The Aurora

Summary : Harry and Louis go on a trip to see the northern lights .

*Proper long one-shot*

Enjoy x


Louis smiled at Laura , she smiled back and waved , the office phone pressed to her ear . Louis tip-toed past her and walked down the hallway to Harry's office . Harry texted him earlier to come to his office at a certain hour to talk about something he wouldn't tell him about .

Louis punched the code to the door in and pushed it open , stopping in his spot when he saw a man sitting in one of the chairs in front of Harry's desk , Harry sat in front of him in his chair .

"Oh - sorry ." Louis blushed and was about to step back , but Harry only smiled gently , "Come in , baby ."

Louis looked to the man then back to Harry , blush still permanent on his cheeks ; it was the first time he walked in on a meeting .

"Baby ." Harry moved back from the desk a bit , "Come here , I asked you to be here didn't I ?"

Louis bit his lower lip as he stepped into the room , letting the door shut behind him . He walked towards Harry , his hands holding his sweater sleeves .

Harry brought him into his lap , "I want you to meet Mitch Rowland , my traveling agent ."

Mitch held his hand out , "Nice to meet you , Mr. Tomlinson ."

Louis shook his hand , Harry rubbed Louis' back to soothe him , "Mitch is here to help with our trip to the north ." He said , smiling when Louis' face lit up at the mention of their trip .

Mitch pulled out his laptop and placed it on Harry's desk , showing them both some options for flights , hotels , Villas , things to do around the area (which wasn't much) and more .

Harry let Louis pick what he liked , as he asked Mitch not to name prices to him before Louis joined their meeting .

The meeting lasted a bit over two hours , Louis stood up from Harry's lap so Harry could stand up and shake Mitch's hand before walking him to the door . Louis sat in Harry's chair as he watched him , a smile permanent on his lips .

Harry returned from walking Mitch to the lobby , smiling when he saw Louis sitting in his chair with a grin on his lips . 

"I'm so happy we're going on this trip ." Louis smiled , "I've always wanted to see the northern lights ."

Harry held his hands out for Louis to hold , "I'm happy that you're happy ." He wrapped his large hands around Louis' when Louis put his small hands in his , he pulled him up from the chair and wrapped his arms around his waist , "It'll be the best week ."


Louis held Harry's hand tightly as the plane took off ; he watched through the window as they got higher and higher , then turned to Harry to tell him something , but stopped before he could say anything when he saw Harry was staring at him , making him blush . "What ?"

Harry only smiled back softly , "You're cute . Was admiring you ." He chuckled a bit when Louis put his free hand over his eyes . Louis bit his lower lip , "What's it with you and making me blush so much ?"

Harry took Louis' hand off his eyes , "Love it too much not to ."

The plane steadied , Harry clicked his seatbelt off and stood up , going to the cockpit to speak to the pilot . Louis stood up aswell , he took a short trip to the toilet before going to Harry , he knocked softly on the small door , "Can I come in ?"

Harry opened the door and let him in , "Baby this is Paul , Paul Higgins . He's my private pilot , was my father's pilot aswell ."

Paul nodded his head at Louis , keeping his eyes on the various buttons , lights and radio . "He's a special young man , isn't he ?" He asked Louis , "One of a kind ."

"He is ." Louis smiled , gently tucking Harry's hair behind his ear . Harry leaned into his touch , "Are you hungry ? Tired ?"

"Not very hungry , no . Kind of feel weird ." Louis put his hand on his stomach , "It's probably the flight ."

"Are you tired ? You can go nap in the room in the back ." Harry frowned a bit , "The flight isn't too long , just under six hours until we land ."

"Maybe ... maybe I'll eat something small ?" Louis asked quietly , "What are the options ?"

Harry walked with him out of the cockpit and to the tiny kitchen , where one of the flight attendants were , "What food options do we have ?"

The woman showed them the options , Louis picked a small box of fried rice with vegetables . Harry picked himself fried chicken and green beans . The two sat to eat together , Harry let Louis have some of his chicken too , while Louis fed Harry some of his rice .

"Go nap baby , I'll be there soon too ." Harry opened the door leading to the small room , where there was a soft looking bed and lights were dimmed .

