What If

Summary : What if Harry's family were still alive ?

Enjoy x


Louis woke up to Harry slipping out of bed , he slowly opened his eyes and whined to himself .

Harry smiled at the soft noise and kneeled on the bed , leaning down to kiss Louis' cheek softly , "Good morning . I have an early meeting ."

Louis let out another whine and nodded , feeling Harry kissing his cheek again before he got out of bed .

Harry freshened up in the bathroom quickly and walked into the closet-room to get dressed , he made another stop to give Louis another kiss before he walked out of the room .


Louis woke up an hour later , he got out of bed and got ready for the day .

He opened his phone to see a text from Gemma .

g'morning lou 🫶
we're meeting up for breakfast at the lounge , H and dad will finish with their meeting and join us 🤟

Louis smiled as he texted her back .

good morning !! sounds great , i'll meet you lot there🤍

He finished getting ready and grabbed his things , getting in his car to drive to the office building .


Louis parked his car in front of the dogs' pavilion , saying good morning to Liam who just finished feeding the dogs .

He walked into the office building and through the barriers , going to the elevators . He grinned when he saw Anne waiting there aswell , "Good morning ."

Anne turned to him and smiled back just as brightly , "Good morning , darling ." She gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek , "How has your morning been ?"

"It's good so far ." Louis smiled as they stepped into the elevator together , "We haven't had breakfast together in a while ."

"Yeah , our men have been busy ." Anne nodded with a light smile , "Hopefully Robin will be done soon and we can take some time off to travel ."

"I sometimes ask Harry to just stay home , we chill for a weekend and it's really nice ." Louis smiled , "But then his body starts itching from not doing much so he works ." Louis rolled his eyes playfully .

The elevator doors opened to the floor where Harry's and Robin's offices were , along with a lounge room .

Louis and Anne gave Laura a smile and a wave on their way to the lounge , where Gemma was already waiting with her husband Michal .

Gemma greeted Louis with a tight hug , Louis hugged her just as tightly , "Harry told me yesterday that your case closed , I'm so happy for you ." Louis squeezed her shoulder lovingly .

"Yes , it was such a long one . Glad we managed to win ." Gemma smiled as she pulled back ; Gemma and Michal were both lawyers working for the company .

The four sat at the couch as they waited for Harry and Robin to join , Louis made himself a cup of tea and took a biscuite from the jar .

Harry and Robin joined the group twenty minutes later , Harry gave Anne a kiss on the cheek before going to Louis , he wrapped his arms around him and kissed him , "Hey baby ."

"Good morning . How was the meeting ?" Louis asked as he reached a hand up to move Harry's hair back from his forehead .

"Went well ." Harry kissed Louis once more before they joined the family , who were already sat at the round table .

"Is my son giving you trouble ?" Robin asked as the couple sat down , Louis blushed soft pink and laughed , "Your son is perfect , Robin ."

"Say the word and I'll handle him ." Robin gave him a pointed look ; if Louis were to not know him , he would've thought he was serious .

"Trust me , if I've learned anything from you , is how to handle him ." Louis smiled cheekily .

Harry grabbed the top of Louis' knee and gave it a squeeze , "Watch it ."

"Don't act like he hasn't got you wrapped around his finger , H ." Gemma shook her head , "We know you a bit too well ."

Harry turned to look at Louis , who grinned at him cutely and hugged his arm .

Rodrigo was escorted into the room by three guards , rolling their breakfast cart into the room . The group greeted him and helped him settle the plates on the table .

"How are the dogs , Louis ? Everything okay ?" Anne asked , Louis smiled , "They're perfect , my pride and joy ."

"Is Mint good ? When's she due ?" Robin asked .

"In the next couple of weeks , is what the vet said ." Louis smiled as Harry filled his plate with scrambled eggs , "Our first born training pups , I love it ."

"How's Apollo taking it ?" Gemma asked , "I love that dog more than anything ."

"He's so good with her , he gets protective really easily if someone who isn't me or Liam gets close to her . It's quite cute ."

"So like with you and Harry ."

Louis laughed , Harry only glared playfully .


After having a morning training with the dogs , Louis returned to the office building and went up to Harry's office .

He punched in the code and opened the door , smiling at Harry who was at his desk .

"Hey baby ." Harry smiled back and looked back at his screen , "I'm almost done with this report , then I'll be right with you ."

