Jealous Louis

Summary : Louis acts jealous , and Harry thinks he's adorable .

Enjoy x


Louis smiled and waved at Liam and Zayn , his other hand wrapped around Harry's bicep as Harry walked them to the entrance of the pub .

A new pub was opened in the city , and Harry was invited as a guest of honour . He took Louis as his date , and brought Liam and Zayn along for the extra coverage , be seen around him so people would know not to mess with them either , and to just have a night out .

Victor , along with three more body guards , walked the four into the pub . The manager of the place quickly approached them , a nervous smile on his face .

"Mr. Styles , so good to see you here tonight ." He smiled and held his hand out , Harry shook his hand as the guy continued to talk , "I hope you enjoy your night , your table is on the house . --"

"We take nothing for free ." Harry shook his head , "We'll pay just like everyone else ."

The guy didn't fight , "Oh , sure no problem at all . My name is Levi , nice meeting you all ."

Harry nodded once and started introducing everyone around him . "This is Louis , he's my boyfriend . Liam , Zayn - very close friends of mine . Victor - my head security guard ."

"Let me walk you to your table ." Levi turned around and started walking towards the stairs to the second floor , the group followed him to the VIP area .

Levi stopped in front of a round booth and turned to smile at the group , "Here's your table , enjoy your night ."

Harry nodded once at Levi , Louis said a shy 'thank you' and slid into the booth when Harry nudged him softly . Harry sat next to Louis , his hand resting on his knee as Liam and Zayn got into the booth aswell .

"You know what to do ." Harry turned to Victor , who nodded once and took the other guards with him . One of them stayed close by , placing an earpiece in his ear .

"How's the new puppy of your flock , Louis ?" Zayn asked as he took a cigarette out of his packet , Louis scrunched his nose a bit as the smoke reached his nose .

"She's really cute , she's doing really well ." Louis smiled , "We just started the basics with her but she's already so good ."

"That's because you're her trainer ." Harry moved to grab his hand instead , Louis squeezed his hand back with a soft smile .

Liam rolled his eyes playfully at the two and reached his foot out to kick Harry lightly , "Stop hogging him up , let us have a chat with him ."

Harry gave him a hard stare , "Did you forget he's my boyfriend or what ."

"Shh , that's okay , stop it ." Louis poked his cheek a few times , cheeks pink with blush , "Can I have fries when a waiter gets our drinks orders ?"

"Course baby , although  I knew that already . No need to ask ."

Louis pecked his cheek as a thank you and turned to talk to Liam , only stopping when a waitress came to collect their orders . He brought his bottom lip between his teeth when he saw the way she looked at Harry as she took his order for the two of them .

He watched as she left , jumping in his spot when Harry poked him in the side , "Everything okay , baby ?"

"Yeah , yeah it's okay ." Louis nodded , Harry turned his head by his chin , eyebrows raised , "Did anyone in here do anything to make you uncomfortable ?"

"No , it's all good I promise ." Louis shook his head , "I'll tell you if something happens ."

Harry nodded , he kept his large hand on Louis' thigh for comfort , he looked around the place to try and find anyone who may look their way , someone who looked like the could've been the one making Louis this way .

The waitress returned with their drinks and the fries , Louis frowned when he saw that she tugged her shirt lower to show her chest , and her jeans pulled up higher . She leaned over the table as she placed everything in front of Harry , though Harry was too busy looking around the pub .

"Feel free to call me for anything you'd like ." The waitress gave Harry a flirtatious smile and walked away , trying to sway her hips .

Zayn couldn't help but chuckle , "Does she even realize Harry would never look her way ?"

"Apparently not ." Liam shrugged , "Poor her though ."

Louis kept looking at the waitress with a frown , when he decided to do something about it . 

He shifted closer to Harry , slowly placing himself on his lap . Harry wrapped his arms around his waist , lips pressing to his shoulder , "Comfy ?"

Louis nodded and grabbed his and Harry's drinks , pulling them closer . he sipped on his drink and leaned back against Harry , who held him tighter and kissed his shoulder .

"Is your drink okay ?" Harry asked , lips close to Louis' ear , "Are you feeling fine ?"

"I'm good ." Louis nodded , he took another sip of his drink and put the glass on the table , turning sideways in his lap . Harry kissed his cheek a few times , not bothering to pull back when the waitress returned .

"Just stopped by to check on you , make sure you're all good ." She said , smiling at Harry as she ignored everyone else .

Louis' jaw tightened a bit , he wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and nodded , "We're fine , thanks ."

Harry caught on , smirking as he brought his lips to Louis' neck . At first he kissed gently , then he moved his lips to the spot where he knew it tickled him .

A smile spread on Louis' lips as he put his hands on Harry's cheeks , "Hazzie ." He giggled a bit , Harry stole a kiss before turning to the waitress , who was still right there looking at Harry .

"We're fine , you can leave ." Harry told her before turning his attention to Louis again and kissing his cheek a few more times .

The waitress tutted her jaw and left , Liam choked on his chuckles while Zayn didn't even try to hide his laughter .

"You're not so subtle , you do realize that baby ?" Harry smirked , Louis blushed deeper and shrugged , "I don't know what you're talking about ."

Harry grabbed Louis' jaw in his hand , his other arm wrapped around his waist tightly to keep him in his lap , he kissed him deeply and pulled back to smirk again , "You're really fucking cute ."

"I still don't know what you're talking about ."

"Like hell you don't ." Harry pecked him quickly , "You were being jealous ."

"Was not ."

"Are you trying to fight me ?"

"Li , tell him ." Louis pouted , his cheeks still red with blush . Liam shrugged , making Louis pout deeper .

"Zayn ?" Louis tried , Zayn gave him a wink , "Don't even try , Lou . That was quite the show ."

Louis huffed and tried moving off Harry's lap , though Harry held him tightly , "Don't you dare try to deny it , we're onto you ."

"Yeah , sorry Lou but you're too obvious ." Liam smiled at him apologetically .

"You're all mean to me ." Louis took a sip of his drink , Harry waited for him to put the glass back on the table before he kissed his cheek , "I'm only teasing , baby . You're adorable when you're jealous , though you have zero reasons to be ."

The alcohol started kicking in , so Louis gave up hiding his jealousy . "She looked at you like I wasn't even there ." He pouted and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck , leaning his forehead against Harry's temple .

Harry turned his head to press their foreheads together , a gentle smile on his face , "I don't look at anyone the way I look at you ."

"Yeah Lou , when he saw you for the first time he needed someone to help him breathe and I offered to call you over to give him mouth to mouth ." Zayn chimed in , Louis turned to look at him , "What do you mean ?"

"The day you two met at that club we trashed . He was staring so hard that he wasn't even breathing , and I offered to call you over , give him mouth to mouth to help him breathe ."

"You're literally the only person who can make him lose that icy look and creepy stare ." Liam nodded along .

Louis was blushing deep red , Harry turned his head and kissed him , "As much as I fucking hate their teasing , they're right ."

"Wooh , Harry just admitted someone right and it wasn't himself . I'll drink to that ." Zayn held his glass up , Liam clinked their glasses together , "Amen ."

Harry gave the two the middle finger as he kept kissing Louis , Zayn rolled his eyes and turned to Liam , "Atleast it's not a gun ."


Hope you liked it x


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