"You're joining me ?" Louis asked , Harry kissed his cheek , "Yes , I just need to take care of some things ."

Louis nodded , Harry kissed him for a bit before closing the door of the room . Louis took his shoes off and got into bed , he kneeled next to the window to watch the sky , taking some pictures on his phone , before getting under the blankets and closing his eyes .

It felt odd sleeping on a plane , as it was the first time he was flying out of the country . He kept tossing and turning , sighing out when he couldn't fall asleep - even though he felt tired .

Harry walked into the room and closed the door behind him , eyebrows pinched , "Thought you'd be asleep by now ."

"Me too ." Louis pouted a bit , watching as Harry took his shoes off , then threw his shirt off before getting in bed next to him . Harry traced his cheek , "What's wrong ?"

"I don't know . I just can't fall asleep . I'm tired , but I can't for some reason ." Louis shifted closer and pressed his forehead to his chest , sighing in content when Harry wrapped his arms around him . "I think it's because I'm on a plane , I feel a bit disoriented ."

Harry kissed the top of his head a few times , "Try to fall asleep now , nap for a bit . I won't leave until you sleep ." He kept one arm around his shoulders , his other hand rubbing up and down his back .

Louis put his arms around his middle and closed his eyes , his ear pressed to Harry's chest so he could hear his heartbeat .

Harry smiled as he felt Louis slowly relaxing against him , his breathing slowed down until he fell asleep . He continued to hold him and rub his back , closing his eyes to get a bit of sleep too .


They landed in Greenland , Louis looked out of the window , "So much snow , it's probably freezing cold ."

"Exactly why I bought us those puffy jumpsuits and furry boots ." Harry tapped his nose , "Don't want you to catch a cold on our trip ."

"We're still going to play in the snow , you promised ." Louis smiled cutely as he grabbed Harry's hand before it booped his nose again , "You promised to build a snowman and make snow angels , and I want to try this trend where you throw boiling hot water in the air and it turns into snow ."

Harry squeezed his hand , "We'll do anything you want ."

The plane stopped on the lane , everyone undid their seatbelts . Harry stood up and grabbed one of the suitcases from the trunk above them , he opened it and pulled out Louis' boots , coldbreak jumpsuit , gloves and a beanie .

Louis took his shoes off and put them in the suitcase , then got into the jumpsuit . Harry helped him into the boots , then he handed him the gloves and beanie before going to wear his own boots and jumpsuit .

Harry put the beanie over his head when he finished , he grabbed one of his guns and took Louis' gloved hand in his free one .

Louis pouted , "Why aren't you wearing gloves ?"

"Don't need them ." Harry shook his head and walked with Louis to the door . Louis thanked the flight attendants quietly and waved goodbye to Paul , before he was met with an overwhelming wave of freezing cold air .

"S-So cold ." He pressed himself to Harry's side , Harry gripped his hand tighter , "Our car is right here baby , just need to greet some people ." He walked them to a few men , he shook their hands and then turned to Louis .

"This is Louis , he's my boyfriend . Anything happens to him and I'm after all of you ." Harry told them , "He's the same level of security enforcement as I am ."

The men nodded and shook Louis' hand , Harry brought his hand to Louis' cheek and swiped his thumb over his freezing cheekbone , "Your cheeks and nose are turning red ." He put his arm around him and walked him to the car .

Louis thanked Harry when he opened the passenger's door for him , Harry took a hot water bottle from the flight attendant who handed him one , he pressed it to Louis' chest and let him hold onto it .

"I'll go make sure our luggage is all good and load it into the car , then we'll go ." Harry rubbed his arm , "Feeling alright ? Is your stomach better ?"

Louis nodded , "Yeah , b-better ." He sniffled from the cold , Harry leaned into the car to peck his freezing cheek before closing the door to keep Louis warm .

He went back to the plane , watching his guards - the four who flew with them on the plane - lined up their luggages , then made sure nothing important was left on the plane . Harry helped carrying their things to the car , he loaded the backseat with his and Louis' luggages before closing the door again , making sure his men were in their cars too ; two guards in a car in front of them , and the other two in the car behind them .

