9. Run N' Gun

You thank Ruby as she gives you a pistol she had lying around that she didn't use. You, Louis, Violet, Clem, and AJ were by the gate ready to leave. You snuck a few glances but your eyes lingered the longest on Mitch. He wasn't paying attention, just sharpening something as usual.

"Get back safe." Ruby says as Violet opens the gate door. "No promises." You wave to her as the five of you exit. You noticed Mitch finally looked up, he looked slightly nervous as he watched you all leave. You weren't sure why but ignored it. You had a job to do, and that job was to make sure Clem and AJ are left somewhere safe.


You all were a few minutes away from the school, probably getting close to the end of the safe zone too. You, Violet, and Louis were a bit away from Clem and AJ but you could still hear them talking.

"Will we get another car?" AJ asks looking up at Clementine. "Probably not, we got lucky last time." That's the car they wrecked right? The one Marlon had apparently pulled them out of. "So we're walking." AJ grumbles.

"My shoes are gonna break." You felt bad, you knew Louis had to feel at least a bit of sympathy listening to this too. "Well we'll have to hope they hold out." Clementine sighs, kicking a stick away as she walks. "My feet are gonna bleed again.." Again? You look at Violet with slight worry, you may have been on the road for a while but your feet haven't bled because of so much walking. That must've hurt. Poor kid. Violet gives you the same look and forwards her gaze back towards them. Louis also looked a bit worried at first glance.

"We'll tear up a shirt and tie them up if we have to." Resourceful, but where would she get the shirt? You didn't think she had anymore clothes other than the ones she currently wore. "It's not so bad." Respectfully, shut up Louis. Clementine gave him a short glare. "I mean you've done this before." You roll your eyes, "Obviously Louis." Violet glances at you and Louis for a minute before looking at the current surroundings. Basically just trees.

"You've lived inside walls your whole life. You have no fucking idea what it's like out there." Right. Louis and Violet have lived at the school since this whole apocalypse started. You, Clem and AJ, had been on your own for a while. Separately though, you didn't know she existed until a few days ago. You had no idea what her and AJ had been through, but you do know what it's like.

Violet breaths out a sigh and stops, making you stop as well. Louis kept walking though until Violet said something. "We're here. The roads that way." She gestures her head to her left. "Anything you want to say before we go?" She looks at both you and Louis. "I've said plenty." Louis states. Violet then looks at you. "I hope we cross paths again one day." You nod at Clementine who returns the gesture. AJ smiles for a quick second but just as fast as it came, it was gone, replaced with another frown.

"Thanks for trying to keep us." AJ looks at you and Violet. "You're welcome.. I wish you could stay." Violets face was filled with sorrow, you nod, agreeing with her words and unable to say anything at the moment. "Yeah so do I. I wish we hadn't fucked it up." You shook your head, "You didn't, no worries." Louis disagreed with you words, you could tell when he glared at you, although he instantly dropped the look, feeling bad for giving it in the first place. "You didn't. Marlon did. Even dead, he's still ruining shit." Violet explains and Louis instantly cuts in, "Jesus Violet, give him some fucking peace." Violet ignores him, "Just stay safe. Both of you." Clementine gives her a small nod and Violet turns, walking away. Louis and you still stand there, you were waiting for him to start walking too.

"Still got that gun?" Louis looks at AJ who shows it to him. "Just, try to be more careful with it. Okay?" AJ responds with "I will." And that seemed to be good enough for Louis. He gave Clem once last look over before he turned and followed after Violet. Clem and AJ haven't budged, noticing you were still there. "If you ever need help or anything.. you know where I am. Alright?" Clem smiles at you and does a thumbs up. You slowly turn around, your walking becoming a jog to catch up with the two ahead.

Violet's posture slouches, there wasn't much to talk about after just leaving two people. The only thing you can hear right now was the sound of leaves crunching and crows calling out. Hopefully Clem and AJ get somewhere safe soon. The suns gonna set soon. How'd you know? No clue. You could just feel it, Clementine probably could too.

"You talk to Mitch after.. the um.. fight yet?" You shake your head at Violet, "I can try to talk to him and get him to apologize. I don't want you guys to stay enemies forever. You both seemed cool with each other a while ago." You had to admit, yes you guys did. You were hoping to learn more about him, and you still are. Even if you both hated each other right now. Plus, you wanted to be chaotic with him, like scare people by blowing things up, or being goofy around them. Right, you also wanted to be immature with Willy. He seemed to be the only one to bring that part of you out.

"Thanks for being here. With me I mean." Louis mumbles, catching yours and Violets's attention. "No problem dude. I know you can't really help it but at least try to not be a grouch the whole day." Louis nods, "Yeah sure, no promises." He grins, a grin you missed. You missed his cheery self, and you know Violet and most of the others did too.

The three of you flinch as you hear a gun go off. That was no baby pistol. That was a whole ass rifle at most. "Shit!" Violet turns back the way you all came from and starts running over there. You and Louis follow her, it would probably take a few minutes but you had to make it. The gun shot came from where you just left Clem and AJ. You could only assume it was the people who Marlon knew, the people who stole your food, the raiders. And wowee, it was. You three snuck behind a giant rock, watching the scene that unfolded in front of your eyes. There was a woman standing in front of Clementine, and the creep that she described a while ago was holding AJ. Mainly his arm that was held behind his back which looked like it would break if he moved it even a teensy bit farther. Clem seemed to take notice of you three.

