Summary : The nights following the discovery about the plotted kidnapping Harry prevented , Louis has nightmares .
Enjoy x
It was later that same day of the operation , after Harry told Louis about the plotted kidnapping . He didn't let Louis leave his side , for both of their sakes ; he needed to know Louis was okay at any second , and Louis was overwhelmed and too terrified to leave Harry's side .
They drove back home to the mansion in silence , Harry kept glancing at Louis during the ride . Louis' expression was blank , still overwhelmed . He was tense and his thoughts were running and running , making him tired .
Harry parked the car in the garage and turned the car off , getting out and going around it to open the door for Louis . Louis stepped out of his seat and watched as Harry closed the door behind him , before holding his hand out silently .
Louis took Harry's hand in a gentle grip around his knuckles , Harry held his hand just as gently as he walked them towards the door , punching the code in and letting Louis in first . They went through the security room , which was filled with Harry's ammo , towards the door leading to the first floor .
"Would you prefer to shower or take a bath ?" Harry asked as he turned to face Louis , standing at the bottom of the stairs leading to the second floor .
"Shower ." Louis said quietly , Harry nodded and took Louis upstairs to their room . he walked Louis into the bathroom and grabbed a clean towel along with a robe , placing the two in the mini-drier to warm them up . He then left to go to the walk-in closet , fetching clean and soft clothes for Louis to wear .
"Take as long as you need , baby . I'll be in my office ." Harry grabbed his hand gently again , Louis wrapped his hand around Harry's before he could pull away , "W-Wait ."
Harry stood still in front of Louis , waiting for him to talk again . He didn't say a word though .
"You're safe here . I'm here and I won't let anyone do anything to you , ever ." Harry shook his head , tracing the back of Louis' hand with his thumb , "It's just us two in the house . No one else . Call my name and I'll be right here ."
Louis nodded slowly , watching as Harry kissed his hand a few times before walking out of the bathroom and closing the door behind him .
Harry looked at the watch ; The water was running for over thirty minutes . He finished his work quickly and saved it up before leaving his office to go back to the bedroom . He prepared clean clothes for his own shower , when he finished he heard the water shutting off .
It took Louis fifteen more minutes to open the door ; the room was steamy , and Harry couldn't help but notice that Louis' skin was red from under his clothes . He didn't say a word , just pressed a soft peck to his forehead before going in to shower himself , not bothering to close the door behind him .
He showered properly , as he knew Louis always asked him to clean himself thoroughly before getting in bed to cuddle with him . He finished and stepped out of the shower , drying quickly and pulling on a pair of boxers and a pair of sweatpants . He stepped out of the shower to see Louis sitting in bed , staring down at the sheets .
Harry went to hang his towel in the walk-in closet before going around the bed to sit in front of Louis , on the edge . "Baby ."
Louis looked up at him , slowly pulling his knees up .
"Your skin is red ." Harry looked down to where his jumper was falling off his shoulder a bit , Louis pulled the jumper over to cover himself as he nodded , "I know ."
"Why ?"
"I - ... I used my peeling scrub glove , and shaved , and scrubbed again ." Louis looked down at his knees , "Needed to feel clean ."
Harry's heart squeezed in his chest . He was speechless , wasn't sure what to say - which was odd for him ; he always knew what to say .
"You should go easier on yourself , you'll hurt yourself like this ." Harry spoke gently . "You are clean , I won't let anyone change it . Remember that ."
Louis slowly lowered his knees , hands laced together on his lap .
"I know you're probably not hungry , but I can't let you go to sleep without eating ." Harry shook his head and stood up from the bed , "I'll make you something small ."
"Harry , I ..." Louis sighed , Harry's lips tugged up a bit , "I know baby . Won't be something big . I'll be right back ."
Harry returned later with two pieces of toasted bread covered with strawberry jam , a cup of tea and Louis' favourite chocolate bar . He placed the tray over his lap and moved to sit next to him , arm wrapping around his back .
Louis ate his toasted bread in small bites , he finished one and took a few bites of the second , before offering it to Harry , "Can't finish it ."
