Summary : Louis and Harry get tattoos together .
Enjoy x
Louis held Harry's arm with his hand as they walked into the tattoo parlor ; he was going to get his first tattoo and he was nervous for it .
The manager of the parlor waited for them at the front , she approached them with a smile , "Good to have you back , Mr. Styles ." She reached out to shake Harry's hand .
Harry shook her hand , "Good to be back . This is Louis , my boyfriend . It's his first tattoo today ."
The manager shook Louis' hand , "I'm Carmen , I'm the manager . I've known Harry for a long time now , he'd helped me out years ago . Owe him a lot ever since ." She said with a friendly smile , "Alright now . Should we go sketch your tattoos ?"
"Lead the way ." Harry nodded , taking Louis' hand in his as they walked behind her into one of the rooms .
Carmen sat at a desk in front of the computer , beside her there was a tablet and a pen . "Do you have ideas or you're looking for ones ?"
Harry took a chair and placed it next to Carmen , gently nudging Louis at the hip to sit down while he stood behind him , arms resting on the back of the chair .
Louis shifted in his seat a bit , "I - I have an idea for my tattoo ." He said , "I'm a dog trainer , so I was thinking of getting a pawprint tattoo ."
"I like that , sounds cool ." Carmen nodded with a smile , "I have some sketches already if you'd like to see ?"
"Please ." Louis nodded , Carmen opened a folder and showed Louis some sketches of pawprints . Louis leaned closer to the computer screen and examined the sketches , before pointing to one of them , "I like this one ." It was a sketch of a cartoon pawprint , the middle pad in the shape of a heart .
Carmen moved the sketch to the tablet and grabbed the pen , "Anything you'd want to add to it ? Change anything about the sketch ?"
Louis looked down at the tablet screen for a few seconds before shaking his head , "No , just like this ." He then turned his head to Harry , who was watching the two . "Do you like it ?"
"It's your tattoo , baby ." Harry brushed his hair from his forehead , "But yes , I do like it ."
"What size do you want it ? And where is the tattoo going to be ?" Carmen asked .
"I don't want it to be too big , I want it on my ankle ." Louis said , Carmen nodded and made a few sizes of the pawprint , before sending it to the printer .
"Alright , your turn Mr. Styles ." Carmen said , Louis stood up from the chair to let Harry sit down , Harry took Louis' seat but brought him into his lap before he could step away .
"Want you to help me choose , I haven't thought of my tattoo ." Harry explained , wrapping an arm around Louis' waist to keep him in his lap . Louis blushed soft-pink but nodded , "What were you thinking about ?"
"I'm open to suggestions ." Harry shrugged a bit , "Now seeing your choice of tattoo , I might get one for the pups too ."
Louis smiled at him , "Really ?"
"Yes . I saw one that I liked ." Harry nodded and pecked Louis' cheek quickly .
Carmen turned to the computer screen , "Which one did you like ?"
Harry pointed to a sketch of a large pawprint with nails , "This one . I'll have it on my arm , medium sized ."
Carmen moved the tattoo to the tablet , "Any changes ?"
"No ." Harry shook his head , Carmen made a few sizes and printed them out aswell .
"Perfect . "Who's going first ?"
"I-I will . Mine is smaller ." Louis said , "It won't hurt much , right ?"
"It's not even half as painful as you think it is ." Carmen assured him and took the printed paper with Louis' tattoo sketches , "Let's move ."
She took the couple to the table , Louis sat down with his leg elevated on the leather stool . He was wearing a pair of jean shorts so he didn't have to roll his pants , he twisted his leg inward to expose the outside part of his ankle , where the tattoo was going to be .
"What size do you want ?" Carmen showed Louis the paper , Louis looked at the different sizes before pointing to one , "This will be good ."
Carmen took a pair of scissors and cut out the size Louis picked , she laid the sketch on Louis' skin to let the ink print on him before moving the paper off .
Harry watched as Louis fidgeted in his seat from being nervous , hands gripping the armrests , biting his lower lip . He placed his hand on Louis' knee warmly , "Baby ."
