💍The Wedding💍

Summary : Louis' and Harry's wedding day has finally come .

Enjoy x


"I-I can't stop shaking ." Louis sat down with his hands gripping his knees , "I can't stop shaking and it'll make me fall down the aisle ."

Niall grinned at him and kneeled in front of him , he put his hands over Louis' , "Look at me . Lou . Lou ?"

Louis looked at him with a pout on his lips , "Ni , I can't stand on my legs ." He pouted ; the photographer and videographer in the room weren't helping his nervousness .

Louis and Harry were getting ready separately , and Harry couldn't help himself from littering the building Louis was in with guards , along with the two blocks surrounding the building .

"You're going to be okay . Think about this . This is Harry , your scary lover . If you trip he'll shoot the floor ."

Louis let a smile spread on his lips , Niall squeezed his hands , "Breathe with me ." He helped Louis take a few deep breaths , while videos and pictures were taken of them .

"Go look in the mirror again ." Niall stood up from kneeling and let Louis walk over to the large mirror again ; he was looking at himself in the mirror before he felt like he couldn't stop himself from shaking , the sight of himself and the knowledge of marrying Harry in less than two hours was making him weak at the knees .

Louis stood in front of the mirror , feeling his hands shaking as he smoothed them down his patterned , velvet fitted pants . Niall stood behind him with a wide grin on his lips , "You look incredible ."

"Do you think Harry will like it ?" Louis asked in a shy voice .

"Lou , you could literally wear a pair of sweatpants with holes in it and an old t-shirt with barbecue sauce stains and he will love it ."

"Shut up ." Louis shook his head yet still smiled , then bit his lower lip , "Should I keep my hair down or go for a quiff ?"

"Well I did hear Harry saying he likes the fringe , so ..." Niall teased a bit , laughing a bit as Louis nodded to himself .

Sarah just finished collecting all of her things back into her kit , she walked over to Louis and gave him a hug , "I'm so happy for you , I'll see you later today with Mitch ."

"Thank you so much ." Louis smiled as he hugged her back , watching as she left .

It was only a few minutes later that Zayn and Liam showed up , both dressed up and ready aswell .

"Oh , look at you ." Liam grinned , Louis smiled back just as widely and let Liam pick him up in a hug . They squeezed each other , "Harry is going to fall off his feet when he sees you ." Liam told Louis as he put him back down .

"I'm pretty sure I'll be the one tripping over my feet when I see him ." Louis shook his head , "I only looked at myself in the mirror and my knees were shaking ."

Zayn walked over and embraced Louis in a tight hug , "You look beautiful , you don't have anything to worry about ."

Louis melted into Zayn's warm embrace , "Do you have anything I can take to relax ?"

"Let's take shots ." Niall suggested , "Half a shot , to loosen you up a bit ."

"Sounds good to me ." Louis nodded , Niall fetched a bottle from the fridge in the room and searched the cupboards , bringing four shot glasses . He made a quick work of pouring four shots and handed them around , the four called Cheers and drank their shots .

Louis made a sour face and put the glass down as he hummed , "Alright , five minutes and I'm good to go ."

"Mr. Tomlinson . Will you pose for a few pictures ?" The photographer asked , Louis shyly followed him . And of course , Liam , Zayn and Niall followed aswell , the three took out their phones .

They took pictures and videos of Louis on their phones , whistling and cheering him on . It only made Louis grin shyly as his cheeks turned pink .

There was a knock on the door to the room before it opened , Victor walked into the room and smiled , "Ready to go ?"

Louis took a deep breath , he gripped Niall's hand and Liam's bicep as he walked with his three friends out of the room , escorted by Victor and more guards .

After a short ride in the elevator to the first floor of the building they walked out of the front , pictures and videos of them were taken as the guards kept everyone away .

Liam and Zayn got into Liam's Range Rover , while Louis and Niall got into the Range Rover with Victor and Harley .

Louis wiped his hands on his pants again , Niall smiled at him , "Ready to see your future husband ?"

"Dear God , Niall , don't make me faint ." Louis gave him a weak shove , Niall laughed a bit and reached out to grab his hand . Louis held his hand , "I hope you don't mind that my hand is a bit damp , I'm nervous ."

"I don't ." Niall assured him .

They reached the building where Harry was , where their wedding was going to be held very soon . It was the tallest building in the city (funnily enough it wasn't Harry's office building) , and their wedding was going to be held at the very top floor where the ballroom hall was , with glass walls all around it to have a view over the entire city .

Harley parked the car at the front of the building , Victor opened Louis' door and smiled as he stepped out . Amelia met the two at the front of the building , Niall greeted her and watched with a smile as she gave Louis a tight hug , Liam and Zayn joined aswell after handing the keys to one of the guards to park the car .

Louis was escorted into the building , the photographer and videographer who were with him joined them and told him they'd be doing a 'first look' of him and Harry .

