Matsuri was crying loudly on top of the roof and trembled not believing what was happening
Ugh! So stupid! Why am I so stupid!? Damnit!
Matsuri covered her face as she cried. Suddenly the shadow she once spoke to appeared again in front of her
"Why are you crying?" The shadow asked
"Because I want to! Just shut up!" Matsuri cried
"You fragile creatures...I just don't get why you're up here alone crying when you could just talk to your lover about your feelings" The shadow said
"My feelings?" Matsuri asked as she sniffed
"You're jealous. That desire you felt inside was too strong" The shadow said
"What desire? I have no desire for anything" Matsuri said
"The desire to kill that man who supposedly is the childhood friend of your bitch" The shadow said
"Don't call her a bitch" Matsuri said
"Well sorry but why not talk to your girlfriend about this jealous feeling? You know in a relationship there must be trust and love. You both have to trust each other. Do you trust Harumi?" The shadow asked
"Y-yeah..." Matsuri said
"Are you sure? Are you having doubts that your girlfriend is intrested in that man?" The shadow asked
"Shut up...just leave me alone" Matsuri said harshly
"I am here to help. You may think I am just some wierd creature with red eyes and sharp teeth but I can help...I actually want to help. I can sense that in this world is very different from my own world..." The shadow said and started tapping Matsuri's arm. Matsuri just clenched her fists tightly and sighed
"I just...yes. I mean I am jealous but...I get the feeling that...maybe I'm not g-good enough. That I don't deserve her..." Matsuri said
"Now what nonsense are you saying? Have you seen the face she makes whenever she's around you and after our talk back there she was happy and kissed you. She loves you" The shadow said
"Heh...what would you know about love? You're just a shadow" Matsuri said
" are right but...sometimes I wonder if I were a human as well. When I felt the love you felt for that reminded me of something" The shadow said
"Of what?" Matsuri asked
"Hm? Don't remember but we aren't talking about me but you. You have to get back home and apologize" The shadow said
"Yeah...I'll do that tomorrow" Matsuri said looking away
"Hey...I know you're in pain and jealousy might be a bad thing but it's a good thing too" The shadow said
"How is being jealous a good thing?" Matsuri asked
"It just means you really love that person but if you're not honest with your feelings then the other person won't know what you're thinking or feeling. That's why communication is very important" The shadow said. Matsuri looked at the shadow and chuckled softly
"Hey shadow thing. Do you have a name?" Matsuri asked
"My name? Uh...well I think I do but...I d-don't seem to remember" The shadow said
"Hm? Then maybe it's best to call you Devil" Matsuri said as she smiled
"That's not a bad name but it feels like I'm being treated like a pet or something" Devil said
"Well you sorta are but you're a the coolest pet ever" Matsuri said as she stood up
"Guess I'll take that as a compliment..." Devil said
"Anyways...I don't know if I should still go back?" Matsuri asked as she stared up at the sky
"Hm? I think you should. Your mother must be in pain for what she did to you" Devil said
"Yeah that I think about it. I kinda deserved that slap" Matsuri said and touched her cheek
"But your mother must've felt horrible for hurting you and because you mentioned that she was acting like your real mother..." Devil said
"Yeah that was my fault too. Guess I should really head back before something bad happens" Matsuri said
"You should..." The shadow said
"But that asshole...he's still there and probably Harumin is helping him with that small punch I gave him" Matsuri said
"That wasn't a small punch at all" Devil said
"Of course it wasn't. By the way did you have anything to do with it?" Matsuri asked
"Huh? Me? Well uh...maybe. I mean I do live inside your body and I probably caused your feelings to drive wild" Devil said
"No wonder I coughed blood. Why does that still happen?" Matsuri asked
"'s just your body still isn't adjusted to this power. Yeah short attacks don't affect you but when your jealousy feelings were rising it was sorta my fault because I absorbed that energy you felt and started to grow stronger inside your body that it couldn't take it. That's why you started coughing blood and shaking. Your body couldn't take the power that was building up inside" Devil said
"Makes sense...but what about when I reach my limit?" Matsuri asked
"That's different. Whenever you reach your limit and keep fighting without stopping using the power you're only damaging your body. You've used up your stored power and if you keep forcing your body to release power it'll only damage it even more" Devil said
"Wow...that's a lot of information" Matsuri said
"Yeah but you'll be okay as long as you don't completely damage yourself" Devil said. Matsuri walked to the edge of the building and looked down
"What are you planning to do?" Devil asked
"I don't know. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I really died..." Matsuri said. Suddenly there were gunshots nearby and a cry. Matsuri's body moved on it's own then fell off the building
"Aaaaah! What the fuck!?" Matsuri exclaimed and the shadow wrapped itself around Matsuri. Matsuri's left eye turned red then teleported over to the noise where it was coming from. Matsuri saw a couple of men who shot some girls. Matsuri's eyes widen and trembled
"Wh-what the hell are you guys d-doing?" Matsuri asked
"Huh? What the hell are you doing here?" The man asked
"Wh-what are you guys doing?" Matsuri asked
"There is no need to answer you. You're nor part of the club anymore. You left remember?" The man asked
"W-well yeah but there is no reason to kill girls!" Matsuri shouted
"Like you care. You just left. Now if you'll excuse us...we have to finish our job" The man said
"Hey bastards! Is this what Ari told you guys to do?!" Matsuri exclaimed
"We said shut up" The man said and raised his gun. Matsuri just glared at him as her left eye turned red then the scary looking monster appeared behind her. Matsuri raised her hand and attacked the bastards with one hit. She growled as her red eye glowed and walked over to the dead girl. She kneeled down placing her hand above her dead body then revived her with dark magic. She looked at the two dead bodies and grabbed them taking them away to dispose them. She was above the building until she heard a cry
