Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
-Nehemiah 8:10
Despite everything that he had been taught his entire life, Alooc found himself doing the exact opposite.
"You've almost got it. Reach a little higher! I can't stand any taller. Stretch out those little arms, boy!" the demon called out in encouragement, attempting to hold Jack-Jack even higher.
"I-I almost got it!" The little boy grunted as his fingers brushed across the bottom of the apple he was trying to reach. Several more failed attempts caused him to burst out laughing. "I'm too short, Za! Throw me up! Up high!" He flailed his arms, flapping them like he was a bird attempting to take flight for the first time.
Alooc instantly pulled his hands out from underneath Jack-Jack's feet, catching the squealing boy as he fell. It was amazing just how small that he was; just by holding him, ready to toss him in the air, the demon could feel every bit of Jack-Jack's bones. Like he was paper, Alooc tossed him up into the tree. Jack-Jack's legs kicked both and forth as if he was running in the air, another shout of excitement slipping from the boy as his hands finally closed around the apple that he had wanted the second his eyes had laid on it. Jack-Jack shouted as his glasses flew from his face. Catching the boy with one arm, Alooc snatched his glasses from the air. The child laughed as he was swung onto the demon's large shoulder, comfortably sitting on the muscle with both his glasses and apple in hand.
"Thank you, Za!" the boy smiled, already speaking through a mouthful of apple.
"No problem, kiddo." Alooc patted his knee before continuing their hike up a hill.
This was becoming a problem. And the Demon Lord was growing steadily more aware of it as time passed. The child, the sick, dying child that he had brought along with him for some unknown reason, was beginning to grow on him. Through all of his smiles, tears, and laughter, somehow Jack-Jack had managed to worm his way into his cold, stone heart. Somehow, by trying to help the child deal with the pain of losing everything that he had known to the Orcs that had attacked his family, Alooc had begun to lose the Demon part of him. He could feel it. There was this... light that was starting to grow inside of him. Right where his heart should be full of darkness and blackness, it was starting to glow with purpose and... happiness.
And that was bad. While the effects had yet to take shape, he had heard of stories. Demons that fell in love died; the love melted the darkness that protected their heart and immortality. They shriveled into the centuries old being that they were. Alooc didn't plan on dying again anytime soon. And certainly not right now when there was too much going on that he didn't understand. While the ash did not seem to be his problem, Legion claimed that it was the Demon Lords' problem.
Besides, the human boy needed him.
They had crossed miles since Alooc had found Jack-Jack. Their days were consumed with walking on every piece of terrain that Alooc could imagine. Well, Alooc did the most walking and carried the boy whenever he grew tired, which was happening faster as time progressed. The mountains had cleared from looming earth to rolling hills. Jack-Jack acted as if he had never seen anything before. He pointed to everything, questioning what it did, what it's purpose was. The boy woke every morning before sunrise just so he could enjoy the colors that painted the skies. If anything dangerous crossed their path, Alooc took care of it, hiding the boy somewhere so nothing would happen to him.
Jack-Jack still didn't know that he was traveling with a Demon Lord. And he wasn't going to know if the Demon Lord had a choice in the matter. Alooc wasn't sure how the child would react. Jack-Jack might be too young to understand the fear he should have in the proximity of Alooc, but something told the shape-shifter that Jack-Jack understood he shouldn't be near either, like angels and demons. The boy's health was fragile too. Telling him might cause his health to be even worse.
Being a demon didn't matter though. Alooc would find the group of humans and he would give them Jack-Jack. Hopefully they could take care of the child so Alooc could do his job. That safe haven wasn't going to find itself.
Alooc grunted in acknowledgement. He wasn't completely used to being called this Man's name. His demon name would be too recognizable to use. "What's wrong, kiddo?"
"You never told me where we're going."
"When we get there, I'll tell you. I don't really know where we're going either."
Patting Alooc's head, Jack-Jack made a confused noise. "But how do you know which way to go then?"
That part was actually rather simple; Alooc was retracing the steps that Zahara took when he was alive. Before he had died, Zahara had traveled with the group that Alooc was looking for. He was hoping that sooner of later he would be able to reach their camp. If not, that would be when he would shift, eventually flying as high as he could until he spotted for whatever he was looking for.
