waiting for you since, but you're not ready up till now. It's almost 6, we have to go and help them with the breakfast, you should hurry up abeg".

"Hey young lady! i'm shagged yesterday and you waking me up at 5am is not an easy thing to cope with. Its either you wait for me or just leave me alone please, body no be firewood. You're such a nagger" Ummi snapped, applying lotions on her body.

"Will you please stop giving this your lame excuses? Because they will not be accepted here. It's better to make things snappy"Ummy retaliated.

She just headed to her closset and scavenge for a plain A-shaped ankara gown with its matching veil.

After she applied kajole. "Lets go"she hushed.


The house is boisterous.  Ugh! she hates crowd. Its 6am and already children were frolicking in every crevice and corner of the house. Some were crying while others playing with the higgledy-piggledy pure water sachets and so.

The Mashi's were there frying kosai(beans cake) and making pap(koko).The house is just loathsome.

They met Anty Murja at the kitchen already cooking for Mama's and Baba's special quests, so they will just be handhelp.

"Good morning Anty Murja" they greeted in unison.

"Morning kannen Amarya(morning brides sisters) you're already lushing wlh, it seems tare aka maku dilka da Amaryannan"she teased.

"Ahhhh, No Anty, i'm not lushing. May be Ummi is looking like that" Ummy said, smirking.

She snubbed what Ummy said and drifted to where Anty Murja was cooking.

"Anty what will we help you with" Ummi asked.

"No I'm ok, you guys look flaccid. Especially you"Anty Murja said, gesturing at Ummi.

"Yes Anty, i was soo tired yesterday and this good for nothing girl waked me up at 5am, while knowing i'm on my period and having menstrual cramps"she groaned, rolling her eyes at Ummy.

"Ohhh i'm so sorry sis, i did'nt know, i would'nt have wake you up" Ummy lamented, making her best puppy face.

"Its ok, lets hurriedly finish and you'll escort me to the hoslital before this cramp thing worsen"

They were cooking different types of dishes, Ummi was rummaging for a tray when her phone beeped. Notification sound.

A:hey! Good morning wifey, hope my breakfast will soon be on my door its 7:30 uno. Be a good wife please, and prepare for today; you know i told you its going to be crucial.

"Something most be wrong with this guy, what is he up to with the wifey things? anyway i will see what he is up to today, and its deadline no more till tomorrow. Ughh! This wifey things is really bizarre " she thought.

"Ahhmm Ummi, Mama said you should take this food to Hajia Asiya's son, you know where he is abi?"Anty Murja declared.

Wayyo ni! here they go.

"Yes Anty, he was my classmate, he's in Ya Yusuf's room. Ummy will you mind to escort me please" she stuttered, looking at Ummy ruefully.

"No. Why will i? just to Ya Yusuf's room shine sai anyi escorting dinki sannu princess (wehdone princess)"she blurted, sarcastically with a bow.

"It's not by force" she hissed and squirrel the nutella jar she was nibbling and advance to Ya Yusuf's room; where her husby is.Note the sarcasm.

She stood there for a while until she mustered to knock. Why is she acting like this? Afterall its Al-amin her friend-crush. Just be brave! Her inner conscience scolds.

When the door creak ajar a frisson of alarm ran down her spine.

"Ohhhh Wifey, so you're the one, sorry for making you wait this long dear" he smirked and winked.

"Omooo!what's wrong with this guy for godsake" she hushed.

"Come in please" he offered friskly, grinning. She can notice a triumphant expression on his face.

"No i'm ok. I'll take my leave"

He feign hurt and gave her a ruefull smile. "Don't tell me you've started your snubbing things please" she saw the plea in his eyes.

"No" she grinned. "I was just jesting, i'm kinda sick that's why" she informed, biting her lower lip; because this cramp is getting out of hand.

"OMG! Dear you should've told me, I am your husband and your responsibilities are laid on my shoulders"he smirked.

"Get out! Will you please stop this your bland blandishments? You're incorrigible, i'm in pain and you're there pranking on me"she gruffed and scooted out of the chamber.

"Ayshaaaaa wait" he called out. "I taught you were jesting, please wait" he yelled.

She scrammed to her room where she met Ummy applying make-up. She hissed and lay on her bed, groaning in pain.

"Ohhh Ummi is it the menstrual pain?"Ummy asked, symphatetically.

"Yeah Ummy, lets go please, i need to see a doctor before i faint and i really want to attend this dinner." She stuttered.

"See person; you're there sick but thinking about one dinner. Such an incorrigible person you're"

She was groaning in pain but still mustered and says "If you'll escort me fine, if not; i can go by myself"

"I didn't mean that, lets go." They shambled to the parking lot, but Malam Ummaru is no where to be found.

