Louis' Birthday

Summary : Harry and Louis celebrate Louis' birthday along with Christmas .

Enjoy x


Harry walked into the walk-in closet room , smiling in amusement at the sight of Louis sitting on the carpeted floor cross-legged , his arms crossed over his chest , and his suitcase empty next to him .

"Having trouble there ?" Harry asked as he walked over to him , Louis turned his head to look at him with a pout , "I'm not packing until you tell me where we're going ."

"Can't tell you if it's meant to be a surprise , can I ?" Harry kneeled down to press a kiss to his cheek , "You're cute but I won't tell you . I gave you a list of what you need , where is it ?"

"On my phone ." Louis kept pouting . "Can I atleast get a clue ? A small one , please Hazzie ." He looked up at Harry through his lashes , palms pressed together in front of him pleadingly .

Harry couldn't say no to that face . He slumped his shoulders a bit , "It's not in England , we're flying out of the country ."

Louis gaped , "I -- ugh , what was I expecting ." He dropped his head down then lifted it up , "Fine , I'll pack now ." He sighed out and stood up , Harry wrapped his arms around him and pressed a kiss to his lips , "Cheer up baby , want you to be happy ."

"I am happy ." Louis wrapped his arms around his middle in a hug , face pressed to his chest , "I just want to know where we're going ."

Harry hugged him tighter , "Would it matter where ? We'll have fun wherever we are , because we're going together ."

Louis nodded , "You're right ." He looked up at him , chin pressed to his chest , "Will you atleast tell me before we land ?"

Harry smiled and leaned down to kiss him , "I'll tell you after we land and get our stuff from the plane ."

"Deal ." Louis grinned , pushing himself up on his tip-toes to kiss him again quickly before going to pack his suitcase .



Louis buckled himself before grabbing Harry's hand , looking out of the window as the plane took off . It was the middle of the night and he was getting sleepy again , once the plane steadied Harry was the first to unbuckle his seatbelt , along with the flight attendants .

"Going to the bathroom quickly , want to go get in bed ?" Harry asked Louis as he stood up , Louis nodded , "Okay ." He unbuckled himself too and stood up , before looking to the cockpit where Paul was .

He went to the cockpit and knocked on the door softly before pushing it open , "Paul ?"

"Come on in ."

Louis pushed the door more open and smiled at Paul , "Hi Paul ."

"Hey Louis , how are you ?"

"I'm good , a bit sleepy . You ?" Louis sat in the seat next to him .

"I'm doing good . How's Harry treating you ?"

"The best ." Louis smiled widely , "Well , he wouldn't tell me where we're flying , but it's all good ."

"He told us not to tell you incase you asked ." Paul chuckled , "The way he cares about you is incredible ."

Louis heard the sound of the bathroom door opening , before turning to Paul , "Want to tease him a bit ?" He whispered , Paul smiled , "Go on ."

Louis heard Harry's footsteps nearing so he leaned closer to Paul , "So , Harry didn't tell me where we're flying , I was hoping you'd tell me ."

Paul didn't get a chance to open his mouth before the halfway opened door opened all the way and Harry fit himself into the small room aswell , a smirk on his lips , "Nice try , baby ."

Louis looked up at him , biting back his giggles , "I wasn't doing anything ." He stood up from the seat and not-so-subtly winked at Paul , before walking past Harry , "I'm going to bed ."

He walked through the plane to the room in the back and got in , he was about to close the door but it opened again and Harry stepped into the room , "Cheeky , aren't you ?" He grabbed Louis' waist and dropped the two of them on the bed .

Louis let out a squeak as Harry started tickling him , "I-It was a prank ! Hazzie it w-was a prank !" He tried to talk through his laughter , rolling to get away from Harry .

Harry stopped , holding himself with his arms above Louis , "A prank ?"

Louis wrapped his arms around himself for protection , giggles still rolling out , "P-Paul said you told them all not to tell me if I asked , then I heard you coming and pretended to ask him to get you on your toes ."

"Cheeky little one , aren't you ?" Harry tried wiggling one hand to tickle his tummy , though found it adorable that Louis kept blocking him while he giggled . He pulled his hand back and pressed it back to the mattress , leaning down to kiss Louis' lips , "Want to get some sleep ? You have time for a nap ."

"How long ?" Louis asked as he brought one hand up to push Harry's hair back from his eyes .

"The entier flight is nine and a half hours , you can nap for as long at you want ." Harry grabbed Louis' hand to press his soft and warm palm to his cheek .

"Nine hours ? It's so long ." Louis pouted a bit , "Are you coming to nap with me ?"

"Need to take care of some stuff for when we land , then I'll have time ." Harry kissed the heel of his palm , Louis traced his cheek with his thumb , "I'll wait , then . Can't get proper sleep on a plane if you're not there , anyway ."

