Fall time according to Phineas and ferb

 P;  I love fall all the leaves changing 

A leave falls on his head . It's from the tree next  door .  He looks up at the tree in his yard . I wish we didn't have a pine tree in our yard. I want a new tree. 

P:  Well that's not happening. We're stuck with it untill it dies 

F: Well accidents can happen. 

P: Ferb were not going to kill The tree 

F: O I would never do such a thing 

P; I am watching you 

F; Now you sound like Candce 

P; Well I am her brother. So probably am more like her than I realize . Candce hates the tree 

F; No kidding. She hates the world. I agree you are like Candce.  It's like your turning into her . 

P: It's a completely different thing when you say something Like that ferb .   

 F; Sure it is Phineas. Opps Looks I struck a nerve by comparing you to our sister .But it's the truth what I said . 

P: You know ferb a simple sorry would have worked . But no you go and make things worse . 

F; Woah Phineas , no need to get all angry on me . I didn't  do anything. 

P: You said it in away that insults me. This is your fault I am mad . 

F; Didn't mean it that way Phineas . The tree stays And that's final .

P; No . I wanted to tear  the tree down . I expect this coming for Candce not you .

F; Sorry I said it 

P; It's fine . 

F; What about we get rid of these pines the tree is dropping?

P; No this nature . Leave there. It's not bothering you . Do not  bother it .

P; O hello little ant .Don't step on it 

F; Why are You playing with it ?Put down Phineas . Phineas puts the bug down 

 P; Hey  ferb . Look at all these leaves .  There is pile  of leaves over there . They boys are looking at the leaves. I wonder how they change colors? Like it's so cool how they fall to the ground. I love all the bright colors out here . O look here's a red one .  Man I love collecting leaves. This is what fall is for. Glad we don't have make fall like the time we summer and fall together. O how I miss summer.   But at lest the wind is not to bad . 

F; Wow . I found  yellow one .We should count leaves 

P:No that would be boring . Well some ones chatty today .

F; Your right it would be . Sorry I will be quiet. 

P; no  please do talk more. Don't worry. We're going to find something to do. Just got think of a idea . Well maybe we can talk to leaves . 

C: Leave to Phineas and ferb to talk to leaves . I am the only not crazy one In this house . 

P; Technically perry is the lest crazy of us all Candce.  You are More crazy than we are . So just let us do our thing . We will stay out of your way sister. 

F; Well that's true .

C; No it's not 

P;  Everyone is crazy Candce . we are still trying to think about what to do. 

She leaves  angry at the boys for not  building yet . 

F: The weather is nice out 

P; No it's not is windy 

F: Well that's fall for you Phineas 

P: I wish I brought my sweatshirt before going on this morning walk with you . 

The Boys are walking around the park . 

F; Well I think you should have known it wasn't summer 

P: Well I am sorry for still thinking it is 

F; I can't believe it fall already 

P; Summer is gone . I love summer. It's so sad to be in school but not be able to physically hug everyone.. mom said no trick or treating can you believe that ? 

F;  no cant believe it but it's true no more summer . Fall can be fun too Phineas. 

P; O I found candy corn In the store . So we can eat that and watch movies .

F;  Let's watch it later 

P; No hate those movies .They are scary .

F; Fine we wilL see Halloween town instead . 

P; I dressed up anyway. I think your zombie costume is creepy. Well is better than your mummy one .

F; Or Isabellas fairy 

P; Or balljetts fire man 

F; Or BuferdS  raper .Gosh our friends have bad costumes.

P; It's like they don't  care about Halloween .They never dress up scary enough 

F; Only we do . We have the best costumes.  

P; Yep that's true . We made ourS ourself.It a shame .Candce hates them . Wish she like what made . She hates everything we do . He looks down at ground trying not cry . She always hurts my feelings on purpose ferb . I am not sure why she Hates what we do so much . 

F; Well you can't please everyone. O phineas i like our costumes .   Don't be sad she doesn't.  Let's not talk about this anymore . I can't have you sad on Halloween .  Don't list item to her . What ever she said about you or me is wrong . Are we still doing the movie night ?

P:Ok no more thinking about  candce. I am in  for the movie as long as there are no jump scares In it . 

F; no promises 

 P; Then count me out 

 F ;Hey i was joking with you . You will like  it . Come on Phineas. Don't make me beg you to watch the movie.  Well there might be creepy thing s in the mtovie .

 P; Ok /. I am not saying if i am watching with you. i am thinking  that you are  trying to trick me . If thats so then you can ask some else .  I am going to freak out if we do watch a scary one . Creepy things and me don't go well . This sounds like something you should watch with out me .

F; O Phineas don't be scard nothing will happen. if your feeling brave we can watch scary movie.  Come on .i will be there the whole time . 

P: Do you want me to get nightmares? I rather sleep well at night if we see a vimpre movie it will scare me .. if we see a zombie movie I will think well to . 