"Let me go and look for him, its 12noon may be he's with the gatemen." Ummi said and scrabbled to the gate.

She squat down there; massaging her lower abdomen with her right hand, when Al-amin scrammed to where she was.

"I'm sorry Aysha, lets go to the clinic please" he declared.

"I'm okay, Ummy will escort me, she went to look for Malam Ummaru"she answered, biting her lower lip. She does'nt want him to know what is the source of her illness.

There was a deathly hush when Ummy interfere.

"Ummi, Malam Idi said Baba sent him to get his visitors from the airport"

"Okay, lets go back inside and wait for him"

"How? you're in so much pain, let me talk to Mama, may be she can call someone to take us there" Ummy declared sympathetically.

"No need to. Let me take you" Al-amin offered.

Ummy sighed for relief while Ummi staggered to where their car was parked and entered. They zomed off immediately.



"Well.... Malama Aysha, we have to inject you because your pain is getting out of hand. Glad, you didn't faint today." Doctor Sama'ila informed.

She grips Ummy's hand frissonly, because injection is the last thing she wants to hear talkless of her being injected.

"You're her brother right?"asked doctor Sama'ila, addressing his question to Al-amin.

"Yes doctor." He answered, snubbing the hot glare Ummi sent his way.

"Well...i'll like it if its your dad, but you too can take his position" Doctor Sama'ila added, scribbling some words.

"Advisingly, i'll like you to marry her off; because that is the only solution for her to be okay. And this medications we're giving her are helping but at thesame time destroying her womb. So please inform your dad about this, her condition is getting serious to the point that when she kept taking medications and injections; I'm sorry to say, she might never conceive"

She petrifiedly looked up because what the doctor said is hair-rising. She shifted her gaze to Al-amin, he is stupefied too but he mustered to answer.

"Okay okay doctor, thank you very much." He stuttered.

They shaked hands and exited the office hushedly.


"You look flaccid since when we're back or is it because i heard your grizzles while they were injecting you huh?" Ummy asked, teasingly.

"Shut up please! What is it that you don't know about me? Don't you think what the doctor said is eccentric?" She asked gloomily.

"Hey! Don't let it purloin your peace, It's nothing, you can get married even tomorrow together with Ya Husna"she teased.

"Shgia(bastard) even if i can get married with who tho?" she asked curiously.

"Ahh with you fake brother now"she answered sarcastically and giggled.

"You're an arsehole, give me some space please, let me grief for what the doctor said in front of him, its totally bizarre. And besides; he didn't say he loves me, so stop dreaming young lady"

"But he do! From the way he looks at you passionately, wallahi he loves you, may be he's just afraid to tell you"

"We should wait and see, but there is nothing like love beetween us girl. I'm only crushing, may be he's there chilling with another babe"Agghh just the thought of it hurts.


Al-amin layed gloomily on Ya Yusuf's bed, reminiscing their encouter with the doctor.

He can't wait and watch her in pain, just because he's too small for marriage. Not that his age mates in Bugaje were not married, but socially it never happen with boys of his age in thier society.

He is ruminative, thinking of what will be the solution, and he can't watch someone take her as his wife.

May be he should just talk to Abba about it and solemnized their marriage with Ya Husna's, because Abba is always on his side and insha Allah he'll concurr even, if he discord he'll beseech him and he'll agree insha Allah.



The door creak ajar when Ya Husna entered Ummi's room with her salaam.

"Wa'alaikumus salam" Ummy answered.

She sat on the bedside where Ummi is soundly sleeping.

"How is she feeling?" she asked sympathetically.

"Alhamdulillah, she's feeling better now, if not for the injection; only god knows what will happen".

"Allah sarki my lil sis. I was at Baba Hamza's residence, we just came to take some things when Anty Murja told me, i have to scramly come and see her before we go back"

"Yeah, we intended to come but she fell ill but we'll be at the dinner" Ummy assured.

"Ok bye, Ummy wake her up before its late, its already 8:30, and the event will start by 9pm. Though there must be african time you know naija things"she giggled and exited the room.

"Ummi you should wake up and get ready for the dinner or are you not going anymore?"

She slowly squinted her eyes, hushed waking up supplication and get up, she feels all alive now. When pain is gone, life takes its place.

She entered the bathroom, took a shower and exited the bathroom. She find the make-up artist sent by Ya Husna making up Ummy's face.

"OMG! Ummy you look breathtaking even before its done"

She sat on the bed, applying some lotions when her phone beeped. Notification sound.

