Summary : Harry holds a party for all of the important people he works with . Dare someone do anything to Louis .
Enjoy x
Harry finished getting his hair done , Sarah sprayed his hair a bit and gave it finishing touches , "Are you and Louis dressing up together again ?"
"Not this time ." Harry said , "He picked the suit , though ."
Sarah smiled , "Cute ."
"He is ."
Louis walked out of the master bedroom dressed up , though still without shoes on . He gave Sarah a smile , "Hi Sarah ."
"Hey Lou . You look good ." She organized her tools as Harry stood up from the chair to go finish getting himself ready , he walked past Louis and put his arm around him , pressing a quick kiss to his temple on his way to the bedroom .
Louis sat down in the seat in front of Sarah , "Can you do my hair like last time ? It was like a quiff but it was soft , not like Jimmy Neutron ."
Sarah laughed a bit , "Sure ."
She did Louis' hair while they chatted , Liam walked over with food and a drink for Sarah , leaving it on the table for when she would finish .
"Thank you , I love how it looks ." Louis smiled at the mirror , Sarah smiled at him , "You're welcome ." She organized her tools and went to eat .
Louis went into the bedroom's walk-in closet , grinning with blush on his cheeks when he saw Harry . Harry turned his head and smiled at him , the smile turned into a smirk when he caught Louis blushing and looking away shyly .
He walked over to Louis and put his hands on his waist , "Why are you being shy ? Almpost a year of us dating and you're still being shy at times ." Harry teased a bit as he kissed his cheek . "I'm teasing . I love your shy side ." He turned Louis' head and kissed him .
Twenty minutes later the couple was ready to leave ; Liam , who got ready in their guest bedroom , was ready to leave aswell . They said goodbye to Sarah , who was assigned a guard to drive her back home , and the three left the mansion . Liam in his Range Rover , and Harry driving him and Louis in his own Range Rover .
"Remind me what tonight is about ?" Louis asked , his toes curling anxiously in his shoes .
"Once a year I gather everyone that I work with , all of the important people - from business , security forces , police forces - and we have a gathering honoring the city , that's also a tribute to my family ." Harry explained , "It's a risky move , gathering all of the important people into one place - if anything went wrong , a lot of top people would get hurt . But we take the risk , we don't let terrorists control our decisions . We pay attention to intel information and we do everything we can to prevent unfortunate situations ."
Louis nodded along , smiling softly . "I trust you . And I'm sure everyone who's invited tonight trusts you aswell ."
Soon enough They reached the Hall where the party was held , Harry stopped the car in front of the entrace and turned to Louis , "Stay in the car for a minute ."
"Why ? Is something wrong ?" Louis asked with a small frown .
"Nothing wrong baby . Stay in the car ." Harry took his hand and kissed it quickly , then stepped out of the driver's seat .
Louis watched as he shook Victor's hand and walked around the car . He talked to the three guards who stood on the pavement , the three guards nodded at his words .
Harry then turned to the passenger's seat and opened Louis' door for him , holding his hand out for Louis to take .
Louis stepped out of the car while holding Harry's hand , Harry closed the door and watched as a guard got in the driver's seat to take the car to park it .
He laced his fingers with Louis' , "Let's go baby ." He started walking with Louis by his side , the two surrounded by Victor and the guards .
Louis felt himself blushing once again as he and Harry walked into the Hall , catching everyone's attention . He gave Harry's hand a squeeze , Harry squeezed Louis' small hand and turned his head to look down at him , "Everything okay ?"
"Don't let go of my hand ." Louis said quietly so only Harry could hear , Harry tightened his grip on Louis' hand , "Never planned on it ."
They walked further into the place , Harry brought Louis a bit closer , "Let's go to the buffet first ."
"Harry , some ... some people want to talk to you ." Louis looked around a bit , seeing people trying to approach them though being stopped by guards .
"They'll wait . I want you to eat first ." Harry walked with Louis to the buffet and handed him a plate , taking one for himself . "See anything you like ?"
Louis unwillingly let go of Harry's hand , taking two steps towards the small scones filled with shredded chicken , vegetables and sauce , he took one and put it in his plate , smiling when Harry took one aswell .
"Do you like it ?" Harry asked , although he could already tell the answer since Louis was almost done with the scone . Louis nodded , "So good ." He finished the scone and wiped his hand on a napkin , then put his plate and napkin away .
"That's it ? Are you not eating more ?" Harry asked as he finished his own scone , Louis shook his head , "No I'm done . I'm too nervous to eat , to be honest , I only ate that scone because I hadn't eaten in a few hours and I don't want to get lightheaded later tonight ."
Harry put his plate away and put his arm around Louis' waist , "Are you feeling okay ? We can leave if you d --"
"Harry I'm alright , I'm just - just nervous ." Louis assured him with a smile , "I'm all good ."
