The Opposite Direction

The next night, Katsuki and Izuku didn't go to sleep with everyone else.

Instead, they started packing to leave.

"Deku, hurry up! We need to get out of here before the others wake up!" Katsuki hissed, glaring at the smaller boy.

"I'm almost done!" Izuku hissed back, tearing the page out of his notebook, and dropping it on the ground. He stuffed the quil back in his pocket, and tucked the notebook back under his arm. Standing up, the green haired boy joined Katsuki.

Mina yawned, "Can we get moving? The sooner I can sleep again, the better."

"Yeah, let's get going..." Katsuki sighed.

"Thank you for agreeing to help us Ashido," Izuku smiled.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry about it. Let's get away from everyone first, so we don't wake them." Mina shrugged, starting to walk away.

Izuku and Katsuki started to follow, until they heard a smooth voice from behind him.

"Mind telling me where you three are going?"

They all turned around, and saw Shoto standing there.

"Todoroki!" Izuku exclaimed, "W-we um... we were-"

"Midoriya, relax," Shoto sighed, "I'm not trying to stop you, I just want to know where you're going."

The green haired boy faltered, mumbling an apology as he looked down.

"East, where does it look like dumbass?" Katsuki demanded. Shoto frowned.

"What reason could you have for visiting a ruined kingdom?"

Mina looked up.

"Um, guys? We need to leave now if we're getting out of here before the others wake up."

"Then let's fucking go!" Katsuki snapped, turning around. The three started to leave, but Shoto followed them.

"You didn't answer my question."

"It's a more sensible place then All For One," Katsuki retorted.

"At least All For One is a living kingdom," Shoto retorted.

"I'd rather stay here and avoid the guards everywhere then go to All For One..." Izuku admitted.

"What are you hiding?" Shoto asked quietly.

"None of your fucking business, Icyhot!" Katsuki retorted.

"If it's causing you to leave everyone behind, I think I the right to know."

"Why you-"

"K-Kacchan! Todoroki! C-calm down!" Izuku exclaimed, pushing in between them, then he looked at Shoto.

"I'm sorry Todoroki, but we don't have time to explain. We have to go."

"Then I hope you don't mind if I come with you," Shoto crossed his arms.

"Fuck n-"

"Guys, lets go!" Mina interrupted, turning into a pink dragon.

"Uh," Izuku glanced between Shoto and Katsuki, unsure what to do.

"God fucking dammit, lets just go. If you cause any fucking problems Icyhot, I'm pushing you off midflight." Katsuki grunted, grabbing Izuku's arm and pulling him onto the dragon. Shoto followed them up, and Mina took off flying.


"Get down," Hitoshi muttered, pulling the two adults into a crouching position behind a wall as some guards ran past them. He peeked up, and them motioned for them to stand and follow him.

"Are we almost there?" Inko asked, huffing.

"Yeah, don't worry," the purple haired boy responded, as they entered a forest.

"I didn't know there was a forest here," Toshinori muttered, looking around. Neither of his companions answered, as Hitoshi went into the middle of a clearing, and stomped on the ground.

A shout was heard as the ground opened up beneath him and the teenager fell.

"AH! Fuck!"

"Oh my god!" Inko exclaimed, rushing over to look down the hole, "Are you alright?!"

"I'm fine!" Hitoshi called back up, "Come on down, there's a ladder!"

"Shinsou! Is that you?!" A female voice called from down there.

Inko and Toshinori found the ladder, and climbed down it, dropping into the pit.

"Shinsou, did you fall down again? Seriously?" A black haired woman with glasses appeared in the tunnel. 

"Yeah, sorry Kayama..." Shinsou stood up, and sighed.

The woman sighed, "I'll go tell the others your back."

"Trust me, we heard," a black haired man came up behind the woman, sighing, "looks like you brought Midoriya's parents too..."

"Hello to you to Dad..." Hitoshi grumbled.

"Aww, he called you Dad," the woman teased.

Inko coughed.

"Ah, right... Mrs. Midoriya, Mr. Yagi, this is Nemuri Kayama," he gestured to the woman, "and Shota Aizawa."

"Pleasure to meet you!" Nemuri exclaimed.

Aizawa grunted.

