In Charge
Summary : Louis decides to take the reins and plans a short getaway trip for him and Harry .
Enjoy x
Louis walked into Harry's office in the evening , giving Harry a soft smile , "Hey Hazzie ."
"Hey baby ." Harry took the last sip of his coffee , "Everything alright ?"
"I should be asking you that ." Louis pouted at him as he walked closer , "You've been so busy the past few days ." He sat on the edge of the desk facing him and reached his hand out to push his hair back from his forehead .
"I know . Something happened with one of our servers and some files were damaged , important files . I'm the only one who can go through them to fix them , and there's a shit ton of them to fix ." Harry leaned back in his chair and ran his hands over his face , pausing them to rub his eyes , "This is exhausting , and really fucking boring ."
"Rod should be here with dinner soon and you can get a proper break ." Louis bit his lower lip , "I'm sorry I can't help ."
"Nothing to be sorry about ." Harry put his hand on Louis' thigh , then looked at the clock , "What time did you tell Rod to be here ?"
Louis looked at the small clock in the bottom corner of the computer screen , "Seven sharp , so in like five minutes ." He turned to Harry and cupped his cheek , "Want to start your break now ? Only a few minutes ."
Harry sighed and stood up from the chair , moving to stand between Louis' knees to hug him . "Let's stay like this for a bit ." He mumbled into his shoulder and squeezed his waist .
"Okay cuddle bug ." Louis grinned into his neck and pulled him closer .
It was the day after , Louis woke up early with Harry and they drove to the office building together . Louis finished a morning training with the dogs and left them with Liam , he changed out of his training clothes into clean ones and took his sandwich with him .
He made his way to Harry's office floor , smiling at Laura , "Hey Laura ."
"Hi sweet , how are you ?" She gave him a smile , Louis rounded the front desk and plopped on the chair next to her , "I'm good , you ?"
"Doing good aswell . Anything I can help you with ?" She saved up her work and turned her full attention to him .
"Yes actually ." Louis nodded and put his sandwich bag on the desk , "I want to plan a getaway trip , for Harry and I . And I'm not sure where to start ."
"Okay . I'm assuming you know his traveling agent , Mitch Rowland ?" Laura asked , Louis nodded , "Yeah , I do know him . I don't have his number or email address ."
"I'll give them to you , we can call him to make an appointment for you . Where would you like to meet him ?" Laura pulled a folder from one of the drawers , filled with information about people .
"At his office , if possible ." Louis said , then turned to look towards Harry's office's door , "He's in the office , right ?"
"Where else would he be ?" Laura teased , "Well , he should be going out in about an hour or so for a ride with the guards ."
"I just don't want him to suddenly walk out of the office and catch me planning the getaway , I want to surprise him ." Louis said with blush on his cheeks .
"He'd been buried in there the past few days and won't be done for another few days , I think you're all good ." Laura chuckled , "So . Should we give Mitch a call ?"
"Yes ." Louis nodded , watching Laura dialling the number from the paper , holding the phone to her ear . "Hello , this is Laura Reed . Yes , Mr. Styles' secretary . I'd like to talk to Mitch Rowland if he's available . Alright , thank you ." Several seconds passed . "Hey Mitch . I'm alright , thank you . I'm here with Louis , Louis Tomlinson . Mr Styles' partner , yes . He'd like to speak to you ."
Louis took the phone from her hand shyly , "Hi Mitch ."
"Hey Mr. Tomlinson , how can I help you ?"
"First , I'm going to need you to call me Louis . No need for formalities , I'm not Harry ." He laughed a bit . "Second , I would like to know what time you're free so we can make an appointment ."
"For yourself or for Mr. Styles ?"
"Myself only . I want to plan a trip ."
"Let me check quickly , I should be able to meet you tomorrow if I remember my schedule ." Mitch said , Louis heard some shuffles and clicks from the other line before Mitch spoke again , "I'm free tomorrow in the afternoon if that's alright with you , at three thirty p.m ."
"Great , that's perfect . We'll be meeting at your office , this is - this is a surprise so I can't risk Harry seeing you here in the building ."
"Alright , I'll see you then . Laura should have the address of my workplace , does she have the right one ?"