Taking a hand, Alooc banged it against his solid chest. "I feel it in here, kiddo. I just follow this thing."
The boy stared at him. Alooc was about to ask him what was wrong when Jack-Jack said something that almost made him shit his pants: "How do you follow something when it doesn't have a heartbeat?"
"My heart is beating the same as yours."
Jack-Jack shook his head. The Demon Lord had stopped walking from surprise by this time, and the boy motioned to be let down. Once his little feet had touched the ground, he pointed at his own heart. "Mine has a pulse. Yours doesn't. I can't ever feel it. When you got cut the other day from those thorns, you never bleed. I did." The boy lifted his arm, showing the scratches that he had gained from their travels. The marks had scabbed over like they were supposed to. "Yours didn't even scar."
"You're an observant little kid," Alooc said carefully. He had never considered it until this moment; what if this little human boy wasn't actually human? It was possible. "What else do you know?"
"You don't answer to Zahara. The animals in the forest run from you. You're stronger than what you should be. You're not alive." Narrowing his eyes accusingly, Jack-Jack crossed his arms. "What are you?"
Alooc laughed. "Kiddo, you don't want to ask questions you don't want to know the answer too."
"I'm not that young," Jack-Jack scoffed. "I'm six years old."
"Oooooohhhhhh! Six years old! Soooooo old!" Alooc laughed again. Jack-Jack frowned at him and Alooc shook his laughter away, crouching down to the child's height. Ruffling his dirty blond hair, Alooc gave him a brief smile. "It's better that you didn't know what I am, kiddo. There are some things, no matter how old that you get, that you shouldn't know. Maybe, when the time is right, you'll find out."
"When will that be?"
"I don't know, kiddo. Hopefully never."
Another frown stretched across Jack-Jack's face, but he didn't push for more answers. The child refused to be picked up as Alooc began to start walking again. Letting him win that argument, the Demon Lord and Son of Adam continued through the hills.
It was hours later, when the sun was just beginning to set, that one said something. Even Jack-Jack had refused to speak when he had become tired, instead pulling on Alooc's hand to signal that he needed to rest. By now the hills had settled out, being replaced with a prairie. The open space caused Alooc to grow paranoid and almost everything made him grab at his chains for a weapon. Jack-Jack had just woken when Alooc noticed something along the horizon.
"Something is coming our way. Something big," he announced, staring at the shape. It was getting bigger as time passed. It was still too far away for Alooc to be sure of what it was, however. He wrapped his hands around the chains, placing Jack-Jack on the ground. "Hey, go hide for me. Don't come out unless I tell you, kiddo."
The boy nodded, racing toward some grasses. Alooc didn't begin to move forward until he made sure that Jack-Jack was out of view. Pulling free the chains, he snapped out the axes connected at the ends, so he could access them easier. Now he could see the shape.
At first, he thought that it was Coyote racing toward him. Large and dog shaped, he assumed that his fellow Demon Lord was perhaps going to tell him something. But then he realized something. Coyote would never do that for him, nor would have any of the other Demon Lords. So something else that was huge and doglike was coming toward him, fast. How many things did he know-
He skidded to a halt before Alooc, brilliant green eyes sparkling like they had been replaced by gems. A bit smaller than Coyote, the pitch-black wolf was no less scary than what the other Demon Lord was. His fangs shone bright white against his fur. Just looking at them made Alooc's skin prickle. Drool fell from his long, pointed snout decorated with scars. Pointed ears stood straight in the air as a black nose twitched furiously. The wolf's tongue, gray in color, darted out to lick his pearly white fangs before disappearing again into his mouth, his slight shift in movement causing the ground to tremble just a little. But, overall, the giant beast was clearly nervous about something.
"Ah, Fenrir, I see that you have still not gotten over your irrational view of chains," Alooc exclaimed with a knowing smile. Once upon a time, when Fenrir was with the other Norse legends, they had tried to trap him in chains; Fenrir was immediately skittish just by seeing them.
The wolf Demon growled. "I fear less than you do," it grunted, black fur bristling. He started to pace around Alooc, ears continuously flicking up as if he heard something. "Why are you a Son of Adam, my fellow demon?"
"It's none of your business, fellow demon."