Harry smiled , he leaned in to kiss him for a bit before moving off , "Want to join me at the tables ? We can grab something to eat , see what Rod packed for us ."



The couple ate , Louis watched a movie while Harry worked , then the two went to get some sleep for a few hours . When they woke up there were two and a half hours left of the flight , half of them they spent with Paul , then they had a snack before landing .

Louis looked out of the window , trying to guess where they were . Harry smiled as he watched him , giving his hand a squeeze , "Any guesses ?"

"Well , it's not a cold place . That's all I have , really ." Louis bit his lower lip , the plane slowed down on the lane , then took a turn to the right , where at the end of the lane waited people with cars .

"Can I know now ?" Louis turned to Harry with a small pout , Harry leaned in and kissed him softly , "A few more minutes , I promise baby ."

The plane stopped and Paul gave them the green light to leave , they unbuckled themselves and went to thank Paul . The couple got off the plane with the three bodyguards who flew with them , going to shake some people's hands .

Louis linked his arm with Harry's as Harry spoke to the men in front of him about security measures , taking some notes from what they talked about .

Harry shook their hands again before the men spread around , some going into cars to escort the couple .

"Mr. Styles , your suitcases are all in the car ." One of the bodyguards said , Harry nodded once and turned to Louis , hands going to hold his waist , "Welcome to the Bahamas ." He smiled at Louis' surprised look .

"The Bahamas ? Oh wow ." Louis smiled , Harry kissed his forehead , "We'll go get our passports checked , then drive to the port . We have a boat ready to take us to the private island I rented for our stay ."

"P-Private ... private island ?" Louis stuttered out , Harry brought him closer and kissed him , "You're cute . Yes , a private island , the Villa is one of the best ones . Just us two ."

Louis felt himself blushing softly ; he always turned shy even at the slightest suggestion of sex .

Harry smirked to himself and took Louis' hand , "Let's go ."


Harry held Louis' waist for safety as he stood by the edge of the boat , watching as they got closer to the island ; their private island . He wobbled as the boat slowed down to a stop at the dock , Harry's hands tightened around his waist to keep his steady .

"Be careful ." Harry watched as one of the guards , who jumped out of the boat to tie it to the pier , held his hand out to help Louis out . Louis jumped out of the boat carefully and thanked the guard , Harry jumped out right after him and started taking all of their luggage out of the boat with the help of the guards .

They walked down the pier to the shore , where there was a stone trail leading to a massive Villa sitting ontop of the hill . Harry , along with each guard , carried one luggage , Louis carried a backpack , holding Harry's free hand .

They reached the Villa , Harry punched the code to the door and opened it , letting Louis in first .

"So pretty ." Louis mumbled as he stepped in , he put the backpack down by the couch and walked over to the large glass windows . He smiled as he turned to tell Harry to come over to see the view , startling when he saw Harry was already behind him .

"Don't sneak on me like this ." Louis pushed at his middle , seeing Harry's guards unpacking the equipment to check for cameras and microphones .

Harry distracted him from the guards , he reached his hand out to slide the glass windows open and nudged Louis to step outside by the small of his back . Louis stepped outside with Harry following , they had a small private pool , poolside chairs and a trail down to the beach .

"I don't think I ever celebrated Christmas somewhere warm ." Louis walked to the edge of the balcony , "It's a nice change ." He turned to face Harry again , feeling himself blushing soft pink when he saw that Harry pulled off his shirt , staying in jean shorts with a gun tucked in and his pair of shoes .

Harry smirked and walked closer , "Get used to this view , baby , I don't plan on putting a shirt on until we leave ." He grabbed his waist and kissed him , "With you , though , I'd prefer if we wait for the guards to leave ."

"Wasn't planning on pulling my shirt off in front of them anyway ." Louis held Harry's elbows .


It was the day after , Louis' birthday .

Harry finished an early morning workout and showered , meanwhile Louis was fast asleep , bundled in the white sheets of the master bedroom bed .

It was one of Harry's favourite views ; tiny Louis sleeping in a massive bed , the covers laying all around him wrinkled from sleep .

He pulled on a pair of boxers and shorts before crawling into bed , holding himself above Louis , who was laying on his side . He kissed his cheek softly and trailed the kisses down to his neck , smiling when Louis moved a bit away .

"Good morning ." Harry kissed the corner of his lips , "Happy birthday ." He smiled wider at the sight of a sleepy smile on Louis' lips .

Louis slowly fluttered his eyes open and squinted at the sun shining into the room , he covered his eyes with his palm , "Morning ."

Harry kissed up his arm , then the scar at the top of his shoulder from the bullet graze . He kissed up to his neck , nibbling gently behind his ear to make Louis giggle louder ; he found it adorable that it tickled him .