Louis looked up at him , "I-I promise I want this tattoo , I'm just nervous about it ."
"I know ." Harry gave him a smile , "Want me to hold your hand ?"
Louis silently took his hand , fingers intertwined . Harry brought their hands up to his mouth and kissed the back of Louis' hand a few times , "Ready ?" He asked when he saw that Carmen was all set up .
"Yes ." Louis nodded , looking over to Carmen as she brought the tattoo gun to his ankle . His face scrunched up at the feeling , though it wasn't too bad so he allowed himself to relax .
Harry ran his fingers through Louis' hair behind his ear , "All good ?"
"All good ." Louis assured him , "You'd know if it hurt ." He said with a small giggle escaping .
"True ." Harry smiled wider , thinking of all the times Louis would cutely say 'ow Hazzie' to him .
Louis turned his attention back to Carmen , his curiosity took over him as he asked , "Can you tell me the story of how Harry helped you out ?"
Carmen looked up at him and smiled , "You'd want to know ?"
"I like hearing stories about him ."
"I've just moved to the city and opened a parlor . Didn't know anything about what was going on here . Then found myself in trouble with this armed group , who demanded money for protection . Meaning if I don't pay them , they pretty much terrorize me ." Carmen told him , "They trashed the place in broad daylight as starters . Then they shot at the store with guns about a week after that . But then they burned down the place , and everything was gone .
"I was getting ready to leave the city , four months after moving here , but then Mr. Styles showed up and handed me they keys to a new place and promised me that this group wouldn't bother me anymore . I've heard stories about him but never got to meet him in person before that day , so I was quite surprised to say the least . Things have been good ever since , the city is slowly clearing of corruption . I have my entire trust and faith in him ."
By the time Carmen finished the story , she also finished Louis' tattoo . She put the tattoo gun away , "Done . What do you think ?"
Louis sat up and looked down at his ankle , a smile on his lips , "I love it ."
"Before you move , let me clean you up and wrap the tattoo ." Carmen said , she made a quick move to clean his fresh tattoo and wrapped a plastic wrap over it , "Now you're officially done ."
"Thank you ." Louis smiled at her and looked down at his tattoo , Harry rubbed the top of his knee , "Looks good on you ."
They switched seats , Harry sat on the leather seat and pulled his button up off , staying in his tank top . He showed Carmen where he wanted the tattoo , the top of his forearm under his elbow .
Louis sat on Harry's other side and watched Carmen working on the tattoo , Harry watched Louis with soft eyes and reached his hand up to caress his cheek with a single finger . Louis blinked as he was pulled out of staring and looked up at Harry , he gave him a shy smile and grabbed his hand with both his small hands , "I would ask if it hurts , but we already agreed you're not a factor for pain check ."
"It doesn't hurt ." Harry gave him a smile , his smile widened when Louis poked his dimple .
Carmen soon finished Harry's tattoo , she cleaned it up and wrapped a plastic wrap over it . Louis moved to Harry's other side and grabbed his arm to get a good look of his tattoo . "I love it , Hazzie . The pups will love it too ."
"I'm sure they will ." Harry stood up from his seat , his arm around Louis' waist , "Should we go show them ?"
Louis laughed a bit but nodded , Harry put his button up back on and the two walked to the front desk .
Harry took his money out of his back pocket , pulled out a few bills and put the rest of the money back in his pocket . Louis watched in confusion as Harry shoved the bills into the register , "Haz what are you doing ?"
"Carmen always refuses to charge me . I'm not taking no for an answer ." Harry said .
Carmen joined them at the front , she held her hand out for Harry to shake , "It was nice to see you , been a few months ."
Harry shook her hand , "It was nice seeing you aswell ."
"Thank you for the tattoos , I love them ." Louis shook her hand next with a smile , "It was nice meeting you ."
"Likewise . You're welcome back here whenever you'd like ." Carmen smiled back .
The couple left the tattoo parlor , Louis held Harry's hand tightly , "Hazzie can we go see Niall ? I want to show him my tattoo ."
"Sure . What do you want for lunch ? I'll call Rodrigo on the way ."
Hope you liked it x
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