"Oh, but it is." The wolf moved like silk around Alooc at a slow pace, each step calculated. If it wasn't for the point that he would use those sharp fangs, he almost appeared to be a fluffy stuffed animal his fur was so shiny and perfect. "We both share this planet at the moment. You have to remember that we are equally powerful shape-shifters. Unless you would like to try to see who would be stronger once again." A wolfish grin spread across Fenrir's snout.
It was tempting. Fenrir was a powerful demon that could possibly overtake one of the titles of the Demon Lords, but his preference to be alone caused him to miss out on the opportunity. Occasionally, when he did cross paths with the Demon Lords, he harassed them to the point of a skirmish. Alooc could never figure out if he was stronger than he looked or if he just enjoyed playing tricks that much. Their last match had resulted in both walking away, unable to get the other to bow. Based on how Fenrir had fought then, they had matched in strength. If he really wanted, he could probably defeat Mormo or Coyote.
But Alooc had other responsibilities than just himself at the moment. "I will have to pass, Fenrir. I have places to be."
The wolf's nose twitched. The Demon Lord was reminded of what Fenrir was; he was a predator. It occurred to Alooc that the other demon could most likely smell Jack-Jack. The brief, split-second glance that Alooc spared in the boy's direction was just enough to prove to Fenrir that what he smelt was true. A smile spread across the wolf's snout, his black lips pulling up to show the shining fangs that rested underneath. A predator. The demon that was standing across from Alooc was one of the best predators, one of the absolute best.
Like a bolt of black lightning, the wolf disappeared, reappearing carrying a struggling bundle in his smiling maw. Fear shot through Alooc unlike he had ever felt before. Jack-Jack. The boy screamed, trying to free himself from the wolf.
"Put him down!" Alooc roared.
Another sickly sweet wolfish grin came across Fenrir's muzzle, his fangs holding on to the boy's shirt too well. "Oh, why is that? Could it be because the great and powerful Alooc finally has feelings for something? Remind me again what they are called, boy?" He gently shook Jack-Jack, causing him to scream.
That caused Alooc to snap.
So much for Jack-Jack not knowing what he is.
With another roar, Alooc leapt from the ground with a surge of power. The rush that he felt from his demon side felt delicious; he hadn't interacted with that part of himself for at least two weeks now. Power flowed through his veins like he had drank liquid fire as he shifted into a cheetah. It pumped even faster as his limbs began moving. His eyesight instantly became sharper as he focused on Fenrir, who immediately encouraged a chase, Jack-Jack screaming as he was bounced to and from in the wolf's jaws. Along with the power, anger flared through him. Fenrir was in some deep shit now.
Like a playful puppy, Fenrir began running. What game was this demon playing? Fenrir was famous for them; he had spent his life evolving events around the drama with games and made sure to torture everyone else with his fascination. Separating the game from the rest of the world was not his style. Well, Alooc would have to rip that away from him.
Alooc threw himself forward. Again, he was shifting, the bones breaking and snapping as the sinew twisted into a new form. The second that his paws touched the ground, he was speeding through the grass. It parted like the sea for him as his sleek, lithe form slipped through the plants. Muscles pumping, Alooc had caught up with the wolf before too long. He matched pace with Fenrir. His anger climbed when he saw the playful smirk that grew across Fenrir's jaws. Jack-Jack screamed again, only causing Alooc's anger to flare even more.
"Oh, so you're going to be a cat, hm? Well, let's see who's faster! The wolf or the cheetah!"
Jack-Jack's voice echoed by as Fenrir suddenly pulled ahead with speed that Alooc didn't know that he possessed. Alooc faltered for a second. He only gained the powers of the form that he took with some extra bonuses like being a little stronger, while Fenrir had mastered his skills for centuries. Cheetahs could only go but so fast. But Alooc wasn't going to let Fenrir kill Jack-Jack. If Fenrir kept Jack-Jack, then he would surely die. That was not going to happen.
Straining, Alooc used all the strength that he could muster to catch up to the wolf. He had too. Despite everything that Alooc had been raised to do, Jack-Jack had grown on him unlike any other thing in his entire life. Fenrir was not going to kill that boy as long as Alooc was alive.