Harry went back to the plane to shake Paul's hand and bidded him farewell until the flight back to England , before going back to the car and getting in the driver's seat .

"One more stop to get our passports checked and we're good to go ." Harry said as he buckled himself up , Louis smiled , "I'm excited ."


It was a two hours drive in the snow , but when they made it to the fancy cabin they were staying at Louis forgot all about how cold he was and how bad he needed to use the bathroom . He was in awe of the place , ontop of a hill surrounded with nothing but nature .

The cabin was massive ; two floors and a huge yard .

Harry smiled watching Louis , he put his arm around his waist and kissed his cheek to break him out of his awed stare . "Let's get inside , baby ." He walked with Louis up the stairs , leaving his men to bring their luggage from the car .

Harry punched the code to the front door and let Louis in first , Louis' jaw hung open , "It's so pretty in here ." He walked further in , while Harry was setting the thermostat to a warmer degree .

Louis took his beanie and gloves off as he went to the large glass windows in the living room , watching over the view . "Are we going to be able to see The Aurora from here ?"

"We're here for the northern lights , aren't we ?" Harry smiled , "Of course we'll see them ."

Harry went to hold open the door to his men , watching them carrying in the luggages . He closed the door and took his beanie off , then followed Louis into the living room .

"Want tea or hot chocolate ?" Harry asked as he zipped off his jumpsuit , Louis turned to face him and opened his mouth to answer , but stopped when he saw Harry's guards pulling out equipment from a suitcase .

"What .. what's that all about ?" Louis asked him quietly , Harry turned to where he was looking and just shrugged , "They're making sure there aren't any mics or cameras in here so we can be peaceful about staying ."

Louis swallowed thickly but nodded , slowly zipping off his jumpsuit and taking his boots off . Harry too the two jumpsuits and two pairs of boots to the entrace and put it in the small closet , then walked to the kitchen and motioned Louis to follow him .

"Hot chocolate or tea ?" Harry asked as he filled the kettle and switched it on , before turning to grab Louis' waist and lift him up to sit on the counter .

"Hot chocolate . But in a small cup ." Louis said , Harry nodded and moved to prepare Louis' hot chocolate cup , and a cup of black coffee for himself .

"What do you want to do first ?" Harry asked , "Build a snowman ? That hot water trend ?"

"Want to stay in for the rest of the day ." Louis shook his head , "My head is feeling a bit funny from the flight and nap on the plane , so I just want to stay in and chill ."

"Okay . There's a hot tub in our room on the second floor if you'd want to try it later today ." Harry suggested and moved to stand in front of Louis between his knees , hands on the counter on either side of him , "We'll wait for the guards to finish their scanning and then move to the living room , we can watch a movie and nap . I'll make us dinner , then we can go to the hot tub , watch the lights from our room ."

"Can I help with dinner ?" Louis asked , hands moving to rest on Harry's shoulders . 

Harry smiled and leaned in to kiss him , "Of course baby ."

The kettle finished boiling , Harry finished their two cups and handed Louis his hot chocolate . "Want cookies with it ?"

Louis shook his head , "Another kiss ?" He asked shyly , making Harry smile wider as he leaned in to kiss him again .

"Thank you for this trip ." Louis smiled when then pulled back , "For taking those days off work to spend time with me ."

"I'll always make time for you , baby . This trip is for the both of us . Mostly for you , but for the both of us to enjoy ." Harry kissed him again , "Love you ."

Louis' heart leaped in his chest , making him grin , "Love you ."

Harry finished his coffee and put the cup in the sink , when one of the guards walked into the kitchen . "Boss ."

Harry turned to face him , the guard held up his equipment , "All of the rooms are clear . Just the kitchen and we're good ."

Louis put his cup down , Harry grabbed his waist and helped him off the counter , "Want to go see the second floor ?"

"Yes ." Louis smiled excitedly , he took the last few sips of his drink and put the cup in the sink , then grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him along excitedly .

