Summary : Louis adopts a kitten .
Enjoy x
Louis smiled at Odin as he fastened a vest around him , he gave the dog a kiss before standing up to grab another vest for Rocco . After Rocco was wrapped in a vest , Louis put Donna in a vest too and took his fanny pack , telling Liam that he was leaving for a walk .
The three dogs followed Louis , Louis took a picture of the three and sent it to Harry to let him know he was going out for a bit . Seconds after he texted him , Harry called , making Louis roll his eyes yet smile as he answered .
"Hey Hazzie ."
"Hi baby . Where are you headed ?"
"I'm taking my usual route to grab a hot chocolate from Niall , why ?"
"Avoid going around the area of the city hall , the guards are scanning the area for thieves ."
"Alright , thanks for telling me ."
"Be safe baby . I love you ."
"I love you ."
They hung up , Louis had a smile on his lips as he put his phone in his pocket . He took the clicker out of his fanny pack and clicked it , "Rocco , near ." He commanded , Rocco moved closer to Louis and gladly took a treat that Louis handed him .
Louis and the dogs made it to Sunshine Cafe , Niall greeted Louis with a tight hug and then proceeded to make him his usual hot chocolate order .
"I can't believe you're leaving soon ." Louis pouted .
"You're acting as if I'm moving away , Lou . I'm just going to be working on music instead of making coffee ." Niall laughed a bit .
"Yeah , but who's going to make my hot chocolate this perfect ?" Louis held his cup to his chest with both hands and pouted .
"Oi , is what what I'm good for ?"
"No , you also give good hugs ." Louis gave him a smile .
"Don't sweet-talk me , I see through you ." Niall pretended to glare at him .
"You're like an angry puppy ." Louis giggled , "You'd better dedicate me a song ."
"I'll surprise you ." Niall gave him a wink , and then grinned when Louis gave him another hug .
Louis soon left the coffee shop to walk back to the office building , he finished drinking his hot chocolate halfway back and threw the paper cup away - when he saw a small fur ball curled up in the middle of the road .
His heart skipped a beat , he looked both ways and took his dogs , clicking the clicker , "Block ." He said and stepped onto the road with his dogs following , standing in the middle of the road to block the traffic .
He slowly approached the small fur ball to not startle it , awwing quietly when he saw that it was a kitten .
"Oh hey , what are you doing in the middle of this busy road ?" He asked quietly , almost in a baby voice , as he kneeled next to the kitten . He reached his hand out , luckily the kitten didn't run away or hiss at him , so he petted it gently , "Oh you're adorable ." He awwed quietly .
The kitten slowly moved closer to Louis and perched itself ontop of his shoe , Louis smiled and picked the kitten up in his arms , leaning it on his chest , "Hi , there ." He scratched under it's chin .
Louis moved off the road and was back on the pavement with the dogs , the kitten still in his arms as he started walking back to the office building . He smiled down at the kitten , he kept petting it all the way back .
Once back in the pavilion Louis closed the doors of the lounge and put the kitten down , then took his phone out to take a picture of the kitten . It was mostly black , with streaks of ginger fur , and light brown eyes .
He made a call to Liam and asked if he could pick up some cat food , watching as the kitten roamed the room a bit .
"Yeah , the poor kitten was just there in the middle of the road , it's a miracle it wasn't run over ."
"Is it male or female ?"
"Female I think , I would've known quite quickly if it were a male ." Louis said with a small laugh .
"Are you planning on keeping it ?"
"Maybe . I think she's cute , I want to keep her ."
"Does Harry know about the kitten ?"
"Not yet , I was going to send him a picture , but then I remembered I needed to call you to bring some food ."
"Alright , I'll stop by the pet shop ."
"Thanks Li ."
"You're welcome , text me if there's anything else you need from the shop ."
"Thanks a lot Li ."
They hung up , Louis texted the picture of the kitten to Harry with the caption , look what I found im keeping her !!!
Louis watched as the kitten ate the canned food that he put in a small plate for her , the kitten finished the food and licked the plate a bit more before wandering off .
The door to the lounge opened and Harry walked in , Louis smiled at him , "Close the door so Billy doesn't escape ."
"So she has a name now ?" Harry asked as he closed the door behind him .
"Yes , she's Billy ." Louis smiled as Harry sat on the chair at the round dining table .
"How did you find her ?"
"Poor kitty was just sitting in the middle of the road , I couldn't leave her there . She's too adorable so I just took her ."
Harry looked down at the kitten when she walked over to him , she put her front paws on his shoe and looked up at him , before she was crawling up his leg and into his lap , then up his chest .
Louis grinned as he watched Billy rubbing her head against Harry's scruffed chin and jaw , Harry looked down at Billy as he brought his hand up to pet her lightly , "She reminds me of you ."
"Me ? How ?"
"Small . Cute . Likes a cuddle ." Harry gave Louis a smile .
"Oi ! I don't just like a cuddle , it's my favourite thing ." Louis crossed his arms over his chest .
Billy crawled up Harry's shoulder and rubbed her head against the side of his head , Louis let out a small 'aww' and took his phone out to film a video .
Hope you liked it x
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