His cheetah form ate the distance between the two of them. What he couldn't tell, however, was if he was actually as fast as Fenrir or if his desperation in saving Jack-Jack played a large part in his speed. But, once he had matched Fenrir's strength, the wolf glancing at him in surprise as tears streamed down the young boy's face, Alooc realized that he now faced a major problem. How was he supposed to save Jack-Jack from the wolf's jaws without hurting him? In frustration, Alooc hissed and lashed out at the wolf demon to gage his reaction. Fenrir bounced almost playfully away, changing direction and causing Alooc to chase down the demon all over again.
What was he to do? Panic surged through Alooc's veins like the anger that had raced before. What to do, what to do? At least the cheetah was truly able to keep up with Fenrir, but Alooc was beginning to have the sinking feeling that the wolf was toying. Every now and then Fenrir would glance over his shoulder, teeth flashing. Being a powerful demon, there was no way that he couldn't outrace Alooc in this form. Shit, what was he supposed to do?
A shadow passed over Alooc, a simple, fleeting darkness that he didn't think twice about as he wondered how to save the boy. Attempting to dart in front of Fenrir to slow him, Alooc howled as Fenrir continued to run. Fenrir's weight slammed the Demon Lord to a bone-shattering halt. Pain rippled through Alooc as he felt his ribs first splinter from the weight and pressure, his spine snapping seconds later to leave Alooc a flopping mess as his limb body fell to the ground. His stupid decision of crossing paths with Fenrir instantly had a terrible effect on poor Jack-Jack. The jolt loosened Fenrir's careful grip on the boy's clothes, causing the slim fabric to rip through the wolf's teeth at the movement. Screaming, Jack-Jack went flipping in the air, the wolf spinning around to catch him. But, Alooc already knew.
Neither one of them were close enough to save the boy.
Yowling in agony, Alooc's claws dug through the dirt as he attempted to pull himself from the ground, already feeling the bittersweet snapping as his bones healed themselves too slowly for him to save Jack-Jack. Even as Fenrir dove, teeth casting the sun's rays blindly, he too was too slow. Everything was just too slow. He had known that child for such a short amount of time, but Jack-Jack had made an imprint. For the first time, Alooc had actually felt alive and the person that had caused it was about to splatter onto the ground in a heap of broken bones.
Another shadow passed across the sun, so fast that it felt like Alooc had blinked. Blinks, however, did not cause a griffin to come spinning from the sky. In a flash of black feathers and glistening golden eyes, Jack-Jack's plummet was stopped with a simple scoop. With one mighty flap of its wings, the griffin had zipped back into the sky, blocking the sun once more with its body. Relief spread through Alooc when he saw the boy safely in the griffin's claws.
"Get back here, you damned Guardian!" Fenrir, as if he had completely forgotten about the Demon Lord, howled at the griffin. The mighty black wolf leapt up for the griffin. His jaws snapped close with a clapping noise, the griffin hardly moving more than an ear. Jack-Jack screamed in fear. "Give me back my prize! Keep your nose out of my business!"
Tucking in its wings slowly, the griffin turned its body toward the ground, almost delicately landing on the ground a few seconds later after it had placed Jack-Jack on the ground beside it. Alooc's body had healed by now and he stood, ears perked expectantly. A man, built largely with muscles that looked too big for a human and with snow white hair, stepped from the griffin. Fenrir approached, lips pulled back to reveal his fangs threateningly. The black creature once again flapped its wings, sending its body slamming into Fenrir milliseconds later. Their snarls and growls devoured the area.
Relief had spread across Alooc so quickly that it had caused him to shift back into Zahara; it had taken every fiber in his being not to become his real self. Jack-Jack immediately ran to him. Once he was close enough, Alooc scooped the boy into his arms.
"I-I was so scared," Jack-Jack spluttered as he clutched to Alooc's dreadlocks, shaking in fright.
Holding the small boy close to him like he could slip away, Alooc couldn't help to remember how small and sickly Jack-Jack was. Fenrir could have snapped him in half with a twitch of his muscle. The boy's fright caused a protective flare to overcome him and he turned his gaze to the man that had been riding the griffin. At first, due to the shivering child in his arms, Alooc didn't realize who the man was. After a moment, Alooc felt his blood run cold.
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