Yacht Day

Summary : Harry and Louis spend their day on Harry's yacht .

Enjoy x


Harry parked his Range Rover along with the two other Range Rovers escorting them , Louis jumped out of his seat and took his tote bag on his shoulder , circling the car to join Harry and hold his hand .

It was a hot summer day and Harry took his Saturday off everything , taking Louis on a day in the yacht .

Harry held Louis' hand in his as he spoke to his men , who already knew what to do as he briefly went through everything with them . Louis stood a bit behind his shoulder and mimicked Harry , moving his mouth like a muppet as he teased his talking . He grinned when he caught three out of the eight guards hiding their smiles , though Harry caught them aswell .

He turned to look at Louis , who dropped the mimicking and gave him a cute , innocent smile , "Everything alright ?"

Harry squinted his eyes at him playfully before turning back to face his guards . Just as Louis was making the same squinted eyes face that Harry gave him to the guards , Harry turned his head to look at him . 

"Baby ." He scolded him playfully and tugged on his hand to pull him closer , Louis laughed as some of the guards chuckled .

"I'm sorry , I'm sorry , I didn't resist ." Louis grinned and pressed his face to his bicep , his face painted pink with blush .

Harry gave his hand a light squeeze and turned to dismiss the guards to go each to their spot , before letting go of Louis' hand to wrap his arm around him , "Let's go ."

Louis put his arm around Harry's back as they walked down a short pathway , before reaching the pier where the yacht docked .

Two crewmen just finished preparing it under the supervision of Victor and another guard , Louis thanked them as he and Harry walked onto the yacht . The crewmen released the yacht as Harry walked into the control room and started the engines , Louis followed him into the small room and watched as Harry slowly moved the yacht out of the pier .

"Hazzie , can I drive the yacht ?" Louis asked , Harry gave him a smile , "Come here ."

Louis put his bag down and walked over to Harry , grabbing the steering wheel while Harry kept his hand on the speed handle .

"A little bit to the left , to avoid the wave breakers ." Harry told Louis , who followed the instructions .

"Not too hard . I thought it'll be a nightmare to try to figure out all of the buttons ." Louis smiled , Harry put his arm around him , "Lucky for you , I remember them for us ."

"Is there a specific spot we're heading to ?" Louis asked , Harry sped the yacht up a bit , "No , just as far away from the shore as we can while still being in the legal range . Don't want anyone around us , don't want to worry about anyone watching ."

"Even though we're technically in public ." Louis chuckled a bit , "But yeah , I get it ."

After a few more minutes of driving the yacht , Harry slowed it down to a stop and cut off the engines . "Ready to start our day ?"

Louis grinned and grabbed his bag from where he put it , "I brought Uno and Scrabble if we're too bored ." He said as he walked with Harry to the deck , "But I also want to tan so we'll see ."

Harry pulled his shirt off and put it aside on one of the sofas , "Should I go get our food ? Are you hungry ?"

Louis put his bag down and turned to face him , blushing soft-pink at the sight of shirtless Harry . He nodded , "Food sounds good ."

"Shirt off , baby ." Harry said as he walked towards the small kitchen under the deck , "When I'm back I'd better see your belly ."

"Stop being obsessed with it , you're creepy ." Louis blushed deeper as he took his shirt off and put it down where Harry put his shirt , then kicked his shoes off aswell and went to sit cross-legged on the sofa where the table stood under the shade .

Harry returned with a tray and placed it down on the table , he took the two Acai bowls and two drink bottles off the tray and put the tray aside before going to sit next to Louis .

"Ooh , it looks so good ." Louis smiled as he grabbed his Acai bowl and a spoon , then looked at the drink bottles , "What drinks did you bring ?"

"I'm having beer . Brought you a bottle of strawberry flavoured mojito , not too much alcohol . It's eleven a.m , still ." Harry took his own Acai bowl and spoon .

They chatted for a bit while eating their food , feeding each other and sharing short kisses .

"Oof , now I have to wait , like , an hour before I can swim ." Louis said as he took another sip from his drink .

"Thought it was twenty minutes ." Harry said as he grabbed their empty bowls to take them back to the kitchen .

"Yeah , others maybe . My stomach is small , it'll take longer for me to feel good enough for swimming without getting sick ." Louis patted his middle a bit , "I'll go catch some tan ."

He stood up from his seat on the sofa and took a towel , going to the end of the yacht where the lounge-nest was . He laid the towel on the cushioned mattress and fixed his swimtrunks around his hips a bit , before laying down with his legs propped up a bit on the ledge .

Harry grabbed a towel to join him , "Did you put sunscreen on ?"

"Don't need it , want to tan ." Louis closed his eyes and laid his arms over his head .

Harry stayed standing in his spot , just staring at the sight of Louis laying there , before pulling himself away to grab the sunscreen bottle from one of the cabinets .

He joined Louis and laid his towel on the mattress aswell , he kneeled down at Louis' side and opened the sunscreen bottle .