"Stop , don't be mean on my birthday ." Louis pushed him away with a wide smile on his lips , whining when Harry kissed him , "Hazzie - don't , I need to brush my teeth ." He pushed Harry away and rolled out of bed , giggling when Harry tried grabbing him to pull him back .

"I'm downstairs making us breakfast , join me when you're done ." Harry called as he left the master bedroom , going downstairs to the kitchen .

Soon after Louis joined him , he stayed in his sleeping shorts , pulling on one of Harry's shirts that was too large for him . He jumped up on the counter to sit ontop , Harry fit himself between his knees and leaned in to kiss him , "Hungry ?"

"Very ." Louis nodded , he pressed one more kiss to Harry's lips before letting him go back to cooking their breakfast .

Harry was almost done before turning to Louis , "Close your eyes ."

"Why ?" Louis asked as he closed his eyes and pressed his palms to his eyes .

"Don't peek ."

"I'm not ." Louis giggled as he listened to Harry moving around the kitchen , opening cabinets , the fridge , drawers .

"Open them ."

Louis opened his eyes , grinning when he saw that Harry was standing in front of him holding a cake with candles lit on it , he grabbed Harry's phone and took a few pictures of him .

"Make a wish ." Harry brought the cake closer carefully , Louis closed his eyes and pouted , "I don't know what to wish for ."

"Anything you want , baby ."

Louis thought for a few seconds before opening his eyes and blowing on the candles . Harry put the cake down on the counter and took the candles out before the wax reached the top of the cake , he cut out a small piece and put it on a plate for Louis to eat .

"Thank you ." Louis smiled and took the plate , he scooped a bit with his spoon and took his first bite , sighing out , "It's so good ." He fed a spoon to Harry , then two more for himself while Harry finished their breakfast .


"If you keep pouting I'll tickle you ." Harry smirked as he walked into the living room with Louis' birthday presents , Louis huffed and crossed his arms over his chest , "I just feel bad that you got me presents for my birthday and for Christmas , you could've combined them ."

"Like hell I would . Two different celebrations ." Harry placed the presents down on the living room table and kneeled in front of Louis , hands on Louis' thighs , "As if spoiling you was ever a money problem to me ."

"Don't be cocky ." Louis gave his shoulder a light shove , but then cupped his cheeks and kissed him , "Thank you for the presents ." He said quietly with a smile , Harry kissed him again , "Open them ."

Louis reached for a box and teared the wrapping paper , he opened the shoebox and smiled at the new pair of white Puma sneakers . He took one out , "They're so nice , thanks Hazzie ."

Harry smiled as he watched him unwrapping two more presents ; Louis wasn't a jewelry type of person , more of a cute casual gifts person - which Harry loved about him . He smiled wider when he pulled out of a bag hoodies , jumpers , shirts and joggers of Marvel merchandise .

"I think this one is my favourite ." Louis grinned down at a hoodie before placing everything back into the bag . He took another present and unwrapped the box , giggling quietly after opening it ; there were pictures printed on canvas of Louis and his training dogs .

"You can hang them in the pavilion , or at our home ." Harry smiled as he watched him looking through the pictures .

"I love these so much , thank you ." Louis put the box down and wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders , kissing him sweetly . Harry hummed and pulled him closer until Louis was in his lap , "Love spoiling you ."


Louis dipped his toes into the pool and shivered , pulling his foot back , "The water is cooold ."

Harry walked out of the villa with a tray ; one margarita for Louis and a beer for himself , a plate of fruit , a plate of Louis' favourite chocolate crackers and two more pieces of the birthday cake . He put the tray on the table under the large umbrella , "Don't think it's that cold ."

"Well then come see for yourself ." Louis crossed his arms over his chest , Harry walked closer and dipped his foot into the pool , "Not so b --"

Louis gave him his strongest push , grinning menacingly for barely two seconds before his arms were grabbed by Harry , he squealed as he was pulled into the pool aswell .

The two resurfaced , Harry pushed his hair back from his face and turned to Louis , "You're dead ."

Louis squealed and tried to swim away , flailing his arms and legs when Harry grabbed him .

Harry was grinning , his hands holding Louis' hips as he tossed him in the air into the pool . He swam back to Louis and wrapped his arms around him , moving his hair from his forehead , "Cheeky little one ."

"I had to ." Louis giggled , "It was just too easy ."

"You're so lucky it's your birthday ." Harry pressed their foreheads together , Louis smiled cutely up at him and moved his head closer to rub his nose with Harry's , "As if you would've done something if it weren't my birthday ."

"Don't push your luck , baby ." Harry lifted him up a bit to hold him from under his bum , Louis wrapped his arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist , pressing soft and short kisses to Harry's lips .