They were taken up to one of the top floors , where one of the suites were . Louis was told to go upstairs and wait for them to bring Harry . He sat down on the bed in one of the rooms , taking deep breaths in to calm himself down .

Louis' phone buzzed in his pocket , he took it out to see a text from Niall to go downstairs .

"Oh Jesus ." He mumbled to himself before he stood up from the bed and walked out of the room , slowly making his way down the stairs . He heard a soft and slow song playing from downstairs , he gripped the railing as he started making his way down .

Harry , who insisted on facing the stairs , slowly came into view , and God , Louis melted at the sight of him ; the two of them were wearing matching clothings , both wearing black velvet fitted pants and a satin black shirt with shining white sneakers , though Harry had his top buttons unbuttoned .

Harry's heart fluttered in his chest as his eyes fell on Louis . He moved on instinct as he walked to the bottom of the stairs to wait for him , eyes glued to Louis as they grinned at each other .

"God , you're goegeous ." Harry said once Louis was close enough , he reached his hands out and held Louis' waist , Louis stood on the bottom stair as his hands held Harry's face .

Harry pulled Louis into a kiss , holding him tightly to keep him from pulling away . They kissed as pictures and videos were taking , as their friends and close ones were cheering and whistling .

Louis giggled and pulled back from the kiss , "You look so handsome ." He bit his lower lip with a grin on his lips , he moved back a bit as his hands dropped to Harry's biceps , he looked Harry up and down and giggled , "You couldn't give up the gun for one night ?"

"Just incase I need to shoot someone for interrupting when you say 'I do' ." Harry smiled wider when he made Louis laugh .

He pulled Louis into one more chaste kiss before they turned to acknowledge everyone in the room with them , who couldn't stop grinning at the two .

The videographers and photographers snatched them away for pictures and videos , Harry didn't like it too much but was more than happy to have those memories recorded to look back on .


The ceremony was small and private , only their close ones were present .

However , there were three cameras live-streaming the wedding . Apparently a lot of people wanted to see the two getting married .

Everyone were sat down on the chairs , though quickly stood up as a soft song started playing , the queue to the ceremony starting .

Louis and Harry walked into the room , everyone clapped and whistled and took pictures and videos . Louis grinned at the sight of all of the dogs - even Mint's puppies - dressed in the cutest tuxedos , lined up down the aisle and in front of the altar .

They walked down the aisle , Louis gripped Harry's bicep as they made their way to Victor , who was waiting for them at the altar .

Victor read a short verse from the bible in his hand before he closed the book and smiled at the couple , who were stood facing each other with their hands laced between them .

"I've known you two for a good few years . There's nothing that makes me happier than to be the person marrying you two ." Victor smiled , "I've known Harry since he was a young teen , I watched as he grew into the man he is today . I have zero doubt that your family is so so proud of you ."

Harry gave him an appreciative nod of the head with a small smile , turning to smile at Louis as Louis gave his hands a squeeze .

"And Louis ," Victor smiled , "Beautiful , little Louis . You've changed all of our lives for the better , you're the sunshine of this city . I'm more than grateful that you and Harry found each other , you bring so much light into his life that it surprises me every single time how fond he is of you . Rightfully so ."

Louis grinned , already feeling the tears stinging the back of his eyes .

"Anything the two of you would like to say ?" Victor asked .

Louis squeezed Harry's hands . "Can I go first ? I'll cry when you talk and won't be able to speak ."

The crowd laughed softly , Harry smiled at him , "Sure baby ."

Louis took a moment to breathe in before he spoke . "I --" He stopped and laughed when he already got choked up from the emotional lump in his throat , Harry gave his hands an encouraging squeeze .

"I've n-never been in love in my l-life , and with you it's th-the best f-feeling ever ." Louis smiled through tears , "I love you , and I-I love that you love m-me . I love that I'm th-the only one who gets to see through y-you , it makes me feel so s-special . I l-love you Hazzie ."

Harry pulled Louis closer and cupped his face , wiping his cheeks from tears and kissing his forehead . It was mostly silent , except for the crowd sniffling .

Harry locked his arms around Louis' waist , hands laced at his lower back , "I love you , baby . I .. am not very good with words . With you , it comes more naturally . I love that you balance me . I fucking love how cute you are , how intelligent you are . I learn from you every day . I love that you're mine , mine only ." He smiled when he made Louis laugh through tears . "I fucking love you , baby ."

Louis brought his hands up to Harry's face when he saw that Harry's eyes were getting glossy , he cupped his face and rubbed his thumbs on his cheeks . He wanted to kiss him so bad , but stopped himself - because it was time for the rings .

"Odin , come forward ." Victor told Odin , Louis turned his head and grinned when he saw Odin walking over with a small basket , the handle in his mouth , inside the basket was a small pillow with the rings sitting ontop .

