Sick Louis

Summary : Louis isn't feeling well and Harry stays with him to take care of him .

Enjoy x


Harry walked into the lounge after shower , seeing Louis laying on the cloud-couch under a soft blanket . He kneeled on the couch and pressed a kiss to his cheek , "Everything alright ?"

Louis looked up and smiled tiredly , "Yeah , just really tired . I feel exhausted and it's still early ." He watched as Harry lifted the blanket and settled next to him , pulling Louis into his side to rest against him .

"You can go to sleep now if you're tired , no such thing as too early ." Harry rubbed his arm .

"It's only seven thirty though ." Louis closed his eyes , his head resting on Harry's chest , "My eyes are heavy ."

"Go to sleep , I'll carry you to bed later ." Harry pulled the blanket up some more , Louis sighed softly and closed his eyes .

Harry switched the channel , lowering the sound not to disturb Louis . He loved cuddling with Louis , as he was always warm - though he was feeling warmer than usual .


Harry woke up early to get ready for work , as usual . Louis was asleep next to him in bed , warming up the space . Harry went to brush his teeth before he returned to bec , going to Louis' side .

He leaned down and pressed his lips to his forehead , frowning when he was burning up . He pushed his fringe away from his forehead , running his fingers through his hair at the back of his neck ; it was slightly damp with sweat .

He took his phone from the nightstand and texted Zayn to come over , then logged into his Email account to let Laura know he wouldn't be coming to work in the next three days , and to cancel his meetings .

He changed out of his bed-wear and went back to Louis when he saw him moving a bit , stirring awake .

"Hey baby ." Harry said quietly , Louis pulled at the covers to wrap them around himself , "C-Cold ."

"Cold ? Baby you're burning up ." Harry pressed his palm to his forehead , Louis buried his nose under the blankets , his body shivering yet still sweating .

"How's your head ?" Harry asked , Louis barely opened his eyes as he whined quietly . Harry went to grab a thermometer from one of the drawers in the bathroom , he returned to Louis and kneeled in front of him , "Open your mouth baby , I need to take your temperature ." He grabbed his chin , placing the thermometer gently under his tongue and closing his mouth again .

The thermometer beeped , Harry pulled it out and sighed , "Definitely sick , baby . Go back to sleep , I'll wake you up when Zayn gets here to check you up ."

He stayed by Louis' side , running his fingers through his hair until he was back asleep . He checked his phone for texts , seeing that Zayn texted he finishes a shift at the hospital at seven a.m and will drive right over .

Harry took the time to cook ; he made plain rice , chicken soup , sweet potatoes in the oven .

Zayn arrived just as he finished , Harry walked him up the stairs to the master bedroom . "He's been off since yesterday evening , this morning I woke up to him burning up . I need medication , what to eat and what not to eat ."

He sat on the edge of the bed and shook Louis' shoulder gently , "Baby wake up , Zayn is here ." He pushed his damp fringe from his forehead , Louis stirred awake and shivered , weakly holding the blankets around himself .

Harry helped him sit up , placing pillows behind his back for him to be comfortable , before moving to stand near the bed so Zayn could come closer .

Zayn gave Louis a smile as he placed his backpack down , "Hey Lou , I'll make this quick so you can go back to getting more rest , okay ? Just a few quick check-ups ." He took notes of Louis' shivering , sweat and weakness before he opened his backpack .

He took his temperature again , getting the same result as Harry did earlier . He took his blood pressure and asked Harry to write it down for him , Harry typed it into his notes . He asked for Louis to open his mouth so he could look into his throat , though Louis was too weak to hold his mouth open , and barely shook his head when Zayn asked if his throat was scratchy or hurting . He nodded when Zayn asked about a headache , weakness , then shook his head when asked if he was hungry .

Harry helped Louis back to his laying position , covering him with the blankets when he shivered .

Zayn placed the digital manometer (for blood pressure) on the dresser , "I'm going to need you to take his blood pressure in the evening and tomorrow morning too , and text the results to me . I don't have the right medication here with me but I'll text Liam what to get and he'll take care of it , I'll text you when he needs to take them , before or after eating . Try to take today to lower his temperature , a cold cloth on his forehead , neck , chest . He'll be shivering but it'll help him , he'll sleep better tonight . Very light food , nothing greasy , small doses . Orange veggies are good , carrots , sweet potato , pumpkins ."

Harry wrote notes in his phone as Zayn talked , he nodded and walked him back to the front door of the mansion .

He returned upstairs and went to the bathroom , filling a bowl with cold water and grabbing a small towel , going to sit next to Louis . He wet the cloth and squeezed the water out of it to keep it damp , then turned to Louis , "Baby ."