Louis' jaw hung open when he saw the second floor ; the entire floor was their master bedroom . The bed was massive and covered in soft blankets and a lot of pillows , a spacious bathroom attached to it aswell . The TV on the wall was massive , but Louis knew he wouldn't be watching any TV ; the massive floor-to-ceiling windows caught his attention , and the best part was that half of the ceiling was glass aswell . He could lay in bed and watch the northern lights .

"This - oh my god . This is perfect ." Louis put his hands to his chest , Harry stood behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist , "I'm happy you like it ."

"Hazzie this is incredible , this place is so perfect ." Louis held onto Harry's arms that were around him , Harry squeezed him closer and leaned in to kiss his cheek a few times , "You have no idea how happy it makes me , knowing you love it ."


Louis blushed as he watched Harry pulling his shirt over his head ; he felt like he would never be able to stop being flustered by Harry being shirtless around him .

Harry turned to him and smirked , reaching his hand out to poke his tummy , "Shirt off baby , let's get in the hot tub ."

Louis moved away from his poking and grabbed the swimshorts from his suitcase , turning his back to Harry to change . He shivered a bit as he put his clothes away and turned to the tub , cheeks pink when he saw Harry was watching him .

"Come here ." Harry held his arms open , Louis climbed into the hot tub and moved closer to Harry , sitting in his lap with his back towards him . He looked out of the massive glass windows , "When do you think there will be lights ?"

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis , pressing his lips to his bare shoulder , "They're unpredictable , so we can't really know ."

Louis pouted a bit but nodded , keeping his eyes glued to the windows . "You know what else I was thinking ?"

"Tell me ."

"This week , a year ago ." A smile spread on Louis' lips , "We first met ." He felt Harry's lips stretching into a smile against his skin , before Harry turned him to sit sideways .

"Has it been a year already ?" Harry locked his arms around Louis , Louis brought one arm to wrap around his shoulders and nodded , "Yeah . Can't forget such day , you know ."

"Perfect timing ." Harry leaned in and kissed him , "The day we met , I was almost reborn ."

Louis ran his fingers through Harry's hair softly , "What do you mean ?"

Harry kissed him once more and smiled , "For years I told myself I'll never be able to find love . Gave up on it . Didn't have the time , didn't meet anyone who was right enough to change it . That same night I even told Liam and Zayn I'll never find my partner in a nightclub . Then I saw you ." He brought his hand up to push Louis' fringe from his forehead . "You didn't fit into the scenery of the nightclub , you were just out of place . And so fucking beautiful , I never saw anyone as beautiful as you are . Wanted to put you in my pocket and keep you away from preying eyes ."

Louis blushed deeper during his small speech , a soft smile on his lips .

"In a way , I did end up putting you in my pocket and protecting you ." Harry joked , smiling when Louis chuckled a bit . "You're one of the best things that happened to me ."

"You're one of the best things that happened to me ." Louis put both his arms around his neck , leaning in to kiss him .

Harry hummed into the kiss , his hands running up and down Louis' back and sides ; his skin was always so soft under Harry's rough hands .

Louis pulled back first to look out of the windows , Harry kept pressing kisses to his cheek softly . He pulled back quickly when Louis gasped out loud , he was about to ask what was wrong but Louis pointed out of the window as he moved off his lap , "There was a light ! I saw a light !"

Harry watched as Louis put his elbows on the edge of the hot tub , his nose almost pressed to the glass windows as he looked outside , waiting for another light to show . "It was so pretty , Hazzie , you -- Ohh !"

Harry smiled as he watched him ; his eyes were wide , glued to the dark sky that kept lighting up with northern lights . Harry moved closer to sit next to him , his hand rubbing his back as he watched the lights with him . Well mostly he was watching Louis , as he found him to be a much prettier sight .

"I can't look away . I can't stop looking . This is so pretty , oh my god ."

"Yeah , you are ."

Louis turned to look at Harry , cheeks turning pink when he saw him staring . "The Aurora is right there , Hazzie , watch it ." He turned Harry's head by his jaw , but Harry only turned his head back to look at him , "You're my favourite sight ."

They stayed in the tub for another hour , watched the lights and kissed . Louis got out first and went to shower , Harry left the room to go make sure the cabin was all locked up properly , made sure his guards were okay at their own place , before returning upstairs to their room .