Louis took the paper and read out the address , "Is that it ?"
"Yes , that's the right one . See you tomorrow ."
"See you , thank you ." Louis smiled as he hung up , then turned to Laura , "That went better than I expected . What else should I be doing ?"
"Well , you need to talk to Victor and Liam , they need to prepare the guards and security protocols ." Laura said , "I'll help you with booking rides to and from the airport , book an airport team to get you ready for the flight - your passports , luggage . Also , after your meeting with Mitch you'll need to talk to Paul Higgins , Mr. Styles' pilot ."
"Yeah I know him . Can you give me his number ?" Louis took his phone out of his pocket , Laura took one of the papers out of the folder , with Paul's information .
"Alright , so I'm going to have to wait for tomorrow , for the meeting ." Louis pouted a bit , Laura nodded , "Yeah , and you'll need to wait for Mitch to put the trip together before you inform the rest . He doesn't take very long , maybe a day or two ."
"That's fine ." Louis sighed , before leaning forward to give Laura a hug , "Thank you so so much for helping ."
"Oh please , it's really no bother ." Laura squeezed him , "I hope you two get some proper rest ."
"Me too ." Louis pulled back from the hug , "I'll go see him now , before he goes out for that ride ." He took his sandwich bag with him and went to Harry's office .
Louis made it to Mitch's workplace ten minutes earlier ; he hated being late , and since it was a new place he'd never been to he would have rather been there early and have time to breathe , than be late and run into the place in a hurry .
He was given help with finding Mitch's office , seeing him sitting in a small room behind a glass wall . He opened the door and gave him a smile , "Hi Mitch ."
"Hey Louis , come on in ." Mitch stood up , "I was actually about to grab a drink , anything you'd like ? Coffee , tea ?"
"Tea , thank you ."
Mitch left to fix two cups of tea and returned quickly , placing Louis' cup in front of him and going to sit behind the desk . "Alright , so ." He paused to sip on his tea . "A trip for you and Mr. Styles ."
"Yes , I want to plan us a short getaway , for the weekend , three days , maybe four ." Louis nodded .
Mitch opened his laptop , "Alright . Do we have a budget ?"
"Ehm ... well . I don't exactly know ? I never planned a trip , but - I'm guessing I don't want it to be too cheap . Want us to proper relax ." Louis shifted a bit in his seat .
"Any places you had in mind ?"
"Yes , actually . I just need you to show me options , because - because I don't actually know specific places ." Louis nodded , "Somewhere that's a bit cold , so the place we'll be staying at can have a fireplace . Somewhere in the middle of nature , but not with snow ."
Mitch nodded as he typed everything into a Word fild .
"Just somewhere we can properly relax and not do much , with a pretty view ."
"Any luxuries you'd like ?"
"Like what ?" Louis pinched his eyebrows .
"Would you want to be somewhere close to a water source , like a lake or the ocean , so you can rent a yacht ? Would you want to rent a Jeep and go for a trip during the day ? Would you want to book a chef to cook you dinner one evening ?"
Louis pursed his lips together as he thought for a bit . "The - the trip with the Jeep sounds nice ." He nodded . "And the chef ." He added .
The day after Mitch sent Louis lists ; a list of places for their getaway , each place had a few cabin options . What Jeep did he want to rent , which chef he wanted to book . Flight times - that will be automatically sent to Paul and his team - and the cost of everything .
Louis almost blacked out .
He knew that the getaway trip wouldn't be cheap , and he could never get used to those crazy numbers no matter how many times he was slapped to the face with that reality . He checked his bank account and saw that he could in fact afford it , which surprised him . It still made him uncomfortable and made his heart race to pay such cost .
He'd never been rich , having just enough to get through the day . In the months he lived in his car , he did everything he could to save up the money he worked for . Ever since he started working as Harry's dog trainer he'd been paid proper good , though couldn't shake out of the mentality of money-saving and being smart about spending his money .
He made sure to split the payment into three just to be safe , then sent the relevant information to Laura , Liam , Victor and Paul .
It was late at night on Wednesday , Harry was finally done with the paperwork he'd been doing the past week and a half .