Violet pulled an arrow out and used her bow to aim it at the woman. You figured she had it handled and decided to not use your gun. You didn't want to alert even more walkers with all the commotion. Clementine then quickly turned to you guys yelling a command, "SHOOT!" Violet didn't hesitate, letting go of the string and arrow, making it launch and hit the woman's shoulder. She stumbled back. The man threw AJ to the ground and shot his gun towards you three. You ducked in time but heard Louis let out a small groan of surprise from being hit. You look at his bleeding shoulder just before he runs off, you and Violet following after.

You watch the two adults go after Clem and AJ, another shot echoed a few seconds after. "S-shit! We need to go back for them!" You try to grab Violet and Louis's attention. "No time!" Violet shouts, trying to catch up with Louis. "We need to get back to the school before Louis bleeds out!" It wasn't a deadly shot, but he did need to be treated. You looked back one more time, unable to see anyone except walkers which were now coming out of their hiding spots towards you and the area where Clem and AJ were last seen.

You make it to the front of the school, Violet shouting to get Willys attention, "Open the damn gate!" Willy instantly climbed down, opening the gate door allowing the three of you to run in. He closes it instantly, "What happened?" You ignore him, "Wheres Ruby?!" You hear the school door open and Ruby ran outside, Aasim and Omar following her. Mitch, who was talking to Tenn, looked over at you. That conversation died down within seconds. You were exhausted from running so much. "Oh my god!" Ruby said as she guided Louis inside as Violet sat down at one of the tables. You followed her, collapsing onto the seat with your head leaned back against the table part. "I'm- wayyyyy too unfit for this." You gasp out, a coppery taste on your tongue from running, "Jesus Christ what the hell happened?!" Mitch stood next to you, looking you and Violet over for injuries. "Louis was the only one who got injured." Violet concludes, out of breath herself. "Geez, I need. a. fucking. nap." She says leaning back.

"We'll tell you later." Your breath returned slightly back to normal as you waved off Mitch's concerns. "Just- god Louis is injured! Just say it!" He looked towards the school where Louis was taken into. "Here I'll give you a short explanation then Mr. Nosey." You roll her eyes, "Dropped the two off yada yada, heard gunshot, ran back, spooky people that stole our food a while back, ugly might I add, were close to capturing the two, saved their asses, Louis got shot, and we ran back here with walkers on our butts. Got it?" Mitch paused, going over your words in his head. "Jesus." He looks towards Violet who nods, confirming it. "Couldn't have said it better." She definitely could've. You were both just too lazy to give a proper explanation.

"I'm skipping dinner, I'm way too tired." Violets stands up, she held her head for a moment before walking to the school. "Me too." You stand up as well, feeling the dizziness slightly get to you. Mitch put his hands on your shoulders to try to keep you steady. "I'm fine." He ignores you, walking with you inside, leaving the other who came outside to think about what just happened.

"Why'd you move rooms anyway?" Mitch asks, it took him a good minute to start talking, though it sounded like more of a demand. "Thought you would kill me or I would kill you if we saw each other again after that night Marlon died. But nope, I still wanted to kill you the morning after. Still kind of do." Mitch sighs, "I didn't mean to slap you." You shrug, "Well it happened." You roll your eyes at him, "I- look- man, I think your cool, I enjoy your company and I'm really fucking sorry. I don't know how to really express shit like this but I really am sorry." You sigh, "Alright alright, I get it. I don't like sappy shit either. Your apology has been accepted. For now." Mitch sighs out a breath of relief. "Want me to share the room with you again?" Mitch shrugs and then nods instantly as you give him an angry stare, "Go get my stuff from Violets room, my blanket and pillow is under the other bed. That's all I brought there. I'll be asleep in our room when you get back, now shoo." Mitch was about to say something to protest but then caves in and groans, annoyed. Without another word, he then walks off to find Violet's room.

You reach Mitch's room and go in, this time leaving your shoes on and laying on the bed. You couldn't find it in you to move, even if you had no pillow or blanket, you couldn't help but instantly feel numb and tired once you hit the bed.

You blacked out for a while, letting sleep take over before you felt someone lift your head up. You didn't bother to check who since you already knew who it was. Something soft was placed under your head, your pillow. A blanket was thrown over you as well. You smile, grabbing it and pulling it up to your chin. "Oh come on, now I know your awake." You let out a small breathy chuckle as you opened your eyes to look at Mitch. He stood there with his arms crossed. "I'm not taking your shoes off for you though, 'Your highness.'" You shrug, "Eh, expected nothing less. Off with your head then." You both snicker before he then sat on his bed, staring at you for maybe a bit too long.

You groan, "What do you want? I can't sleep knowing that your staring at me." He averts his eyes to the window instead, "You alright?"
"Yeah, I have no wounds or nothin'. Only Louis does, as Violet said." He nods, throwing a blanket over himself. You felt your heart thump a bit faster. He cares for once. More specifically, for you. And all because you looked like shit from running yourself to exhaustion. "Thanks for caring though." He lets out a long sigh, closing his eyes. He seemed like he was trying to go to sleep, so you did as well. Hopefully Clem and AJ were okay. Maybe they'll come back in the morning. You hoped at least. That's all you could do.

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