Louis kneeled in front of him and took the basket , "Thank you pup ." He kissed his head , Harry kneeled down aswell and kissed the bridge of his nose lovingly .

Victor took the basket and presented it to Harry , who took the ring .

"Do you , Louis Tomlinson , take Harry Styles , to be your husband ?"

"I d-do ." Louis nodded , watching through glossy eyes as Harry slid the ring on his finger .

"Do you , Harry Styles , take Louis Tomlinson , to be your husband ?"

"I do ." Harry smiled , watching Louis sliding the ring on his finger .

Victor crossed his arms behind his back , "I am very happy to pronounce you husband and husband . You may k --"

Harry didn't let Victor finish his sentence , he grabbed Louis by the waist and pulled him into a deep kiss . Louis' arms wrapped around Harry's neck and shoulders as their crowd cheered and whistled , everyone stood up from their seat to greet the newly-wed couple .

It took a bit of time before the couple let each other go ; they were too busy kissing and smiling at each other . Eventually they pulled back to let their close ones hug and kiss them , Louis then went to greet his dogs with Harry joining .


Everyone were sat at their tables , Louis and Harry walked through everyone to greet them and thank them for coming .

They danced a bit before going back to their tables to eat , then it was time for their slow dance . Niall's friend , who performed with him a few times , stood at the stage with a microphone as the music started playing .

I bring him coffee in the morning
He brings me inner peace

Harry took Louis' hand as the song started playing , Louis walked with him to the dance floor and they wrapped each other in a cuddle , moving side to side .

I take him out to fancy restaurants
He takes the sadness out of me
I make him cards on his birthday
He makes me a better man
I take him water when he's thirsty
He takes me as I am

"I have something to confess ." Harry told Louis quietly .

"What is it ?" Louis looked up at him with a smile ."

"I helped Niall and his friend writing this song . To you ."

I love it when his mind wanders
And he loves it when I stay at home
I know when he's lost and he knows when I feel alone

"Aw Hazzie ." Louis hugged him closer as he listened closely to the lyrics , smiling as the fireworks around them lit up at the start of the chorus .

From all my airs and graces
To the little things I do
Everything is pointless without you
Of all the dreams I'm chasing
There's only one I choose
Everything is pointless without you

"It's so beautiful , I love it so much ." Louis gave him a squeeze .

I light the fire when it's cold out
And he lights up the room
I hope that he'll love me forever
He hopes I'll be back soon
I take him out to the movies
He takes away my pain
He is the start of everything
And I'll be there 'til the end

"I can't believe you wrote me a song ." Louis looked up at him , Harry leaned down and kissed him gently , "I'd write an entire album about you ."

I love when he laughs for no reason
And his love's the reason I'm here
He knows when I'm hurt and I know when he's feeling scared, mm

From all my airs and graces
To the little things I do
Everything is pointless without you
Of all the dreams I'm chasing
There's only one I choose
Everything is pointless without you

The song slowly ended and everyone clapped , Louis and Harry stayed on the dance floor still cuddling with each other and kissing for a bit longer .

The wedding went on , they danced some more , drank more alcohol . By midnight the night ended , Louis was drunk and happy as ever , sitting in Harry's lap as he felt himself nodding off .

Harry held him tightly , "Baby ." He shook him a bit , Louis hummed into his neck , "Hubby ."

"We need to go , Paul is waiting for us at the airport ." Harry brought one hand up to push Louis' hair back , Louis lifted himself up , "Where are we goin' ?"

"Our honeymoon ."

"Funnily enough , I know that , Hazzie , we just got married ." Louis sassed and wiggled his ringed finger in Harry's face . "I wanted to know the destination ."

"A surprise ."

"Then I'm not going ."

Harry smiled at him , "Four days in north of Sweden . Then we'll go to Italy for five days . Then three days in Dubai . Then four more days on a private island in the atlantic ocean ."

"Sounds incredible ." Louis hugged his shoulders and leaned on his chest , Harry squeezed him close . He then smiled , "We need to get your passport updated ."

"What's wrong with my passport ?"

"You're Louis Styles now ."

Louis grinned and lifted his head up to look at Harry , "Oh yeah ."

"I thought you knew we were married ?" Harry teased .

"Shut it ." Louis squished his cheeks .

Victor approached the couple , "I hate to interrupt . Your ride to the airport is ready ."

Louis stood up from Harry's lap and gave Victor a hug , Victor hugged Louis back .

"Thank you for everything , Vic ."

"Anything for you ." Victor smiled as they pulled back . He shook Harry's hand aswell and told them he'd be waiting at the elevators .

The couple went to say goodbye to their friends , Louis also took the time to say goodbye to his dogs .

Harry put his arm around Louis' waist , "Should we do this properly ?" He asked , and without waiting for an answer , he picked Louis up bridal style .

Louis laughed as he wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders , Harry kissed his cheek and they left the place .


Hope you liked it x


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