Louis walked out of shower and hung his towel , "I'm making myself a cup of tea , want one too ?"

"Sure ." Harry walked into the bathroom to shower , Louis went downstairs and prepared his and Harry's tea cups . He put the two cups on a tray with a plate of cookies and walked back upstairs carefully , placing the tray on the small table in the middle of the room .

Harry walked out of shower in his boxers , smiling when he saw Louis sitting on the carpet on the floor , in front of the large windows . He joined him , grabbing his cup with one hand , the other reaching to grab a cookie .

"Tomorrow morning we'll build a snowman ." Louis told Harry when he finished his bite of the cookie , "And do the trend of the hot water ."

"The sun doesn't go up before eight a.m , baby , okay ? So you can sleep in , don't feel like you're forced to wake up early ."

"I know you will , though , to workout ." Louis rolled his eyes playfully , "Weirdo ."

They finished their tea and cookies , Harry took the tray back to the kitchen before going to brush his teeth , Louis smiled at him through the mirror when he walked in , before he washed his toothbrush and mouth .

Louis left the bathroom , he plugged his and Harry's phone into chargers and took his socks off ; he could never sleep with socks on .

Harry walked out of the bathroom just as Louis turned the lights off , leaving the bed lamps on . Harry grabbed the pillows and moved them to the floor , then moved the blankets back , "Get in , baby ."

Louis climbed into bed , a content sigh leaving his lips as he felt himself melting into it . "This is so comfy , oh wow , it's so soft ." Louis grabbed the blankets and wrapped it all around himself , wiggling like a worm , "Feels like a cloud ."

Harry turned the lamps off and tugged at the blankets , "Come here , little one ." He brought Louis into his chest , kissing the top of his head , "Good night ."

"Good night ." Louis relaxed into Harry's cuddle , surrounded by his warmth , his scent , the two of them melting into the soft sheets . Louis was out in seconds .



"I am not letting you out until you put gloves on ." Louis blocked the way out .

He and Harry woke up , had breakfast together , then got dressed to go outside . Harry , however , didn't put his gloves on , and Louis didn't want him to have freezing hands .

"Baby I'll be fine ." Harry chuckled a bit , Louis shook his head , "Please Hazzie ? You need gloves , the snow is too cold to touch ."

"I don't need gloves ."

Louis' angry face resembled of a frowning kitten , as he moved to a different tactic . "If you don't put gloves on I won't let you touch me because your hands will be too cold ."

Harry stared at him with a blank expression for a few seconds , before turning around to grab a pair of gloves . Louis grinned in victory , Harry shook his head , "Wipe that smile off , I'll get you back for this ."

"I don't care , I still got you to put gloves on ." Louis smiled and slid open the glass windows of the living room , shivering as he stepped outside to the yard .

The snow was deep , he took slow and careful steps in , watching his legs sinking up to his knees .

"Baby ."

Louis turned to face Harry , letting out a squeal when Harry grabbed his waist with both sides , throwing him in the air and into the snow .

"Hazzieeee !!"

Harry laughed as he watched Louis wiggling around , before going to help him up . Louis grabbed Harry's hands , then started smacking his chest and arms , "That was so mean ! I can't believe you ! That was cruel of you to do !"

"I did say I'll get you back , didn't I ?" Harry put his hands on both sides of his head over the hood of his jumpsuit , leaning in to kiss him .

Louis pouted , "Still so mean ." He gave him a light shove , before reaching down to the snow , quickly making a ball and throwing it at Harry . Harry only chuckled as Louis threw snowballs at him , throwing some back for fun .

"Alright , baby - baby ." Harry smiled , "How about we build a snowman ?"

Louis threw one more snowball before sighing , "Okay ."

Harry followed Louis' instructions for the snowman he wanted , Louis ran back into the house to fetch a scarf for the snowman when they finished . He wrapped it around where it's neck was supposed to be , then grabbed some pebbles for eyes and a smile .

"It's cute ." Louis smiled , "Poor thing doesn't have arms though ."

"It'll be fine ." Harry hugged him from behind , "Want to try that trend now before we go back inside ?"