Louis opened his eyes when the sun was blocked from him , pouting when he saw Harry with a sunscreen bottle , "No , go away ." He slapped the bottle from his hands , giggling when Harry gave him a playful , pointed look .

"You'll tan with sunscreen on , baby , you can't be in the sun for long without it . You'll burn ." Harry grabbed the bottle and poured it into his palm , "Turn around , I'll do your shoulders and back ."

Louis pouted as he turned to lay on his front , Harry only smiled and rubbed the sunscreen on his shoulders and down his back .

"At least give me a massage while you're at it ." Louis teased a bit , "Feels nice ."

"Let's finish with the sunscreen first . Sit up , you need to do your arms and chest . I'll do your legs ." Harry poured more sunscreen into his palm as Louis sat up .

Louis took the bottle from his hand and smiled watching Harry running his massive hands up and down his legs , smacking his hands away when he teasingly massaged his thighs .

"Leave me be ." He giggled and pulled his legs away , sitting cross-legged as he rubbed sunscreen on his arms .

"You're shirtless , only wearing a pair of short swimtrunks , and you tell me to leave you be ?" Harry pinched his eyebrows together as he smirked at Louis widely , working on rubbing sunscreen all over his chest pecs , abs and arms , "The yacht is on your bucket list too , baby ."

"It was a mistake showing you my bucket list ." Louis finished rubbing sunscreen on his chest and stomach and sat up on his knees , "Now come here , I need to do your back for you ."

Harry turned his back to Louis , a fond smile spreading on his lips at the feeling of Louis using both his small hands to rub sunscreen on his back . 

Louis took his time , he loved Harry's massive back too much to take his hands off . To be fair , he loved Harry's muscles in general and whenever he had the chance to have his hands on him , he took it - even though he was still somewhat shy about it .

He finished , "Done ." He wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders and hooked his chin on his shoulder to be able to see his face , "Will you let me tan now without being annoying ?"

"No promises ." Harry pressed a quick kiss to the corner of his lips , "Lay down , I need to talk to the guards for a moment and I'll be right with you ."

Louis kissed his cheek and pulled back , returning to his laying position on his back . He closed his eyes and laid his arms over his head , sighing in content at the warm feeling of the sun on his skin . He listened to the sound of the waves hitting the yacht lightly , relaxing into the slight rocking .

He opened his eyes when he felt the cushioned mattress dipping and smiled when he saw Harry joining him , Harry smiled back and leaned in to kiss him shortly before laying on his towel on his front .

"Hazzie ." Louis turned his head a bit towards Harry .

"Baby ."

"Mint is about to give birth any day now and I haven't even thought of puppy names ." He turned to lay on his front with his arms stretched over his head , "And it's harder because I don't know how many puppies she'll have , which ones are males and which ones are females ."

"You've got nothing to worry about , it's a dog , not a child . Don't have to name them right away ." 

"They're kind of my babies , too , Hazzie . I want to have a proper list to pick out of ."

"Tell me the names you've thought about ."

"For males , I have Woody , Tony - because you know Tony Stark is my favourite - , and Fiji . I could come up with more , but these are the ones I have now ."

"And female names ?"

"Nella , Sasha , and Keira ."

"Cute names . We'll have to wait for the delivery though ." Harry smiled at him , "Also the pups did proper good job at training this week ."

"I know , I'm so proud of them all . I'm not sure how ready I am for next week though ." Louis crossed his arms under his head and leaned his chin on his hands .

"You've got nothing to worry about - it's a minor operation and the dogs are proper amazing thanks to you ." Harry moved closer to him and kissed his arm a few times , "They'll have their vests on , the guards will be all around them - nothing will happen ."

Louis nodded , "I'm just - nervous . Scared , too . It's their first proper operation and I don't want anything bad to happen ."

"We all trained properly for this , and if there's a slight chance that the dogs might get hurt - I won't let them participate . You have my word ."

"Thank you ." Louis nodded , smiling as Harry kissed his cheek lovingly .

They laid in the sun for longer , before Louis sat up and crossed his legs , "We should go swimming ."

Harry turned his head to look at him , "Thought you were afraid of fish ."

"I am , but you're going in with me ." Louis crawled over with a cute smile on his lips and kneeled at his side , placing his hands on either side of Harry's head , "And also because I get tired from swimming really quickly and you'll have to hold me ."

Harry instinctively moved his hand to rest on Louis' waist , "Can never say no to you ." He lifted his head up and kissed him , Louis moved off him and stood up from the mattress , he took his towel with him as he and Harry walked to the fery end of the yacht , where the deck was low enough and open .

Louis put his towel down and held onto the railing , dipping his foot in the water . "It's cold ." He pulled back and turned to Harry , he opened his mouth to talk but instead let out a squeal when Harry wrapped his arms around him and lifted him up , throwing the two of them into the water .

They resurfaced , Harry had an amused grin on his lips as he watched Louis wiping his face and moving his fringe from his eyes . Louis started splashing Harry , who only laughed and turned his head away from the small splashes .

