
Summary : Harry leaves for a mission and doesn't know when he'll be back .

Enjoy x


Louis punched the code to Harry's office and pushed the heavy door open , "Hey Hazzie ." He smiled , though his smile fell when he saw Harry's blank expression .

Harry stood up from his chair behind his desk and motioned for Louis to come over , Louis walked over to him with a worried look on his face , "Is everything okay ?"

"Come here ." Harry took Louis' hands once he was close enough and pulled him into his chest , wrapping his arms around him in a cuddle . Louis hugged Harry back and pressed his face to his chest , sighing out softly .

Harry squeezed Louis and kissed the top of his head , staying nuzzled to the top of his head .

Louis lifted his head up without pulling back from the cuddle , "You're worrying me ." He pouted up at him .

Harry leaned down and pressed a kiss to his lips , leaving a few soft kisses before he pulled back and moved his arms off to hold both Louis' hands , "I'll take you down to floor -2 and tell you everything ."


Harry closed the door to the office , he pulled out a chair for Louis while he placed a laptop and a folder down on the table . Louis sat down and watched as Harry sat next to him , "I'm getting scared ."

Harry turned to face Louis and took his hand , pressing kisses to his knuckles and over the wedding band .

"I'm going on a mission ."

"Okay ..." Louis replied quietly .

"I'll present to you the mission , what our goals are . The plans are very classified and very few people know them so I won't be sharing that . I won't tell you where we're going ."

Louis listened carefully , feeling his heartbeat picking up .

"We don't know how long it's going to take . We don't know how long we're going to be there for ."

Louis stopped breathing , only stared at Harry .

Harry leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Louis , pulling him into his lap . He pressed his lips to Louis' cheek and squeezed him , "I know , baby ."

Louis curled himself around Harry in a cuddle , "What do you mean you don't know how long you'll be gone for ?"

Harry rubbed his hand up and down Louis' back . "We don't know how long it's going to take . We'll stay there until the mission is complete . Let me show you what I am able to share with you ."

Louis moved back a bit to look at Harry , Harry brought one hand up to cup his face , "I'm giving you my word - I'm coming back for you ."

Harry proceeded to show Louis who their target is , what their goal is . He presented evidence , and showed Louis the list of people who will be going on the mission .

Harry closed the laptop as Louis remained quiet . The smaller boy was in Harry's lap the entire time , he listened quietly to everything that Harry showed him .

"When are you going ?"

"Next week on Tuesday night ."

"How long have you been training for this ?"

"Five months ."

Louis held his lower lip between his teeth , leaning forward to hug Harry again . Harry squeezed him closer inside the cuddle and pressed his face to his shoulder .



Harry took Tuesday off .

He spent the entire day with Louis , both were clinging onto the other the entire day . They were mostly quiet , except for when Harry caught Louis in a cuddle and tickled him ; he wanted to see his smile , hear his laugh .

Around nine p.m Harry was zipping his duffle bag close , then he went to get dressed .

Louis looked up to the ceiling and blinked back the tears that he'd been holding ever since Harry told him about the mission . He took a few deep breaths before going to Harry duffle bag and stuffing notes in the pockets of his trousers , he tucked the clothes back in and closed the bag .

Harry returned fully dressed with his shoes in his hand , he sat down and quickly put his shoes on . He finished and stood up , walking over to Louis . He wrapped his arms around him and kissed his forehead , "Walk me outside ?"

Louis nodded , Harry grabbed his duffle bag and coat with one arm , his other hand holding Louis' . They went downstairs , Louis opened the front door with his free hand and they stepped outside .

A black Range Rover was waiting for Harry , a guard was at the bottom of the stairs . Harry held his hand out , the guard took the duffle bag and coat from him and walked to the car .

Harry turned to Louis and wrapped him in yet another tight cuddle , Louis squeezed him back and dug his fingertips into his shoulders lightly .

"I love you ." Harry said quietly .

"I l-love you ." Louis' voice trembled as a sudden lump appeared in his throat .

"I will come back for you . You have my word ." Harry promised him .

Louis nodded , Harry pulled back from the hug to kiss him . They kissed for a bit , Harry slowly pulled back from the hug and reached for the ring on his hand , taking it off ; the ring that Louis gifted him , with the names of his parents and sister engraved .

"Keep this for me ." Harry put the ring in Louis' palm and closed it .

Louis nodded , not helping the sniffle .

Harry held his face and kissed him once more , "I love you ."

Louis watched as Harry got into the Range Rover , watched as the Rover drove down the path to the front gates of the mansion , watched as it disappeared out of sight - and that was when he started crying .



Louis arrived at the office building the day after with bags under his eyes from lack of sleeping .

Liam turned to face him when he walked into the lounge , and wordlessly brought him into a hug .

Louis hugged him back tightly , "I thought he was going to take you on the mission with him ."

Liam smiled and squeezed his shoulders lovingly , "Victor , Harley and I were told to stay here for you ."

"Why didn't he take Victor ?" Louis pulled back from hug to look at him .