"MATSURI! MATSURI PLEASE COME BACK!" Harumin cried shouting out in the streets. Matsuri's eyes widen and looked down seeing Harumin running with tears rolling down her cheeks
"I'M SORRY MATSURI FOR HURTING YOU! I NEVER MEANT TO HURT YOU LIKE THAT! JUST PLEASE COME BACK! I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU AGAIN! PLEASE! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU!" Harumin cried. Matsuri dropped the dead bodies and teared up. Matsuri clenched her fists tightly and turned around creating a portal so she could leave but the shadow stopped her from leaving
"Go with her. She needs you..." Devil said. Matsuri looked down and kept hearing Harumin's cries. She cried as she couldn't take it anymore and jumped off the building landing safely on the ground thanks to her powers. She felt her heartache and cried even more
"HARUMIN!" Matsuri shouted. Harumin stopped and turned around
"MATSURI!" Harumin cried and ran up to her. Matsuri cried and ran up to her as well wanting to be in her arms. Once they got together they held each other closely. Harumin cried on her shoulder and Matsuri just held her closely as she cried on her chest
"I-I'm sorry..." Matsuri cried. Harumin pulled away and wiped her tears
"'m sorry for not realizing what I've done. I love you Matsuri just please stop leaving me! I want you in my arms and wake up every morning with you by my side!" Harumin cried. Matsuri cried and looked down wiping her new tears that were being formed. Harumin lifted her head up then kissed her. Matsuri kissed her back wrapping her arms around her. Harumin held her closely with tears still rolling down get cheeks. She broke the kiss and hugged her
"Let's go home" Harumin whispered
Yuzu and Mei were having dinner together at a restaurant
"Have you ever been to this restaurant before?" Yuzu asked
"A few times with my grandfather and his stupid business stuff" Mei said and lifted her foot rubbing it against Yuzu's leg. Yuzu gulped and trembled a bit as she blushed deeply
"You're so damn needy Mei. We haven't taken a break ever since we started dating again" Yuzu said and took a sip of her drink
"I just can't help it. Even during class I couldn't hold back. Just by looking at you I was turned on" Mei said and smirked. Yuzu gasped as she felt Mei's foot pressed against her area
"M-mei can't you just wait for a b-bit?" Yuzu asked
"Hm? Don't you like it when I touch you?" Mei asked
"I-I do but...b-but you've been touching me all day" Yuzu said and trembled as Mei started to rub her area slowly. The waiter came by with their meal and served them
"Thank you sir" Yuzu said trying to act calm
"Thank you" Mei said calmly
"You're welcome ladies. Enjoy your meal" The waiter said bowing down and walked away. Yuzu and Mei started eating their meal in peace. A few minutes later Yuzu noticed someone walking in. She looked at the person. And her eyes widen seeing Phila with some other person in a date
Wait...what is Phila doing? She's with someone else? Wait...but who is she with?
Phila noticed Yuzu and looked at her. Yuzu looked at her and looked away
Shit...she saw me stare
Mei noticed Yuzu trying to avoid eye contact and looked where Yuzu was looking. Her eyes widen seeing the same bitch again. Mei couldn't help but clenched her fists tightly feeling this anger built up inside her
Does Yuzu still think about that bitch?! Grrrr! Yuzu is mine! Mine!
"Yuzu..." Mei said. Yuzu looked up and blushed a bit
"Y-yes Mei?" Yuzu asked. Mei stood up from her seat and leaned in slowly
"Kiss me" Mei whispered. Yuzu blushed and stood up from her seat slightly and kissed her passionately. Mei kissed her back passionately and opened her eyes a bit just to glare at Phila. Phila noticed them kissing but looked away. She clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth
What the hell is wrong with her? I know you two are dating but that doesn't mean you have to fucking kiss right in front of me...
Mei pulled away and caressed Yuzu's cheek softly. Yuzu blushed deeply and smiled
"I love you so much Mei" Yuzu said
"I love you with all my heart Yuzu" Mei said. After eating for a few minutes, Phila stood up from her seat to go to the bathroom. She walked to the bathroom passing by other table and got inside. She went to the sink and sighed deeply. She looked down and clenched her fists tightly
That Aihara bitch...stop rubbing it in front of my god damn face. I know you're back with Yuzu but just stop making me...ugh...whatever. Yuzu is happy and I'm happy that's she's happy. That's all that matters...just try and ignore her for now. Maybe I should tell Yuzu about Aihara-san's behavior...she'll understand and knock some sense into that bitch
The door opened as someone else came in and Phila trembled not believing who it was
"Hehe so how are you Phila Virgil?" Mei asked with a smirk
"Grr...what do you want? Why do you keep doing shit like that?" Phila asked as she turned around
"What? I don't know what you're talking about" Mei said
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You keep kissing and acting so passionate and lovingly around Yuzu right in front of me" Phila said
"And? You should be focused on your date instead of Yuzu" Mei said
"How can I when you're the one wanting me to pay attention?" Phila asked
"So? You're just jealous that I was able to steal her away from you so easily. I even got her in bed just by a simple kiss" Mei said and chuckled softly. Phila felt her blood boil and clenched her fists tightly
"Just leave me alone you fucking slut or else I'll tell Yuzu about what you're doing" Phila growled
"Go ahead and tell her. It's not like she'll listen to a bitch like you" Mei said
"Are you asking for a fight? Because if you are then come at me bitch. I can take you on. I'm not scared of you" Phila said. Mei walked up to her closer and glared at her
"Well you should be scared of me..." Mei growled. She sighed and turned around
"Anyways...see you around" Mei said before she left. Phila just clenched her fists tightly and trembled
Th-that Aihara bitch...
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