Summary : Louis befriends Niall , a new employee at his favourite coffee place , and Harry feels a little bit jealous .
A cute one . Enjoy x
Louis opened the door of the coffee shop , sighing at the warm feeling and nice smell of the place . He stood in line behind two people , texting Harry that he was bringing them warm drinks . Harry texted back almost immediately , making Louis roll his eyes and chuckle a bit , thinking back to the first time Harry told him about "the drill" .
Soon enough it was his turn to order , he told the girl behind the desk his and Harry's orders and handed her his cash , taking back his change and receipt . He moved to stand next to the barista , chuckling a bit when the guy was humming along to the song in the background while making little moves as he made their orders .
The guy turned to him and smiled , "Glad I made atleast one person smile today ."
"Sorry , yeah . I like your dancing ." Louis smiled back , the guy nodded , "That makes three of us . You , me and my girlfriend ."
"How long have you and your girlfriend been dating ?"
"Almost two years now . Can't be happier , mate ." The guy finished one drink , moving to make the other . "What about you ? Anyone special in your life ?"
"You're making his coffee right now ." Louis' cheeks turned pink as he smiled wider , the guy grinned back , "Your boo has a good taste , I'll tell you that ." He handed Louis the two drinks , "I'm Niall , by the way ."
"Louis ." Louis shook his hand and took the two drinks , "Thanks for the drinks ."
"Just doing my job ." Niall put a hand on his heart as he bowed a little , Louis gave him one last smile and left the place .
Laura helped Louis with the code to Harry's office , as his two hands held the drinks , he thanked her and walked into the office , "Hazzie ."
"Hey baby ." Harry smiled and stood up from his chair , circling the desk to take the two drinks from Louis and place them on the table . He wrapped his arms around Louis' tiny waist and kissed him , "How was your day ?"
"It was great ." Louis smiled , "I trained with Odin , then had lunch and napped a little bit , then I went to the coffee shop I like and made a friend , and now I'm here with you ."
Harry blinked at him a few times . "You made a friend ."
"Yeah , the barista ." Louis nodded , "He was dancing funny , and we talked a little . He's really nice ."
"What's his name ?"
Louis opened his mouth to answer but caught on , snapping his jaw shut and giving Harry a light smack to the shoulder , "No ."
"No ?"
"No , because I know you'll do something to terrorize him ." Louis crossed his arms over his chest , "He was being really nice to me and I won't let you scare him away ."
"I won't do that , baby ." Harry shook his head and rubbed his hands up and down his back , "I just need to know who to go after if he does anything ."
Louis huffed and pushed his bottom lip out , looking up at Harry through his lashes . "Did I mention he has a girlfriend ? And that I told him I'm taken ?"
"Did you tell him you're taken by me ?"
"Well .. no . But I told him I'm taken ." Louis gripped the collar of Harry's button up , "Do not do anything ."
Harry kissed his forehead , then his lips , "I won't ."
A few days later Louis returns to the coffee shop , smiling when he saw Niall was there too . He ordered from the other guy behind the cashier and went to the barista desk with a smile , "Hey Niall ."
Niall turned to face him , his eyes wide and a tight smile on his lips , "Oh , hey Louis ." He turned to the machine to make him his drink , Louis bit his lower lip , "Is - is everything okay ?"
"Yeah , yeah , absolutely . One hundred percent . Everything is just fine ." Niall nodded quickly and quickly made Louis his drink , Louis bit his lower lip , "Are you sure ? You - you look a little on edge ."
Niall looked around the place and sighed , leaning his elbows on the desk , "I don't mean to offend , or make you uncomfortable - I just - my manager talked to me the other time you were here , and she - ehm - told me who you're dating ."
Louis pouted a bit , "He won't do anything , you know that , right ? You're nice to me , and I already quite like you , he wouldn't dare to do anything ."
Niall nodded slowly , "Yeah , okay . I'm sorry , I just - I was worried . I mean , it's Harry Styles ."
Louis bit his lower lip ; he wanted to tell people how soft Harry was with him , but knew Harry had a reputation to keep so he just nodded , "It's okay , really , I understand . But don't worry about anything , nothing will happen ."
"Sure . Sorry again ."
"It's alright . See you next time ." Louis grabbed his drink with one hand , waving goodbye with the other ."
"Another drink ?" Harry raised an eyebrow , Louis smiled and nodded , "You know I really like their hot chocolate ."
"Their hot chocolate or your new friend ?" Harry raised an eyebrow , Louis grinned at him , "What is it with you ? I made a friend , haven't done that in ages ." He walked around the desk and let Harry pull him into his lap .
"Was he nice to you today ?" Harry kissed his cheek , Louis nodded , "Yeah , he's always nice . To everyone , too ."
Harry squeezed him a bit and nodded , "Good ." Then seconds later added , "Still need to have a chat with him ."
Louis placed his drink on the desk and turned sideways on Harry's lap , arms wrapping around Harry's neck as he beamed , "You're jealous ."
Harry pinched his eyebrows together , "I'm not jealous ."
"Yeah you are ." Louis giggled , "You're jealous that another guy has my attention ."
"Does he , now ?"
"Don't be jealous ." Louis grinned and kissed Harry quickly , "You're my only one , Hazzie ."
Harry pulled him closer and kissed him again , deeper . "Never forget that ."
"Can we get drinks ?" Louis pressed his cold nose to Harry's chest , Harry nodded , "Get in the car , baby ." He opened the passenger's door and helped Louis in , closing the door once he was seated .
They drove for a bit , before Harry silently parked in front of Louis' favourite coffee shop . Louis grinned and jumped out of the car , Harry wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him into his side , "Eager ?"
"I need a hot chocolate , Hazzie ." Louis pouted up at him , Harry raised his eyebrows , "Hot chocolate or your new friend ?"
Louis shushed him and put his hand on his mouth , "Idiot . Let's go in before I freeze to death ."
Harry walked them into the shop , waiting behind the lady who ordered her drink . Once she was done it was their turn , the girl behind the cashier smiled nervously , "Good a-afternoon . What would you like t-to order ?"
Harry told her his coffee order and Louis' hot chocolate order , the girl nodded and put the order into the computer , telling Harry the cost . Harry handed her his credit card , side-eyeing the guy making people their drinks .
He received his card back , Louis thanked the girl and the two moved to stand at the barista desk .
"Hi Niall ." Louis smiled at him , Niall smiled back tightly , "Hey Louis . Mr. Styles ."
"So you're Louis' new friend , then ?" Harry asked , keeping Louis pressed to his side . Louis elbowed him gently and whispered stop it , but Harry wasn't listening .
"O-Oh . Well , yes . I - I hope it's okay ."
"Oi , I don't need his permission to have friends ." Louis crossed his arms over his chest , Harry squeezed him closer , "Never said you couldn't ."
"You're scaring him , stop it . Please ." Louis pouted a bit , Harry pursed his lips together and nodded once , Louis stood on his tip-toes to peck his cheek and moved to take the two hot drinks Niall made .
"Thanks Niall , see you next time ."
"Bye Louis , have a nice rest of your day . You aswell Mr. Styles ."
Harry nodded at Niall and walked out of the place with Louis , who hurried to the car to stay warm . Harry opened the door for Louis and then went around to the driver's seat , Louis poked his cheek , "See ? He was nice , now stop being jealous over nothing ."
Harry sipped on his drink and put it in the cup holder . "He's lucky he makes good coffee ."
Louis grinned and squished his cheeks with one hand , "I won ."
Hope you liked it x
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