He dragged himself out of the office building and got into his car , making his way back home . He parked in the garage and forced himself to walk up to the first floor , "Baby , I'm home ."
"I'm here in the lounge !"
Harry dragged himself upstairs to the second floor , eyes catching Louis laying on the cloud couch under a soft blanket with his phone in his hand . "What are you still doing up ?"
"Wanted to wait for you ." Louis put his phone away and sat up , Harry sat down next to him and let his body fall down on Louis' lap , closing his eyes and sighing .
Louis ran his fingers through Harry's hair , "Did you finish everything ?"
"Yes , thank fuck ." Harry breathed out , humming when Louis kissed his temple .
"Good . Go shower while I make you something to eat , so we can go to sleep ." Louis kissed his cheek a few times , then pushed his shoulders , "Go go , I'll see you in five ."
Harry showered quickly and got dressed , sitting in bed as he waited for Louis .
Louis walked into their bedroom holding a tray , it had two tea mugs on it with two plates of toasted bread with nutella on them . He placed the tray carefully on the bed and sat next to Harry , Harry kissed his shoulder softly as he reached for the tea mug .
"Hazzie ."
"Baby ." Harry put the mug back on the tray after taking a sip .
"I -- I have a surprise ."
"Oh ? Do you ?" Harry smiled as he grabbed one of the toasted bread pieces , "What surprise ?"
Louis held his mug with both his hands , cheeks turning pink with blush as he couldn't help his sudden shyness . "I uh , I planned a trip for us . A getaway trip . We're going tomorrow ."
Harry's smile grew wider . "Where are we going ?"
"I'll keep it a surprise for longer ." Louis shrugged his shoulders and sipped on his tea .
"Alright then ." Harry scrunched his nose fondly . "What time are we leaving tomorrow ?"
"We have a ride to the airport at four in the afternoon ." Louis put the mug down to eat his toasted bread . "Pack warm clothes ."
Harry put his arm around Louis' waist and pressed a sweet kiss to his cheek , "You've learned a thing or two from me , haven't you ?"
"The useful stuff , yeah ." Louis poked his dimple .
Harry helped their driver load their luggage into the boot of the car , the three got into the Range Rover and drove to the airport , escorted by Harry's guards .
They made it to the airport and were taken straight to Harry's private plane , where a team of airport employees checked their passports and luggage .
Harry talked to Victor a bit , though mostly watched as Louis was the one who talked and made sure everything that he planned was going accordingly . He loved that confident side of Louis .
Louis took Harry's hand and walked with him into the plane , stopping on the way to say hi to Paul and promising to come talk to him once they were well into the flight and it was safe enough .
Thirty minutes later the plane took off , Harry gave Louis' hand a squeeze , "Still not telling me where we're going ?"
"Shh , let me keep it a secret for a bit longer ." Louis pulled his hand closer and wrapped his free hand around his bicep , "You got to surprise me before , let me surprise you ."
Harry leaned closer and kissed him , "You're lucky you're cute ."
Louis squished both his cheeks with one hand , "I kind of enjoy keeping you in the dark and being mysterious ."
Harry squinted his eyes at him playfully , "Don't make me force it out of you ."
"You wouldn't dare because you love me too much to ruin this for me ." Louis gave his squished cheeks a few squeezes and pressed a kiss to his pouted lips , "You can't fight me over this ."
"I won't even try to ."
The seatbelts lights soon was turned off , Louis unbuckled his belt and went to use the bathroom , before going to see Paul . He saw that Harry was already there sitting in the empty seat next to Paul .
"Hi Paul ." Louis smiled as he fit himself into the small space , Paul smiled , "Hey Louis ."
"Did our dear Harry here try to bribe you to tell him where we're going ?" Louis asked as he ran his fingers through Harry's hair .
"Surprisingly no , he didn't ."
"You convinced me not to ." Harry leaned into Louis' touch , "Used my one weakness against me ."
They landed five hours later , as soon as they stepped off the plane Louis turned to Harry and wrapped his arms around his middle , looking up at him , "Hazzie ."
"Baby ."
"We're in north of Finland , going to a private isolated cabin where we can do nothing for three , four days , and just be lazy and relax ."
Harry cupped Louis' face and kissed him , "Sounds incredible ."