Louis fluttered his eyes open , Harry leaned down to kiss his temple , "I need to help you bring your temperature down , you're burning up . It'll be cold but it'll help you ." He gently pressed the cloth to Louis' forehead , wiping his forehead and hairline of the sweat down the sides towards his ears .

"H-Harry - 's cold ." Louis mumbled , his hand weakly holding Harry's wrist .

"I know baby , but I promise it'll help ." Harry moved the cloth away , he wet it again and squeezed it , moving the blanket down to wipe Louis' neck .

Louis gasped weakly and squirmed , tried to move away . Harry shushed him and kissed his forehead , "Shh , baby you're okay ." He wiped his neck , then the back of his neck and a little bit down the top of his spine ; his skin was filled with goosebumps and he was still sweating .

Harry wet the cloth , squeezed it , then pressed it again to Louis' forehead , letting the cloth rest there . He smiled gently down at his small boyfriend , who was laying on his back with a weak pout on his lips . He pressed soft kisses to his cheek to soothe him , "I've got you , I'll take care of you ."


Liam came by with the medication Zayn told him to buy , along with a small bag of goodies for Louis ; a few chocolate bars , his favourite brand of cocoa powder for hot chocolate , salt and vinegar crisps , lip balm and a small teddy bear holding a "Get Well Soon !" card .

Harry gave Louis one of the pills , along with a small bowl of soup . Louis let Harry help him into a seating position , he took the pill and water glass , shivering when the cold water filled his empty stomach .

"I know you probably wouldn't finish it all , but I still want you to eat as much as you can ." Harry placed the tray over his lap , he moved Louis' fringe from his eyes , "Anything else I can get you ?"

Louis shook his head lightly not to jostle it and make himself dizzy , "This is good . Thanks ." He tried to smile but was too exhausted .

Harry pressed a kiss to his forehead , "Eat your soup baby , I need to go to my office for a minute , I'll be right back ."

Louis grabbed his spoon as Harry left the room , he slowly brought the spoon up to his lips and blew on it . He loved when Harry cooked , he was that good that he got Louis to try and like food he never liked before .

He was halfway through the bowl when he felt like he couldn't eat anymore , placing his spoon down on the tray . He rubbed his eyes and let his head rest back against the pillows ; it hurt behind his eyes to keep them open , to keep his head held upwards .

Harry returned to the room , "You done , baby ?"

Louis fluttered his eyes open , watching as Harry took the tray from his lap . He nodded lightly , reaching his hand out to rest on Harry's arm , "T'was good , thank you ."

Harry took his hand and kissed his knuckles , "Let's tuck you back in ."

In the afternoon Harry repeated the cold cloth wiping , though it made Louis shiver and whine at the cold . He then gave him one of the pills , Louis had a small dinner , and before the two were settling into the bed Harry took his temperature and blood pressure , writing down the results .

The morning after Harry woke up first again , he woke Louis up just for him to take his pill and take his blood pressure and temperature , relieved that his temperature was coming down . He texted Zayn the results and went to his office to work while Louis went back to sleep .

Harry finished up some of his work , emailing everything to Laura before he went to the bedroom to check on Louis .

Louis was laying in bed watching TV , he smiled weakly when he saw Harry walking into the room , "Hey ."

Harry smiled back ; his smile was still weak , yet bigger and more lively than the day before . "Hey baby , how are you ?" He sat on the edge of the bed next to him .

Louis silenced the TV , "I'm okay . My head is still fuzzy and I still feel weird and warm , but I'm better ." He reached his hand out , Harry held his hand and laced their fingers together , "Happy to hear that . You hungry ?"

"A little bit ." Louis bit his lower lip , "I want to eat but I feel like I'll get sick if I eat more than two bites of anything ."

"I'll get you something light , in a small bowl ." Harry nodded and gave his hand a squeeze , "Anything else other than food ?"

Louis bit his lower lip , his pale cheeks painting pink with blush . "Cuddles ?"

Harry couldn't resist the smile spreading on his lips , "You're so cute . You can have all the cuddles in the world ." He leaned down to kiss his cheek a few times then stood up from bed , tucking the blankets around Louis when he shivered .

"You have socks on , right ? It'll keep you warmer ." Harry asked as he stood up from bed , Louis pursed his lips together , "Y..Yes ?"

Harry squinted his eyes playfully at him , before he kneeled at the edge of the bed and crawled his hands under the blankets , gaping playfully when he grabbed Louis' bare feet . "Liar ." He tickled his feet , smiling as Louis laughed .

His giggles were weak and he could barely move his feet away from Harry's fingers , Harry stopped and stood up , going to the walk-in closet room to fetch a pair of fluffly socks for Louis . He returned to bed and put Louis' socks for him .