Louis nodded and ran into the cabin , he filled the kettle halfway and put it to boil . Harry took the time Louis was in the cabin to talk to his guards on the radio , making sure things were all good and the area remained clear . He asked them if they saw suspicious movements , to which the guards replied with 'no' .

Louis returned outside , holding the kettle with one hand , his other holding a mug . He filled the mug and handed Harry the kettle to hold .

"Watch this ." Louis grinned before throwing the water in the air , cheering when it turned into snow . "So cool !" He held the mug up for Harry to fill it again , Harry filled his mug and smiled as he watched him throwing it up over their heads , Louis giggled as the snow covered them .

"There's enough for maybe one more , want to go again before we go inside ?" Harry held the kettle up , Louis nodded and let Harry fill it again . He threw the water for the last time before turning to face Harry , "This is so cool , I've always wanted to try that ."

Harry walked closer to him and put his arm around him , leaning in to kiss his lips , "I love seeing you so happy . Makes my heart warm up ."

Louis smiled wider , his cheeks pink both from blush and the cold . "You make me the happiest I've ever been ."


It was dinner time ; Harry cooked their dinner with a bit of help from Louis , who mostly sat on the counter and watched him , kissing him or annoying him throughout .

Once done with dinner Louis took it upon himself to put it into two plates , while Harry went upstairs to light up the fireplace in their room . He walked back downstairs to carry the tray with their food , while Louis brought a bottle of wine and two glasses .

They sat on the soft carpet in front of the fireplace , Louis took pictures of Harry as he opened their wine bottle and poured their glasses . Their plates were sitting on a small table in perfect height for their floor seating , Harry handed Louis a glass .

"Cheers to a perfect trip ." Harry tipped his glass a bit to clink with Louis' , Louis grinned and leaned in to peck his cheek before sipping a bit of his wine to hide his pink cheeks .

They ate their dinner slowly , Louis listened to Harry's stories from some business trip to Portugal , and Harry listened to Louis' stories from when he was in high school .

Louis was done with his second wine glass , he was smiling uncontrollably watching Harry clearing the table from the plates . Harry smiled back at him , "Who's staring now ?"

"Oi , why are you allowed to stare and I'm not ?" Louis reached his hand out to poke his cheek , Harry stood up with the tray , "I never said you couldn't ."

Louis poured the two of them another glass , he sipped on his glass then moved the table away so he could lay on his back on the carpet .

Harry walked into the room with a plate , smiling when he saw Louis laying down , "You alright , baby ?"

"I'm good . What did you bring ?" Louis smiled , Harry kneeled next to him , "Brought dessert ." He put the plate down on the carpet , Louis smiled when he saw strawberries with chocolate on them .

Harry held himself on all fours above Louis , leaning down to press his lips to his exposed neck . He smiled wider when Louis started to giggle , lips right by his ear . He locked his arms around him and kissed his neck for a bit longer , moving the soft kisses up and down .

"H-Hazzie , no - that tickles so much ." Louis grabbed the sides of his head as he laughed and squirmed a bit , Harry pulled back with a grin , "You're adorable ."

"Get off and let me eat the strawberries ." Louis squished his cheeks in his hands , Harry pressed a few kisses to his lips before moving off and bringing the plate closer .

Louis sat up and took his wine glass , he sipped on his wine and grabbed a chocolate covered strawberry , feeding to to Harry first . Harry took the strawberry with a smile , "Eat , baby ."

Louis grabbed a strawberry for himself , Harry watched as he munched on three strawberries in a row before stopping to drink more of his wine .

"Slow down with the wine baby , before you get too lightheaded ." Harry caressed his arm gently , Louis put the glass down on the table he pushed away and turned back to Harry .

Harry watched as Louis climbed into his lap , legs on either side of him as he straddled him , leaning in to kiss him with his arms around his neck . Harry's arms wrapped around Louis' waist like a magnet , moving his hands to grasp his sides .

Louis hummed as he draped himself over Harry , deepening the kiss . Harry felt a smirk stretching on his lips , "How can you still be so cute is beyond me ."