"My name is Inko Midoriya, it's nice to meet you!" Inko smiled at them.

"Toshinori Yagi," Toshinori sighed, "the pleasure is mine."

'He's oddly calm for someone who just broke the law...' Shota thought.

"Come on, we'll introduce you to everyone else." Hitoshi said, following Nemuri inside. Inko and Toshinori followed him, while Shota trailed behind them.

They entered a large circular room, with 6 doors connected. On a couch in the center, a man with messy blond hair was lying, in a tangled mess with a blanket. He snored loudly. Standing next to him, was a shorter feminine figure, who was literally covered in fabrics. She wore a mask that covered her face, as well as a traditional female knight's helmet, a long sleeved silk shirt and gloves, and tunic pants with combat boots.

The cloth covered figure sighed, "Somebody please wake him up..."

"OI! YAMADA! GET YOUR ASS UP!" Nemuri shouted, cupping her mouth. The blond man shot up in bed.

"HUZZAH!" He shouted, eyes wide open, clearly awake, "Did I fall asleep?"

"Yes," all four of them responded together.

"Hey, I see strangers!" The blond exclaimed, spotting Inko and Toshinori, "Are they supposed to be here?"

"Yes you dolt," Shota replied, sighing.

"Hi there!" The feminine figure exclaimed happily, turning to face them, "My name's Toru, Toru Hagakure!"

"Hizashi Yamada!" The man held out his hand, smiling, "Always glad to see a fresh face around here."

"I'm Inko Midoriya," Inko smiled at them.

"Toshinori Yagi," Toshinori coughed, before smiling.

"You two can stay in the guest room, at least until this blows over." Hitoshi stated, pointing to the 6th room on the right.

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask us!" Nemuri exclaimed.

"And don't worry about any thumping on the roof, it's usually just travellers." Toru assured them.

"Usually?..." Inko asked.

"If it's loud enough, then we send Hagakure to check it out," Shota explained.

"How do you know it's loud enough?..." Toshinori asked.

"If it wakes up Shota or Hitoshi, it's loud enough." Hizashi stated.

Toru stretched, "I'm going to head up for some fresh air. See you later!" She walked out of the room.

"Make yourselves at home. I'm going to sleep," Hitoshi stated, walking into the 2nd room.

"Since when did he sleep at night?" Nemuri asked.

"He doesn't. He stays up reading or doodling." Shota sighed in response, "I'm going to bed. Night..."

"It's not even nigh- nevermind," Hizashi sighed.

"Well... let's go get settled I guess. The last room, right?" Inko asked.

"Yep, right there," Nemuri pointed to the 6th room, "feel free to make yourselves at home."

The two nodded, and walked into the room.

"I'll sleep on the floor," Toshinori offered, glancing at the double bed in the room.

"Nonsense!" Inko retorted, "You need the bed more, I'll sleep on the floor."

Toshinori attempted to argue, but Inko stomped her foot down and crossed her arms.

"No. Buts."

Toshinori sighed.

"If you get uncomfortable at all, we're switching."

Inko didn't answer, just pulled a pillow and a blanket off the bed, preparing a sleeping bag on the ground.

Outside, Nemuri was holding a staff and a bowl of water, staring at the water intently.

"What are you doing?" Hizashi asked, peeking over her shoulder.

"Shh!" Nemuri shushed him quickly.

They stayed like the for a minute, before the woman groaned loudly.

"Dammit! I can't see him!"

"See who? What were you doing?" Hizashi asked.

"Trying Sight Magic, it's a hard technique, but not impossible. I was trying to find Midoriya's son." Nemuri replied, sighing, "But I can't! It's like there's some kind of magic blocking him!"

"You just need some music to help calm down!" Hizashi replied, grinning. The blond produced a guitar from behind him, and started to play it.

Nemuri rolled her eyes, laughing.

"Guys!" Toru appeared in the hallway, panting, "Come on! Quickly!"

"What's wrong Hagakure?" Hizashi asked, frowning as he stopped his music.

"Giant, lizard thing landed near us, bright pink, and scaly, and-"

"Calm down!" Nemuri exclaimed, standing up, "Take a deep breath, and then explain what you saw."

Toru took a deep breath, once, twice, then shouted.


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