F; Boo

P: Ferb !

F; Get in the spirt Phineas.  This Is  Halloween .   Happy fall bro . I couldn't resist it  . 

P;;  he still recovering from the scare ferb gave him . You scard me . So badly . When you touched,me after you scard me . I thought you were one of those zombies that attacked us once . happy fall to you too . 

F; O that was a fun time . Just kidding Phineas. I hate those zombies.dont give me that look Phineas.Y ou were already scared , so technically I didn't scare you , you scared your self . You know you should give scary movies a try . You like twilight 

Phineas ; Yes it  is good . Isabella wanted to see it with me . I could  Nor sit through movie alone  . I had to leave the theater. It was to scary . She brought me back in and we watched it together. It was to scary. 

F; Well  Jacob is pretty cool . You got get over your fear  

P; Maybe anther day ferb . I am not ready to face my fear yet .

F; Ok this movie is not scary. It will be like watching twilight. 

P: I trust you . We can watch it after dinner .  You are smiling at me like you just fooled me . 

F; Ok Phineas. . Nope not tricking you phineas  .  i am happy  to see you thaT are willing to watch the movie . 

 P: Sure not  playing with me ferb ? I wish I could hug Isabella 

F;  yes . I am not . It will fun to see the movie later . you have to keep six feet apart . We cant do that yet .  Why do have Roses with you ? Are giving them to Isabella?

P; no . Why would I do that? We are just friends.    I  am bring flowers In house later. don't look at like that . They are for  for mom . Bringing them inside LAter .    The movie will  keep me distracted from other thoughts i have .  He starts crying thinking about all things he use to do with friends and can't do .   This virus has effected my life so much. I feel like it will never be a normal world again . 

F: know how you feel.   Good idea about  the flowers . how about we talk about something that will not make you cry ? Come on cheer up . There so much to do today. 

P; Ok .  I got nothing . Just hard to think about possible thing to do when I am limited to where I can go . 

F: Let's do something to celebrate fall 

P; O I know we could jump in leaves that's a great  idea . How about that ferb . You ready to jump in leaves . 

Balljett; Wait let's make candy apples too 

Buferd; No make popcorn that's pumpkin flavored . 

 P ; Let's combine all those ideas ferb .  They combine them in a invention they make . It mixes  up everyone's ideas.  And then they had to put new ideas in the invention. It worked after a few  mins after that . 

They jump in the leaves. Thsn they sing some fall songs . 

F : Irving stop taking pictures .

 Irving : fine . I will stop. 

I: omg . Balljett. Are you ok ? 

He slips on a rock . 

Balljett: ow that hurt . Nature hates me . I am fine . 

Buferd: He is  teasing His nerd . He is laughing at him and saying  Balljett got grass on him . 

Balljett; that's enough Buferd. I fell On the Rock. 

Buferd;  Only you would do that 

Balljett; My hat fell off. O come Buferd . You got to give me my jacket back 

P; Knock it off Buferd 

Buferd; Why is Phineas so angry? 

I; He Had it with you today. 

P; Ok . Now that everyone is listening let's go make some e candy apples ,

F; Yum .

Buferd; My stomach hurts 

P; Maybe you should go home Buferd 

Buferd: Ok nerd your coming? 

Balljett; Of course 

I; Feel better Buferd 

Buferd; Sorry about before 

P; Is fine . Get well soon 

I ; Phineas.She shivers . I want you to come closer.

Ferb sighs . F; When will she give up on him.

 F;  Oww. My foot . You stepped on it 

I; I heard that Insult. 

F; well I am sorry 

I:  Phineas is everything ok ? You been quiet. She shivers again .

P:  I am fine . Just was thinking about something. here take this . You look cold Issy. Why are you wearing a dress in this weather? You got goosebumps on your legs . I wish I had something to warm you up more . 

I; Thank you Phineas . It my costume. Next time I will wear a warmer coustome .  . Phineas. 

P; You welcome .  Your still cold? 

She shivers in response. And nods her head .

P; Come here , he hugs here . Please don't tell me your still cold after that .

They let go .

I; I am not cold anymore 

 P;  good to hear . Where would you be with me ?  

I : Probably sad in my bed 

P; I  don't think that true .You Would do well with your life.I might as well leave now .  You seem sad . Are you ok ? 

I ; You make me happy Phineas . Only you do. Nothing else in this world does . You are my world. To here you say you want to go  makes want to cry 

P; hey I am not going anywhere . You mean to much to me to leave. I am here Issy. Don't you cry 

I; Ok . As long your here . I will be ok 

P; Glad  to help Issy. 

. C; Hey Phineas where is jacket 

I ; Don't worry  Candce Phineas Gave to me .

C; Why would he  do that? Where is he ? I want bust him . Where's ferb ? F; hey Candce. I am here 

Cm; were You here the whole time ?

