" Violet what if we put Samantha in the back next to Cassie?"
" That could work. Samantha switch places with Lilly." The girl named Samantha grumbled as she moved to from front line to the back. " Now now Samantha don't be like that, every one should have the opportunity to be at the front."
" Okay. Perfect!" Caroline cheered and began handing out forms for competition. " Okay this competition isn't a nationals but it will help up practice our routine and help calm the nerves of the newbies of the team. So bring your forms back once they are signed."
The team nodded and dispersed, it was a three hour long cheer practice and they weren't happy about it. " Do you really think this competition is going to be a good idea?"
" Vi it has to be. We just have to work with them."
" I know Care but they have to work with us too. It's not just a one way street." Violet replied as the girls walked through the corridor, they could both feel all eyes on them as they talked.
" I know. How about we throw a party? The animal attacks have stopped ever since Allisons dad shot the mountain lion. So there's no curfew anymore."
" Okay. Where would we have it?" Violet questioned as she walked into the cafeteria. " Your parents won't allow it at yours and neither will me dad so...."
" How about the woods?"
" The woods?"
" Yes Dean Samson use to hold is parties there all the time. Remember?" She winked at me, i giggled picking up an apple.
" Okay. We'll do it."
''Still not talking to me?" Scott rolled his eyes. "Okay, can you at least tell me if your dad's okay? It's just a bruise, right? Some soft tissue damage?" He was again met with complete and utter silence. "Nothin' that big - You know I feel really bad about it, right? Okay. What if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out, and - That I went to Derek for help?"
" If I was talking to you, I'd say that you're an idiot for trusting him. But obviously I'm not talking to you." Stiles said and Scott gave him a look making the boy sigh. " What did he say?"
After Scott explained everything leaving Stiles confused and utterly done with the whole werewolf thing. "Wh - he wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?"
"Yeah. "
"All right, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that, you try to kill someone, and that someone's usually me."
"I know. That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it." Scott said as they both walked through the halls.
"Well, how's he gonna teach you to do that?"
"I don't know. I don't think he does either."
"Okay. When are you seeing him again? "
"He told me not to talk about it. Just act normal and get through the day. "
"When?" Stiles asked irritated.
"He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work. "
"After work. All right, well, that gives me to the end of the school day then."
"To do what?"
Stiles put his hand on his hips. "To teach you myself. "
"The what of who? " Lydia questioned as Violet, her and Allison sat down to have lunch together.
"The beast of Gevaudan. Listen. " Lydia rolled her eyes and began to eat her pudding cup. " A quadruped wolf - like monster, prowling the Auvergne and south Dordogne areas of France during the year 1764 to 1767. La Bete killed over a hundred people, becoming so infamous that the King Louie the 15th sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it."
"Boring." Lydia muttered earning a pea being thrown at her forehead. She glared at Violet who just told her to listen and shut up.
"Even the church eventually declared the monster a messenger of Satan."
"Still boring. " Lydia continued which earned a kick from underneath the table.
"Cryptozoologists believe it may have been a subspecies of hoofed predator, possibly a mesonychid."
"Slipping into a coma" bored." Lydia wouldn't be stopped so Violet just gave up and took a swig of her orange juice.
"While others believe it was a powerful sorcerer who could shape - shift into a man - eating monster."
"Any of this have anything to do with your family? " Violet said getting quite bored herself.
" This. "It is believed that la Bete was finally trapped and killed by a renown hunter who claimed his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature." His name was Argent."
"Your ancestors killed a big wolf. So what? " Lydia said in a bitchy tone.
"Not just a big wolf. Take a look at this picture. What does it look like to you? " Allison turned the worn out book around to show the girl's the pictures. The Stilinski girl froze alone with Lydia as they both looked at the red eyes the animal held.
" Lydia? Vi?" Allison questioned.
"It looks - like a big - wolf. See you in History. " Lydia said getting up in a hurried fashion.
" And you?"
" Allison I think it's just a story to make children scared." The girl got up, ready to go back to class. " And I really think you should stop reading it, you'll get caught up in something that you'll never know how to get out of."
Violet hoped Allison would stop reading the book, the more she keeps digging, the more it'll get worse. "I think the book's making it more obvious. Besides, she's reading, anyway. " Violet told the boy as she saw him hiding behind a big ass book.
"So did you come up with a plan yet? " He ignored the girl who just sent him a glare.
" I think so."
"Does that mean you don't hate me now? " Scott eyes were full of hope as he asked.
"No. But your crap has infiltrated my life, so now I have to do something about it. Plus I'm definitely a better Yoda than Derek."
" Seriously Star Wars reference?" Violet questioned being ignored again.
"Okay, yeah, you teach me. "
"Yeah, I'll be your Yoda. "
"Yeah, you be my Yoda. "
"Your Yoda I will be. I said it backwards. "Violet rolled her eyes eyes and went to get up from the table.
"Yeah, I - I know. "
"All right, you know what? I definitely still hate you. " Stiles said following Violet out of the room, with Scott trailing behind.