Their passports were checked , Harry and the guards talked to a team of security force who were helping them secure the trip . Louis made sure their luggage was loaded into their car , before all of them drove to the cabin .
After settling into the cabin and the guards finished scanning it (for cameras , mics , chips of any kind) , it was only Louis and Harry .
Harry made them dinner , Louis sat on the counter as he watched him . "Did I manage to surprise you ?"
"You did , baby ." Harry moved to stand between his knees and held his waist , "Thank you for this trip ."
Louis grinned and threw his arms around Harry's neck , pulling him into a kiss .
The two ate their dinner at the dining table , they moved to the living room to watch a movie and relax . Halfway through the movie Louis fell asleep with his head on Harry's lap , Harry carried him upstairs to the master bedroom and tucked him in .
The next day , their first full day of the trip . They woke up to a lazy morning , Louis made them tea and brought cookies in a small plate . They cuddled in bed for longer , kissed , had slow morning sex , and kissed more .
They pulled themselves out of bed and got in their swimming trunks , going to the hot tub in the balcony . Harry couldn't help the fond smile on his lips at the sight of Louis sitting in the hot tub with a beanie on , claiming his head and ears were cold . They ate the snacks that Harry brought for them and relaxed in the hot water , Louis told Harry about his week and how he pranked Liam .
They took a shower together and went downstairs to the living room , Louis took a nap on the couch in front of the fireplace while Harry decided he wanted to workout instead .
In the evening the chef that Louis booked arrived with two guards escorting him , helping him with carrying the ingredients into the kitchen .
The couple dressed up for their little date night and opened a wine bottle , they sat on the other side of the kitchen island and watched the chef cooking . They talked to the chef a bit , and Louis made sure that he was going to cook for the rest of the guards aswell after he was done with them .
They ate dinner and had dessert , Louis thanked the chef as he was leaving . Harry pulled Louis into him and kissed him deeply , the two were drunk on wine , having finished the entire bottle , and went upstairs to the bedroom .
Day two of their trip , the two had breakfast together and packed up for the day , before going on a trip in the red 4x4 Land Rover that Louis rented .
They drove through the paths off the main road , Harry purposely taking jumpier routes that made the vehicle jump around , laughing when he saw that Louis was jumping in his seat aswell and laughing along .
They stopped at different locations , Louis took pictures of the view and pictures of himself and Harry . They stopped for a picnic at a beautiful lake , eating the food that Harry packed for them and making out on the blanket laid on the ground .
They returned to the cabin in the afternoon , Louis once again fell into a short nap on the couch . Harry laid with him just to be near him , rubbing his back and caressing his hair .
In the evening they ate dinner , before Louis pulled a bottle of alcohol out of the freezer and suggested they get drunk in the hot tub . Harry couldn't say no . They drank and had sex in the hot tub , Harry carried Louis upstairs to shower before tucking the two of them into bed . Louis fell asleep in seconds .
Day three , the last full day of their trip , the two spent the entire morning in bed - Harry only got up to make them breakfast and carry it up to their room . They ate breakfast in bed , took turns giving each other massages . Louis was still sore from the last two days so they only grinded on each other and groped , Harry added even more lovebites to Louis' skin .
Around lunchtime they moved to the kitchen , Louis helped Harry cook , they ate their lunch in the living room in front of a movie and relaxed some more . In the afternoon they took the Land Rover for another short trip and stayed outside until it was dark , they star-gazed on the roof of the vehicle and made out for a bit .
The fourth day , they only had half of the day before they had to pack and leave . They had breakfast and went for a short hike near the cabin , returning in time for lunch . They showered and packed everything into their suitcases , the guards arrived to escort them to the airport .
"Baby ."
Louis walked over to Harry , who was stood by the door . "Yes ? Did we forget something ?"
Harry put his arms around Louis and kissed him , "I had the best time with you these past few days . Needed that . Thank you ."
Louis melted agsinst him and wrapped his arms around his shoulders the best he could , "Of course , Hazzie . I had an amazing time too , I love spending time with you . I love that I can take care of you aswell , that you let me take care of you ." He cupped his face and kissed him .
Hope you liked it x
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