"Okay . I'm making tea , want some ?"

"Coffee . Thanks baby ." Harry nodded and went back to typing .

Louis fixed two cups , one tea one coffee , he brought Harry his cup and went to sit at the couch .

Ten minutes later Harry let out a sigh of relief and stood up from his chair , he joined Louis on the couch and pulled his legs into his lap .

"Dad and I will be going out to a new pub that opened in the city ." Harry said , "Want to join us ?"

"When are you going ?"

"Tonight ."

"Will Anne and Gems be there too ?"

"Gemma might be there . Mum can't make it , she has plans with her friends ." Harry rubbed his leg , "You can ask Niall to come along ."

"I'll ask him ." Louis nodded , "I won't be staying for long though , Liam and I have an early morning training tomorrow . It's supposed to rain tomorrow and we want to train with the pups , and it has to be outside ."

Harry took his hand , "Want to go nap for a bit ?" He asked , "I've finished my reports for today ."

"Shower first , then nap ." Louis smiled , "I love naps with you ."

"I love everything with you ." Harry leaned in and kissed him .



Harry and Louis met Robin and Gemma outside the pub , Robin gave Louis a warm hug , "I'm seeing you agreed to be Harry's chaperone for tonight ."

"I'm his forever chaperone ." Louis laughed a bit and moved to give Gemma a cuddle aswell .

Liam and Niall joined them , Louis gave his two friends hugs before they walked into the pub .

They were given a table in the VIP area , Harry and Robin were exchanging looks while looking around the place , examining everything ; the decor , the employees , the people .

Louis nudged Harry gently , "Everything okay ? Did you see something ?"

"Everything is good so far ." Harry put his arm around Louis' waist , "Have you picked your drink ?"

"Yeah , I'm not really in the mood for a drink so I picked something light ." Louis pointed out his drink on the menu .

Harry cupped his side and pulled him closer to lean to his ear , "Say the word and we're out of here , you don't have to stay if you don't want to ."

Louis cupped his face with a smile , "I'm alright , I promise , just not in the mood for alcohol . I'm more than happy for a night out with you and our friends and family ."

"Oi , stop hogging each other ." Gemma nudged their legs under the table .

Harry scrunched his nose and pressed a quick kiss to Louis' cheek before leaning back in his seat , he turned his attention to Robin , "See anything ?"

"Looks okay so far ."

"Let's go look in the back ." Harry told him , Robin nodded and both stood up from their seats . Harry turned to the rest sitting around the table , "We'll go order drinks . Baby , send me a text with everyone's orders ." Harry said before he and Robin left the table .


The night progressed , Harry and Robin decided to stay for longer so Liam drove Gemma , Niall and Louis home .

Harry walked them out , he kissed Louis and told him to text him when he was home .

"Trust me , I know ." Louis smiled , Harry kissed him once more and watched as he got into Liam's car , into the backseat with Niall .

He returned to the pub where Robin was speaking to Victor and a few guards .

"H and I are going to speak to the owner , if you see anything suspicious let us know ." Robin said , Harry followed him to the back and upstairs to the office .

They met the owner and talked to him , he presented the data they asked to see along with a list of all his employees .

After their meeting Harry got a text from Louis saying he was home and going to bed , Harry texted him to let him know he would be home in an hour .

"Going home to Louis ?" Robin asked as they put their coats on , Harry nodded , "You ? Going home to mum or going to the office ?"

"Home . I've worked late all week , I can't let it distance me from her ." Robin told him .

They left the pub , Robin hugged his son and patted him on the back before they went their separate ways .


Harry got home to their mansion , he took his coat and shoes off and went upstairs to the bedroom . Louis was in bed , curled up under the blankets to stay warm .

Harry got ready for bed quickly and joined him , Louis turned to face him as he settled in bed .

"Thought you were asleep ." Harry pulled Louis to his chest .

"I was half asleep . Wanted to wait for you ." Louis said quietly and snuggled into his body .

Harry pulled the covers up higher for Louis to stay warm , he kissed his head , "What time do you need to be up tomorrow ?"

"Li and I said we'd be at the pavilion by seven , so I'm guessing five thirty ." Louis pouted . "But it's okay , I'll have a nap after lunch ."

Harry kissed the top of his head , "I'll be up with you . Good night baby ."

"Night Hazzie ."


Hope you liked it x


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