
Summary : There's a storm outside , and Louis is alone in his apartment . Harry is there in a heartbeat .

Next updates will be very slow , as I am very very busy with little to no time to breathe .

Enjoy x


Louis laid awake in his bed , holding the blankets around himself as he listened to the storm outside . He couldn't bring himself to close his eyes , even though he felt tired from the long day .

I need a distraction , Louis thought to himself before grabbing his phone from the beside table , pulling it out of the charger . He switched from one app to another , watching videos to keep himself distracted .

He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw that Harry was calling him ; it was past midnight .

"Harry ?"

"Hey baby . What are you doing up so late ?"

"I could ask you the same thing , you know ." Louis smiled a bit .

"Was working late , I'm leaving the office building now . Why are you up ?"

"Just ... you know . Can't sleep ."

"Any particular reason ?"

Louis was quiet for a few seconds ; he didn't want to sound like a child , but he also didn't want to lie to Harry . "Not really . Nothing bad ."

"I'll be over at yours soon ."

"You - what ?" Louis raised his eyebrows .

"I'd like to see you , I want to make sure you're alright ."

Louis' heart melted at his words . He bit his lower lip with pink blush on his cheeks , "It's so late though , you should go home and sleep ."

"I want to see you . I'll be over soon ."

"Okay ." Louis gave in as his blush deepened .

"Good . See you in ten baby ."

They hung up , Louis bit his lower lip ; how did Harry even know he was awake ? He never called Louis during the night . Then he realized - Harry was on his way over . He stood up from bed and looked down at his clothes - they weren't too embarrassing and he was comfy , so he kept them on . He pulled on a pair of fluffy socks before spraying just a tiny little bit of his fabric fragrance on his clothes - to both smell nice but not look like he did it on purpose .

He went to the living room and turned some lights on , before going to the kitchen to put the kettle on . He peeked back into the living room , seeing that his fluffy couch blanket wasn't there . He fetched it from his bedroom and put it on the couch , before going back to the kitchen .

He prepared two mugs , one with tea for himself and the other with coffee for Harry , without filling it with water just yet , as he waited for Harry to arrive first .

He was sitting on the couch under the fluffy blanket , scrolling through yet another app on his phone , when there was a soft knock on his door . He put his phone down and moved the blanket off , going to the door .

Through the small control board he saw Harry , through a tiny hidden security camera . He unlocked the door and opened it , smiling shyly at Harry , "Hey ."

"Hey baby ." Harry walked into the apartment and kissed Louis softly , before turning around to lock the door behind him . He turned to Louis as he shrugged his coat off , he scanned him quickly to try to detect what he was feeling , what he was thinking .

Louis turned and went to the kitchen , Harry followed him and smiled when he saw the two mugs . "I'll take care of it , go sit in the living room ." Harry said as Louis reached for the kettle , he put his hands on his waist and gently moved him aside to grab the kettle himself .

Louis blushed at the touch , it distracted him enough that he let Harry grab the kettle and pour the boiling water into the mugs .

He waited for Harry in the living room , sitting cross-legged under the fluffy blanket . He smiled when Harry walked into the living room holding the two mugs , he handed Louis his mug and smiled at his soft 'thank you' .

Harry sat down and put his coffee mug on the table , before turning to face Louis . He held his chin and pressed a kiss to his lips , "What are you doing up so late , then ?"

Louis smiled down at his mug , "Straight to the point , are we ?" He took a sip of his tea .

"You're never up at such hours , the latest is usually ten thirty ." Harry rested his hand on Louis' knee over the blanket .

"How did you even know that I'm awake ?" Louis asked .

"I saw you were last seen a minute before I opened the app . Which was odd because you're never up at such hours . So I called to make sure you were okay ."

Louis smiled , though the smile didn't reach his eyes . Harry shifted closer and grabbed the mug out of Louis' hands , placing it on the table . He then turned back to Louis and moved the fluffy blanket a bit off , "Come here ."

The two slowly pieced themselves into a cuddle ; Louis leaned into Harry's side with his head on his chest , Harry's arm draped over his shoulders , the fluffy blanket covered mostly Louis and a bit of it was thrown over Harry's lap .