Harry melted into the kisses , head leaned back as he let Louis kiss him as he liked .


In the evening Harry cooked them dinner , letting Louis help a bit with small things . Louis brought the plates to the table Harry set outside , smiling when he saw Harry was opening a wine bottle .

Harry poured them two glasses and kissed Louis' cheek before the two sat down to eat , clinking their wine glasses .

"How do you like our stay here so far ?" Harry asked , elbow leaned on the table and chin leaned on his hand , watching Louis eating . Louis smiled at him , "I'm having the best time . You know it doesn't actually matter where we go , I always have the best time when I'm with you ." He blushed soft pink .

"I would very much hope so ." Harry smiled back at him , leaning back in his seat when Louis stood up and grabbed his wine glass , moving to sit sideways on Harry's lap .

Harry pressed a kiss to his cheek and scooped up a bit of food from his plate , feeding it to Louis .

"Can I ask you a question ?" Louis tucked Harry's hair behind his ear , Harry tightened his arm around him , "Always ."

"Please don't answer if it's too weird or just sounds stupid --"

"Baby you can ask me anything ."

Louis bit his lower lip as he put his glass down on the table , "Do you believe your family would've liked me ? If -- if there was a possibility for them to meet me ."

"One hundred percent ." Harry nodded without thinking twice , a soft smile spreading on his lips , "My father would've constantly asked about you , and would've found it absolutely joyful to watch how easily you got me wrapped around your little finger . My mother would've taken you to lunches , would've knitted you scarves . My sister would've spent her time with you and the training dogs , you two would've had coffee dates ."

Louis kept his palm pressed to Harry's cheek , thumb brushing his skin . He gave Harry a smile , "I wish I could've met them ."

"Me too ." Harry nodded , "But it's alright . I find comfort in knowing the three of them are watching over us , keeping us both safe in their way ."

Louis pressed gentle kisses to Harry's cheek , Harry turned his head to kiss Louis' lips properly . "I love you . So fucking much ." Harry mumbled against Louis' lips , Louis smiled , "I love you ." He kissed him again .

It was getting windy outside so they moved back in , Harry took the plates while Louis brought their wine glasses and the bottle . He sat on the couch and smiled when Harry walked back to the living room , handing him his wine glass .

Harry took his glass and drank what was left , putting the glass down on the table . He sat next to Louis and put his arm over the back of the couch , "Anything else you want to do on your birthday ? You mentioned Christmas movies you wanted to watch ."

Louis put his empty wine glass on the table and stood up , "Have something else in mind ." He blushed soft pink as he took Harry's hands to pull him up from the couch . Harry caught on quickly and stood up , wordlessly picking Louis up to wrap his legs around his waist , pressing their lips together as he walked them up to the master bedroom .


"Merry Christmas ." Harry leaned down to press a soft kiss to Louis' cheek ; Louis was still in bed , laying naked under the sheets , as he clamied he couldn't walk or get out of bed yet . Harry took pride in it .

"Merry Christmas ." Louis smiled as he slowly sat up , thanking Harry quietly as he placed pillows behind his back for him to lean on . Harry brought a tray with breakfast to bed and sat in front of Louis , "Want me to help you eat ?" He smirked .

Louis blushed and gave him a light nudge with his foot , "I can eat on my own ." He grabbed a piece of toast with Nutella on it , Harry drank his black coffee and leaned back on his arm , "Are we opening presents from bed too ?" He smirked wider when Louis nodded .

"Drop that smirk off ." Louis nudged him again , giggling when Harry tickled his foot lightly , pulling it away .

After breakfast Harry retrieved all of the presents , both his and Louis' .

Louis honestly loved each present Harry got for him , he knew him well to know what he liked ; for his Christmas presents Harry got him concert tickets to see a band he liked , a fur coat and a beanie , a polaroid camera and two pairs of soft slippers .

He watched as Harry opened his presents , though waited for a specific one he told Harry to open last ; Harry received a few framed pictures for his office , a paid-in-advance tattoo at a parlor in the city (after Louis did his research about a parlor Harry trusted going to) , a shirt that said Harry hearts Louis - and then the last present .

Harry opened the small box , seeing a ring inside . Louis knew he liked wearing rings so he wanted to get him a ring with a meaning ; it was a silver thick band , the outer part lined with black stones , and the inner part had the names of Harry's parents and sister engraved .

"I - I noticed you don't have any jewelry for your family , and thought a ring would be nice for you ." Louis explained quietly , watching Harry examining the ring , tracing his thumb over the engraved names .

Harry looked up at him and cradled the ring in his palm , leaning closer to kiss him , "I love it . Thank you baby ."

Louis smiled widely when Harry thanked him , as it was still rare hearing those words from him . "You're welcome ." He leaned in to kiss him again .


Hope you liked it x


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