"Victor is your personal body guard for now ." Liam smiled , "Go say good morning to Odin , I'll make your hot chocolate ." He nudged him away .

Louis walked out of the lounge , smiling when he saw Victor stood in the entrace , "Good morning ."

Victor smiled back , "Good morning , Lou . You doing okay ?"

Louis bit his lower lip , "Honestly , I'm really worried about him . I didn't get much sleep ."

"He will be back . We're talking about Harry , he'll crawl on his nose to come back for you ."

Louis laughed a bit with light blush on his cheeks .


A week went by .

A week since Louis last heard from Harry .

He was at Niall's place , sitting under a soft blanket on his couch , munching on chocolate and wiping tears .

Niall sat in front of him pouting , the blanket that Louis was covered with was on his lap aswell . "It hurts to see you so sad , Lou ."

Louis sniffled and wiped under his eyes , "I'm really worried about him . What if he comes back injured ?"

Niall smiled a bit , "You're talking about a man who died three times and he's still with us , you do realize that ."

A new wave of tears flooded Louis' eyes , "Wh-What if he dies a f-fourth time ?"

"No , please , I didn't mean to make you cry more ." Niall leaned forward and hugged Louis , Louis leaned his head on Niall's shoulder .

Soon Amelia joined them , Louis laid on the couch with his head on her lap as she rubbed his back , Niall made dinner for them while Louis napped for a bit .

Liam joined them for dinner , he gave Louis a cuddle and sat next to him during dinner so he could rub his back .

Liam took Louis back to the mansion , Louis walked into the walk-in closet room and dressed fully in Harry's clothes , getting into Harry's side of the bed and closing his eyes .



Another week went by .

And another .

And another .

Louis last heard from Harry almost a month ago .

His close ones kept him company , they kept in touch with him - and yet a piece of him had gone away with Harry .

He trained with his dogs more , played with Billy his cat . He took Odin with him back to the mansion too , so he wasn't on his own . Odin , his sweet pup , cuddled with him , let Louis hold him and pet him .

Louis just finished another day , counting down another day without Harry ; it had been fourty three days since Harry left for his mission .

Louis stepped out of the car after parking it in the garage of the mansion , he pressed his thumb to the top of the door handle and opened it , walking up the stairs to the lobby .

He took his bag off and left it on the hanger , then kicked his shoes off , going to the kitchen to grab himself something to eat .

He rounded the corner and let out a gasp at the sight of Harry standing there , holding a bouquet of flowers , the kitchen island had different sweets sitting ontop along with a bottle of wine .

Louis felt his knees wobbling , he covered his mouth as tears filled his eyes , "H-Harry ." He mumbled as he ran up to him .

Harry put the bouquet down and caught Louis in his arms , lifting him up in a hug , "Hi baby . I'm home . I'm home ." He squeezed him .

Louis cried into Harry's neck as he clutched him close with his arms and legs , Harry rocked him and pressed kisses to his neck and shoulder . "No more crying , hey , I'm home . I came back for you , I gave you my word , didn't I ?"

Louis nodded into his neck and sniffled , he didn't want to let go yet . "I missed you so much ."

"I missed you too baby . We finished our mission , we did everything we had to , everything went as planned . I'll tell you about it later ."

Louis pulled back from Harry's neck he grabbed his face and kissed him . Harry hummed and gripped Louis in his arms , moving to press Louis' back to the fridge .

They kissed for a bit , only pulling back when the kiss got sloppy . Harry carefully put Louis down and hugged him , Louis pressed his face to Harry's chest and sighed in content .

Harry kissed the top of Louis' head , "Baby ."

Louis lifted his head up , Harry smiled down at him , "I love you ."

"I love you ." Louis said back softly and gripped Harry's shirt in his hands . He then pulled back with a small gasp , "Oh no , I -- I didn't check if you're hurt , were you injured on the mission ?" Louis asked as he fussed over Harry , checking him over for injuries .

"I wasn't hurt baby , no . I'm all good ." Harry smiled and grabbed Louis' arms to stop him .

"Okay ." Louis sighed out . He looked up at Harry , "I want another cuddle ."

Harry brought Louis into his chest again and rubbed his back , Louis' arms locked around his middle .

"Mm , baby ." Harry smiled against the top of Louis' head , Louis hummed back in response .

Harry squeezed his arms around Louis , "We have two choices - do you want to have dinner and dessert with me , or do you want me to take us to bed ?"

Louis lifted his head up to look up at Harry , his chin pressed to Harry's chest . "I -- I want us to go upstairs ."

Harry picked him up , hands gripping right under his bum to hold him , Louis smiled and let out a small laugh , "Wait , I do want some sugar too though ." He wrapped his arms and legs around Harry again .

"Pick whichever you want ." Harry placed Louis on the island next to the sweets , Louis looked through what Harry brought and picked a chocolate bar , unwrapping it . He stuffed a bit in his mouth and then fed Harry aswell , before wrapping his arms around Harry's neck , "Let's go ."


Hope you liked it x


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