Harry scanned him quickly before he nodded . "You have to tell me if you're not feeling fine , baby ."
"I will ." Louis nodded , his smile stretching wider when Harry leaned in to kiss his cheek . Harry caressed his back softly , "Ready to do some greeting ?" He asked , Louis nodded and moved to hold Harry's hand again with their fingers laced together .
The couple walked around the place and greeted people , having short conversations with them ; Harry made sure everyone around him knew who Louis is , never let Louis feel left out of the conversation , he watched closely as some of the businessmen shook Louis' hand and took notes of the way some of them were looking at him .
Louis was starting to feel a little bit bored , he patted Harry's bicep , "Harry ."
Harry looked down at him , "Everything alright ?"
"Yeah , I'm just -- well , I saw Zayn over there , I'm going over to be with him for a bit ." Louis pointed his thumb behind his shoulder , Harry looked behind Louis , seeing Zayn from afar talking to Liam and another man .
"Alright . I'm here if you need me . All of the guards are here for you , aswell ." Harry squeezed his hand , Louis nodded and gave Harry a smile , before turning around and making his way through the people to get to Zayn .
Zayn smiled at him when he saw him , holding his arm open , "Hey Lou ."
"Hey ." Louis smiled and gave him a hug , being careful of the drink in Zayn's hand . "When did you get here ?"
"About thirty minutes ago , maybe less ." Zayn kept his arm around Louis' shoulder , "Did Harry finally bore you away ?"
"There's so much small talk I can make with these people , honestly ." Louis laughed a bit .
"Wait , you know Mr. Styles ?" The unknown man standing with them asked Louis , a confused look on his face .
"Oh , ehm , yeah , he's my boyfriend ." Louis said , then held his hand out for the man to shake , "I'm Louis ." He gave him a polite smile .
"Oh - Oh you're Louis ." The man shook his hand , "I'm Jason , my father is working with Mr. Styles ."
Louis nodded his head , "Nice meeting you ." He stuck at Zayn's side , who held him a bit closer around the shoulders .
The four talked for a bit , before Liam pulled his radio out of his belt and put it near his ear to hear what was said , then excused himself as he left .
"I'm going to grab another drink ." Jason excused himself aswell , leaving Louis and Zayn .
Louis turned to face Zayn and crossed his arms over his chest , "Jason is a bit ... he's --"
"Yeah he's a jerk ." Zayn smiled at him , "He's been kissing up to Harry's arse for about three years now , since his dad started working for Harry . His dad is some important police officer , a proper nice man , but his son is a proper jerk ."
Louis' nose twitched a bit , "At least I won't be seeing his face after tonight ."
"There's nothing to worry about when it comes to him , Harry doesn't give a shit about him . He knows who Jason is , as if there was a chance for him not to know , but never gave a shit about Jason's attempts of hitting on him ."
"I should watch out , shouldn't I ?" Louis bit his lower lip , Zayn smiled wider , "The place is filled with Harry's guards - and Harry himself is here , who would dare to do anything to you ?"
Louis blushed , "Good point ."
"Let's go closer to the stage , Harry should be giving a speech soon ." Zayn put his arm back around Louis' shoulders and walked with him towards the stage .
Soon enough Scott Owens , chief police commander , walked up to the stage with a microphone in his hand and a glass of his drink in his other hand .
"Good evening everyone . Tonight is the annual gathering in honor of our city , in honor of keeping it clean and going . I'm honored to welcome to the stage Mr. Harry Styles ."
Everyone clapped as Harry walked up the stage , he took the mic from Scott and shook his hand before Scott walked off the stage .
"Good evening . Tonight , as every year , we honor our city - we've been through hell and back trying to make all of our lives better here . It's important to remember your past so you know what you want your future to be . For our loved ones , and for ourselves - we will continue to make our city a better place ."
Harry paused his speech when everyone started clapping again , he caught Louis' eyes in the crowd and his heart warmed up ; Louis was grinning at him with so much pride in his eyes , he held his gaze for a bit before going back to his speech .
"Tonight I also want to pay a tribute to my family . My father Robin , my mother Anne , and my sister Gemma . My three loved ones lost their lives to the corruption of the city . My father Robin was the leader of this revolution against the corruption , the first one to take action , who died battling rogues and terrorists . My mother Anne and my sister Gemma were murdered , with a bomb in a restaurant they were having lunch at . Only recently we caught the murderers ." Harry held his glass of alcohol a bit more up , "We all lost someone , or know someone who lost someone close to them . This is a promise to always do our best against any more corruption . Cheers ."
The crowd repeated 'Cheers' and drank from their raised glasses , clapping as Harry drank aswell and turned to hand the microphone back to Scott .
Harry walked off the stage and cut through the crowd to get to Louis , nodding his head at some people he walked past , receiving pats to his shoulders .
He stopped when a hand wrapped around his bicep , he turned his head to see Jason , the man who he saw standing earlier with Zayn and Liam .