"Thanks Hazzie ." He smiled with pink cheeks , Harry covered his legs and leaned down to kiss his cheek sweetly , "Anytime , baby . I'll go get you some food ."

Harry spoke to Zayn on the phone while Louis ate ; he updated him on Louis' wellbeing , Zayn told him to have another round with the cold cloth in the evening along with taking his temperature and blood pressure .

Louis finished eating just as Harry returned to the room , Harry took the tray off his lap and put it away on the dresser , "Cuddles now ?"

"I .. well ." Louis shifted a bit , Harry sat on the edge next to him , "What is it ?"

"I'm icky ." Louis held the blankets around himself , Harry raised his eyebrows in confusion , "Icky ?"

"Yeah . Icky ."

"Saying that word again won't make me understand what it means , baby ."

"I'm all icky and sweaty and didn't change my clothes ." Louis pouted , "I want to shower but I don't think I'll be able to stand for that long ."

"I can run you a bath if you'd like ." Harry suggested , "I'll take the time to change the sheets to make you more comfy . Make us some tea for when you get out , then you can have a nap ."

Louis bit his lower lip , cheeks pink with blush as he nodded a bit . "Thank you ."

Harry leaned in and kissed his cheek , "Which bath bomb do you want ?"

Louis took his time in the bath tub ; he was weak and his head was still fuzzy and aching , he washed away the sweat from his body , slowly washing his hair not to make himself too uncomfortable .

He got out of the tub and wrapped himself in the big fluffy towel , sitting on the bench when he got dizzy . He wiped himself dry and wore his robe , stepping out of the bathroom to go to the walk-in closet room to get dressed .

Harry looked up when he saw him and frowned , hurrying to his side , "Need me to help you ?"

"No , 'm good . I'll get dressed and get in bed ." Louis squeezed his arm , Harry nodded and walked him into the closet room , sitting him on the round circular bench before grabbing some clothes for him , laying them next to him .

"I'm right outside the room , if you need help call me . I mean it ." Harry gave his hand a soft squeeze and left the room , closing the door behind him .

Louis got dressed slowly , his head felt heavy and his body was weak . He couldn't even think about walking , blushing as he called Harry's name quietly .

The door opened immediately and Harry was by his side , he kissed his cheek as he scooped him up bridal style , "Got you , baby ." He carried him to bed , laying him under the blankets and tucking them around him .

Harry went to change his clothes into comfy bedwear and got in next to Louis , laying on his side with his arms around the smaller boy . He rubbed Louis' back and brushed the hair at the back of his neck , Louis slowly fell asleep against him .

The morning after Louis was feeling better ; he could stomach more food , the colour was back on his cheeks . He texted Liam and Zayn , thanking the two for helping with making him feel better .

Harry was catching up on work in his home office while Louis watched movies in their bedroom , a bit after beginning his third movie he was already bored . He got out of bed and walked to Harry's office , knocking on the door , "Hazzie ?" He poked his head in , Harry looked up , "Are you okay ? Hungry ? Want me to get you anything ?"

"I'm just a bit bored ." Louis pouted as he stepped into the office , "Watched two movies and I'm looking for something else to do ."

"Come here ." Harry moved the chair back from his desk and held his arm open , Louis walked over and let Harry pull him into his lap .

"How's your head ?" Harry asked and pressed his palm to Louis' forehead , Louis smiled lightly , "Better . Doesn't hurt anymore , I'm just a bit fuzzy . Only a bit though ."

"Hungry ?" Harry asked , moving his palm to Louis' stomach , "I can cook something for lunch ."

"Not too hungry right now ." Louis put his hand on Harry's , "Can I stay for a bit ? I promise not to bother ."

Harry kissed his cheek and pulled him to settle in his lap , "You can always stay , baby . And , by the way ." He opened his drawer and pulled out three paper bags filled with printed pictures , "We got our pictures in the mail , if you're bored enough you can organize them into the album you picked ."

Louis smiled and took the bags , "I'll do it later . Want to be with you now for a bit ."

Harry held him with one arm around his waist , his other hand on the computer mouse . He leaned his chin on Louis' shoulder as Louis leaned back to rest against him , watching Harry working on some report .

Harry didn't say it out loud , but having Louis in his lap while he worked felt like having a kitten cuddling with him ; he was small , warm , soft . A light weight in his lap that got him easily distracted .

He smiled to himself as he pressed his lips to Louis' neck ; he was still a bit warm , but definitely better than the day before , and two days ago . He pressed a few more kisses to his neck , knowing too well it tickled him and smiling when Louis giggled and moved away .

Louis turned to sit sideways and put his arms around Harry's neck , pressed a few shy pecks to his cheek . "Thank you for taking care of me ."

"I'll always take care of you ." Harry held him closer and pressed a kiss to his lips .


Hope you liked it x


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