"Harry - Hazzie ." Louis pulled back from kissing him , moving his hands to cup his cheeks . "I - I want you . I'm r-ready . Please ." He whispered .

The smirk slowly faded from Harry's lips , his hands tightening around his waist . "Baby --"

"Please . I love you . I want you , I'm ready ." Louis nodded . He gasped when Harry kissed him again eagerly , squishing him into his chest .

"I didn't bring condoms or lube . Didn't know you'd want to ." Harry shook his head .

Louis blushed deeper . "I - I brought some ." He said shyly , hiding his face in Harry's neck when he saw his wide smirk .

"How did you get them ?" Harry pushed his hands under Louis' jumper to rub his back , Louis shivered a bit , "Asked Zayn to buy them for me ." He said in a quiet , shy voice , muffled into Harry's neck .

Harry gave him a squeeze and kissed his shoulder , "Look up ."

Louis lifted his head up , Harry gave him a soft kiss , "I need to know you want it one hundred percent . It's okay if you want to wait longer ."

"No ." Louis shook his head , "I want it . I'm sure . Please , Hazzie ."

Harry kissed him again , bringing his arms to wrap around his thighs under his bum as he stood up from the carpet carrying Louis , walking them to bed . He laid Louis down and moved away from him , going to Louis' suitcase to fetch a condom and the lube bottle . He smirked when he found them buried under all of his clothings , returning to bed and leaving the two items to lay on one of the pillows .

"Stop me at any second , let me know if you don't like anything and want to skip , let me know if you want to slow down --"

Louis cut Harry off by grabbing his cheeks , pressing their lips together , "I trust you ."

Harry kissed him once more before moving off , he grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head , leaning back down to kiss Louis as he worked on taking his sweatpants off .

Louis took his own sweatpants off , then let Harry help him out of his sweater . They kissed for a bit more , Harry moved down to kiss Louis' chest , sucking lovebites on his collarbones . Louis kept his hands in Harry's hair , fingertips massaging softly as his scalp .

Harry moved down , trying to suck a few lovebites on Louis' tummy , but Louis continued to giggle and squirm away from being ticklish . Harry only smiled and moved lower to suck lovebites to his inner thighs , hooking his fingers in the elastic of his boxers .


Harry traced his fingers up and down Louis' back , as Louis laid on his front next to him , his face squished into the soft sheets . They were both still naked , the northern lights and the small fire still burning were the only lights in the room .

"Baby ."

Louis blushed and turned his face to bury in the sheets , making Harry smirk . He hooked his arm around his waist and kissed his shoulder blade , "Are you feeling okay ? Want me to get you some water ?"

Louis nodded without lifting his head up from the sheets , feeling Harry shifting around in bed before his weight left the mattress .

How will I walk in the morning , Louis thought to himself ; two rounds and his entire body felt like jello .

Harry returned with two water bottles and got back into bed , Louis peeked up at him before hiding his face again , "I c-can't move , Hazzie ."

Harry's smirk widened , he put the bottles down and kneeled on the bed , hands grabbing Louis' waist as he kissed his shoulder , "I'll help you ." He helped Louis into a half sitting half laying position , placing the pillows behind his back for support .

Louis took one of the bottles and drank half of it in one go , he wiped his lips and capped the bottle . He looked up at the glass ceiling to watch the lights , trying to distract himself from Harry's stare and cheeky smirk .

Harry moved closer and kissed Louis' lips gently , "Are you feeling okay baby ? All good ?"

Louis nodded , bringing one of his hands up to trace his cheek . "I'm good . Perfect ." He smiled with pink cheeks , Harry kissed him again and moved to sit next to him , wrapping his arm around his waist under his body .

"You'll have to carry me everywhere tomorrow . And maybe the day after ." Louis turned to cuddle up to his side , arm draped over Harry's middle and head on Harry's chest .

"Not a problem at all ." Harry squeezed him and kissed the top of his head , "Any reason to hold you is good ."

Louis lifted his head up to look at him , he stretched up to kiss his cheek softly , "Thank you for a perfect trip ."

"Any trip with you is perfect already ." Harry leaned in to kiss him .


Hope you liked it x

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