Harry took the toast Louis didn't eat and ate it himself , watching as Louis drank his tea .
"Go brush your teeth so you can go to sleep ." Harry stood up from the bed and took the tray from Louis' lap , Louis took the blankets off and went to the bathroom . When he returned to bed Harry walked back into the room after going downstairs to put the tray away , he went to brush his teeth and joined Louis in bed .
He left the TV on with Spongebob for Louis as he turned the lights off , getting under the blankets next to Louis . He held his arms open for Louis , Louis moved closer to lay with his back towards Harry .
Harry wrapped him in a warm cuddle and pressed his lips to his shoulder , before bringing the covers up higher to Louis' chin to keep him warm and secure .
Louis woke up with a jolt , his body fully flinching in his laying position . His heart was racing and he was burning hot , cold sweat covering him and making him shiver . He felt a panicked lump in his throat as his eyes filled with tears , scrambling to move away from the warm body behind him .
Harry woke up when he felt Louis moving , he lifted himself up with his arm , "Baby ?" He frowned when he saw Louis curled up against the headboard , legs tucked close to his chest and hands covering his face .
"Baby what happened ?" Harry asked quietly as he kneeled a bit closer and placed his hand on Louis' back , pulling his hand away when Louis flinched away and let out a sob . Harry felt his heart breaking in his chest ; he was itching to wrap Louis in his arms , hold him and comfort him . It was the first time in too long that he felt helpless .
He sat and watched as Louis cried quietly , without being able to touch him , without being able to leave either .
Louis slowly calmed down , arms wrapping around his knees and face pressed to the crook of his elbow . He sniffled quietly and shook his head , "S-Sorry you woke u-up ." He whispered .
"I would've felt much worse if I didn't ." Harry shook his head , "What happened ?"
Louis' eyes filled with tears again , "H-Had a nightmare ."
"Do you want to talk about it ?" Harry asked , watching as Louis shook his head no . He could've guessed that Louis wouldn't want to talk , but still asked - just incase .
"Can I touch you , baby ?" Harry asked , "Can I hold you ?"
Louis hesitated for a second , before nodding . Harry moved slowly closer , giving Louis the time to change his mind . Louis didn't say anything , so he plastered himself against Louis' back , wrapping his arms around Louis' and lacing their fingers together .
"It was just a nightmare , none of it happened . I'm here and I'll keep you safe baby , I'll kill anyone who gets in my way ." Harry spoke quietly near his ear , pressing soft kisses to his temple and his cheek .
Louis slowly let his tense knees go , his and Harry's arms dropping to wrap around his chest and middle . Harry held him closer and rocked them a bit side to side , kissing his cheek and nuzzling his hair .
"It hurts me so much to see you like this ." Harry whispered as he gave him a gentle squeeze , "I wish I could take away this pain . I'll do anything to make it stop , baby , believe me that I would've ."
Louis turned to sit sideways between his thighs , leaning into his chest . Harry held him tightly and kissed his forehead , "I love you ."
Louis looked up at him , bringing one of his hands to cup his cheek , "I love you ."
Harry kissed him softly , leaning into Louis' hand that was caressing his cheek . They pulled back to breathe , Harry rubbed his nose against Louis' , "I wish I could take tomorrow off ."
"You .. you can't ?" Louis asked quietly , Harry kissed him once more , "No days off until we find the last two men ."
Louis bit his lower lip , his hands clutching Harry's arms . "I-I'm going with you to the office , right ? I d-don't want to be on my own ."
"You are , baby . I won't let you stay on your own ." Harry shook his head , "I'm taking you with me ."
Louis nodded and cuddled into his chest , Harry held him closer and kissed his forehead , "Let's lay back down ."
Harry laid the two of them down in bed and pulled the blankets over them , all the way up to their noses . He held Louis tightly , Louis' face was in his neck and arms clutching his middle .
He tucked his hand under Louis' jumper to rub his back , kissing his temple and nosing his hair .
"No one will ever get to you , I'll never let them ."
Hope you liked it x
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