" So you have the beer?" Violet asked as she held the phone up to her ear.
" Yep and I have food."
" Gotta love food. Are we having a bonfire?"
" Definitely. As long as we don't get busted or any knife wielding maniacs we'll be fine."
" Great talk to you tonight." Violet hung up the phone and turned the corner to see Jackson and Allison.
" What are you reading?" She heard him say, she frowned when has he ever shown an interest in her?
"Oh, hey. Just stuff for a history project. You have a free period, or.."
"No, I - I just don't like sitting through Chem. " Jackson answered.
"Understandable. Did - did you want something?" Jackson slid down next to the girl who was still reading her fairytale book.
"Actually, um, yeah. I wanted to talk. I realize that I've been a jerk to you. And especially to Scott. And I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I'm serious. " Jackson lied which made Violet smirk.
"Okay. I - I believe you're being serious, but I'm not so sure I believe you're being sincere."
"Do you know what it's like to be the best player on the team? To be the star? To have every single person at the game chanting your name? And then - some kid - Some kid just comes along, and then everyone starts looking at him instead of you. Do you know what that feels like? "
"No, I don't. "
"Well, it feels like something's been - It feels like something's been stolen from you. And then you start to feel like you'd do - anything. Anything in the world to get it back." Violet smirk was wiped off her face, he just poured his heart out to a girl he hardly knows.
"Haven't you ever learned there's no "I" in "team"? Jackson: Yeah, but there is a "me." Ha. That was a joke. Gosh. You must really, really hate me."
"Not at all. "
"You sure? Because - I'm not a bad guy. I mean, yeah, I make stupid mistakes. A lot, but - I'm not bad. I really like you. " He said as he stared at her. " And - and Scott. I really - I really like you both, and I want you guys to like me. I want to get to know you guys better. So - what are you reading? "
" You've got to be fucking kidding me." Violet muttered as she watched the two continue to talk until the bell. She walked away tears in her eyes.
She just no realised what a jackass Jackson is and now her best friend will hate her because she thought he was the perfect guy.
She was back at it again. Punching and kicking. Derek was frowning not happy that he's losing again.
He took one swipe and she was down but she took him down with her and he got kneed in the balls. " Seriously? Would you stop with that!"
" Sorry shit day."
" I've noticed. What happened? A cheerleader stole your pom pom?"
She laughed shoving him slightly. " No but if they did, there would be a lot of hair pulling."
" So what it is?" Derek questioned, she rubbed her face as she sat on the couch.
" Jackson. I'm a terrible person because I should of never done what I did with him in the first place and now their are feelings, icky feelings and I'm vulnerable and he's good at using that and twisting it because that's what he does with Lydia...
And you have no idea how many times she has come to me crying about him but what do I do? I sleep with him and get icky feelings and he says he has these feelings but the minute Allison Argent walks through the door he's pouring his heart out, trying to make himself the damaged one and soon she'll get into his bed and then she'll get the icky feelings and I just want to rip her throat out."
" Okay. A little bit extreme over some jealously but..."
She cut him off. " I'm jealous. Oh god I'm jealous of Allison Argent. That has to be the most tragic thing in the world."
" Vi! You have nothing to be jealous of. Your Violet the sassy, bitchy party girl who can kick ass."
" But Derek he told me everything I wanted to hear and all those words and hookups made feelings and I don't do feelings, I don't do trust. I don't let people in and I let him in and it just going to get messy."
" Well end it. He's just going to get in way." Derek said back to being his sourwolf self.
" Lovely pep talk. Same time next week?" Violet joked making him glare, rolling her eyes she got off the couch only for her phone to ring.
Derek was going to speak but she held her hand up and answered the phone. " Caroline problem?"
" No but Lydia found out we were having a party and she invited everyone."
" Okay what's the problem with that?"
" When I say everyone, I mean the whole school including the lizard club."
" It'll be fine. The woods is a big place. Now I gotta go." She hung up the phone and tossed it on the couch.
" A party in the woods? Really?"
" What? The alpha isn't going to come and attack a huge group of kids. Stop worrying, it will add another frown line to an already crowded forehead."
" Violet the Alpha doesn't care."
" Great neither do i." She told him grabbing her bag and phone.
" You should Violet. You could get hurt."
" The only things getting hurt is my liver and boys hearts." She told him and left the house to go get ready for the party.
"Scott, you're late again. I hope this isn't getting to be a habit. " Deaton said as entered the reception to find someone other than Scott. "Can I help you? "
"Hope so. Want to know about the animal you found with the spiral on its side? "Derek questioned the vet.
"Excuse me? What animal? "
"Three months ago. The deer. You remember this? " Derek getting impatient pulls out a picture of a dead deer and slams down on the desk for the man to see.
"Oh, yes. It's just a deer. And I didn't find it. They called me because they wanted to know if I'd ever seen anything like it. "
"What'd you tell 'em? "
" told them no. "
"Did you hear that? "
"Hear what? "
"The sound of your heartbeat rising. " Derek answers.