F; Yes . I am so quiet you never know where I am . I could be any where . C; that's Creepy.

I; It answer your question Candce. he is a good friend. You know Candce . You may hate your  brotherS but they are the best thing that ever happened to me. They are amazing. Phineas is in the bathroom . 

P; I don't think those apples were a good idea . The boys are back outside . 

F;I think we got bad apples 

P; Yess , that one definitely is a bad one 

F; Eww it has worm in it 

P; I am never eating apples again 

F: This is so not our best idea 

P; Well at lest we got to do what everyone wanted to do today 

F; That's true . Well let's go in side your looking cold Phineas 

P; Well i have to blame my self for this 

F; True . They get inside 

 I: Bye Phineas. 

P: Bye Isabella 

I; O should  give this back . She Is holding the jacket in her hands . 

P; No keep it 

I; Ok thanks Phineas. 

P; Have a good day 

I: You too See you Tom 

P: Yep untill then my friend.

I ; One more thing Phineas 

P; Yes Issy 

I ; Your very cute when you get all flushed 

P: Thank you . He blushes 

I ; you just proved my point . She smiles at his cuteness. I will go now . Got get home . Pinky needs a walk.

P; Ok . Have fun .  He was still a little flushed from Isabellas comments.Hey why are you looking at me like that ?

F; You should have told her you get her a new jacket 

P: I don't Think that's what she wanted . I  think I gave her what she wanted 

F: you got no idea what she really wants . You can't give  her until you understand her feelings about you. 

P; What ? 

F; Never mine Phineas 

P; Ok , well let's go nap before mom gets home O good the food is ready I am hungry 

C; I am not eating this food 

F;i like it . it's good meat ,

M; thanks . 

P:  it is better than. Moms meatloaf . Not that that's bad. It's just dry some times 

F: true .  

P: Go on try it . We are eating. Grab a fork . It's good . 

C; Well I will try it . Eww . I am eating  cereal instead .

Mom: There's a shocker . When do not like what I make 

P; Come on mom you know she loves her cereal 

M; Well I can see that . 

Candce;  stop looking me 

F; Why not leave while we can Phineas 

P ; I agreed 

C; What you do Phineas .I can't get up .

P; Ha ha .glad we glued her to the seat 

F; Me too 

P; Have good night 

F;You too Phineas. 

C: Open this door now 

P, Candce how did you get out the chair ?

C; I had to cut off of me with a saw .Not happy worth you two .

P;  He is already intimated by Candce   And she started yelling at him .Look Candce we're sorry.you hated our prank . 

F; We just wanted to make you smile 

C ; Well you made  Me angry

P; we didn't mean to hurt you . We're sorry.

C;Look you too better not pull this stunt again. if you do you will  regret it . It's ok Boys . Just don't do it a second time.  

F; Why would we do it again? 

C;  Maybe because you want to prank Me  again.  If you do this again . I will hurt you so badly that you will not walk for days . 

P; Is that threat for both of us ?

 C; No just for ferb . For  you Phineas. I got something else in store 

F; hey punish us together. If must do that . 

Nope . I like to do it separate. Unless Phineas says otherwise. 

 P;  I am fine with what you got do 

C; well Thsn separate it is . Now Phineas you ready to her the trouble you will be in if you do this trick again? 

P; yes . now I am scared  . What do got plain to do to me ? I worry it might be something that will hurt me . 

 C; O Phineas when are You not scared  of me yelling at you . You should be , more aware of how you hurt others . You look terrified Phineas. It's funny to see how scared you get when I say things.Ferb you look so pissed Off . Like all the time you do . Do you have any emotions ever? You never smile. . Your always so weird and quiet. You got weird green hair . 

P; hey don't talk to ferb like that . Have some respect for us . 

  C; you are something else.  I will insult who I want wen I want . Phineas you talk on and on . I have head ace from you . My god do you ever shut up. 

P; say sorry .

F; your hurting my feelings 

C; ok .' I am sorry, but you guys are still annoying. You got to stop driving me insane.  No I am not sorry . You guys ruin everything. You should feel bad about everything you done . You guys are perfect. You got a perfect life . I fail at everything. You are being so good at everything.is so annoying. Just stop being so happy always that's another thing  about you guys . 

P;Nobody's perfect. We are not perfect. Our life isn't perfect. We are far from perfect. We make mistakes we are humans. We are just like you . We aren't much different.  We be young  but we're not stupid. We want respect from you .  And I am not sure want to know what you want to punish me with. 

C;  Well your getting busted if you do that again . I will punish you worse than ferb .

P; ok . We get it . No more pranks . Good night Candce 

C; Night Phineas 

F;  Night Candce 

C; Night ferb 

P: Hey ferb glad she left 

F: Me too 

P: Now we can get some rest 

F; True 

F: Night Phineas 

P; Night ferb 

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