"I know you had a long day today , and to know you're still awake is not something I would have expected ." Harry said , "You don't have to talk to me about it . But I am here to listen ."

Louis stayed quiet for longer , before speaking up .

"I just - don't really enjoy when it's storming outside ." He said quietly .

"Are you scared of storms ?" Harry asked , just as quietly .

"No , I - I'm not scared , I just ... it's kind of weird , so --"

"Never . Don't think like that ."

Louis sighed . "When I - when I lived in the car and it was storming outside , I hated it . It was so loud and it was freezing cold and -- and I just hated it ." He explained , his throat tight with emotions . "It's just a reminder of bad times , s'all ."

Harry dropped his arm from his shoulders to his waist and squeezed him closer , bringing his other arm to hug him tighter , "You'll never have to ever go through even one minute of it again ."

Louis shyly put his arm over Harry's middle to cuddle closer , melting even more when Harry kissed his forehead .

"And so storms make me think back to when I lived in my car , and then I think of why and how I ended up living in my car , and -- you know ... one thought leads to another . And you just can't -- can't sleep ."

Harry gave him another squeeze as he remained silent , waiting to see if Louis continued to talk or he was done . It was quiet for a minute before Louis spoke up again .

"It's not that I -- I mean , living with my parents wasn't the best . But living in a car isn't good either ." Louis shrugged a bit . "Sometimes I don't know which option I hated less . My homophobic parents weren't good to me , and they -- they indoctrinated my little sisters against gays - against me . So leaving them was good , but it was also one of the hardest things I've done ."

"Never feel sorry for leaving , for growing up and doing things on your own ." Harry spoke quietly as he held him tightly , warmly . "Those bad times are behind you , and I will do anything in my power to never let you go through shit ."

Louis shyly snuggled closer , he took his time to let the emotional lump in his throat go away before lifting his head up to look at Harry . "Thanks for coming by ." He gave him a small smile and a peck on the cheek .

"You can always call me to come over , I'm free whenever for you ." Harry kissed his forehead once , then tilted his chin up to kiss his lips .

Louis smiled into the kiss as his fingertips caressed Harry's cheek , he pulled back a bit and dropped his blush-covered face into Harry's neck .

Harry smiled and squeezed him , snaking one hand under the fluffy blanket to rub Louis' back .

They stayed quiet as the storm still poured outside , though this time Louis was much more relaxed . He let himself melt against Harry's body and cuddle up to him as he liked , slowly feeling himself slipping into the sleepy mood he was waiting for .

He lifted his head up and gave Harry a tired and shy smile , "I'm sleepy now ."

"You can fall asleep , I'll carry you to bed ." Harry told him , a fond smile spread on his lips at the sight of Louis letting out a sleepy giggle as he shook his head .

"Don't want to hold you down , and it's almost one a.m . You should go home and sleep , too ." Louis poked his dimple .

"At least let me tuck you in , then ." Harry said , before snaking his arms under Louis' knees and behind his back , lifting him up bridal style .

Louis laughed as he held Harry's shoulders , "You're so silly ." He giggled as he was placed down on the bed .

Harry covered him with the soft blankets and kneeled in front of him , "Warm enough ? Comfy ?" He asked as he moved Louis' fringe from his forehead .

Louis scrunched his nose a bit , "I can't sleep with socks on ."

Before he could move , Harry was already at his feet moving the blankets back a bit . He blushed watching Harry taking his fluffy socks off for him , giggling and pulling his feet away , "Tickles ."

Harry gave him a small smirk , purposefully tickling to make him laugh . He stopped and let out a chuckle when Louis threw one of the pillows at him .

"Mean ." Louis smiled at him as he covered his legs , Harry took the pillow and placed it back in its spot before leaning down to kiss Louis , "Have a good night baby ."

"Good night ." Louis smiled , cheeks pink from blush .

"If you still can't fall asleep , call me . I mean it ." Harry kissed him a few more times , smiling when Louis shied away .

"I'll fall asleep before you're out of the door ." He poked Harry's dimple , "Good night ."

"Good night ." Harry kissed him once more before walking to the door , he gave him one last smile before leaving the apartment .


Hope you liked it x


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