"Hey , Mr. Styles . I really liked your speech ." Jason smiled at Harry .
Harry gave him a nod and took Jason's hand off his bicep . "I need to get going ." He excused himself , stopping once again when Jason grabbed his forearm .
"Did you know there's a guy here saying he's dating you ?" Jason chuckled a bit , "Walking around claiming he's Louis and that he's your boyfriend or something ."
Harry took Jason's hand off him , his face stone hard . "Louis is my boyfriend ."
"Oh - oh no , I'm not calling you a liar ." Jason shook his head , "But the guy saying he's Louis is an imposter , I think , pretending to be the real Louis ."
Harry looked around and locked eyes with one of his guards , waving him to come over . The guard walked over , Harry pointed to Jason , "Someone apparently walks around here pretending to be Louis . Jason , give him the description of what the guy looks like , we'll take care of it ." And with that he left to go to Louis .
He saw Zayn , frowning when he didn't see Louis next to him . Zayn saw him approaching , he pointed his thumb backwards , "He went to the bathroom , I told one of the guards to go with him ."
"Mr. Styles , we have a bit of a problem ." Harry heard from his radio , he took his radio out with one hand , his other hand resting on his gun in his belt . "What problem ?"
"A few police officers here are detaining Mr. Tomlinson , claiming he's pretending to be your boyfriend . They're trying to escort him out ."
"Where are you ." Harry marched angrily through the crowd in the direction of the bathrooms , Zayn right behind him calling Liam over .
"Second floor , bathrooms on the right ."
Harry ran through the crowd and up the stairs , Zayn and Liam right behind him with Victor and more guards joining . Everyone's attention was now on them , a few guards stayed downstairs to block the way up to the second floor .
The group reached the second floor , Harry turned right and took his gun out of his belt , cocking it and pointing it at the police officers who were holding Louis' arms , while three other officers were holding Louis' guard away from him .
"Let him fucking go ." He marched over , Louis sighed in relief when he saw Harry , the lump in his throat didn't falter though .
The two officers holding Louis looked at him confused , slowly letting Louis go . Louis pulled his arms away from them and quickly stepped away towards Harry , who caught him with one arm as his other hand still held his gun pointed at the officers .
Scott Owens , chief police commander , and Andrew Fred , the police station commander , joined them and were quickly by Harry's side . "What happened ?"
"Why don't you ask your officers , who claim Louis is pretending to be my boyfriend ." Harry moved Louis to stand behind him , he didn't take his eyes off the officers or put his gun away .
He stepped forward , "Everyone who is here tonight saw me with Louis . Everyone knows who he is because I made sure of it from the moment we stepped in . Who the fuck gave you orders ? Or worse , did you act on your own ?"
The two officers who were holding Louis shared a look , before one looked back at Harry . "We were given orders , we were told that he was an imposter and not the real Louis . We were securing the Hall from outside and didn't see the Louis you walked in with ."
"Who gave you orders ?" Harry asked , but he put two and two together before the name was said .
"Jason Bryce ."
Harry walked down from the second floor back to the ground floor , where the party was still held . He made his way through the crowd , who moved out of his way as he marched through , to where his guards were detaining Jason .
He reached him and wrapped his hand around Jason's throat , lifting him up a bit off the ground . He glared at him in fury , "How fucking dare you ." He squeezed his hand around Jason's throat . "You have twelve hours to leave our city . If you're not out of here in the next twelve hours I will personally throw you out ."
He let go of Jason , who dropped to the floor gasping for air and holding his throat .
Harry left him and started making his way out of the Hall , to the entrace where he told Victor to escort Louis to . He saw Louis waiting for him outside , he was surrounded by guards , along with Zayn and Liam , Zayn was rubbing his back to comfort him while Louis wiped his cheeks .
Harry reached Louis and put his arms around him , hugging him to his chest . Everyone moved away from them to give them privacy , Victor told one of the guards to get Harry's Range Rover .
"Are you okay ? Did they hurt you ? Did anyone hurt you ?" Harry held him tightly , Louis shook his head , "No I'm fine . It was a bit scary . And odd ."
"Tell me what happened up there ."
"I was just leaving the bathrooms , and these officers came up to me and Leo , and they said that they were told that I'm pretending to be the real Louis and that I needed to leave the Hall . I told them it was a lie but they didn't care and tried escorting me , they grabbed Leo too so he couldn't even help me much . So he called you over ."
"Fucking jerk ." Harry said to himself , "He won't bother us anymore . Told him to pack up and leave . I've been dealing with him because his father is a good police officer , I'm not taking any more shit from him ."
Harry tilted Louis' head up to look at him , he wiped under his eyes and kissed him , "I will fuck up anyone who dares to mess with you ."
Louis cracked a smile , "Don't I know that already ."
Hope you liked it x
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