"Excuse me? "
"It's the sound of you lying. " Derek grabbed a hold of his collar. The doctor panicking.
"Oh, God. "
"Are you protecting someone?"
"All right. The key to the drug locker is in my pocket. "
"I don't want drugs. I want to know why you're lying. "
"I don't know what you're talking about. What are you doing to me? What do you want? "
"I want to know who you are or who you're protecting. "
Scott comes rushing in to find Deaton being held up by Scott. "What are you doing? "
" Scott, get out of here! " Deaton shouts.
"Stop! Stop! " Scott shouts but Derek has already knocked him out cold.
" Look, when he's conscious, he can keep himself from healing, but unconscious, he can't. "
"Are you out of your mind? What are you talking about? "
" You want to know what the spiral means, Scott? It's our sign for a vendetta, for revenge. It means he won't stop killing until he's satisfied. "
"You think he's the Alpha? " Scott frowned not liking Derek's theory.
" We're about to find out. ".
"Hit him again, and then you'll see me get angry. " Scott threatened, Derek dropped the Vet back down.
"Do you have a plan? "
" Just give me an hour. "
"Then what? "
" Meet me at the school. In the parking lot. " Scott told him to which Derek reluctantly agreed too.
Violet slid her boots on. The finishing touches to her outfit. Her hair was perfectly curled as per usual. She wore her black jeans and a flowery crop top. Her nails were painted blacked and her make up game was perfect.
" You ready Care?" The blonde walked out the bathroom, a smile at her friends outfit choice.
" I'm so ready."
The girls laughed as they entered the woods, they could hear the music and smell the bonfire. They haven't done this in a long time.
"This is a terrible idea. " Stiles pointed out pissed that he had to do this. He would rather be at the party his sister is throwing.
"Yeah, I know. "
"But we're still gonna do it? "
"Can you think of something better? "
"Well, personally I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until eventually it just goes away. " Stiles answered, his arms folded.
"Just make sure we can get inside. He's here. " Derek pulled up to the two teenagers, emotionless expression plastered on his face ."Where's my boss? "
"He's in the back. " The boys frowned as they saw that the cat was taped up and gagged.
" Oh, well, he looks comfortable. " Stiles sarcasm reached Derek's ears but he and Scott chose to ignore it.
Scott began to walk away and up towards the school. " Wait. Hey. What are you doing? "
"You said I was linked with the Alpha. I'm gonna see if you're right."
Violet laughed as she had another shot and placed it on her growing pile of plastic shot glasses.
She began to pour another shot but stopped when her phone began to buzz. Sighing she looked at the message from her brother.
At school. Need help.
She frowned not understanding why he hadn't just called but she slid her phone back into her pocket and took another shot before she said bye to Caroline and hello to the school.
"Okay, one question. What are you gonna do if the Alpha doesn't show up? " Stiles questioned as they walked into the office.
" I don't know. "
"And what are you gonna do if he does show up? "
"I don't know. "
"Good plan. " Stiles rolled his eyes.
"All right. You said that a wolf howls to signal his position to the rest of the pack, right? "
" Right, but if you bring him here, does that make you part of his pack? "
"I hope not. "
"Yeah, me too. All right. All you. " Stiles pointed the microphone. Scott took a deep breathe and let out a howl. A pathetic howl.
"You've got to be kidding me. " Derek muttered hearing the sound.
"Was that okay? I mean, that was a howl, right? "
" I..yeah, technically. " Stiles answered.
" Well, what did it sound like to you?"
"Like a cat being choked to death."
"What do I do? How am I supposed to do this? " Scott was becoming frustrated with himself.
"Hey, hey. Listen to me. You're calling the Alpha. All right? Be a man. Be a werewolf, not a teen wolf. Be a werewolf. " Stiles told him trying his best to make the wolf confident.
"Do it. "
Violet stopped when she heard the howl. It echoed off the trees making the hairs on her arms stand up. " Oh god I'm going to die out here. "
She began to ran towards the school not liking that she was in the woods alone, probably with a blood crazed dog.
"I'm gonna kill both of you. What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school? " Derek wanted to rip their heads off.
"Sorry. I didn't know it would be that loud. "
"Yeah, it was loud. And it was AWESOME. " Stiles fist pumped the air.
"Shut up. "
" Don't be such a sour wolf. " Stiles told the wolf.
"What'd you do with him? " Derek frowned and looked to the back seat, his eyes widening.
"What? I didn't do anything." Then all of a sudden Derek was chocking on blood, Stiles and Scott froze. The Alpha heard his call and now had his claws in Derek.
Violet ran out of the woods spotting her friends and brother but one of her friends had blood dripping from his mouth.
She ran but as she got closer, she froze. Derek wasn't moving, his eyes were glazed over.
" Violet!" Stiles was shouting her name but she wasn't moving. He growled, grabbing her hand, he dragged into the school.
Dedicated to voluntears for creating a amazing character called Alice Montgomery! That witch is just badass!
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