A:hey wifey! Hope you're preparing for the dinner? I'll wait for you at the parking lot. Can't wait to see you my angel. Remember today its gonna be special.

"What does this guy mean? He's not even ashame of what the doctor said, but he is here calling me wifey. Am eager to see what will make today special despite i was sick. Yes i was, because i'm totally ok now". She thought.

She didn't reply him and continue applying her lotions, but blushing her life out when Ummy chirped in her thoughts.

"Toh Mr.friend-crush, its your turn"sarcastically.

"Hey!mind your tongue please, i'm the eldest uno"

"Hahaha i can see, go  and sit down please, i don't want to be late"she moaned.

"Anyway sha, you look masha Allah"

"I know right" Ummy answered briskly.


She was in a sky and dark blue gown, looking gorgeous like ever. The lights made the stones on her gown to sparkle. She looks beyond words. The imagination is left to you, i'm not good at descriptions.

He was just glaring at her, mouth agaped; for he never seen such a beautiful, stunning, elagant,(any other word) lady in his 19yrs of life, until today. He was stupefiedly looking at her when she came over to him and waved.

"Ohhh sorry my queen, i made you wait. Its all you fault, you purloin my heart, brain and every other sense organ"he smirked.

"After only god knows minutes hiatus, you bring me back to real life" he winked.

"Ohhh! please stop it lets move on, they've already left" and she swayed to the passengers sit.They zoom off..


How the amarya looks and her ango is left to your imaginations, but they look bey.....gosh i'm out of words, just imagine.

They were facing each other, their hearts wildly beating against their chests for the love they have for each other, when Ummy came and took her away.

Some minutes later.....

He was rumaging around the humongous hall. He sighed when he saw her and moved to the table without hesitation, he grab her hand and hurriedly decamp from the hall.

He loosened his hold when they were at the terrace.

"We need to talk Aysha"

They headed to where they saw two chairs and sat down.

"I am all ears then.."

"You have to be scrupulous and shrewd please...."


"There is no pretending,
I love you,
And i'll love until i die, and if there is life after, I'll love you then"

"You're dazzling and gorgeous,
You're attractive and sensous,
you're beautifull and pretty,
You're stunning and lovely,
You're charming and hot"

"You always look pulchritudinous"

"Aysha, I love you alot....."

Ummi looked up baffled, startled, petrified and shriveled.

"Al-amin"she drawled.

"Aysha, please accept my love"

"I LOVE YOU" he accentuated.

"I'm afraid of falling in love again, afraid of being broken, living a depressed life, now that im mended"

"It's not like i'll not accept your love or i don't love you. I have to be astute before falling in love again. To love and later be broken; it's not an easy task" her eyes glisten with tears, threatening to fall.

"Promise me Al-amin, you'll never break me,;you'll always be by my side, you'll not leave me for another girl. Please." She sniffs between sobs....

"I promise you Aysha, i'll love you till my last breath, i'll never leave your side, i'll not leave you for another girl Insha Allah"

"Trust me Aysha, I Love You"

"I love you too"she hushed.

"OMG! Did you just said you love me Aysha? I love you more sweetheart. You're my heartbeat, my cuddle bug, my everything"

"Lets go home, you have to rest cuddle bug" he sterned.

Without hesitation she stood up and followed him. They zoomed off.


"Hey! You should wake up you sleepy head, your wedding has just being solemnized but you're here sleeping wake up and pray joorh" Ummy yelled, shaking her roughly.

"Hey! I'm not Ya Husna, incase you have an eye problem" she hissed and cover her face with her duvet. You know december's winter.

"Allah its you, you were married to that Al-amin guy" she informed friskly.

"What!?" She asked frissonly, baffled, petrified and startled.

Hellurh damsels🙋🙋🙋🙋

How's the book so far?
Hope you enjoy it?

This marriage thing is stupefying abi?
Waihh naga Ummi gidan miji and Al-amin the ango😂😂😂😂 it's going to be bizarre ai.

I'll not update so soon because exams is knocking on the door😢😢 need your prayers please.

For the ghost readers;you're doing an enourmous job for even reading my book but it will be captivating when you just tap that little star⭐.

i'll not update again until the votes and reads meets my satisfaction. You also have to share it please.

Comment your ideas and suggestions about this book please.

I've edited the whole book now and will be editing whenever i write a chappy.

So kindly go back and reread those chapters because i've edited many errors, it's erratic wlh🙈.

Was i sleeping while i wrote them? Oh hoo only god knows.

Iam sorry for any grammatical or typing error you'll or you've encounter/ed with.

I love you heaps💟💟🌸💖🎀💋💋💋💋

Don't hesitate to...

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