"Hazzie ! You're so mean ! I'm so cold now ." Louis gave up splashing him , instead he swam closer and wrapped his arms around his shoulders . Harry wrapped his arms around him and kissed the front of his shoulder , "Couldn't not do that , baby ."

"You could've been nicer and let me ease my way in , you know ." Louis pulled back to look at him with a pout on his lips .

"Much less fun ." Harry bumped their noses together , "I'll take whatever payback you have planned for me ." He kissed him quickly .

Louis tried to hold back a smile , though couldn't help the smirk on his lips , "Alright then . We're not ticking the yacht off the bucket list today ." He tutted his jaw teasingly , though his cheeks turned a bit pink - talking about sex would never fail to make him blushy .

The smile immediately fell off Harry's lips . "No ."

"That's right ."

"No , baby , don't say that ."

"I already did , weren't you listening ?"

"I'll do anything . Tell me how to fix this ."

Louis bit his lower lip not to laugh ; he was only being a tease and he liked that Harry was playing along .

"Anything ?"

"Anything ."

"Let me be the big spoon when we go to sleep tonight ."

Harry pursed his lips together , before letting out a soft laugh . "Okay baby ."

Louis smiled wider and kissed him quickly , before letting go of Harry and swimming away a bit , "Catch me ." Was all he said before swimming away as fast as he could .

Harry rowed after him , he was a fast swimmer but let Louis get away a little bit for the fun of chasing . He grabbed his ankle and pulled him backwards , "Menace ." He wrapped his arms around Louis and tickled his bare tummy for a bit , smiling widely as his laughter .

He stopped and turned Louis in his arms , keeping him close , "Love your belly ."

"Creep ." Louis giggled a bit as he clung onto Harry with his arms and legs . "You'd better make it up to me . Later . When -- you know ." His voice slowly dropped , starting confidently though lowered as his shyness took over .

Harry placed his hands under Louis' bum and kissed him , "I will , baby . Treat you like you deserve ." He moved one arm to wrap around Louis' waist , using the other to swim back to the yacht .


Harry kissed up Louis' spine , smiling when Louis squirmed a bit on the bed ; they were in the bedroom under the deck , laying in bed which stood in front of a glass wall watching over the ocean .

The sheets and pillows were messily laying all over the bed , the couple had their hair ruffled and bodies marked - Louis had lovebites almost everywhere , Harry had lovebites under his jaw and nail scratches on his back .

"How are you feeling ?" Harry asked and rubbed Louis' back gently , Louis smiled with his face squished into the pillow under his head , his eyes shut , "Feel good . Relaxed . Bit tired ."

"Let's clean you up a bit so we can eat something ." Harry kissed his shoulder blade , before going to fetch a small wet towel . He cleaned Louis up , being careful and gentle as he caressed his skin . He helped him into a pair of clean boxers and soft shorts , pressing kisses to his tummy and belly button just because he could .

"St-Stop , Hazzie -- no tickles , stop ." Louis rolled away on his side giggling , Harry smiled at him , "So cute ." He kissed the dip of his waist and stood up from bed to clean himself up aswell and get dressed .

After pulling on a pair of boxers and gym shorts , he carried Louis back outside to the lounge-nest and sat him down , "I'll go get our food ."

He returned with a plate of sushi , Louis smiled as he grabbed a roll , "No fish , right ?"

"No baby , it's all vegeterian ." Harry assured him , "You're asking as if I don't remember you don't like fish in your sushi ."

"Just making sure ." Louis grabbed a roll and fed it to Harry , "I'm very picky with my food orders ."

"Don't I know that ." Harry teased , Louis poked his dimple , "Shut it , you're picky about your coffee ."

"Coffee is something you should be picky about ." Harry defended .

"And so is food , Hazzie . It's food ."

The couple continued eating their sushi while playing Uno , it was late afternoon and the breeze was cool , sun slowly setting down .

Harry went to turn on the lights around the yacht , Louis waited for him under a thin blanket still in the lounge-nest ; he was still feeling soft and lazy from his and Harry's time in the bedroom , and wanted to spend the rest of his evening with cuddles .

He smiled widely when he saw the fairy lights lit up above him , turning his head to Harry when he returned . "Love the fairy lights ." He moved the blanket up for Harry .

"I know , they're for you ." Harry laid next to him , Louis rolled to place his head on Harry's chest and arm around his middle .

"Today was a lot of fun ." Louis tilted his head up and gave Harry a smile , "Thank you for taking an entire day off to spend time with me ."

Harry pulled him up until he could kiss him properly . "I love spending my time with you . Anything we do together is special to me ." He kissed him again , "You're special to me ."

Louis put his face in Harry's neck , "And still . You're so busy , you have so many responsibilities , and I really appreciate that you make time for me ."

"I'll always make time for you ." Harry gave him a gentle squeeze , "I love you ."

"I love you ." Louis squeezed back and tilted his head up to kiss his cheek .


Hope you liked it x


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